2019 - Yeung Et Al - Accuracy and Precision of 3d-Printed Implant Surgical Guideswith Different Implant Systems An in Vitro Study

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Accuracy and precision of 3D-printed implant surgical guides

with different implant systems: An in vitro study
Matthew Yeung, DDS,a Aous Abdulmajeed, BDS, PhD,b Caroline K. Carrico, PhD,c
George R. Deeb, DDS, MD,d and Sompop Bencharit, DDS, MS, PhDe

Statement of problem. Implant guided surgery systems promise implant placement accuracy and precision beyond straightforward nonguided
surgery. Recently introduced in-office stereolithography systems allow clinicians to produce implant surgical guides themselves. However,
different implant designs and osteotomy preparation protocols may produce accuracy and precision differences among the different implant systems.
Purpose. The purpose of this in vitro study was to measure the accuracy and precision of 3 implant systems, Tapered Internal implant system
(BioHorizons) (BH), NobelReplace Conical (Nobel Biocare) (NB), and Tapered Screw-Vent (Zimmer Biomet) (ZB) when in-office fabricated surgical
guides were used.
Material and methods. A cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) data set of an unidentified patient missing a maxillary right central incisor and
intraoral scans of the same patient were used as a model. A software program (3Shape Implant Studio) was used to plan the implant treatment with
the 3 implant systems. Three implant surgical guides were fabricated by using a 3D printer (Form 2), and 30 casts were printed. A total of 10 implants
for each system were placed in the dental casts by using the manufacturer’s recommended guided surgery protocols. After implant placement,
postoperative CBCT images were made. The CBCT cast and implant images were superimposed onto the treatment-planning image. The
implant positions, mesiodistal, labiopalatal, and vertical, as well as implant angulations were measured in the labiolingual and mesiodistal planes.
The displacements from the planning in each dimension were recorded. ANOVA with the Tukey adjusted post hoc pairwise comparisons were
used to examine the accuracy and precision of the 3 implant systems (a=.05).
Results. The overall implant displacements were −0.02 ±0.13 mm mesially (M), 0.07 ±0.14 mm distally (D), 0.43 ±0.57 mm labially (L), and 1.26
±0.80 mm palatally (P); 1.20 ±3.01 mm vertically in the mesiodistal dimension (VMD); 0.69 ±2.03 mm vertically in the labiopalatal dimension
(VLP); 1.69 ±1.02 degrees in mesiodistal angulation (AMD); and 1.56 ±0.92 degrees in labiopalatal angulation (ALP). Statistically significant
differences (ANOVA) were found in M (P=.026), P (P=.001), VMD (P=.009), AMD (P=.001), and ALP (P=.001). ZB showed the most
displacements in the M and vertical dimensions and the least displacements in the P angulation (P<.05), suggesting statistically significant
differences among the M, VMD, VLP, AMD, and ALP. NB had the most M variation. ZB had the least P deviation. NB had the fewest
vertical dimension variations but the most angulation variations.
Conclusions. Dimensional and angulation displacements of guided implant systems by in-office 3D-printed fabrication were within clinically
acceptable limits: <0.1 mm in M-D, 0.5 to 1 mm in L-P, and 1 to 2 degrees in angulation. However, the vertical displacement can be as much as
2 to 3 mm. Different implant guided surgery systems have strengths and weaknesses as revealed in the dimensional and angulation implant
displacements. (J Prosthet Dent 2020;123:821-8)

S.B. is a lecturer for Zimmer Biomet Institute; his research was partly supported by Zimmer Biomet; lectures for Formlabs and 3Shape. BioHorizon, Nobel Biocare, and
Zimmer Biomet provided implant fixtures used for this study. Supported in part through the American Association of Dental Research Student Fellowship and the Virginia
Commonwealth University A.D. Williams Dental Student Research Fellowship (to M.Y. under the supervision of S.B.).
Former doctoral student, Department of General Practice, School of Dentistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va.
Assistant Professor and Director of Biomaterials, Department of General Practice, School of Dentistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va.
Assistant Professor, Department of Oral Health Promotion and Community Outreach, School of Dentistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va; and Assistant
Professor, Department of Biostatistics, School of Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va.
Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va.
Associate Professor and Director of Digital Dentistry Technologies, Department of General Practice and Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Virginia
Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va; and Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va.


