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Due Date:__________

Name:_______________________________ Period:__________
Among the Hidden
RAFT Assignment

Directions: Choose one of the four possible RAFT assignments that are based
around the book Among the Hidden. You will follow the directions for your
individual RAFT and will present your final product to the class.

1) You are Luke, and through your attic vent hole you discovered a face of
another third child who lives in the Sports Family’s house. You are
planning to sneak over to that house and meet this other third child.
o Plan an escape route from your attic room to the door of the Sports
Family house.
o Draw a detailed map that shows the steps you will take.
o Create a journal and include three entries over a course of three
different days that discusses your thoughts/feelings, worries/fears,
and excitement as you plan your adventure.

2) You work for the government as one of the widely feared Population
Police. As part of your job you need to make a “wanted poster” for any
third child.
Create a poster that has:
o A description of who is wanted & an illustration.
o What the reward is.
o Possible places where one can find a third child or possible signs
that a third child lives in a household.
o Your poster must be neat and professional or you will be fired!
On the back of the poster:
o Write a summary paragraph stating what the Population Law is.
o Write a paragraph detailing what will happen to a family who is
caught with a third child.
3) You are Mrs. Garner and are trying to secretly free your son Luke from a
life of hiding. Your distant cousin works for the government and you have
been secretly writing to him to try to get his help and devise a plan for
Luke’s safe escape to the real world.
Create a letter to your cousin that:
o Is written in secret code that only you and your cousin can decipher
o States a plan that you think will work to help free Luke. Include in
this plan what you need your cousin to help you with.
o Prepare a code breaker that you will send in another, separate letter
to your cousin.

4) You are Mr. Garner. Every morning before you leave the house you “Luke
Proof” it to make sure no one will notice that there is a third child living in
the house.
o Create a check-list of 20 things you must do before you leave the house,
to ensure that no one will notice Luke while you are away.
o On the back of the check-list leave Luke a detailed note stating what he
can and can’t do in the house all day.
o On a separate piece of paper, plan and write a list of 5 different excuses
that you could use if a neighbor were to one day see Luke around the
house. Remember that details will make you excuse more believable.
Each item (excuse) must be in paragraph format.

My RAFT choice #:________

I agree to work on this assignment at home. I understand that if I do not turn it

in, I will earn a 0% for a test grade.

Student Signature

Parent Signature

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