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The Doctor

Mohammad Akib Javed

16th September, 2021
1. The Doctor
2. Mohammad Akib Javed, Momi Khan, Ibna Mamun Pranto, Zohir Rayhan
3. Fuyad Hasan
4. Nonfiction
5. Best Book Ever

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Went to see a doctor with the main purpose of falling in love with a doctor. I was
chatting on the college campus as usual. One of the friends said that many young
doctors have joined the hospital and if they can convince anyone, they will pay Rs.
Money was not the main issue. The key was to win the bet. I don't know why I said in a
hurry it doesn't matter.

Hearing my words, my friend Mahal said, "You can see how far you can go." I stabbed
the challenge and said nothing is impossible by me. The age was then 18 I had just
passed SSC and got into Inter. Age and quite raw. There was no point in taking such a
bizarre step at a young age. On the same day, it was decided that I would fall in love
with any of the young doctors in the hospital for one month and in return one thousand
rupees would be added to my account.

At the end of all the decisions, on the same day, three girlfriends came out on top of the
wall by evading college. College holidays will be at four in the afternoon. It is twelve
o'clock. If you go to the hospital after 2 o'clock, there will be no doctor. Because at that
time all the doctors were sitting in their own chambers. Then it will cost money to show.
So I reached the hospital by evading college.

It's twelve thirty. The hospital is buzzing with patients. I went to the ticket counter and
bought a ticket for five rupees. Has given ticket for chamber number 5. I started to
wonder who knows what kind of doctor! The girl may also be a doctor. If the girl is a
doctor, she can change the ticket again. All in all, I went to the three chambers with two
or three. With a light peek I saw a young boy looking at the patient. I said baby because
it looked like a baby. It was made to feel light in my mind. However, I did not express it
in my mouth. I stood there for a while thinking that if he had a girlfriend or a wife then
there would be a problem. The next step is to buy another ticket at a cost of five rupees.
He was doing a good job on this sitting doctor. So I prayed in my heart that he would not
have a girlfriend or a married wife. Thinking about all this secretly, my girlfriend Mihu
pushed me and said

- What are you muttering while standing and looking at the wall!

In Mihu's words, I brought the mind back to reality. Although my full name is Sithun,
everyone in the circle of friends calls me Sinthi. The two girlfriends who came with them
are Mihu and Kavita. I came out of my thoughts and looked at Mihu

- Don't enter the chamber.

As soon as I entered the chamber, I sat in a corner with the ticket in the doctor's hand.
In the upazilas, doctors usually have to enter the chambers and sit there with tickets. I
was always smiling as I talked to Mihu and Kavita as I was always restless. In the
meantime the doctor looked at me and said

- This is gently .... If I smile so loudly, I can't pay attention to the patient. Smile a little.
The rest of the patients are having problems.

It seemed to hurt. The soul is about to go out. I looked at him with frightened eyes and
smiled. He also smiled lightly. This line of laughter was wandering strangely in the
depths of the mind. As soon as I looked at him, I felt quite comfortable. The more I
looked at it, the more it seemed that everything seemed more random. Love was
understood. I muttered to the two on the side

- It will be love, Ray! I don't think love will be stuck that gave a smile.

The two on the side said seeing my restlessness

- What ... are you all right? I have never seen so much interest in a boy in my life. Are
you talking with so much interest today?

I said to myself

- That's why you have to win the bet. There is no word of love in the life of a girl like me.
I am allergic to love.

In the meantime, the chamber looks quite empty. There are no patients except the three
of us. Light air seemed to come through the window on one side of this quiet chamber.
In that gust of wind, the hairs lying across the forehead began to fly freely. The body
moved. With that, the lining of Kuhu Dak was felt in his mind. The call came - who is
Sinthi? Come here.

As soon as I heard the name, I got up from my seat. Hands and feet became numb. I
said in an abstract soft tone! He pointed to the chair next to him and asked him to sit
down. I pulled up the side chair and sat down gently. Mihu and Kavita stayed in the
same place. I was asked what is the disease? I told him all the diseases in one go. He
looked at me with a smirk. It seemed that this was the first time he had seen a girl
talking so healthy about a disease. He told me softly

- You speak a little slower. Tell the details of the disease slowly. I can't understand if I
say so fast.

I noticed a lot of inertia in his words. I thought to myself not tutala! Habijabi thought a lot
and said anxiously
- Can I have your number? I mean, I wanted to call you and tell you the problems.
That's why there are problems from time to time. I said when that happened.

He looked at me strangely. After looking for a while, he wrote the number on the back of
the ticket and handed it to me

- Here's the number. And it's not right for the kids of Six, Seven to be so restless.

I was shocked to hear him. The anger became like a mountain. I said angrily

- I went to college.

