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WU \ } Me 0 a eas EASY TO READ NOTES WITH TABLATURE CONTENTS 2 Averica 51 Kentucky Woman 10 BeaunFu Noise 54 Love ON The Rocks 92 Brotter Love's Treveunc 58 Pay Me SANATION SHOW. 63> Rep, RED Wine 66 SerteMBER Morn 75° Soutary MAN 78 SONG SUNG BluE 81 Sweer Caroune 16 CHerey, CHERRY 20 CRACKUN' Rosle 24 HearnicHt 36 Halo AGAIN 300 Hou How 86 You Don’T Brine Me Flowers See ast oa 95. STRUM PATTERNS 48 I'MA Bevever PICKING PATTERNS 96 CHORD DIAGRAMS America Strum Pattern: 2 7 Words and Music by Pick Pattern: 4 Noll Diamond E 4 on the planes, theyre com-ing to A - Nev - er look - ing theyre com-ing to A or Oh we're trav - el - ing light to = day make our bed and well say our grace, {free -dom’'s light bum - ing free -dom's light bum - ing A: = round the world, they're com-ing to Ev-ry-where a Ev- ry time that flags theyre com-ing to A take them there. They're com-ing to A > Got a dream they've come to share. ‘They're com-ing to A - Fim [5] Theyre com-ing to A - ca, com-ing to A- Theyre com - ing to Theyre com My coun- try tis. of thee (to - sweet land of lib- er - ty 4 Repeat and Fade 10 Beautiful Noise Strum Pattern: 4 re lusio Pick Pattern: 5 wort ea Diamond What a beau - ti - com - in! up from the got a beau - ti = ful n Like the click - track, i's got rhy-thm to 2 and its a sound that! . And it fits me as What a beau-t- ful noise comin’ up from the 13 Br © ies) Ws the song of the — kids, and it plays un - ti on their fu- ri- ous flights. But there's @ - ven 10 - made of joy and of — stife Like a sym- pho - ny 4 mance in the way that they dance to. the beat «ofthe played by the pass - ing pa - rade, its the mu - sic of Wts a beaut - ful and its a sound that | fits me as makes me — feel asa hand in like a hand in beg - gin’ for a |=] just to give it oa Strum Pattern: 4 Pick Pattern: 5 Cherry, Cherry Words and Music by Noll Diamond ry DCO A [5] [4] [5] é 5 she does. you don't) gi's out - a- sight, yeah, be = so ex = cit = ing. ee =| i>} Ele Says she loves. me; . yes she does. Won't need bright lights; no we won't show me to - make our own groove me. move me, Cher - ry, ie EJS ma - ma, gi, | can't stay long, wont tell a soul where we gone to. SO Bl a what 'm that you et stil while the mus - babe, you real - # FE i> Ir) el! 5 os. and rade (Return to § ‘and Fade) Cracklin’ Rosie Strum Pattern: 1 Words and Music Pick Pattern: 2 os a Dla We're gon-na ride til! there aint’ «no. more tak - in’ Ain't noth- ing here that «|= care. to take may -be a gil, if it lasts for an hour, that's We got all Lord dont you sing when | set the world a (Last time no repeat) have ome a time with a poor man’s la dy! need to say._—pleaso to 0. man for a hap = py Find usa dream that don't ask 0. ques - tions, a [4] A ———_ os - ie child (ag Crack -'| = in’ Rose, _you'te_a store -bought wom- an, but you. make me feel lke @ = tar hum-min’. So hang on to me, song keeps run - nin Play it now! __ Play it nowl___ Crack-lin’ Ros- ie, make me smile. © © set the world right. dream — that don't D7 G 4) [s] ues - tions, ‘ a of” 6G Repeat and Fade ei Ros - io child make ome hap ~ Strum Pattern: 3 6] Pick Pattern: 3 Come back want you to stay next time. some + times, the world Words and Music by Nell Diamond, Bun Bacharach and Carole Bayer Sager aint 1 just made a fiend is some-one you need. ev - ty- one needs a place. now that he home's the most : stil feel the words that rl be right here it might should Let it shine wher = Don't wake me up a [4] hap - © too soon, py glow for Rl [6] young boy's 27 © cross the moon, home is the most ex - cel - lent D.S. al Coda ‘Return to Pray to> Skip to Coda) ge CODA # e Tum on your _heart - light your heart light now. 30 Strum Pattern: 2 Pick Pattern: 4 Holly Holy ele where | am, ‘And she come, what | Words and Music by q G CG be - lieve wind Nell Diamond Sing