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Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidencia 2: Workshop “Products and services”

La lectura es una de las habilidades más utilizadas en el mundo, pero a la vez es la

menos motivante, dado que en ocasiones hay textos muy extensos y con vocabulario
complejo que dificulta su comprensión y le resta interés al texto; afortunadamente
existen nuevos métodos que facilitan obtener la información necesaria y con ello
aumentar el léxico personal.

En este orden de ideas y con la finalidad de cumplir con el propósito de esta evidencia,
consulte el material complementario denominado Integration of products and

Luego de esta consulta, resuelva el siguiente taller sobre comprensión lectora:

1. Find the main idea of paragraphs 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and write them in a

According to the text, three factors combine to reshape the basis of modern economy.
They are digital evolution, international competition and changes in cultural and
structural trends. These aspects have affected and changed market during the last
century. In addition, the document explains how these changes are compared with the
economic history in the 19 th century. It says that the costumer is ever more central to
the new economy and is surrounded by a series of processes such as personalized
‘production on demand’ and the emergence of hyper-connected services. “If the
industrial age was marked by standardization, the digital era is about customization”.

Now the economic world has different trends from 19 th century. Emerging markets have
to face big and worldwide companies from advanced economies. Therefore, it is
important for emerging markets to adopt the latest technologies and sourcing products
and services globally. Figures show that manufacturing process decrease in the last two
decades in China. It is important to mention that the economy behavior is influenced by
cultural and structural shifts, due to introduction of new technology or other cross-
borders aspects.

Finally, it’s that the costumer influences the markets. Modern uses look from
personalization and uniqueness in the products they desire. Hence, the companies have
to shift to new trends and technologies. These changes will make the companies more
competitive and will make then improve their facilities and consumption of resources.
Finally, companies must take into account three factors - digitisation, globalisation and
socio-cultural transformations – “combine to produce a more versatile, creative and
interactive economy where value increasingly lies in the interoperability between
products and services”.

2. Write a summary of ten lines from the text.

The text shows all changes and factors that influence the economic field in Europe and
how emerging companies have to adapt and acquire technology to be successful and
competent in the world. Countries in Europe have what is needed to this new, hyper-
connected, interoperable economy. European Commission has an important task which
is guide the strategy to impact the world with European products. In addition, this
strategy takes into consideration to create a reputation about the good quality of
European goods. But, this is only possible if companies make a quick integration of
technology, services and design. Finally, it is important to offer good quality jobs and
good quality services. Skilled workers will make better products, in both services and
manufacturing sector.

3. Choose a paragraph and translate it with your own words.

Blurring Lines Between Products and Services
A pronounced distinction between product and service markets is fictitious: value
creation and innovation increasingly take place at their intersection. Business-related
services are often decisive in making products attractive to the consumer and they
generate most of the value added in growth and employment.

La lìnea entre producto y servicio se hace cada vez más delgada, los servicios ayudan
a que el producto sea más atractivo al cliente por lo tanto son casi tan importantes
como los productos y por ende se hacen parte del mismo.

4. Choose ten words from the text and organize them alphabetically. Look for the
meaning of each word.
The buying and selling of goods and
services between businesses in
Cross-boarder Mercados
neighboring countries, with the seller
markets transfronterizos
being in one country and the buyer in
the other country.
Hyperconected The term refers to the use of multiple Hiperconectado
means of communication, such as
email, instant messaging, telephone,
face-to-face contact and Web 2.0
information services.
is a characteristic of a product or
system, whose interfaces are
completely understood, to work with
Interoperable Interoperable
other products or systems, at present or
future, in either implementation or
access, without any restrictions.
the investing of money or capital in
order to gain profitable returns, as
Investment Inversión
interest, income, or appreciation in
Basically, a small, often young, business Micro
that operates globally. multinacional.
not in use any more, having been
Obsolete replaced by something newer and better Obsoleto
or more fashionable
Outsourcing is a practice used by
different companies to reduce costs by
Outsourcing transferring portions of work to outside Subcontratación
suppliers rather than completing it
A set of ideas or a plan of what to do in
particular situations that has been
Policy agreed to officially by a group of people, Política
a business organization, a government,
or a political party.
- A delay in progress, action, etc.
slowdown - Deliberate slowing of pace by workers Relentización
to win demands from their employer:
To bring to or make of an established
standard size, weight, quality, strength,
standardisation or the like: Estandarización
- to standardize manufactured parts.

5. Match the term with the corresponding meaning.

a Client E Things created by projects.

b Solution D A series of tasks to be done in a specified sequence.
c Engagement A A customer.
d Project B Products and services that solve a client’s problem.
e Deliverable C An agreement between client-service provider.

Desarrolle esta evidencia con la herramienta de su preferencia y envíe el archivo al

instructor a través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje.

Pasos para enviar evidencia:

1. Clic en el título de la evidencia.

2. Clic en Examinar mi equipo y buscar el archivo previamente guardado.
3. Dejar un comentario al instructor (opcional).
4. Clic en Enviar.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de aprendizaje

con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las evidencias propuestas, saber cómo
desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterios de evaluación

 Puede extraer información adecuada y precisa, y tomar nota de una

conversación, programa, clase, etc.; referido a su profesión.

 Puede completar frases basado en información leída previamente en un texto.

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