He smiled softly at me

- The baby looks like a baby. Same in nature as a child type.

Hearing that, I replied in a haughty voice with a lot of anger

- Seeing you, I think you went to college. At first I thought it was the doctor's
compounder. But the patient was watching so I'm sure you're a doctor. Anyway I went to
college. Large enough and mature.

He shook his head at me. No reflection of anger was visible on his face. A magical
image of light smile appeared on his face. The answer came in a soft tone

- All right. I admit my mistake. What do you read?

- In the first year.

- No group.

- Science.

- Very good. My younger sister also fell in love with you. I raised him in my lap.

Hearing that, I started thinking in my mind whether she will make me her little sister or
not! I said quite boldly

- How old are you?

The answer came

-Two, eight, twenty-eight.

This means that this gentleman is 12 years older than me, but looking at him, he looked
very young. Is it his physical fault or the fault of my eyes? Because an older person
looks pretty young to me. Anyway, I said with a heavy gall

- I'm not your little sister. Your acquaintance with me today.

He smiled a little more. As soon as he grabbed my hand, I took his hand behind my
back and looked at him in amazement. He asked me to cut off my surprise

- I'll measure the pressure. That's when I came to fulfill this responsibility. And now
there is no patient without you. So I measured the pressure and recovered five rupees.

I mumbled and extended my hand. I knew how to touch the hand to measure the
pressure. Even though the fan was running upstairs, I started sweating profusely. The
chest was throbbing. The hand was shaking lightly. Sensing my uneasiness, he let go of
his hand. I took a subtle short breath. It was as if I had gone down in a battle, not a
battle with a sword or a sword. This battlefield was a battle to survive a little half from
the torrential rain of emotions

Without saying anything, I smiled and said goodbye and came home. Ever since he
came, I have been thinking of calling him. Still not given. It can be said that he did not
have the courage. I said with a message 'I'm sorry if you say a lot of cute mistakes'. I
waited all day and no reply came. He was also quite hesitant to talk on the phone. It
was twelve o'clock at night. Meanwhile, he has to win the bet, he is also hesitant to call.
I called with two dutanas. As soon as I called, I started yelling

- I have something to talk to you.

- Who are you? I am in emergency now.

- Then you get the job done. Life is a matter of death. Not without talking.

He replied in a worried voice

- I'm calling after work.

The call was cut off. 25 minutes passed. The call has not come yet. Maybe sir is too
busy or maybe my words did not reach his ears. I fell asleep thinking about being quite
annoyed. In the meantime the call rang. As soon as I picked up the call, I was not at all
ready for what he said from the other side.

As soon as I picked up the call, I was not at all ready for what he said from the other
side. Hearing the words in a calm and cool mind, a torrential downpour of emotions
gradually descended. He was repeatedly hitting something on the chest or side like rock
pebbles in the rain. The heartbeat was fluctuating a little faster. I have heard that the
rapid increase in heart rate due to rush in medical science is called palpitation. Again, in
the serials, the matter of this ups and downs is shown with a lot of focus and
observation. For the time being, I did not pay attention to those thoughts and paid
attention to his words.

- Are you the girl who came to my chamber this afternoon? Kajal of blue eyes is drawn
by black line. He bends the river at the last corner of the line, causing the waves to
spread. The hair has grown freely across the knee. Some of the hair in the front seemed
to match the wings in the open sky with the vibration of the wind. He was pale and thin.
He was wearing a black and white shirt. There was a cut on one side of his forehead,
maybe he fell down and got pain. The side of the ear has become red with an acne. He
was talking on the surface.

I put my hand next to my ear as soon as I heard Braun's words. It has really become an
acne and has gained a high spread. It's like spreading a branch at the tip of a netano
lau and taking a little higher bend. It was beyond my comprehension that Dr. Mahasaya
had noticed me so much. It seemed that an imaginary Raj Kumar had described my
appearance. Even though there is no beauty, it is as if beauty has blossomed in many
ways. On top of that, his words sounded like a poet of Bengali literature. The phoenix of
joy was growing inside. Why is there such an explosion of emotion! Why is the chest
throbbing when he hears the words. Why or the breathing is unnecessarily long. You

need to control yourself. I managed myself in a surge of energy with all my efforts. But I
can't explain it to him. So I said in a slightly sharp voice

- You stop! I'm not Sinthi. I am his girlfriend Mihu. I had a little important talk with you so
he helped with the number. The one you have described for so long is Sinthi.

I hid my identity to know the explosion of emotion that had accumulated in me from Dr.
Mahasaya. This time he softened his throat. Maybe his face is red with shame or his
face is hesitant. The voice said quite politely

- Sorry I didn't understand He took the number. Seeing his expression, I thought he
would call me. I was also waiting for him to call. Your voice is like Sinthi's. So confused.
Tell me what to say.