822 Volume 123 Issue 6

placement is referred to as the variation or variance of

Clinical Implications implant deviation.5,6 The research hypothesis was that
Each implant guided surgical system has strengths each implant-guided system would have its own unique
implant deviations, and therefore, implant dimensional
and weaknesses that clinicians must learn to
and angulation deviations would be specific to each sys-
accommodate. In general, limited mesiodistal and
tem. Specifically, the accuracy and the precision would be
labiopalatal dimensional and angulation
different among different implant surgical systems when
displacements are expected in guided surgery.
in-office 3D printing was used in guide fabrication.
However, clinicians should be careful with the
Defining the specific strengths and weaknesses of implant
vertical depth of implant placement and should
systems through implant deviations would allow better
check the depth of the osteotomy before placing an
implant. Clinicians should recognize the range of clinical recommendations for improving in-office implant
guide fabrication, implant guided surgery, implant pros-
implant deviation upon placement of the system
thetic design, and implant treatment outcome.
used; therefore, clinicians should be trained in each
implant system to compensate for these possible
Three implant systems were chosen: Tapered Internal
implant system (BioHorizons, BH), NobelReplace
The recent introduction of in-office stereolithographic 3D Conical (Nobel Biocare, NB), and Tapered Screw-Vent
printers has popularized their clinical applications, (Zimmer Biomet, ZB). A cone beam computed tomog-
especially for guided implant surgery. Their use has raphy (CBCT) data set and intraoral scans obtained from
reduced the cost of surgical guides and provides direct the implant clinic database of an unidentified patient
access for clinicians throughout the workflow, from missing a maxillary right central incisor were used. The
intraoral scanning to implant treatment planning, surgi- CBCT scans were obtained by using the following pro-
cal implant placement, restorative design, and fabrica- tocol: i-CAT FLX V10 (Imaging Sciences International
tion.1-3 Guided implant surgery promises improved LLC) with standard implant scan parameters (16 cm in
placement accuracy and precision compared with con- depth, 10 cm in height, 0.3-mm voxel size, 8.9-second
ventional nonguided implant surgery.4-13 Moreover, scan time, 3.7-second exposure time, 120 kVP, 5 mA,
guided surgery allows conservative flapless surgery and and 501.3 mGy/cm2).5 The intraoral scans were made by
therefore limits surgical complications.6,14-16 using the TRIOS Intraoral Scanner (3Shape A/S). By
Guided implant surgery has been reported to be more using the CBCT and intraoral scans, the implant treat-
accurate and precise than conventional surgical guides or ment planning to replace the maxillary right central
free-hand implant placement.2,9-11,17,18 However, most incisor was carried out by using the Implant Studio 2017
of these studies compared only within the same implant (3Shape A/S). Three treatment plans were made by using
surgical system. Information comparing the precision and a BH (4.6×12 mm), NB (4.3×13 mm), or ZB (3.7×13 mm)
accuracy of different guided implant surgery systems is implant. The implant positions were approximately the
lacking.9,10,18 Different drill designs, sizes, protocols, as same in terms of positioning and angulation, but with
well as implant fixture designs may influence the effec- slightly differences in implant fixture lengths and widths.
tiveness of each guided implant system. More impor- The protocol for fabricating the dental cast and sur-
tantly, as clinicians are moving toward in-office implant gical guide is similar to those of previous studies.4,5 The
guide fabrication for guided surgery, information is intraoral scan was imported into a software program
required on how different implant systems may behave (Dental System v2017; 3Shape A/S), in which the dental
in terms of accuracy and precision when in-office ster- cast and surgical guide were designed.4 The cast was
eolithographic fabrication is used. exported in the standard tessellation language (STL)
The main objectives of this study were to define the format and was used to print 30 dental casts (Form 2;
range of dimensional and angulation deviations of Formlabs) (Fig. 1). Dental Model resin (Formlabs) was
implant placements from the planned implant positions, used to print at a resolution of 0.1 mm, lying flat on the
referred to as placement accuracy; to define the variables base without the fabrication of printing supports. The
in the range of implant placement deviations, referred to cast was later used for implant placement. Three implant
as placement precision; and to give clinical recommen- surgical guide designs, one for each implant system, were
dations for improving guided implant surgery for 3 exported into a software program (PreForm; Formlabs) in
commonly used implant systems. The accuracy of implant the STL format. The casts were oriented, and appropriate
placement is most often referred to as the mean implant structural printing supports were designed. The guides
deviation, comparing the actual implant placement with were printed in resin (Dental SG; Formlabs) at a reso-
the planned implant position. The precision of implant lution of 0.05 mm.1,4 After the guides had been printed,


