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Course Outline

Natural, Human and Artificial Creative Intelligence


Composition: Paragraphing & Topic Sentences
Organizational Structures: direct, indirect, turnabout

Creativity: Howard Gardner: Multiple Intelligence: Article & Video &

Gardiner himself

Module One

NI: Tardigrade

Composition: Quotations and Documentation
Signal phrases, Participles and relative clauses

Creativity: Zig Zag: Introduction (pages 1-9) – Read Chapter One and
Construct a personal chart based on your own past experience of using all the

NI: Deep Survival and Penguin Behavior

Composition: Modes of Development & Discourse
Description; narrative; analysis: process, cause and effect, comparison and
contrast; Evaluation

Creativity: Zig Zag: ASK (page 19) and list questions per readings

NI: Dance of Bees, Salmon, and Love Not War

Composition: Thesis and Organization
Subordination, coordination

NI: Cheetah, Suction Cups, and Bird Smarts

Creativity: Zig Zag: What did you LEARN (page 49) – and from Whom?

Zig Zag: LOOK (page 73) – what did you See from a Past Error?

Module 2

HI: Life Changes In the Moment; Art of the Fall; Unconscious Art

Creativity: Zig Zag: PLAY (page 101) Choose a cultural activity that you are
familiar with, and then do an extended metaphor in relation to another
different domain. Generate new possible worlds via the extended analogy

HI: Harvard vs. Maryland; Schrodinger’s Chaos; Browne on EI

HI: Edison Papers; Newton; Einstein

Creativity: Zig Zag: THINK (page 129) and list numerous ideas about what
AI might be able to do in the future. The ideas should be divergent and use the
SCAMPER methodology.

Composition: Introduction and Conclusion
Creativity: Zig Zag: FUSE (page 153) the Human and Artificial via 3 Stages

HI: Relativity of Time: Space and Time; Bubble Or Bang?

HI: Big Piano Scene; Josh and Toys

Creativity: Zig Zag: List other possible differences and then CHOOSE (page
173) choose the most consequential One

Composition: Varied Sentence Structure
Simple, coordination, complex, Absolute

HI: Rembrandt and Picasso

Creativity: Zig Zag: MAKE (pg, 195) something new in a concrete


Module 3
AI: Machine Learning and Virus control; Women and Stem

Student Oral Presentations


AI: AI and common sense; AI and brain injuries

Composition: Coherence and Unity

AI: AI and Chemistry and Medical Drugs and Challenge of Modern Society
Student Presentations


Final Wrap up and Personal Evaluation

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