- You have to love me for a month.

He replied quite forcefully

- You mean?

- I mean, very straightforward. Love me for a month. Just explain in front of my friends
that we are in love. You like me

- Did you lose your head? What are you talking about all the nonsense with the call.

- Listen.

- I will not listen to any of your words. Put down the phone, don't bother anymore. I don't
understand that your friend Sinthi will give you my number without permission. He has
done a great disrespect.

I am being called rude in front of me! I got very angry. I said as soon as the anger got

- I've been rude. He just looked at me and observed me. I am not ashamed to look at
girls like this!

A laugh came from the other side. A few words were uttered in a soft voice.

- Sinthi gets a little cold.

This time I went silent and became a fool. I gave my identity with great ease. I said

- You're angry.

- I'm not angry. I realized it was you. That's why I said that. You are quite young in age. I
know how to tell the truth out of your mouth. And I didn't look at it dab dab, I looked at it
with my eyes closed. It is not right to slander anyone. If you want to see Reggie, you
have to look at everything well.

The storm of the rough sea began to blow inside my chest. The waves seem to be
scratching like tidal waves. That never happened. Why am I not bothered by his words. I
could not understand what to say in silence. I said without knowing it

- Love for a month? I bet. I said I would beat any doctor in the hospital and make love
for a month. In return I will get one thousand rupees. Money is not the main issue. I've
never lost a bet. I have to win. Even if you make fake love. No need to do if you have
GF. There is no need to have a wife. If you are single, help a little. You have to act. Well
you are single!

Inertia said in a voice

- Hmm, single. I will make love, there is no problem, but what will you do if you fall in
love while making fake love?

- You can think of that later. Love start from tomorrow.

He gave a loud loud laugh. I also smiled lightly

- I'll go out for a walk at six in the morning. Come to the street. Let's walk together. I will
walk back and forth because people will slander me when they see me.

- She's OK. Whatever you say.

- You tell me from now on. And I will tell you. You are the first step of love.

Another loud smile came from the side. He laughed for a while and replied

- You're crazy.

- Huh! That's all. Well, what do I call you? I don't know your name. Your signature on
the prescription is so hilarious that I don't understand what the name is. The doctors'
writing is really bad.

The sound of laughter came to my ears in a higher tone from the opposite side. Now I
understand that even the sound of someone's harsh laughter sometimes sounds sweet.
The intensity of the word laughter did not spread for a long time It seemed that the
spread had come to a halt in the middle of the gain The answer came from the other
side in a smooth voice.

- My name is Anil. You can also call me Oni or Neel. Or you can call by full name.
Whatever you want

Impressions of shame appeared on my face. I heard that when I get embarrassed or the
girls' eyes turn red, what has happened to me! Despite the great desire to see my face
in the mirror, I suppressed. I said in a slightly embarrassed voice

- I'll call it blue. But you are quite old. Gune Gune is 12 years older. It is a dare to call
such a big boy by name.

From the side came the lyrical ears of suppressed laughter again. Every now and then
this smile is driving me crazy. This smile is very sweet. I don't know why the identity of
the miner seems to be the identity of a thousand years. I don't think I know him today. It
seems that the two are floating in the confluence of ages and millennia. As a rule, I feel
like I've talked to him before. His mesmerizing voice was interrupted by thoughts.

- Go to a doctor's chamber and leave in a hurry. You can bring patient sej number to
make love. Then I did not think anything and it seems daring to call by name! What do
you say? I think you are joking.

- Huh! That's why I bet. What else would I do? But it is good to get acquainted with you.
Sometimes I can pass the time by talking. Are you busy

- It's free for now. No chambers. It's been a month since I came here. I will start sitting in
the chamber from next month.

- Then it's free. Chat can be given. Anyway, sleeping, he will leave in front of the house
at six in the morning.

- I don't know home, Sinthi Rani.

- I'll be at the front of the hospital. I have already said that I will walk in front and you will
walk behind.

- All right, sleep. I have an emergency today. Come up with a little word round. Be well

- Hmm, you too.

I cut off the call. That's when the message came. I opened the message and saw that
he had just replied to the previous message.
"I just noticed the message. Yes, you said wrong because I'm not cute. You have to pay
the penalty for that. I'm sorry if you misbehave."

