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APRIL 2011

Special Report
For the
6th Annual World Takaful Conference 2011
Dubai, UAE

Taking Takaful to the next level:

The Malaysian Experience
Analytical Contacts:

Islamic Ratings …in this issue

Mohamed Zakariya Othman
(603) 7628 1018 The success story of the Malaysian Takaful industry

Zusuff Kan Zainal Kan

Analyst RAM Ratings’ approach in Takaful rating
(603) 7628 1182

Amir Shazlan Kamarudzaman

Research Associate
(603) 7628 1168
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

The success story of the Malaysian

Takaful industry

he Islamic finance industry in approach that can be segmented into 3
Malaysia continues to boom phases:
at a fast clip, supported by
the conducive environment where pioneers • Phase I (1984-1992) had
have taken Islamic finance to the next started with the enactment of a dedicated
level in terms of product innovation as well law, i.e. the Takaful Act 1984 (Act), and
as financial and regulatory infrastructure. the establishment of the first Takaful
Notably, Islamic banking has been thriving operator in 1984. The primary focus during
on the back of the ongoing liberalisation of this period had been the establishment of
the Islamic finance sector; the growth is the basic infrastructure for the industry.
clearly evident from the increasing number This Act, which is still in force, had been
of full-fledged Islamic banks, including enacted to govern the conduct of Takaful
several foreign-owned entities. While not business and requires the registration of
as prominent as the Islamic banking Takaful operators. It also provides for the
segment, Takaful1 is marching ahead at establishment of Shariah committees to
its own pace, with a year-on-year growth ensure that the business operations of a
rate of 20%-26% in terms of total assets Takaful operator are always in compliance
and contributions between 2004 and with Shariah principles.
• Phase II (1993-2000) marked
Islamic finance has evolved from just a the introduction of competition with the
single player offering limited basic entry of another Takaful operator. This
products into a viable industry that has period had also seen greater cooperation
been successfully integrated into the among Takaful operators in the region,
mainstream financial system. This has including the formation of the ASEAN
been achieved through the concerted Takaful Group in 1995 and the
efforts of Bank Negara Malaysia (“BNM”) establishment of ASEAN Retakaful
and the Takaful operators in developing a International (Labuan) Ltd in 1997. This
dynamic, resilient and efficient Takaful had facilitated retakaful arrangements
industry. among the Takaful operators in Malaysia
and the region, i.e. Brunei, Indonesia and
In developing the domestic Takaful Singapore.
industry, BNM has adopted a gradual
• Phase III (2001-2010) had
begun with the introduction of the
In theory, Takaful is based on the law of large
Financial Sector Master Plan (or FSMP) in
numbers. The term Takaful stems from an Arabic word
that means “guaranteeing each other”, and is based on 2001. Among other objectives, this had
a system of ta’awun (mutual assistance) and tabarru’ been to enhance the capacity of the
(gift, donation), whereby the risk associated with it is
voluntarily shared among a group of people.
Takaful operators and to strengthen the
Extracted from the key note address by Mohd legal, Shariah and regulatory frameworks.
Razif bin Abd Kadir, Deputy Governor of Bank
Negara Malaysia.
The section of the FSMP that relates to
Islamic banking and Takaful is a road map

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 1
RAM Ratings
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

Figure 1: Development of Takaful Industry in Malaysia

• The enactment of a dedicated regulatory law, the Takaful Act 1984, to govern the conduct of Takaful
Phase I business, and provide for the establishment of Shariah Committees to ensure that the business
operations of a Takaful operator are in compliance with Shariah principles at all times.
• The establishment of the first Takaful operator in 1985.
• The primary focus was the establishment of the basic infrastructure for the industry.

• The introduction of competition with the entry of another Takaful operator.

• Greater competition among Takaful operators in the region, including the formation of the ASEAN
Phase II
Takaful Group in 1995 and the establishment of ASEAN Retakaful International (L) Ltd. in 1997.
• Takaful Malaysia and Takaful Nasional (now known as Etiqa Takaful) jointly developed a Code of
Ethics for the industry in 2000.

• Introduction of the Financial Sector Master Plan in 2001, which objectives include enhancing the
capacity of the Takaful operators and strengthen the legal, Shariah and regulatory framework.
• Takaful Malaysia and Takaful Nasional launched an initiative in 2001 with the Life Insurance
Association of Malaysia to promote best practices and greater professionalism in the industry.
• An increased pace of development and competition with the licensing of new operators.
• The Malaysian Takaful Association was established in 2002 to further promote the development of
Phase III
the Takaful industry.
• Liberalisation of the Takaful industry in 2009, which saw the issuance of four new family Takaful
licenses in 2010 to players that can offer significant value proposition to Malaysia to spur the
development of the industry.
• Given the push for the introduction of more stringent capital requirements, Malaysia has extended
the discussion on risk-based capital (RBC) to Takaful. The RBC approach is expected to be
implemented in 2011 or 2012, which will help to enhance the industry's capital base.

