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Life Of Entrepreneurs Bd

Author :
1: Mohammad Akib Javed
2: Zohir Rayhan
3: Momi khan
4: Ibna Mamun Pranto

I never accused him; The one I gave the opportunity to break will be broken ... the one I
gave away the right will reject; The person to whom I have lost my personality will have to
listen to two or four things.

But why do people have to act like a stone to leave? In the midst of a silent conversation in
the middle of the night, how strong a strong relationship is executed. I am a tight-lipped
person. It could have been called anti-social or non-caring ... it has become non-boyfriend.

I have discovered that there is only one reason to go away ruthlessly by putting a bandage
on the wounded mind ... when the fascination and fascination is lost, it starts to rot.

There is an ointment to prevent the decay of the body, the ointment for the decay of the mind
cannot be found all over the world. There is no one who can keep the departed passenger in
love. I am a tight-lipped person.The first sip of tea was not left to understand, you made the
tea. Because there is only one person in my family who mixes sugar and salt.

I also drink tea with bad taste. I don't have the courage to hurt your tender heart.I remember
the first mistake, the two of them laughed all over the house. I still vividly remember hitting
your tongue with the wrong tooth for the second time.

Then how many times he made the same mistake! I was never angry. I don't know why? The
intensity of my love for you, or that indomitable desire not to leave any mark on the
memory.You didn't have anyone in my marriage. You didn't want our marriage either.

I got married by force. I know that not being able to see a couple of suns or sunsets without
you means going through life year after year. Every moment I spend with you is like a year to

Today, on the 46th day after marriage, the same mistake of yours makes me laugh like crazy.
I don't want to stop when I start laughing. I know the reason. If you remember, increase the
level of laughter.

I don't want to count the hours. Yet there is no way out in this cruel world. Just seven days
before the wedding, the doctor said, you don't have more than two months. I thought it would
be two months, 71 days. The calculation is very difficult.

I am not ready to give a day off. There is even a lunatic in the world who wants to live less
than 1 year with his life partner! Despite everyone's prohibition, I made you my partner to live
71 years.

But the owner of this earth wanted my time to be extended, so he gave me the opportunity to
spend 6 years with you instead of 61 years. At your farewell, the ambulance sirens
incessantly, everything you want to say, everything seems to be confused at the last moment
I lost you. I'm so sorry I couldn't hear your last words. I lost consciousness and let my head
get in your chest. When I opened my eyes, I saw that you are not there!
Be a little careful before submitting yourself to someone in Venture dear. There is no
guarantee that tomorrow will be your favorite tomorrow. It doesn't take long for loved ones to
become unpopular in the land of interest. Don't make a story of cheating by revealing your
privacy to uncertain people.

To whom you have revealed your troubles and secrets today ... maybe tomorrow he may
become a curse in your life. Think about how many people have come on your journey ...
How many have become your favorite? How many words have you exchanged, how many
people have become your own.

The best friend of the school has been lost in college life, the boy who seemed unbearable
at the last table - in the course of time he has also become dear today. You have left your
privacy behind to insecure people.

Your favorite office colleague may become unpleasant tomorrow. Before accumulating your
own identity, think about how many people you have left behind ... how many people you
have had relationships with. Your troubles will one day disregard you. One day you will suffer

We are wounded by sweet smiles, exchange words with our thoughts, then stumble. I
promise I will never tell anyone about myself in life. Then I made a relationship again and got

Think dear- there is no one dear to you except you. Relationships become unpleasant one
day, you will never be unpleasant. Keep your word to yourself, don't be overwhelmed one

"Humayun Azad said; - I don't have a bad family ... I have a lot of sex.
People find their own similarities in everything ... Someone who is drowning in movies
should find a man who loves movies and talk to him. The bookish type of people want
people to understand a story.

The person who is very upset wants someone to read his upset openly; Stick to the side to
find out the reason. People find a man like themselves in everything.

The boy who has just fallen in love with the unwanted story of his lover wants a friend who
knows the details of his love.

The lone passenger on the last ticket wants to have a person in the seat next to him - talking
to him will end the long journey.

Man's relationship with man finds refuge in the table of similarities and differences;
Inconsistent relationships can be drawn in many ways, they cannot be kept alive ... The
power of human beings can never be long. Relationships don't last in Tenetun, you have to
give up for a while. "

In the chat of ten friends, people try to talk more with someone who wants to listen
attentively; People love to find the smell of harmony among selfless listeners.

Traveling with people who are immersed in literature is never a relationship with a loved one,
it is a pleasant exchange. People can't go a long way with someone of incompatibility !!

When someone says while listening to the favorite song, the song is also his favorite! Then
the man feels very close to himself. Even if you talk about music for hours, you don't get tired
... You can never get tired of talking to people.

People find a man like themselves ... with whom there will be stories of neighborhood tong
shopkeepers, analysis of world politics ... Imagine walking hand in hand on the streets of
Paris in line with the poems of the beloved poet. There will be a war of words in the night
with the writings of the beloved author; There will be a sweet argument about the madness
of the hero of the favorite movie.

I am jealous of a woman who came to a carpenter from faraway America to find such a
match ... I am overwhelmed by the suppressed cries of my lover who came back in silence
... people just find a man like themselves ... a man who can lose himself and disappear !!

