A Questionnaire On Survey of Problems Facing by Agriculture Field Using Data Mining

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Jaswinder Singh et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 4 (2),295-301

A Questionnaire on Survey of Problems Facing by

Agriculture Field Using Data Mining

Jaswinder Singh1, Harpreet Singh2, Sukhjinder Singh3

M.Phil (Research Scholar), Guru Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo, Punjab, India
E mail: vickymaan27@gmail.com,harpreetralla89@gmail.com,sukhjindernathana@gmail.com


Agriculture is main part of most Economy Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Guru
in world Most part of population is Nanak Dev University, Amritsar are also making
efforts to solve the Agricultural problems. Here are
depends on agriculture field. But some facts about the Agriculture issues of our rural
nowadays this field is becomes a non Area:
profitable and full with problems.  80% people depends on Agriculture sector
Agriculture field is facing a lot of serious  A large number of farmers are committing
problems such as Marketing, Laborer, suicides every year.
Duplicate products, also some Natural  They do not get proper prices of their
problems. In this paper we will collect all crops.
problems related to agriculture field and
also tries to find some factors that can
solve to those problems. Because of we 2. Factor Categories
are computer research students so we
shall use data mining technique to find out This questionnaire considers all the factors
the summary of problems. It also includes effecting Agriculture most probably all these
a survey questionnaire which takes all the factors are taken according to their suitable
factors in to count and before starting priority. It includes major factors and all these
actual Survey a pilot study for this factors are taken as questions which can be
questionnaire was done, which confirms answered in five different ways (Strongly
its acceptance. Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, strongly
Keywords: Marketing, infrastructure, Agree) according to which problems can be solved.
Technologies, security.

3. Classifiers

1. Introduction According to the factors in the Questionnaire the

respondents can be classified in broad six
Enhancement is the basic need of classifiers, these are following.
Agriculture field because Enhancement in
this field can provide a solution for lot of (a) Farmer
problems. It helps farmers to increase
(b) Govt. employ
their production, profit and also improve
their level of living. It will also prove (c) Corporate
fruitful to reduce their cost on crops. (d) Personal business
Some Agricultural institutions like Punjab (e) Student
Agricultural University, Ludhiana, (f) Unemployed

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Jaswinder Singh et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 4 (2),295-301

4. Category Factor Variables V4(should farmers independent

to decide the market value of
their crops)
Basic Infrastructure
V24(Commission agent system
V36(Water and Soil testing labs of marketing process is best for
in Rural areas) farmers)

V38(Water resources are enough V25(Direct payment of crops

for irrigation) value should be made to farmers)

V40(Electricity supply enough V43(Crops should be purchased

for Agriculture sector) by govt. agencies )

V48(Agricultural research V42(Crops should be purchased

university and institutions by private agencies)
V44(Market prices of crops
V55(Labor is easily available or should be added to Index
not and much expensive ) number)

V22(Sizes of fields are small) V17(Commercial crops should be

V1(Most part of population
depends on agriculture ) V45(Govt. should adopt Free
Market policy)
V16(Decreasing level of Ground
water is a serious problem) Chemical Effect

V21(People are working in Fields V6(Pesticides and Insecticides

are more than need) used more than need by farmers)

V52(Rain plays a vital role in V7(Pesticides , insecticides are

Agriculture sector) verified)

V53(Lack of rains affects the V8(They are polluting soil and

productivity badly ) water resources )

V9(Chemicals are effecting

human and animal life)
Marketing Process
V10((serious diseases like Cancer
And crop prices are caused by chemicals)

V3(Market prices of crops are V11(Values of pesticides and

sufficient) other commodities should be
verified )
V2(Marketing process of crops is
difficult and complex) V19(Green Revolution extends
the productivity)

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Jaswinder Singh et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 4 (2),295-301

V20(It enhances the usage of V27(Insurance of crops also

pesticides and insecticides) needed)

Subsidies and V57(Special Hospitals should be

opened in rural areas to control
Facilities serious diseases)

V5(Subsides provided for V14(Dangerous pesticides should

farmers are necessary) be banned)

V12(Commodities like V54(Special aids given to

pesticides, quality seeds are also farmers in case of lack of rain)
be provided on subsidy)
Objective &Goals
V29(Farmers needed Agriculture
Loans) V23(Training to farmers should
be provided)
V30(Interest rates should be low)
V18(Agriculture sector should be
V31(Cooperative Societies Globalised)
needed to establish in rural areas)
V34(Govt. should enhance
V32(Small farmers requires farmers to start assisted works
special attention by Govt.) like Dairy, Poultry ,Fishery etc.)
V33(Are Subsidies needed to V37(Agriculture sector be
carry on) preferred by Planning
V35(Agricultural tools
harvesters, Tractors, needed to V48(New Research Universities
supply on subsidy basis) and institutions should be
V41(Electricity for Agriculture
sector should be free) V50(Farmers should be enhanced
to use the Organic Farming)
V43(Subsidies are killing to
farmers) V56(Suicides committing by
farmers due to increasing loans
V49(Farmers needed special
must be stopped )
packages in case of natural
disasters such as Droughts, V39(Special attention needed by
Floods ) the irrigation system)

Security V13(Crime cell to be establish to V15(To reduce the costs of

stop the supply of duplicate agriculture that are more then
seeds, pesticides and other income)
products used in agriculture)
V28(To make sure the use of
V26(Insurance of farmer and his Agriculture tools only as per
family necessary) needs )

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Jaswinder Singh et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 4 (2),295-301

V51(Farmers should adopt a Energy Abstracts, Volume 36, Number 5, , pp.