Source: BNM, KFHR

towards realising the nation’s aspiration of operator and its shareholders. It differs
becoming an international centre for from the cooperative Takaful concept
Islamic finance. To date, the pace of adopted by some jurisdictions, where the
development has picked up while Takaful scheme is operated purely for
competition has increased with the social purposes.
licensing of new operators. To further
promote the development of the Takaful Trends and performance
industry, the Malaysian Takaful Association
(“MTA”), an association for Takaful Malaysia has the largest Takaful market in
operators, was established in 2002. The world, with an estimated 26% of global
MTA aims to improve industry self- Takaful assets valued at RM12.4 billion3.
regulation through uniformity in market Nonetheless, Takaful assets only
practices and by promoting a higher level accounted for 8% of the aggregate assets
of cooperation among the various players of the Malaysian insurance and Takaful
vis-à-vis developing the industry. industries in 2009 (2005: 5.7%; 2008:
7.5%). On the other hand, Takaful funds
Commercially driven Takaful operations in more than doubled from RM5.9 billion in
Malaysia have contributed significantly to 2005 to RM12.4 billion in 2009. In
the success of the industry. This approach
emphasises the provisions of reasonable 3
Source: BNM
returns to the participants, the Takaful

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 2
RAM Ratings
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

addition, net Takaful contributions Chart 2: Total Assets vs. Market

augmented from RM1.3 billion to RM3.5 Share (Malaysia)
billion over the same span. Overall, the Takaful: Total Assets vs. Market Share (Malaysia)

Malaysian Takaful industry has been 16,000 10.00

charting steady annual growth in terms of 12,000

RM million
assets and contributions, averaging at 8,000

about 20%-26% between 2004 and 2009. 4,000


0 0.00
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Chart 1: Total Takaful Contribution
Total assets Market share (RHS)
Total Takaful Contribution (2015F)
Source: BNM
Asia-Pacific, Europe,
42.0% Turkey,
China & Chart 3: Per Capita Contribution
31.0% (Family Takaful)

GCC, 27.0%

Source: Salama Arabic Islamic Insurance Company,


Product-wise, Takaful has evolved via

product development and innovation.
Takaful operators in Malaysia and the Source: BNM
Middle East offer competitive policies in
relation to coverage and features Chart 4: Per Capita Contribution
compared to those provided by (General Takaful)
conventional insurance companies.
Typically, Takaful operators derive their
business from 2 main products: general
and family Takaful4. In comparison to the
early days, e.g. when general Takaful
products had constituted 63% of net
contributions in 1984, family Takaful
products have now become the prime
business of Takaful companies in Malaysia,
boasting a market share of 78%. Source: BNM

Regulatory Environment

A major force behind the domestic growth

General Takaful – which includes motor and fire of Takaful and its success is the
Takaful - provides short-term protection, normally 1 Government’s strong backing. The
year. More specifically, it provides protection against
property loss or damage, liabilities arising from damage
country’s established regulatory and legal
caused by the insured to a third party, and accidental frameworks have given it a clear edge
damage or injury to a third party. Family Takaful, on the over other jurisdictions. Takaful operations
other hand, offers a combination of protection and long-
term savings usually spanning more than 1 year. Family have been regulated and supervised by
Takaful includes individual, mortgage, credit and group BNM since 1988, with the appointment of
plans; risks covered are in the areas of premature
death, illness, and regular income during retirement.
the Central Bank’s governor as the
director-general of Takaful.

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 3
RAM Ratings
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

the responsibility of implementing the

Meanwhile, the industry’s strong Shariah management’s decisions and opinions
framework helps nurture consumer throughout the Islamic financial institution.
confidence and also provides greater The SGF also requires Islamic financial
flexibility to Takaful operators, encouraging institutions to establish 3 functions that
them to be innovative within the provide a system of checks and balances
boundaries of Shariah. within the organisation, including the
The Shariah framework has been
continuously enhanced, to be in line with • Shariah risk-management control
the development of the Takaful industry as that is able to identify all possible risks of
well as to ensure the uniformity and Shariah non-compliance and, where
harmonisation of Shariah rulings. As the appropriate, remedial measures to
next component of Malaysia’s Islamic manage such risks.
Finance Master Plan and part of BNM’s
ongoing review of policies relating to • A Shariah review that continuously
Shariah governance for Islamic financial assesses the Shariah compliance of all
institutions in the country, the Central activities and operations on an ongoing
Bank has issued the Shariah Governance basis.
Framework (or SGF); this is to inculcate a
higher degree of accountability, • An annual Shariah audit to provide
understanding and commitment on an independent assessment of the Islamic
Shariah governance among the key financial institution’s adequacy and
stakeholders within such institutions. compliance with the established policies
and procedures, and the adequacy of the
The SGF has replaced the 2004 guidelines Shariah governance process.
on the governance of the Shariah
committee for Islamic financial institutions. Effective implementation of the SGF will
The SGF outlines BNM’s expectations on instil further confidence among the
Islamic financial institutions’ Shariah stakeholders and elevate the domestic
governance structures, processes and Islamic financial industry’s level of
arrangements – to ensure that all integrity.
operations and business activities are in
accordance with Shariah principles. Given Takaful operators are also required to
the rapid development of Islamic finance comply with a number of guidelines and
through the years, the SGF aims to circulars issued by BNM on various areas
strengthen the Shariah governance (as listed below). These safeguard Takaful
process, decision-making, accountability funds, to ensure that they are not depleted
and independence of Shariah advisory through improper use or unsound
bodies. In this regard, the SGF provides investments.
comprehensive guidance on the roles and
responsibilities of the Shariah committee • Guidelines on Operating Costs of
and management of Islamic financial Family Takaful Business – impose limits to
institutions, to ensure that their operations control acquisition costs, improve the
are in compliance with Shariah laws. operational efficiency of Takaful operators
and to provide better value for
Under the SGF, a Shariah committee is participants’ contributions.
accountable for all its decisions, views and
opinions related to Shariah matters. It has