June 2020 823

Figure 1. Study workflow. CBCT, cone beam computed tomography. *Length of drill refers to depth of osteotomy preparation.

the print supports were removed. The guides were then and the closest adjacent natural tooth root surfaces
rinsed twice in isopropanol and air-dried, and the sur- mesially and distally were recorded as M and D,
gical guide tubes were placed. Finally, the surgical guides respectively. The distances between the most cervical
were postprocessed by light-polymerization for 1 hour part of the planned implant and the outer surface dental
and sterilized in an autoclave.1,4,5 For each implant sys- cast labially and palatially were recorded as L and P,
tem, 10 dental casts and 10 implants were used. The respectively. The vertical distance between the most
same surgical guide and implant surgical kit were used cervical part of the implant and the soft tissue in the
for each system to control the variations of guide fitting mesiodistal and labiopalatal planes was recorded as VMD
and drills. The implants were placed based on the and VLP, respectively. The mesiodistal implant angula-
manufacturer’s recommendation. All osteotomy sites tion in relation to the left maxillary central incisor and the
were prepared through surgical guides. The osteotomes labiopalatal implant angulation in relation to the palatal
were evaluated for depth and width before implant plane of the cast were recorded as AMD and ALP,
placement. Then, BH and NB implants were placed respectively, (Fig. 2).
through the surgical guide, while ZB implants were Similar to the preoperative measurement, the post-
placed after the removal of the surgical guide. Figure 1 operative positions of the placed implants were measured
illustrates the workflow used in the study. Post- by using a previous published protocol.4,5,7 The post-
operative CBCT scans were made by using a post- operative CBCT scans were superimposed onto the plan-
operative scanning protocol similar to that of a previous ned implant position. The implant positions, mesiodistally,
study.5 labiopalatally, and vertically, as well as the implant angu-
The dimensions and angulations of the implant po- lations in the labiopalatal and mesiodistal planes were
sition were determined in the mesiodistal and labiopa- measured and compared with the planned positions. The
latal planes, similar to previous studies.4,5,7 The distances differences between the planned and placed implant po-
between the most cervical part of the planned implant sitions in each dimension and at each angulation were


824 Volume 123 Issue 6

Figure 2. Measurements for planned and placed implant positions. A, Measurements for BH. B, Measurements for NB. C, Measurements for ZB.
BH, BioHorizons; NB, Nobel Biocare; ZB, Zimmer Biomet.

recorded. Accuracy of implant placement refers to the (VMD); 0.69 ±2.03 mm vertically in the labiopalatal
mean implant placement deviations. To examine the dif- dimension (VLP); 1.69 ±1.02 degrees in mesiodistal
ferences in the accuracy among the implant systems, angulation (AMD); and 1.56 ±0.92 degrees in labio-
ANOVA (a=.05) was used. In the cases of unequal vari- palatal angulation (ALP). Table 1 demonstrates the
ance, the Welch ANOVA was used. If a statistically sig- mean, standard deviation, range, minimum (Min), Q1
nificant difference was found based on ANOVA, post hoc (first quartile), Q3 (third quartile), and maximum (Max)
pairwise comparisons were used to compare the differ- values for each implant system, as well as the P values.
ences in accuracy of each pair of implant systems. All post Figure 3 demonstrates the box plots of each dimension
hoc pairwise comparisons were performed by using the and angulation deviation overall and for each implant
Tukey adjusted P values to account for multiple compari- system.
sons. To examine the precision of each implant system, the In terms of accuracy, referring to the deviations from
Levene test for differences in variance was used to examine the planned implant position, there were statistically
a pair of implant systems in each dimension and at each significant differences (ANOVA) in M (P=.026), P
angulation. (P<.001), VMD (P<.001), AMD (P<.001), and ALP
(P<.001). In the M dimension, ZB showed the most
displacements, while no statistically significant differ-
ences were found in NB and BH. In the vertical dis-
The overall implant displacements were −0.02 ±0.13 placements (VMD and VLP), ZB showed statistically
mm mesially (M), 0.07 ±0.14 mm distally (D), 0.43 higher displacements than NB and BH. In the angulation
±0.57 mm labially (L), and 1.26 ±0.80 mm palatally (P); displacements, ZB showed the fewest displacements in P
1.20 ±3.01 mm vertically in the mesiodistal dimension (0.56 ±0.57 mm), AMD (0.83 ±0.28 mm), and ALP (0.77