a song, __ or (sing!) Sing a song of songs, Sing it strong! (Sing it (Sing it) Call the sun fl of the night, and the == sun's. gon - na rise tee Go Touch 2 man who can't walk up - fight, and that lame _man, he — gon - na (els) ae ea] Ie] 33 To Coda 34 filled with to = DS. al Coda (etum to § Piay to > Skip to Coda) C 8 ep) CODA (G) : Repeat and Fade 36 Hello Again Strum Pattern: 5 Words by Nell Diamond Pick Pattern: 9 Music by Neil Diamond and Alan Lindgren ee of fo a = gain, hel called to say hel fo my fiend, hel called to let you (aa F Dm Am a [5] i ee nit sleep at to-night, and I a-bout you ; fy night == when I'm know it's late, but could - n't wait. here a - lone and. you're there at home. Dm] [G|7 6) head, We've been through same,__ (7 my fiend, hel my friend, hel ee FP & love you do and to = bout you ight, and 1 of ics Ia] x feel this way when | hear you say hel know it’s late, but | could- n't wait. Hel I Am...I Said Strum Patter Words and Musi by Pick Pattern: Nell Diamond > © © A’s fine, the sun shines most the time, © and the feel - in’ is lay back, OO Gare aes 40 k_O- ow, but you know 1 keep think in’ "bout New York Git - y born and raised, a sa days, ain't home, New York's home, but ain't mine no. 48 cept for the @ got an omp-ti- ness deop~—in - side, wy? to swear, but 've nev - er cared for the sound D.S. and Fade (Return to ‘and Fede) eS 48 I'm A Believer Strum Pattern: 2 Words and Music by Pick Pattern: 4 ‘Nell Diamond (D] G [4] 6 G iG) © thought love was on - y true fair - y - tales, thought love was or less giv = en thing, meant for some - one else but Seems the more 1 gave, the Love was out to get me. That's the way it What’s the use in ty: in’? All you get is 49 alo G fg) Dis - ap - point-ment haunt - ed all When 1 needed sun «shine, 1 % [D] fg) [4] iG f a fl ti ‘Thon 1 saw her — face; $0 could - n't leave (Return to ‘and Fade) D.S. and Fade a} 51 Kentucky Woman Strum Pattern: 1 Pick Pattern: 2 Cc F 65] 4 Ken - tuck - wom - an, she ain't the kind makes heads Well, she © kind of tight. of her name. € once, and a day _ that's all side thet she’s got tums you © on just ‘the same, wrong looks all right. Words and Music by ‘Nell Diamond shines tum 82 God knows, God knows, she from that no. and 38 the — good Lord's: lite D.S. and Fade (Return to § ‘and Fade) bout Ken - tuck - y 54 Love On The Rocks Strum Pattern: 3 } / / Words and Music by Pick Pattern: 3 Lae 7 ‘Noll Diamond and Gilbert Becaud ad tell you some lies. F a” 4 Is] 3 so you — just sing the blues gave you my — soul You left me alone here with nothing to Em F g i] o [5] Yes - ter - day's gone, First they say they want you, how they eal - ly need you. Sud -den - ly, you find you're out there walk - Ing When they know they have you, 3 3 then they real-ly have Noth - ing you “can do or E got to leave, just get a - way. We all know the song, need what you need; say what you want. (F] (B]7 E]7 DS. al Coda [4] [5] (J puytow and, ‘Skip to Coda) skies above, but i's cold when your love's on the rocks. CODA ain't no sur-prise. Pour me a drink,and I'l tellyou some lies. a a. Yes - ter -day’s gone, and now all 1 want is a 58 Play Me Strum Pattem: 8 Words and Music by Pick Pattern: 8 Nel Diamond ® night time. ‘come would wrong some thomed and don't know oth = er are the sun; To Coda q F 6 sprang trom warmed the night ——~ And what was right be - came me. CODA C (s am the moon, e You are the words; Repeat and Fade Seum Pattern: 7 Words and Music by Pick Pattern: 9 Nell Diamond stil need her But_mem - ‘ries won't ‘ries won't Vd have thought that with time thoughts of would leave just one thing makes me for |=) le] f Ie] stay close 10 66 Strum Pattern: 4 Pick Pattern: 5 By a) Stay for just a while, Stay and let me stand- Ing September Morn pei C B] a my F the door. Words and Music by Nell Diamond and Gilbert Becaud Stay with me look at a while,__ 67 