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 4
RAM Ratings
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

Table 1: Regulatory Overview

Do es regulatio n
Takaful Separate
allo w sharing in
Co untry Regulato r windo ws Takaful Regulatio n
allo wed? regulatio n?
B ank Negara M alaysia
M alaysia × √ √ Takaful A ct 1984
M inistry o f Finance
B runei × √ √ Takaful Order, 2008
( f.go
Securities and
P akistan Exchange Co mmissio n (×) × √ Takaful Rules 2005

Labuan Offsho re Financial Guidelines o f Takaful and Internatio nal

Labuan Services A utho rity √ √ × Retakaful B usiness in IOFC
(www.lo fsa.go

Central B ank o f B ahrain × Insurance Rulebo o k Vo lume 3-Insurance

B ahrain √ √
(www.cbb.go (fo llo ws A A OIFI)

The Qatar Financial Insurance Rulebo o k,

Qatar Center Regulato ry A utho rity √ × (×) Chapter 6: A dditio nal requirements fo r
( m) Takaful Entities
Law o n Supervisio n o f Co o perative
Saudi Saudi A rabian M o netary A gency Insurance Co mpanies and its Implementing
× √ √
A rabia (www.sama.go Regulatio n

M o netary A utho rity

Singapo re o f Singapo re √ √ × Insurance A ct
Insurance Superviso ry
Sudan A utho rity o f Sudan × √ √ Insurance and Takaful A ct 2003
(www.cbo s.go
United Financial Services A utho rity
√ √ × Financial Services and M arkets A ct 2000
Kingdo m (www.fsa.go

M inistry o f Finance Law o f the Republic o f Indo nesia No 2/1992

Indo nesia √ √ √
(www.depkeu.go .id) and Go vernment Regulatio ns

United A rab Dubai Financial Services A utho rity ×

√ × DFSA Rulebo o k
Emirates ( (fo llo ws A A OIFI)

Source: Munich Retakaful

management committee. In addition,

• Guidelines on Claims-Settlement Takaful operators are required to observe
Practices – specify the minimum standards the prudential limits and conditions
for prompt and fair payment of claims, and imposed on the outsourcing of the
also ensure that claims are paid in a timely management of Takaful funds - to
manner. ascertain that the funds are properly
managed within the accepted risk-
• Takaful (prescribed Financial management framework.
Institution, Loan and Investments)
Regulations 2003 – specify the investment Takaful operators in Malaysia are also
avenues for the assets of Takaful funds, to subject to circulars and guidelines, to
ensure a balance between profit ensure proper disclosure and enhance
maximisation and prudent management of transparency for the various stakeholders.
such money. By providing the relevant information in a
timely manner, all stakeholders can
To ensure the effectiveness of overall effectively play their roles in ensuring
management, Takaful operators are prudent management of the Takaful
required to observe the Guidelines on business.
Directorship for Takaful Operators, which
govern the appointment of directors and • Guidelines on Prohibition Against
chief executives and the setting up of Unfair Practices in Takaful Business –
board committees, including the risk-

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 5
RAM Ratings
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