June 2020 825

Table 1. Implant placement deviations and statistical analyses

Tukey Adjusted Post Hoc Pairwise
Comparisons, P*
Dimension (mm)/Angulation ( ) Implant System Mean SD Range Min Max ANOVA (P)* BH-NB BH-ZB NB-ZB
M BH 0.06 0.09 0.30 -0.12 0.18 .026 t test .210 .021 .503
NB -0.03 0.18 0.54 -0.29 0.25
ZB -0.09 0.06 0.18 -0.16 0.02
D BH 0.05 0.16 0.49 -0.18 0.31 .663 t test N/A N/A N/A
NB 0.10 0.12 0.37 -0.12 0.25
ZB 0.05 0.14 0.42 -0.20 0.22
L BH 0.37 0.50 1.52 -0.49 1.03 .076 t test N/A N/A N/A
NB 0.74 0.68 1.90 -0.23 1.67
ZB 0.18 0.39 1.28 -0.45 0.83
P BH 1.62 0.47 1.37 0.76 2.13 .001 t test .462 <.001 .003
NB 1.59 0.85 1.85 0.47 2.32
ZB 0.56 0.57 1.70 -0.40 1.30
VMD BH -0.21 3.93 12.60 -8.48 4.12 .009 t test .339 .01 <.001
NB 0.35 1.34 4.48 -2.55 1.93
ZB 3.46 1.83 5.80 -0.51 5.29
VLP BH -0.12 2.18 7.46 -4.69 2.77 .258 t test N/A N/A N/A
NB 0.81 1.10 4.17 -0.87 3.30
ZB 1.38 2.46 7.00 -2.28 4.72
AMD BH 1.84 0.34 1.07 1.42 2.49 .001 t test .116 <.001 .003
NB 2.39 1.33 3.21 0.61 3.82
ZB 0.83 0.28 0.86 0.42 1.28
ALP BH 1.86 0.33 1.03 1.45 2.48 .001 t test .324 <.001 .005
NB 2.05 1.22 3.16 0.55 3.71
ZB 0.77 0.26 0.71 0.48 1.19
*Statistically significant P values shown in bold.

±0.26 mm), with statistically significant difference (See P accuracy, approximately 0.1 to 0.3 mm. While there was a
values in Table 1). statistically significant difference in M displacement
In terms of precision, referring to the consistency of among the 3 implant systems, the displacement values
displacement or the least variation in deviations, the were in the range of those of other studies and likely to
Levene tests for differences in variance (a=.05) suggested have little clinical significance.4,5,13 In the L dimension,
statistically significant differences in the M, P, VMD, all implants displaced slightly labially, reflecting a clinical
VLP, AMD, and ALP. ZB and BH had statistically fewer situation of limited labial or buccal bone. Clinicians
variations in M than NB. ZB had statistically fewer vari- should pay attention to this trend of labial or buccal
ations in the P deviation than BH and NB. NB and ZB displacement when performing flapless surgery.
had statistically fewer variations in VMD. NB had sta- Angulation of the drill and other techniques such as
tistically significantly fewer variations than BH and ZB in bone tapping have been suggested to limit labial or buccal
VLP. NB, however, had statistically more variations in the directional and angulation displacements.19-22 The ZB
angulations (AMD and ALP). system showed the least P displacement. This may be
related to the way the implant was placed and the size of
the implant fixture and threads. With the BH and NB
systems, the implant fixtures were placed through the
The results support the research hypothesis that when an guide, making it more difficult to lean on the palatal bone
in-office stereolithographic fabricated guide is used, each and keep the implant fixture palatally. In addition, the sizes
implant guided surgery system has unique strengths and of the NB fixture and threads were much larger than the
weaknesses. Overall, guided implant surgery performed osteotomy sites. In the ZB situation, after the osteotomy
by using in-office 3D-printed guides has a similar range site had been completely prepared (through the surgical
of accuracy and precision as previous studies.4,5 Note that guide), the implant fixture was placed without the guide,
the vertical depth of placement in this study could induce and clinicians could then direct the fixture against the
an error of approximately 3 mm or more in some sys- palatal bone. Therefore, clinicians should pay particular
tems. The M dimension has the highest accuracy, attention to placement of the implant when fully guided
approximately 0.1 mm in BH and ZB and approximately surgery is performed and try to keep the implant fixture
0.2 mm in NB. The D dimension also has similar engaged with the palatal bone or perform bone tapping.4,23