Agriculture versatility) 383-383(1), Elsevier Publisher
[6] Problems of agricultural labour a case study
of Orissa 1sted. Golak Bihari Nath. Published
1998 by Classical Pub. Co. in Delhi
[7] Indian agriculture: problems, progress and
4. Conclusions prospects By Amar Nath Agrawal, Vikas Pub.
House, 1986 - Technology & Engineering

After mentioning all data I can conclude

that there are many factors which put effect on Annexure:
Agriculture problems but if the focus would be Problems in Agriculture Survey
given on these problems we can completely get
freedom from these problems. If govt. gives Please take a few minutes to fill out this
attentions on above problems and factors I think survey on the problems and solutions today.
they will be able to find the solution. It is most Welcomes your feedback and your answers will be
kept confidential. It can be very fruitful to solving
important to save the agriculture sector because it these problems. Please complete this survey and
is the backbone of any economy. We represented return it to JASWINDER SINGH student of Guru
fundamental problems and also tries to find some Kashi University, Talwandi Sabo (PB).
solution based upon above factors.


[1] Improving agricultural extension. A reference

manual Edited by Burton E. Swanson
Robert P. Bentz,Andrew J. Sofranko Prepared
under the guidance of the Extension,
Education and Communication Service
Research, Extension and Training Division
Sustainable Development Department Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United
Rome, 1997 Reprinted 1998 M-67
ISBN 92-5-104007-9
[2] Impact of pesticides use in agriculture: their
benefits and hazards by Md. Wasim Aktar,1
Dwaipayan Sengupta,2 and Ashim Chowdhury2
Interdiscip Toxicol. 2009 March; 2(1): 1–12.
Published online 2009 March. doi:
PMCID: PMC2984095
[3] Agricultural Marketing: Problems and
Alternatives: a Series of Ten Articles
Contributors Colorado. Dept. of Agriculture,
Colorado. Agricultural Marketing Task Force
Publisher: The Department
[4] Kulshreshtha, S. (1996): "Indian agriculture
and GATT and WTO: Some Reflections - India
and WTO" : Udhayam Offset, Madras
[5] Aggarwal G.C (1995) : "Fertilizer and
irrigation management for energy
conservation in crop production" : Fuel and

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Jaswinder Singh et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 4 (2),295-301

A Questionnaire on agriculture problems

Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
V1(Most part of population depends on agriculture )

V2(Marketing process of crops is difficult and complex)

V3(Market prices of crops are sufficient)

V4(should farmers independent to decide the market value of

their crops)

V5(Subsides provided for farmers are necessary)

V6(Pesticides and Fertilizers are

used more than need by farmers)

V7(Pesticides, insecticides are verified)

V8(They are polluting soil and water resources )

V9(Chemicals are effecting human and animal life)

V10((serious diseases like Cancer are caused by chemicals)

V11(Values of pesticides and other commodities should be

verified )

V12(Commodities like pesticides, quality seeds are also be

provided on subsidy)

V13(Crime cells to stop duplicity in agriculture products )

V14(Dangerous pesticides should be banned)

V15(To reduce the costs of agriculture that are more then


V16(Decreasing level of Ground water is a serious problem)

V17(Commercial crops should be Preferred)

V18(Agriculture sector should be Globalised)

V19(Green Revolution extends the productivity)

V20(It enhances the usage of pesticides and insecticides)

V21(People are working in Fields are more than need)

V22(Sizes of fields are small)

V23(Training to farmers should be provided)

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Jaswinder Singh et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 4 (2),295-301

Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
V24(Commission agent system of marketing process is best
for farmers)

V25(Direct payment of crops value should be made to


V26(Insurance of farmer and his family necessary)

V27(Insurance of crops also needed)

V28(To make sure the use of Agriculture tools only as per

needs )

V29(Farmers needed Agriculture Loans)

V30(Interest rates should be low)

V31(Cooperative Societies needed to establish in rural areas)

V32(Small farmers requires special attention by Govt.)

V33(Are Subsidies needed to carry on)

V34(Govt. should enhance farmers to start assisted works like

Dairy, Poultry ,Fishery etc.)

V35(Agricultural tools harvesters, Tractors, needed to supply

on subsidy basis)

V36(Water and Soil testing labs in Rural areas)

V37(Agriculture sector be preferred by Planning Commission)

V38(Water resources are enough for irrigation)

V39(Special attention needed by the irrigation system)

V40(Electricity supply enough for Agriculture sector)

V41(Electricity for Agriculture sector should be free)

V42(Crops should be purchased by private agencies)

V43(Crops should be purchased by govt. agencies )

V44(Market prices of crops should be added to Index number)

Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
V45(Govt. should adopt Free Market policy)

V46(Globalization of agriculture is suitable for farmers)

V47(Subsidies are killing to farmers)

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Jaswinder Singh et al, Int.J.Computer Technology & Applications,Vol 4 (2),295-301

V48(Agricultural research university and institutions enough)

V49(Farmers needed special packages in case of natural

disasters such as Droughts, Floods )

V50(Farmers should be enhanced to use the Organic Farming)

V51(Farmers should adopt a Agriculture versatility)

V52(Rain plays a vital role in Agriculture sector)

V53(Lack of rains affects the productivity badly )

V54(Special aids given to farmers in case of lack of rain)

V55(Labor is easily available or not and much expensive )

V56(Suicides committing by farmers due to increasing loans

must be stopped )

V57(Special Hospitals should be opened in rural areas to

control serious diseases)

Personal Information

Name: ______________________________________________

City: ______________Gender: _________Age:______________

Profession: ___________________________________________

Contact (optional):______________________Date:___ ___ ____

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