promote sound business practices and fair performance of the Takaful operators,
treatment of consumers, by ensuring enabling BNM to analyse the financial data
equitable contractual terms and conditions. and to detect any deterioration in their
There is also a specific restriction against financial conditions.
misrepresentation on Takaful plans.
The lingering challenge for
• Guidelines on Financial
Statements for Takaful Operators –
enhance disclosure and transparency in
The Malaysian Takaful industry has been
financial statements. These guidelines also
experiencing steady growth over the last 5
assist the various stakeholders in
years. Compared to its conventional
evaluating and assessing the financial
counterpart, however, it still lags far
positions and performance of the Takaful
behind in terms of penetration and market
share. Despite the clear growth of this
industry, both domestic and global, there
Table 2: List of Takaful Operators in
are still concerns and challenges that may
hinder Takaful operators’ efforts to become
No Operators
prominent players in the financial realm.
1 CIMB Aviva Takaful Berhad Although certain issues are still prevalent –
2 Etiqa Takaful Berhad e.g. deliberation on the ”perfect” Shariah-
3 Hong Leong Tokio Marine Takaful Berhad compliant contracts as well as the costs of
4 HSBC Amanah Takaful Malaysia Takaful distribution channels and
5 MAA Takaful Berhad infrastructure - the lingering concern
6 Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad
involves liquidity; Takaful operators need
7 Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad
8 Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Berhad
to match their long-term liabilities with
9 Great Eastern Takaful Sdn. Berhad their long-term assets to expand their
10 AIA AFG Takaful Berhad array of products and business
Retakaful propositions.
1 MNRB Retakaful Berhad
Munchener Ruckversicherungs - Gesellschaft
2 The need for long-term sukuk is
(Munich Retakaful Malaysia)
fundamental to resolving this issue.
3 ACR Re Takaful SEA Berhad
Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd. However, the lack of opportunities for
(Swiss Re Retakaful) Takaful operators to capitalise on long-
International T akaful Operator term sukuk to complement their products,
1 AIA Takaful International Berhad such as long-term annuities, has
Source: BNM, MIFC
hampered the deployment process for
Note: BNM has issued 4 new family Takaful licenses
in 2010. The table above only includes Great annuity-type assets. In this respect, asset
Eastern Takaful Sdn. Berhad and AIA AFG Takaful allocation for Takaful companies remains a
Berhad as the remaining 2 have yet to commence
challenge; without long-term sukuk, the
full potential of the Takaful industry cannot
be realised.
• Takaful Operators’ Statistical
System – enhances the quality and
timeliness of financial reporting by Takaful
operators, by enabling them to submit
their monthly and annual data to BNM via
an online web-based system. It facilitates
comprehensive reporting on the financial

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 6
RAM Ratings
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

Figure 2: Changes in Malaysia’s Takaful industry

Access to long-term sukuk has been medium-term sukuk with tenures of 6-10
elusive for Takaful companies, particularly years are available, Takaful and insurance
family Takaful and retakaful operators. As companies have to compete against banks
an alternative, the investment vehicles that absorb most of these issues. As at
used to invest policyholders’ funds or end-February 2011, banks made up
contributions are parked under short- to 89.6% of the primary subscribers in the
long- term investments, including quoted sukuk market, with Takaful and insurance
shares (30%), unit trust funds and operators accounting for a mere 3.9%.
Source: BNM, KFHR

financing (20%), property (20%), Although there are long-term sukuk –

government investment certificates albeit limited - with tenures of 21 years
(20%), and levy freedom (5%), all of and above, most (58.8%) of them span 6-
which are under the purview of the Central 10 years.
Bank and based on its guidelines as well as
the Takaful Act 1984. The percentage of Despite the availability of long-term sukuk,
their allocation may be revised from time banks still dominate the sukuk market.
to time during each investment period. Key considerations apparent in this respect
would be the avenue in lobbying primary
The lack of long-term instruments has issuers for access to sukuk as well as the
often been cited as the chief constraint depth of Islamic capital market
against the industry’s growth. While instruments. A main issue that persists
various sukuk structures exist and within the realm of Islamic finance is the

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 7
RAM Ratings
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

lack of liquidity in the Islamic capital aided by the establishment of a systematic

market, which is also one of the dilemmas programme of sukuk issuances throughout
that Takaful operators face. In this sense, the maturity spectrum, with the requisite
the secondary market for Islamic conditions and sizeable auctions conducted
instruments lacks certain key features, at regular intervals covering a broad range
such as appropriate tenures for the of available maturities.
efficient functioning of the debt market.
The shortage of suitable sukuk At the other end of the spectrum, Takaful
investments for Takaful and other operators can provide a source of reliable
companies testifies to the dearth of demand for both primary and secondary
liquidity within the sukuk market. sukuk issues. Islamic finance is still
considered in its infancy stage. If sukuk
Apart from inadequate liquidity and market funds expand in line with stronger
depth, the number of participants in the demand, this will have a positive effect on
Islamic capital market – although the primary market. By enhancing liquidity
increasing - is still relatively small. This in the secondary market, the price levels
may coincide with the limited choice in the of sukuk may be lowered as the premium
types of assets that can be used as demanded by investors in return for the
collateral and the lack of awareness on illiquidity of the Islamic capital market is
Islamic financial instruments. Crucially for reduced, thus providing greater access to
Takaful companies and investors, “investor the sukuk market. Despite the lack of
awareness” sessions on sukuk can be investment diversification for Takaful
regularly conducted, to encourage both operators, the growth of the Takaful
investors and Takaful operators to invest industry will be supplemented by
in these Islamic instruments. In the Malaysia’s 10-year development plans,
meantime, lack of awareness on the part which could spur the creation of more
of Takaful operators also hinders the sukuk with longer tenures as companies
growth of the Takaful industry, as diverse will inevitably need to spread out their
of investor groups with different financing requirements.
perspectives and liability structures are
necessary for the long-term viability of the Moving forward
Islamic capital market’s liquidity levels.
The Takaful business has bright growth
From the issuer’s perspective, sukuk can prospects, with opportunities arising from
provide a stable source of funding. Takaful the existing circumstances. Firstly, the
operators and other entities may become demographic changes among the country’s
regular sukuk issuers and could population, where life expectancy is
consequently elevate the volume of new increasing, resulting in an enlarging ageing
sukuk. This would provide Takaful base (the Malaysian life expectancy is 71.8
companies with a wider range of years for males and 76.3 years for
investments and assets to match their females). The birth rate, although
long-term liabilities and, ultimately, declining, is consistently higher than the
contribute to the growth of the Takaful world average (18.7 live births per 1,000
industry. Takaful companies have of the population). The rising costs of
predictable funding flows and liabilities for higher education and dwindling financial
an extended period. As such, they have a assistance for educational purposes
long-term planning horizon and will need compel consumers to set aside funds to
long-term assets that generate a stable support their offspring’s educational needs.
flow of real income. They would also be Healthcare costs are also on the rise. The