After receiving the message, the stormy wind of Bivo's storm began to come to mind.
The strong waves of love seemed to scratch the surface of the chest with a break.
His sweet melody was echoing in his ears. Repeated attempts to see him in front were
starting to wake up. Inside, it was as if the voices of feelings towards him were humming
in a melodious tone. Repeatedly it seemed to call again. Let's talk again. Why is there
so much feeling towards a big man! Why is the mind so anxious to hear his voice. I took
the mobile in my hand and saw the time, barely 10 minutes have passed. But it seems
like I cut the call a long time ago. Why am I doing so fast! Why or why so much Maya is
accumulating in the corner of the chest, behind the mind. I could not handle myself. I
called again. I also cut it with a call. I did not have the courage. The courage of a mafia
girl like me is not giving up on this old man. I could recognize myself in a new way. Just
then the phone rang. I thought he was but the call came from Airtel company. The mood
got worse. Companies also make jokes at night. Their job is to make work useless.
Pouring water on the emotion. Annoyed, I hung up. I cut off the call and closed my eyes
and started imagining the blue smiling face. Dust is flying in the air all around. Blue is
standing in one corner. I gently stood in front of the blue. I looked at him blankly. Just as
I was about to drown in the intoxication of his eyes, a call came from an unknown
number. I cut it a little angry. The call came again and I cut it again. After receiving the
call three times in a row, I grabbed the call and said in a very angry voice

- Why are you doing nonsense? Why are you calling again and again? Who are you
Calling so late at night. No work to eat?

The sound of laughter came from the other side. The range of laughter was quite wide.
Sometimes high, sometimes soft, sometimes muted. The word laughter is very familiar.
Just as the strings of the guitar strings go up and down, so do the lively melodies of this
laughter. Sometimes the heartbeat is increasing and sometimes it is decreasing. The
climax of the last melody remains the same as the climax of the last melody when the
strings are pulled and released.

- Sinthi Rani, your boyfriend is blue. You called a little earlier. Now you are brushing
yourself. Well, crazy girl ...

I was amazed and mumbled. That means it was blue. So I realized that the electricity
was flashing in my mind for so long. I answered amata amata

- But whose number is it? This is not your number. I thought someone else.

- Hospital emergency number. I don't have money on my phone so I called with it. Tell
me why did you call?

What I know is that I pressed my head and said

- See you?

- Now !!!!

The answer came in a surprised voice. I broke his silence and said

- Why the trouble to come?

- Are you all right? What time of night did you notice? It's half past two.

I noticed my weakness in Neel's words. Her weakness made me a more courageous

lover. I said in a very soft and fluent voice

- Have you ever been in love before?

- Nah, I've spent time sorting out my career. And the biggest thing you may have
noticed is not doing it again, there is a lot of inertia in my words. I mean, I'm a little

tutala. So there was no one like me. And no girl has ever liked it that way. And I couldn't
tell if I liked anyone. So love did not become. Suddenly the question?

- That's why I don't understand anything. If you make love, you have to meet in secret
on such a night. No matter how fake love is, we are now lovers.

The sound of laughter became louder. Much like a siren. The siren sounds in a hurry
and is soft. The sound of Neel's laughter became so loud and soft. He sat down again in
a loud, sharp voice

- I don't have that much courage.

- Do you want to fall in love with Sinthi with this courage?

- You told me where I wanted to do it.

I said biting myself on my tongue

- She's my boyfriend anyway. Do what I tell you. Come to the corner of the hospital now,
you can actually be seen from the roof of my house there. Come on, I'll see you. It takes
a little risk for a lover. But I did not indulge in injustice. So must come.

- Not possible now, Sinthi. You are quite naughty and crazy. What will the people
around you say if you come to meet this night? It is not unknown to you that the people
of Muffsball make rhythm from sesame. Courage is good, but showing courage is not
less at all

I don't know why, after hearing that, I became very proud. I hung up the phone. I don't
think it's my first acquaintance with the man today. It seems that I have been in love with
him for a long time. Well! I'm doing crazy things, why is he not angry! So does he love
me? What is going on to catch such a deposit with a little identity! She won't think I'm a
bad girl! I don't know why I was scared. I still don't know him, so why am I afraid of
losing? Did I fall in love with him? Love at First Side is what it says! Or is it just my
passion. If you want to give in to this emotion, you will have to face great danger. A man
can help me. That's why I can't exercise authority over him. It's nothing but my stupidity.
In a short time, I am going too far. I can't go if I'm so weak. Love is not a thin chapter
that will one day become love in emotion. This is my passion. He should say sorry.

I picked up the mobile quite quickly. Neel's call came when I was about to call with my
hand. I said as soon as I picked up the call

- Get on the roof. I do not know your home. I am standing at the corner of the hospital.
Anyway, fake lover. I'm not a Hablakant lover at all. For me, it is not a matter of fulfilling
the whims of girl friends. I also have the courage. Surely you have swollen cheeks. Do
not inflate the cheeks, blow out the air inside the cheeks and quickly climb to the roof.
Lots of mosquitoes here. What can I say about being bitten by so many mosquitoes.
There is a possibility of dengue, malaria. If so, you are responsible for it. Then go and
meet the fruit.
I jumped out of bed. I pressed my face with a shout. It looked as if one side of the bomb
had caught fire for a loud explosion and the other side was pouring water for a soft
sound. My situation is exactly the same. I fixed myself. I said lightly

- I said jokingly. Well, when you come, I am going up to the roof.

