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Answer the questions:

What is Biotechnology?
1. Search for several definitions of “biotechnology” from different sources on the Internet. List the
various definitions and then give one definition that you think is representative of most of the others of
biotechnology. (3 points)

2. Write two paragraphs about a recent (past 5 years) technology or technique that is utilized in
microbial biotechnology, agricultural biotechnology, animal biotechnology, forensic biotechnology,
bioremediation, aquatic biotechnology, or medical

biotechnology. (4 points)

3. For the types of techniques or technologies outlined in question 2, what companies are supporting
this kind of research? What other technologies are they working on? If they are not, can you find a
related type of technology and discuss it? (two paragraphs) (4 points)

4. In your opinion, what is the ethics of altering the genes of animals used for research? (two to three
paragraphs). (4 points)

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