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 8
RAM Ratings
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

Figure 3: IFSB Governance for Islamic Insurance (Takaful)

Reinforcement of relevant good governance

practices as prescribed in other relevant Manage a comprehensive governance framework
internationally recognised governance
Part I standards for insurance companies, while
addressing the specificities of Takaful

undertakings Adopt an appropriate code of ethics and conduct

Have in place an appropriate governance structure

that represents the rights and interest of Takaful
A balanced approach that considers the participants
Part II interests of all stakeholders and calls for
their fair treatment Adopt and implement procedures for appropriate

disclosures that provide Takaful participants with
fair access to material and relevant information

To ensure that they have in place appropriate

mechanisms property to sustain the solvency of
An impetus for a more comprehensive Takaful undertakings
Part III prudential framework for Takaful
undertakings Adopt and implement a sound investment strategy

and prudent manage the assets and liabilities of
Takaful undertakings

Source: IFSB, KFHR

cooperation with Islamic financial

higher-income group may have financial
institutions such as the Pilgrimage
planning to meet their requirements, but
Management and Development Board (or
the larger segment comprising the lower-
Tabung Haji) may provide opportunities for
income group provides a potential niche
market expansion, as Tabung Haji
market for the Takaful industry.
depositors are made up of Muslims with
Consumers’ increasing disposable income
substantial savings, which could boost
also heightens the need for financial
demand for Takaful products.
planning, to provide adequate financial
security, especially to cater to their
Meanwhile, marketing Takaful products
children’s education as well as their own
through bancatakaful must be done more
medical and retirement needs.
extensively to benefit from the banking
system’s vast network. As the Internet
Takaful operators must intensify their
becomes an important part of most
efforts to promote greater risk awareness
people’s lives, online marketing of Takaful
and better product innovation, not to
products ought to be seriously considered.
mention diversifying their distribution
channels to reach a larger segment of the
All said, endeavours to create a resilient
market. A nationwide study has concluded
and sound Takaful industry within the
that a large portion of the population finds
domestic Islamic financial system -
information dissemination on Takaful
although a challenging task - have been
products and services to be particularly
ineffective, although the majority (88%) of
the sampled population seems to be aware
of it5. Takaful operators’s ability to offer
attractive and flexible products is essential
towards strengthening demand. Economic

Evaluation of Malaysian Takaful Industry, Malaysian
Takaful Association and IRDC, UiTM (2008)

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 9
RAM Ratings
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

RAM Ratings’ approach in Takaful


he financial strength of
RAM Ratings’ assessment of the Takaful
Takaful operators is never
operator’s risk profile aims to measure
uniform, which is common
the likelihood of default on the entity’s
for conventional insurers across the
financial obligations. It is important to
globe. Thus, obtaining a financial
note that the CPA rating is not an
strength rating may demonstrate that
indication of the product or service
the company provides adequate financial
quality offered by the Takaful operator.
security. In some jurisdictions, being
rated can also have some regulatory
While RAM Ratings uses both qualitative
benefits, as regulators increasingly
and quantitative analyses in its CPA
incorporate rating agencies’ views into
rating process, the importance of
their frameworks. Going through the
qualitative analysis cannot be over-
rating process also demonstrates the
emphasised. Interaction between RAM
adequacy of the entity’s internal
Ratings’ analysts and the senior
steering and risk-management systems.
management of the rated Takaful
operator is central to the rating process.
Many of the Takaful operators are at
This facilitates a better understanding of
their infancy stage and yet to have any
the corporate strategies employed by
established track record. While this is
the said company in shaping its
not an impediment to being rated, it is
competitive position in the industry.
important to have appropriate risk-
Since a CPA rating is prospective and
management structures and practices in
long-term in nature, the credit opinion is
place to successfully complete the rating
also supported by our assessment of the
process. The track record of senior
management’s risk appetite and its
management as well as the breadth and
ability to generate future growth. In
depth of the actuarial teams also tend to
addition, external issues such as
play very important roles.
industry characteristics and the
regulatory environment form part of our
Analysis of Takaful operators qualitative assessment.

