Hams-Whisper Jahr - Apparent: Sifaat of Letters Permanent Sifaat With Opposites

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Hams- Whisper Jahr – Apparent

Continuation of the breath when pronouncing the letter Discontinuation of the breath when pronouncing the letter
Harf is Mahmoos‫سكت‬ ‫فحثه شخص‬ Harf is Majhoor- remainder of the letters

Shiddah –Strength Tawassut – Moderation Rakhaawah– Softness

Discontinuation of the Between strength and softness so Contonuation of the sound while pronouncing the letter
sound while pronouncing sound is partially continued Harf is Rikhw- remainder of the letters
the letter Harf is Mutawasit
Harf is Shadeed
‫لن عمر‬
‫أجدك تطبق‬

Sifaat of Letters
Permanent Sifaat with opposites
Isti’laa – Elevation Isti’faal – Lowering
Elevation of the back of the tongue towards the roof of the mouth Keeping the tongue lowered from the roof of the mouth while
Harf is Musta’l ‫خص ضغط قظ‬ pronouncing the letter
Harf is Mustafil- remainder of the letters

Itbaaq – Adhesion/joining Infitaah – Separation

Adhesion of the tongue to the roof of the mouth Keeping the tongue separated from the roof of the mouth
Harf is Mutbaq ‫صضطظ‬ Harf is Munfatih- remainder of the letters

Izhlaaq – Fluency Ismaat – Refrain/restraint

Articulation of the letters with ease from the tip of the tongue or Of the emergence of the letter from within the mouth or throat
lips Harf is Musmat- remainder of letters
Harf is Muzhlaq ‫فرمن لب‬
Sifaat- Without opposites

Qalqalah-  vibration/echo-occurs at the makhraj of the saakin letter upon pronunciation due to the letter’s strength
(shiddah) and jahr correlating to the prevention of breath and sound flow.

Safeer The Whistle
The natural occurrence of a whistle like sound while pronouncing the letter
Tafashee-To spread
Spreading around of the sound of the letter in the mouth while pronouncing it.

Istitaalah -Prolongation
Elongation of the sound of the letter throughout its makhraj
Takreer Repitition
The repetition of a letter pronouncing it more than once-we must abstain from doing this
Leen- Softness
Articulation of the letter from its makhraj with a natural ease and softness present in the letter
‫أَو‬ ‫أَي‬
Inhiraaf -To deviate
It is the slight deviation of the tongue towards the makhraj of ‫ ر‬when pronouncing ‫ ل‬and vice versa
‫ل ر‬
Sifaat of Huroof
The word Sifaat is the plural of sifah.
Linguistically the word “sifah” means an attribute that describes something, such as the colours, etc.
Applied Definition: The mode of demonstration of the letter when it occurs at its articulation point, which differentiates it from
other letters.
Sifaat are necessary because;
-Sifaat are what differentiate letters that share the same makhraj
-Knowledge of the Sifaat allows us to pronounce a letter with perfection and precision, rather than making approximate sounds.
-It allows us to know which letters are considered “strong” in their sifaat, and which are “weak,” which then influences when
they will merge into other letters, and whether the merging will be a complete or incomplete merging.

Permanent and Temporary

Permanent sifaat are those that are always present in a letter, in every state. However, some of them only become apparent when
the letter takes a sukoon, such as Qalqalah and Hams.
Temporary sifaat are those that are applicable only in certain situations for a reason, and no longer apply when the reason is not
there. Eg Idgham, Iqlab, Madd, etc.

Permanent Qualities
Two Categories
Those with opposites: These are five sifaat and their opposites, for a total of 10. Those without opposites: Seven sifaat do not
have opposites.

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