I slowly left the room. I was walking very carefully so that my mother would not
understand that I was still awake. I am a daughter of my parents so I pay more attention
to them. Although I am one step ahead of them in all respects, I am not caught even
after doing so much. I got up on the roof and looked down. The doctor is standing
wearing a red T-shirt. He does not have full hair, his forehead is quite empty. Not even 8
feet to look like heroes. It will be approximately 5 feet 8-9. The fact that the body will not
have a six pack is telling because of its slim shape. The cheeks have a collection of light
bearded beards. He is going to be observed very well with the lights of the hospital. The
house is also at the corner of the hospital. Pulling with a burning cigarette in hand. I am
very angry to see cigarettes. I hurriedly filled a pot with water on a cornice of the roof
and poured it over the roof. He moved abruptly. Looked up. From the bottom up the top
may not be so clear or the sight of his spectacles may be blurred as it comes up to the
top. So as far as I could see his eyes became blurred. That's when the call came. I
started laughing. My smile may have increased the amount of his anger. Said with a
light rebuke

- Why are you laughing like a fool? That's how the mood is hot. I don't know who spilled
water from the roof this night. Anyway, which is your home? I can't see you.

My laughter became louder. I replied with a sharp smile

- I was smoking, so I poured water. I'm sorry if I'm angry. But he got angry and lost.

My smile blossomed out loud. His arrogance suppressed in his voice. He remained
silent and remained stunned. The answer came in a normal tone

- I smoke cigarettes sometimes. It has become a habit. I used to eat with my friends
while studying medicine. Still couldn't leave.

- Eat well, why should you eat in front of everyone? Anyway I saw you. You go now.
You can't see me even if you want to. The roof cannot be seen from below. And one
day I'll smoke with you. I also have a lot of desire to smoke cigarettes.

- What does this crazy girl say? Why do you smoke

- I will eat chaka. After a month, this love is over. Then it is important to smoke
cigarettes for breakup. And if you do not learn to eat what to eat. So I will learn from you
beforehand. Keep the best cigarette for me. And for me sometimes I have to take bold
steps. At least love will not grow. I went to the room, see you in the morning.

- Well, be careful. I hung up the phone. Always be happy like this. Get rid of the weird
ghosts from your head.

- Well, aren't you angry that a girl is irritating you so much one day, doing so much

- Sometimes some things make you feel better than angry. I've been alone a lot since I
came here, I don't feel bad getting acquainted with you, I feel better. Such madness can
be tolerated to feel a little better. There is no harm in that.

- Why don't your colleagues talk to you?

- It's been a month. Everyone is formal. But for the sake of work.

- Oh! I went. It's been a long night. You go too

- Be careful. Don't skip so much.

- What do you do when you understand?

- Everyone will understand when they see you.

- No need to explain. I hung up the phone.

I cut off the call. I slowly came to the room and lay down. Even after coming to the
room, I was not getting much sleep. What a strange feeling. Where were these feelings!
Where was this maya, this thought, this emotion. As soon as he closes his eyes, his
face is floating. Her voice is ringing in her ears. Did I really fall in love with him? No!
Love is not so straightforward. It must be my addiction. I took the phone in my hand and
wrote the message "Well, what is profit and attraction?"
I wrote the message and cut it. I closed my eyes and began to say profit or attraction! I
fell asleep as soon as I spoke. In the morning my mother woke up crying. I got up and
noticed at 5:30. I was scared and wondered why my mother was crying. I ran to my
mother's room.
As soon as I went to my mother, I noticed that she was crying in pain. I have never seen
my mother crying like this. Fear is also light. The unrest began to grow. I hugged my
mother. My mother pressed me harder and started crying. One hand of my mother is
holding one hand and the other hand is holding the right side of my mother's stomach. I
did not understand what happened. My father lives in Dhaka due to his job. As I am
their only daughter, my mother and I live in this little nest of happiness. My chest began
to tremble at my mother's cry. I have never seen my mother cry like this. What
happened today is that mother is crying like this. My mother's cries were so strong that
my hands and feet were shaking. The vibration of the chest was fluctuating rapidly.
What should I call my father? There are thousands of questions and instability. I
pressed my mother and told her

- What happened to you? Why are you crying like this? What's more trouble!

The mother laughed and cried like a child. He somehow stopped crying

- Abdominal pain is severe. Bring a rickshaw. I have to go to the hospital.