In analysing Takaful operators, RAM RAM Ratings’ quantitative analysis

Ratings looks at their claims-paying depends on the particular operator’s line
ability (or CPA). The CPA rating portrays of business, although it generally
the relative risk profile of a Takaful involves a detailed evaluation of the
operator in relation to its ability to pay entity’s risk exposures, current financial
policyholders’ liabilities or claims. It also standing and capitalisation levels. The
represents RAM Ratings’ independent quantitative measures for family and
opinion on the operator’s financial general Takaful operations are rather
strength, creditworthiness and long- different due to the inherent features of
term viability. We adopt a holistic these 2 businesses. General Takaful
approach when arriving at our rating products are typically short-term in
opinion, taking into consideration both nature and based on the concept of
the qualitative and quantitative indemnity, whereby the Takaful operator
assessment of the Takaful operator. compensates the beneficiary of the

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 10
RAM Ratings
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

policy for the actual economic losses, up • Size and diversification

to the limiting amount of the Takaful Due to the size factor, large Takaful
policy; it usually requires the insured operators (particularly those in family
(the participant) to prove the amount of Takaful) may be considered systemically
losses. On the other hand, family important entities since they are liable
Takaful products are usually long-term for a large portion of the country’s
in nature and the amount of the Takaful policies. They may hence have
beneficiary's economic loss is irrelevant. the ability to influence regulations and
The Takaful operator is obligated to pay are more likely to be bailed out by the
the entire policy amount to the authorities.
beneficiary if the cause of death of the
insured person (participant) is not • Brand recognition and
excluded from the policy. In the case of franchise value
disability Takaful, the policy amount is Market recognition is the key factor
payable to the insured person. when determining the success of a
Takaful company’s marketing campaign.
Regulatory environment The perception attached to that
recognition would invariably reflect the
The assessment of the Takaful Takaful operator’s franchise value.
operator’s regulatory environment will Clearly, having a good franchise would
cover the level of regulation and the make it easier to win customers’
impact of regulatory restrictions on the confidence and loyalty.
company’s operations. Understanding
the Government’s policies and legislative • Distribution capabilities
framework and their effects on the A Takaful company’s distribution
Takaful sector’s regulatory structure are capability is an important competitive
crucial when analysing the potential factor for business growth. Larger
growth of the Takaful industry and the Takaful companies usually have an
performance of such companies. RAM extensive agency force and distribution
Ratings also closely examines the network that smaller companies will
Central Bank’s guidelines on the require time to set up. Apart from the
operations of Takaful companies, traditional agency force, other methods
including prudential controls on capital of distribution such as through a
adequacy, liquidity requirements and bancatakaful network can enhance an
dividend policies. operator’s customer reach.

Competitive position Management and strategies

Takaful operators that have strong The management team of a Takaful

balance sheets and acceptable risk company plays a crucial role in
exposures can have a very strong ability managing the risk profile of the
to pay claims in the near term. For a company. When assessing management
high level of financial strength to be quality, RAM Ratings looks at the
maintained over the long run, however, management’s track record in meeting
the Takaful operator must have a expectations and its control over the
sustainable competitive advantage. operations of the company. The
Strengths or weaknesses in the management is also evaluated on its
following areas can affect a company’s business and investment risk appetite,
ability to achieve its competitive its ability to establish competitive
advantages and its succession planning.

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 11
RAM Ratings
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

Underwriting and risk Investment strategy

A Takaful operator’s profit performance
Prudent underwriting practices and risk- is usually derived from 2 distinct
management processes are key to the activities: underwriting and investing.
Takaful operator's financial well-being Investing is then further segmented into
since excessive claims could undermine investment income and capital gains or
its profitability and impinge on its long- losses. Since these income-generating
term ability to pay claims. RAM Ratings assets represent a large part of the
evaluates a Takaful operator’s Takaful operator's claims-paying
underwriting quality vis-à-vis its resources when required, RAM Ratings
underwriting criteria, process, expertise views the credit quality, liquidity and
and claims experience. We also assess investment yields of the investment
the the operator’s underwriting portfolio as crucial factors when
profitability and the operating cost assigning Takaful companies’ CPA
efficiency of its overall portfolio as well ratings. In addition, we will examine the
as at the individual line of business. The matching of the maturity of its
trends that emerge from such analysis investment portfolio with that of its
are compared against those of its insured liabilities.
industry peers.
In Malaysia, regulatory requirements
Retakaful plays an important role as under the risk-based capital framework
both a risk-management and capital- significantly influence Takaful
relief component for a Takaful operator. companies’ investment strategies as all
The ceding Takaful operator transfers or investment assets are risk-weighted
cedes all or a portion of the insured risk with a capital charge (i.e. Takaful
to retakaful operators. Given the lower companies need to allocate capital for all
insured risk, low retention of risks investment assets; the riskier the
provides earnings stability to the ceding assets, the higher the capital charge).
Takaful operator. However, its Highly rated Takaful companies are
profitability will be compensated at the expected to be prudent in their
same time. There are 2 basic types of investment strategies; hence their
retakaful programmes: a) facultative investment portfolios are envisaged to
retakaful, which is retakaful covering a be of high quality and contain a large
specific Takaful policy; and b) treaty proportion of easily liquefiable assets.
retakaful, which includes a quota share- Furthermore, the investments should
treaty arrangement6 and a loss-portfolio ideally match the Takaful operator's
transfer7. In our assessment, we review potential contingent liabilities in terms of
the credit quality of the retakaful exposure values and maturities.
operator and the documentation
governing the risk transfer. Highly rated Liquidity
providers of retakaful programmes are
viewed positively. As part of the rating process, RAM
Ratings will evaluate the ability of the
6 Takaful company to meet its liquidity
Gross contributions written and losses on the portfolio
are shared between the ceding Takaful operator and the demands. Liquid assets are the primary
retakaful operator, on a pro rata basis. source of liquidity for Takaful
A retakaful transaction where loss obligations have
already been incurred and will ultimately be paid are companies, and are considered stronger
ceded to a retakaful operator. than any contingent funding