only wan-na talk to you. Bom We've trav - oled half - way ‘round the our- selves a_—- gain. Sep - tem - ber the night be - 68 af Two lov- ers play-ing scenes some fo - man-tic play. d i tem - ber mon - ing © make me feel Look at what you've done. Why, you've be-come a grown up cor = ner of your room. from where we used to far that we've. for«- got - FY was__ be - fore. Sep - tem - ber — mom, a how we danced that night a - way? Bom Two lov- ers play - ing scenes from + man - tic play. Sep - tem - ber mom ing sill - can make me_feel Sep - tem - ber un - the night be a brandnew play - ing scenes from fo + man -tic play. Bie] fa] 3 di make me feel brand new 6 © ae day. Two lov - ers. play-ing scenes from 2 a ce some fo. -_ man-tie play, Sep - tem - ber B]|2| = ing still, can. make me feel 2]5] a ck “ stil can Solitary Man it Strum Patter: 2 LeT # Words and Music by Pick Pattern: 4 ‘Nell Diamond tt that love's ae € Then Sue came a - long, loved me 1 know i's been done, hav - in? 78 5 é strong; that's what 1 thought. Me and Su, one gil whol ~—ove.—sme. fight or wrong, © but that died too, weak or strong. G J the girl that will Ale O) stay and won't play games be - hind me, cnc © sol =i ta - ry man, P Repeat and Fade B Song Sung Blue ahi Strum Pattem: 3. 97. Ww ‘Words and Music by Pick Pattern: 3 ‘Neil Diamond f To Coda @ you are sub - ject the blues now and then, thing, but you can © © © when you take the blues, and make a song, you sing _ them But mh ‘Skip to Coda) Sing them out a= gain. CODA ; O) ©) F cry in your voice. ‘And be-fore youknow it start to feel - in’ good; you sim - ply Repeat and Fade (aJ>} x (J) x Sweet Caroline ‘Stum Patter: 7 fi Words and Music by Pick Pattern: 9 Nail Diamond g F ® 4 o the — {— Wee tbe gan 1 ent be Was inthe sping, end opting bee but then know it's growin’ Who'd have be - lieved you'd come strong. = = E = Hands, touch - in’ hands, Warm, touch - in’ warm, oe » ~ To Coda a4 and it don't seem so lone - ly, up with on - ly hurt- in’ runs off my_ shoul -der. hurt when hold - in’ a7 Ds,al eae 6 Play to & and ‘Skip to Coda) ele] CODA [e] 85 Repeat and Fade You Don’t Bring Me Flowers 4 Strum Pattern: 5 Words t : by Nei Diamond, Maryn Bergman, Alan Bergman Pick Pattern: 5 Music by Neil Diamond a fl You don't bring me + ers; you don't sing me love songs. By) ) You hardly tak to me an-y- more — when youcome throughthe door at the end of the day. | te-mem -ber when you could-n't wait to 7 used to hate to fate at night when__ its good for you_ © feel in’ al - right, well you just ‘And you don't bring me flow- ers an-y = more. Itusedto be so nat- ‘ral to talk a-bout for - ev -er, But used-to - be's don't’ count an - y - more. They just lay on the floor til we 89 a) O) sweep them a-way. all the things you me. 1 leamed how to laugh, @- ven leamed © f © you good - bye. ‘Cause you don't bring me Well, you'd tell you good - bye. "Cause you dont say you need me. You don't sing me love songs. You donitbring me 92 Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show Words and Music by ‘Noll Diamond Hot Au - gust night, andthe ~— leaves hang - ing down, andthe Room gets sud - denly stil, and when you'd al - most bet you could © grass on the ground smell-in’ sweet. up the toad to the hear your-solf sweat, he walks — in, black as coal, and when ) out - side of town, and the sound of that good gos- pel _beat. he lifts his face, ev - ‘ty ear inthe -place is on__ him. Sits a rag - ged tent where there aint no trees. Start - ing soft and slow like a small earth - quake. E CO And that = gos - pel group you and me: And when he let's go, val - ley shakes.) "® fl a love, Broth- er Love, say -Broth- er Love's. Trav - el - ing 4 ba - bies, and grab the old + dies, and © + ‘ty one goes, cause ev = "ty one knows Broth - or Love's Show. fe Io) [els ) Ie]

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