I became more abstract in the wailing of my mother's suffering. I unknowingly forgot to

call my father. I left my mother at home and went out. But I did not find any rickshaw in
the vicinity. Although there is a gathering of people in Muffsball in the morning, it is
already 8 o'clock in the afternoon due to the gathering of vehicles. Some people are
leaving the mosque after praying. The light began to shine outside. My consciousness
seemed to become lifeless. I was losing my normal feeling due to instability. In the
meantime the call rang. I took the phone in my hand and saw that Neel had given a call.
As soon as he hurriedly picked up the call, words came from his side

- Where are you? Tell me when I will be out? Where else will you be? Do not even reply
to the message.

I listened to him and cried before any change of heart. He said as soon as my tears
became a little intense

- What's the problem? Why are you crying Did I send a wrong message or hurt you?

My tears grew louder. I cried and cried and cried

- What happened to the mother. Crying a lot. Although I saw my mother getting sick, I
never saw her cry like this. Maybe mom is having a lot of trouble. I went out and there is
not even a rickshaw to take a rickshaw. My father is not at home either. I don't have any
big brother. I do not know what to do. How do I take my mother to the hospital?

My tears grew louder. The sound of crying became even more intense. Breathing
became heavy and shortness of breath began. I was hiccuping and crying.

- You stop crying. Run to your mother. Tell me the home address I am sending to the
ambulance from the hospital. Nothing will happen to your mother. Don't worry. Don't
break anymore.

I found confidence in Neel's words. The relief seemed light. I started to say the home
address on average and started walking towards the house. I cut off the call with the
address. I went and sat next to my mother with restlessness. Mother's pain seems to
have increased. It is clear from the look on her face that the level of her mother's
suffering has intensified. Seeing my mother's pain, my chest began to throb. The heart
began to dry up. I called my father without getting directions. Even after calling three
times in a row, my father did not answer the call. Maybe the father is doing something or
is busy with something. I know how the body looks. The house seemed to be shaking at
the sound of my mother's crying. Ambulance siren is sounding from outside. That
means the ambulance has arrived. I hurriedly opened the door. A middle-aged man
looked at me and said

- Dr. Anil Saheb has sent an ambulance for you. Where is the patient?

My eyes are watering. It is as if he has come now as a shield of hope in danger. I did
not wipe away the tears. I let it roll freely. I said a few breaths in silence.

- Come home.
Two men came and grabbed my mother and took her to the ambulance. I got up too.
The ambulance reached the hospital within two minutes. As soon as I got out of the
ambulance, I noticed Neel. In a hurry, he took his mother down with a lot of
responsibility. I was just looking. As if taking care of the mother is treating. Meanwhile,
the mother began to cry. Mother's screams began to grow. Seeing my mother crying, I
also cried loudly. Two more senior doctors are coming and observing the mother I sit in
a corner and stare and shed tears. One of them said that the pain of the mother's
appendix should be taken to the Sadar Hospital and an operation should be done. My
heart trembled when I heard that. The phone rang. I noticed that my father had called. I
cried loudly while holding the call. I informed my father about my mother's condition.
Dad is also quite worried. Said in a worried voice

- You take your mother. I'm on leave from the office. You don't have a brother. Today, at
least you fulfill your brother's duty. Even though I am young, handle the situation, I am
also coming. Will not break at all.

The call was cut off. I am sitting in silence without replying. Water is falling automatically
by rolling with the eyes. I am afraid to take full responsibility. If the mother is any
exception then she will feel guilty. My silence ended with the touch of a gentle hand. I
looked back and saw Neel standing there with his hand on my shoulder. My eyes are
red like blood. The clouds of Shravan are falling with their eyes. I looked at the blue and
said fupate fupate

- I don't have a father. How can I handle my mother alone?

He looked at me, closed his eyes, opened them and gave a reassuring signal. Then he
said in an inert voice with his mouth

- I explained my emergency duty to someone else. Don't worry I'll go with you. Aunty
has been given an injection for now and the rest will be arranged if she goes there.

I looked at him with strange eyes. I found confidence from a sharp point of view. I said
in a trembling voice

- Thanks.

Mom's yelling is a little less than before. I took my mother directly to Sadar Hospital by
ambulance. The father called several times. It will take three or four more hours for the

father to come. I took my mother directly to OT. At the moment my mother is in it and I
am standing in the outer corridor. Feeling bad a lot. I can't handle myself. I am crying
again and again without knowing it. I was standing in one corner of the corridor
competing to hold back tears. Neel came and told me in a soft voice

- Don't cry, everything will be fine.

Hearing that, I looked at him. I was getting relief even in the midst of hundreds of
unrests. It was as if someone was standing in front of me as a wall of trust
Unbeknownst to me, I cried holding one of his hands tightly with both my hands. I said
with uncertainty

- Mom won't do anything?