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 12
RAM Ratings
6th World Takaful Conference 2011

commitments. Liquid assets include cash involved8 and the uncertainty of losses
and short-term quoted securities that and claims, a sustainable trend in
can be sold quickly to meet short-term contribution growth is critical to the
needs. RAM Ratings expects highly rated long-term viability of the Takaful
Takaful operators to maintain a high company.
proportion of liquid assets relative to
their Takaful liabilities, to meet their Profit returns indicators, measured
liquidity requirements. Although equity relative to assets and revenues (i.e.
securities are considered liquid assets, profit margins), are compared to those
they are deemed more risky. On the of its peers with similar business
other hand, real estate/properties can profiles. Companies with more
be illiquid although they generally diversified earning sources are viewed
appreciate over a longer time. Hence the more positively than those with
Takaful company will need to strike an concentrated revenue bases. In the
acceptable balance between investment same context, companies with a record
yields and risks in its investment of stable earnings are viewed more
strategy. favourably than those with volatile
earnings. Assessment of the
Although maturity mismatches for a consistency, sustainability and
family Takaful company’s assets and predictability of underwriting and
liabilities are unavoidable given the lack investment income is vital to the rating
of long-term liquid investments, it will process. The Takaful operator’s pricing
be a concern when the maturity strategies should demonstrate the ability
mismatches are excessive and affect the of the contribution (wakalah fee) income
company’s performance. General Takaful to provide sufficient returns on the
companies, on the other hand, have less capital required to support the business.
of a problem in maturity mismatches
given the short tenure of their products; The evaluation of general Takaful
but they have to maintain a more liquid operator’s earnings is more
investment portfolio to meet less straightforward given that the majority
predictable liquidity demands. of its contracts are short-term in nature.
On the other hand, there are limitations
Meanwhile, RAM Ratings also reviews to analysing the current-year
external sources of liquidity, such as performance of a family Takaful
committed banking lines and call capital, operator’s earnings given the long-tail
as part of its liquidity contingency nature of family policies. As such, RAM
planning. Ratings’ profitability analysis of both
general and family Takaful companies
Financial performance also emphasises the companies’ future
performance. We note that certain
A Takaful operator’s profitability is an jurisdictions have adopted the
important factor when assessing its ”embedded value” reporting method9,
ability to build and preserve its capital. which is viewed to be a more reflective
This rating factor provides an insight
into the company’s overall profitability Some costs, such as commissions, are paid upfront
but are assumed to be gradually expensed throughout
and operating efficiency. We also look at the term of the life Takaful policy. Hence non-recovery
the sources, volatility and trends of the of the expenses is possible if the policy is terminated
Takaful operator’s income over time. 9
It provides an estimate of the present value of future
Given the high acquisition costs profits over the lifetime of the family Takaful portfolio.

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 13
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6th World Takaful Conference 2011