826 Volume 123 Issue 6


0. 0.

0. 0.

0 0.

–0. 0

–0. –0.

–0. –0.
Overall BioHorizon Nobel Zimmer Overall BioHorizon Nobel Zimmer

2 2

1. 1.5

1 1


0. 0.5

0 0

–0. –0.5
Overall BioHorizon Nobel Zimmer Overall BioHorizon Nobel Zimmer
10 6



0 0


–10 –6
Overall BioHorizon Nobel Zimmer Overall BioHorizon Nobel Zimmer



1 1

0 0
Overall BioHorizon Nobel Zimmer Overall BioHorizon Nobel Zimmer
Figure 3. Box plots for dimensional and angulation implant deviations showing first and third quartile box plots and maximal and minimal values. A, M.
B, D. C, L. D, P. E, VMD. F, VLP. G, AMD. H, ALP. ALP, angulation in labiopalatal dimension; AMD, angulation in mesiodistal direction; D, distal; L, labial;
M, mesial; P, palatal; VLP, vertical in labiopalatal dimension; VMD, vertical in mesiodistal direction.


June 2020 827

While ZB performs well in most dimensions CONCLUSIONS

compared with other systems, the partially guided pro-
Based on the findings of this in vitro study, the following
tocol, preparing for an osteotomy with the surgical guide
conclusions were drawn:
but placing the implant without the surgical guide, leads
to a lack of vertical control, and, therefore, the ZB implant 1. When guide fabrication is performed in office by
displacement can be more than 3 mm. While the using a desktop stereolithographic printer, clinicians
manufacturer recommends placing the implant without should recognize the limitations of the guide, such
the guide, a previous study suggests fully guiding ZB as the guide fit and depth of placement.
implants through the guide to provide better vertical 2. When performing fully or partially guided surgery,
accuracy clinically.5 In terms of angulation deviation, ZB clinicians need to be aware of potential vertical and
systems demonstrated the least angulation deviation, palatal displacements.
which may be a result of less deviation from thin labial 3. When a long drill is used with a surgical stopper,
bone and angulation at placement similar to that of the P clinicians should recognize that the implant place-
displacement. However, the overall angulation deviations ment may have less precision and that the fit of all
of all 3 systems were consistent with those of previous surgical components is essential during osteotomy
studies.4,5 preparation.
In terms of precision, NB appeared to have the
highest variability, which may be the result of the vertical
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Corresponding author:
radicular infection with and without antibiotics: An exploratory study. J Oral
Implantol 2015;41:299-305. Dr Sompop Bencharit
20. Hosseini B, Byrd WC, Preisser JS, Khan A, Duggan D, Bencharit S. Effects Department of General Practice
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tooth implant placement into sites with apical pathology. J Oral Implantol Virginia Commonwealth University
2015;41:e202-11. 520 N 12th Street, Richmond, VA 23298-0566
21. Bencharit S, Byrd WC, Hosseini B. Immediate placement of a porous- Email: sbencharit@vcu.edu
tantalum, trabecular metal-enhanced titanium dental implant with demin-
eralized bone matrix into a socket with deficient buccal bone: a clinical report. Copyright © 2019 by the Editorial Council for The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.
J Prosthet Dent 2015;113:262-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prosdent.2019.05.027


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