He grabbed my two hands with his other hand and looked at me. He is staring at her
like a bird. He said moving his lips lightly

- Nothing will happen. This will be all right in 30 minutes. Don't worry.

As soon as I heard that, my crying stopped. Just as lightning strikes and rain calms the
environment, so I feel cool. I looked at him. After looking for a while, I lowered my eyes.
I was embarrassed when I realized that my hands were touching his hands. Quickly I
removed my hands and sat in a corner of the corridor praying for my mother.

About 45 minutes later, someone came and told me that my mother's operation was a
success. Will be given a seat very soon. I breathed a sigh of relief. I could not have
taken such a big responsibility of mother without father. It was as if an angel had come
and helped save my mother. Anxiously, when asked to go to see his mother, they said
they could not meet now. I can't see my mother at the moment, I feel a little bad thinking
about it, but I am quite relieved to think that my mother is good. The blue side is
standing silently. He looked at me with shy eyes and said in a soft voice

- I was so worried for so long that I couldn't say a word. There is a surprise for you.

As soon as I heard the word surprise, my heartbeat increased. Then he will say he
loves me. Even though there is no air around, it feels as if a gust of wind is blowing from
somewhere. I replied in a firm voice

- Tell me what a surprise.

He said with a smile

- I'll tell you later. When will your father come? Where else?

- Dad will take another hour. Stuck in a traffic jam.

- Hmm ....

As soon as the word was uttered the blue became silent.

I have been sitting outside for an hour. As soon as my father came, I was not only
surprised but also gave a big push.
I have been sitting outside for an hour. As soon as my father came, I was not only
surprised but also gave a big push. There is a gathering of questions in my mind that
what I see is exactly what I am arranging the spread of an imaginary event. The mystery
of a thriller is being felt while wearing it. I was listening to Dad and Neel talking freely
like a hawk.

- Anil, how are you, father? I could not come home as I was very busy with office work.
So I couldn't introduce your aunt to you. I told your father to take you to us. But your
father said I would actually go. However, the identity was right. How is your aunt now?

I looked at Neel's face. The point of laughter was visible in the corner of his lips. Said
the lips as wide as two boats

- Uncle, Aunty Alhamdulillah is healthy. Your daughter came to the hospital with her
aunt before you called. Dad told me to go to your house several times. But I couldn't get
up in time so I didn't go. InshaAllah now I have been introduced. I will leave when I have
time. Aunty will be given a seat after a while, then you can see.

- I do not understand what to say thank you. Sinthi is much smaller. And the wisdom to
tell someone around us was gone then. Many simple tasks become difficult when in
danger. Before I know it, I call your father and call you with your number.

- Dad called before you called. Dad says a lot about you. I have heard many stories of
your childhood. You used to come to our house before but now you haven't come for a
long time so a little distance was created. Again maybe all the distance will be cut.

- That's what you said. Your father may come too. When did he come?

- Hmm ... I just posted here. Dad, Mom all live here. Now communication will be easier.

I was just listening to them. That means my father already knew Neel's father. My hands
and feet began to tremble. If Neil had known our family's former acquaintances, I would
not have entered this battlefield. That means Neel knew everything. Knowingly did that
to me. And that's why he said he would surprise me. I wonder if he gave a surprise or a
bash. I just started swallowing. Dad looked at me. My face went dry with fear. It would
have been nice to get some water at this moment, I could have soaked my throat. At
that moment a bottle of water was caught in front of my eyes. The fear was heightened
by the fact that the person holding the bottle looked forward to the source along with his
hand to find the source. Blue is standing. Looking at me giving a smile of mystery. It
seems that a miracle story is being written in his laughter. My face has dried up and
turned to wood. I just thought I would not tell the blue father everything! As my thoughts
grew, so did my chest. The explosion in my chest is expanding in the same way as an
explosion occurs when water is sprinkled on a lot of hot oil. I can't say anything with my
mouth. Dad is always very angry. Knowing all this will kill me. Neel whispered in a soft

- Sinthi Rani drink the water. At least he will die of fear. And how was the surprise!

I'm afraid he knows how. I took the water from his hand and whispered

- What do you think I'm scared of? Are you a tiger? Or a bear! Or the ghost of the
shaora tree!

In the meantime, a cockroach flew from nowhere and landed on my body. As soon as I
saw the cockroach, I dropped the water bottle from my hand and made a jump. Then I
pressed the shop with both hands, closed my eyes and shouted. Dad came to me
scared of my screams. He grabbed my arms and shook me lightly

- Why did Sinthi shout? What happened?

Somehow I managed to control myself and replied with a gnashing of teeth

- Daddy Cockroach.