measurement of the performance of a attention will be monitored closely. In

family Takaful business. the case of a Takaful company with
weak capital adequacy, we will assess
RAM Ratings is mindful that the its ability to raise additional capital
differences in accounting standards or and/or implement capital relief
reserving requirements between Takaful measures, such as reducing
companies in various jurisdictions could participants’’ bonus payment or
materially affect profitability engaging in additional retakaful
comparisons. In such instances, we will programmes.
first make a judgement on the
conservatism of the practices based on Financial flexibility
local regulations, before making any
profit comparison. A Takaful operator’s CPA rating may be
influenced by the extent of its financial
Capital Strength flexibility. Assessment of financial
flexibility identifies the options available
Capital serves as a Takaful operator’s to a Takaful company when trying to
cushion in absorbing expected and raise additional capital for business
unexpected negative events. Therefore, expansion, or to restore eroded
a strong level of capital relative to the capitalisation levels. Common forms of
risks taken by the Takaful operator is an financial flexibility are financial
important factor when looking at its resources from shareholders, the
overall credit quality. This rating factor Takaful operator’s ability to tap the
looks at how well the Takaful company equity or capital markets for funds, and
is capitalised, which will provide an standby liquidity lines from financial
indication of its ability to withstand institutions.
stress. Companies that have strong
capitalisation levels are more capable of A Takaful company owned by financially
withstanding losses arising from claims, strong shareholders is a positive factor
thus implying a strong ability to pay in a CPA rating.
claims. Nonetheless, the Takaful
operator's capital strength has to be However, overly generous dividend
assessed relative to its risk exposures, payments to shareholders could stretch
since higher risk exposures would the Takaful operator’s financial
require stronger protection to provide resources, and are therefore viewed
the same level of comfort, and vice negatively. Similarly, the potential need
versa. for a Takaful company to divert capital
to support under-performing subsidiaries
RAM Ratings’ assessment on the and associates is not viewed favourably.
adequacy of Takaful reserves involves As such, strict regulations governing the
reviewing actuarial valuation reports and Takaful operator’s dividend flows and
monitoring regulatory ratios, such as capital conservation are important rating
solvency margins or risk-based capital- considerations. In addition, the Takaful
adequacy ratios. We have a more company will be at an advantage if the
favourable view of jurisdictions with owners are able and willing to
strong solvency regulations. The trends commit/infuse additional capital when
in these ratios are compared with those needed.
of the rated entity’s industry peers; the
Takaful operator that requires regulatory

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6th World Takaful Conference 2011

Elsewhere, business synergies created

with shareholders or shareholders’
related companies are also viewed as a
positive rating factor. These synergies
include benefits such as captive
markets, franchise value, sharing of
distribution networks and cost efficiency.
While capital plays a critical role in the
assessment of a Takaful operator’s CPA
rating, it is not the sole factor for the
consideration of a high rating. For
instance, a Takaful company that lacks a
viable block of business or has a large
risk appetite for investments is not likely
to get a high rating, regardless of its
existing capital strength.


Consistent with the rating methodology

applied to conventional insurers, RAM
Ratings’ approach to rating Takaful
operators encompasses both qualitative
and quantitative factors. An assessment
of risk management and corporate
governance as well as external support
and the sovereign environment also
plays a crucial role.

Special Report – Taking Takaful to the next level: The Malaysian Experience 15
RAM Ratings
Malaysian Sukuk Market Handbook
Your Guide to the Malaysian Islamic Capital Market

ISBN: 978-983-44255-0-0
Published by RAM Rating Services Berhad

As a pioneer in the Islamic finance industry, Malaysia has been

setting benchmarks while assuming a pivotal role on the sukuk pitch.
The nation’s Islamic capital market has been experiencing
exponential growth, and we are well poised as the world’s most
competitive and attractive sukuk market, underscoring Malaysia’s
significance as the largest and most innovative global sukuk marketplace.

The Malaysian Sukuk Market Handbook, published by RAM Rating Services Berhad (“RAM
Ratings”), is a comprehensive guide that serves as a practical tome for institutions and
professionals keen on unlocking maximum value from the domestic Islamic capital market.
The contributors to this handbook are eminent personalities from various backgrounds,
well known in their respective fields of expertise. This handbook – the first of its kind - also
strives to broaden the sukuk investor and issuer bases, and covers inter alia the applicable
Shariah principles, the Malaysian regulatory framework, the role of Shariah advisers, legal
and tax considerations, rating approaches, market infrastructure and details of hallmark
sukuk transactions.

RAM Ratings, a leading credit-rating agency in Asia, was incorporated in 1990 as the
pioneer of the Malaysian capital market in this sphere. In sukuk transactions, our task
involves both quantitative and qualitative analysis vis-à-vis evaluating the financial
strength of obligor institutions with such underlying structures, as approved by Shariah
scholars. RAM Ratings’ portfolio encompasses a vast range of local and foreign corporates,
multinationals, Islamic and conventional banks, Takaful and insurance companies,
government-linked and other public-financed entities, myriad complex investment vehicles
and the ringgit-denominated securities they issue, structured-finance transactions backed
by receivables or other financial assets, and sukuk. As one of the region’s most
experienced rating agencies, RAM Ratings is a leader in the provision of crucial and
independent credit opinions that are sought after by market participants as regards their
investment and financial decisions.

For further enquiries about the Malaysian Sukuk Market Handbook, kindly contact our
publication team at +603 7628 1000.
Information contained in this publication is obtained from sources believed to be reliable and correct at
the point of writing; however, its accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed. No statement in this
publication is to be construed as a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities, or as investment
advice, as it does not comment on the security's market price or suitability for any particular investor.

Published by RAM Rating Services Berhad

Reproduction or transmission in any form is prohibited except by permission from RAM Ratings.
Copyright 2011 by RAM Ratings

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