As soon as he said that, laughter came from the side. All that was left was to
understand the melody of this alluring laughter of the doctor. Meanwhile, my father
started laughing without rescuing me from the battlefield. On the one hand, the father's
heartfelt smile, on the other hand, his alluring smile. As a result of the fainting of two
smiles, he came to my ears and pushed that smile harshly I looked at my father with
great restraint

- Why are you laughing like this?

Dad did not stop laughing

- You've grown so big, are you still so scared to see cockroaches?

At a time when more could be said, a doctor came and informed that the mother had
been given a seat. Only one can meet. Although I have a strong desire to meet my
mother, I am sure that my father will meet my mother. So I brought a light smile by
pressing the dirty line of reality on my face without matching the rhythm of desire

- Dad, you go see me. Mom will be happy too.

Dad put a light hand on my shoulder and said

- Then you stay here. Let's see your mother.

Dad left the place. I also survived leaving a little half. I looked at the blue. He is still
smiling. His smile seemed to burn my body. I said in a rude manner

- Why are you smiling?

He said widening the lyric of laughter

- He is not afraid of cockroaches.

I cut my face lightly and said.

- I'm not afraid of cockroaches. Suddenly I fell so I screamed a little. Who says
cockroaches are scared. I am not such a coward.

Hearing that, he broke down and smiled Said in a soft voice

- The cockroach is flying next to your neck again. You are really very brave.

As soon as I said that, I looked back and saw the cockroach.

- Please remove the cockroaches. Please Sarao.

His smile grew. The sound of the whistle is just as loud as the sound of his laughter.
And meanwhile I'm going to shake my head and ask for the cockroach to move. He said
while standing on the ground laughing

- Admit it first, you're scared, then you'll get rid of the cockroaches. Not before.

I said before the assembly of my thoughts

- I'm a coward, a coward's egg, a horse's egg, all I am. Just remove the cockroach,
please. It doesn't take anything else.

Neil said with a light smile, extending his hand from mine

- The cockroach is gone. Now lift your head from your chest. If such a young girl puts
her head on the old man's chest, the old man will also want to become alive and young.

Hearing Neel's words, I lifted my head from his chest and looked into his eyes. My front
hair is messy in the fan air. They have come together near the forehead Neel's soft
hand fell on my forehead. He removed his hair and looked at me with his intoxicated
eyes. There is silence all around. The entity of the lover in my imagination has
awakened in me. I said with a heavy sigh

- You can't keep your head down. I will measure your heartbeat. What is the problem if
the head is tilted?

- Lots of problems. Many people around will come to you thinking they are zoo
monkeys. And you don't have to tilt your head to measure your heartbeat, it can be
measured with a stethoscope. Sit on one side. When your father comes and sees you
like this, your love will run out.

As soon as I spoke to my father, my awakened love became extinct. I quickly removed

my head. Then I growled

- Are you plotting to tell my father?

A small smile on the corner of the blue lips.

- I have to tell my father that it is ripe prematurely ... What do you say?

I said swallowing in fear

- Please don't tell Dad. I don't need fake love. I don't need to win the bet. Whatever you
want will happen. There was nothing wrong with me. I fell in love with my girlfriends and
got spoiled.

Neil looked at me. I am becoming more addicted to the intoxication of his eyes. Why are
these eyes pulling me so much? Why these eyes are giving me an indication of his
involvement in her. Why do you want to hug and shout and say I want to merge you into
existence and disappear. He said

- As much fault as Nandaghosh. Isn't it the fault of all the girlfriends now? Tell your
girlfriends to fall in love with you. And I could not read the message in such a hurry.
When you go home and be alone, you will read the message and close your eyes. But
now it will not fall at all. And if I do more such pakamo, I will be forced to tell your father.

- Do whatever you want. I won't have anything to say to you. It's just a waste of time.
And you have helped me so much, so I accepted your word in reading the message. I
will go home and read. And even if you complain to your father, there is no benefit.
Because my father, I know how far my father will go.

- He will see whose father and who will do what. Don't lung so much like a snake. The
eyes are blue, they look like snakes.

Mucchi smiled saying the blue words. As soon as I heard the words, I swelled my cheek
and looked back. There is no talk between the two. The melody of silent silence is
ringing. What a strange rhythm is playing in the rhythm of the harp. I looked back. He is
looking at me with wide eyes. Sweat dripped down his forehead. I just nodded at her

- Will you ever look for me if you lose?

He pointed at me with his eyes. I said again without looking at him

- Do I not remember any branch of your feelings if lost, or will sink as soon as lost.

He pointed to the side again. I looked back with a sharp look of annoyance and
stopped. My father is standing. You are looking at me with a faint look of suspicion. He
started talking before I could speak.

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