The article is from Asif Akbar's timeline.

Salman Khan is in danger of killing a deer, people have also died due to the pressure of his
car. The case is going on on one hand and the movie is getting hit on the other hand after
being released. He is again the most eligible bachelor, his play-boy attitude is full of fans in
Bangladesh. Even after two divorces,Aamir Khan is Mr. Perfectionist in our media, he is very
popular. Mr. Shah Rukh Khan is a little more tactful than that,

he is happily maintaining his family by maintaining two religions in the house. Sanjay Dutt is
crowned with the title of Sanju Baba in the minds of many fans.

The audience is very happy to understand the meaning of the word gossip in his
biographical movie. People also have sympathy for his personal disorder.

Dully Picture's Silk Smith's Ulala Ulala song has shaken Bangladesh. With Nasiruddin
Shah's lustful performance, Vidya Balan's thick body must have given a lot of pleasure to the
entertainment-loving people of the country. Sunny Leone's public fan base is huge in
Bangladesh, baby doll likes it. Sylvester Stallone, who went from pornstar to Rambo Forest,
has made a huge hawk in an English movie, which I have seen myself.

The entertainment media in Bangladesh is very anxious about Shilpa Sethi's current
troubles, with daily updates. I don't know the media generation lately, it's my ignorance. I
mentioned some symbolic names for the sake of meaning. The ones I have named are all
very popular in Bangladesh. Thanks to open globalization, everything is now readily
available on the Bengal satellite.
The children who were able to pass the violence of internet facility are now super adults. And
the boy who secretly did his thesis on women is very conservative. Enjoying the full fun of
the virtual world with sacred type characters like flowers by spending MB. Only on Facebook
do they really become angels. I have never seen a girl in my life, not even in secret. But if
you check your mobile, the whole country will become a prison only on the issue of porn.
There is nothing negative in civil society. All the bad guys live in the world of entertainment.

Polygamy is a divorce that is all in this world. Bribery, interest, disappearance, rape, murder,
corruption are all things that people tolerate, because they themselves are involved in those
processes in one way or another. Just having a lot of fun with the show's antisynthetic news.
Perverted gentlemen start commenting like heroes. The sense of humanity is being
destroyed in a fun way.

The blind media has already made its own grave in the intoxication of content like share
subscribers rather than giving someone a chance to get better. Wise public jokes and swear
words, and just like crazy to find the link. There is no black mind under black clothes, no one
leaves. So after a long time I wore white Punjabi, let's win in white.Love is endless.

People think that all the happiness is inside the walls of expensive houses and inside the
windows of expensive cars because of the coolness of the AC ... but people don't know it -
people who wear expensive shoots inside expensive cars are sick inside and outside. Even
successful people in the corporate world are sometimes afraid to return home ... to cope with
this fear ... not to be able to survive by making adjustments.

But the office peon thinks - whatever it is, I will take any of his favorite food for the man at
home to return home - the illness at home will be cured.

I had the opportunity to talk to a banker once - six months into the account at the end of the
month, he was sad that he did not have time to spend money in his life. Look at a hawker -
he has a lot of time in his life, bank admission is not a big money. The hawker can win even
if it is a little bit in the competition of happiness.
Look around - hundreds of people are stunned by the roar, even though there is a bowl full of
meat on the table, he does not have the courage to chew a piece of meat. Maybe
hypertension, or fear of allergies. Go to the sidewalk with a plate of meat and see if you can
chew it and eat it with bones effortlessly.

Everyone who has it is sick. He who has nothing - has the desire to get it inside. No one is
able to adapt to life, and no one knows the eighty serial number of the doctor to survive.

I have never been able to establish a relationship on all sides, making a list of the uninitiated
is sure to dominate my first row. To be a lover is to be much more caring.

I have been in doubt day after day. If people love too much, they cultivate doubt. Waiting for
a phone call or seeing someone busy makes you active. I have become so active a hundred

I heard from the side, "You are disrespecting me." Then I was accused: "You don't love me
anymore" I was confused about myself then.

In the middle of the conversation, I discovered the reason for losing the lover's attention,
losing the fascination. But I could not leave Maya. Systematically, the flowering of sweet
words has stopped in many conversations. I was annoyed with the monotony.

Sometimes I am brazen to keep the relationship going. Avoided minor flaws to keep the
relationship fresh. At the end of the day I discovered: I am human! I have forgotten my own
identity by trying to please someone by closing my inner self.

There is a common saying, if not brazen, where is the love? But he did not say that the love
invested in Behair's forehead was the result of negligence. To the man who understands me,
I am arrogant, I bow down ... to the one who understands or not ... to the one who is not
fascinated, I am not a lover or anything arrogant.
At the bargain of this reckoning, I could never become a lover and put my hand on my lover's
forehead and swear: "I love you" I am a straightforward person; Why should I say love even
after getting dishonesty? Why should I fall asleep with the intense pain of negligence and
inattention at the end of the day because I love kissing my forehead.

I am a careless, skeptical farmer. I have never been able to stay lepte I have repeatedly
freed myself by learning the difference between honesty and dishonesty. I have fled for fear
of being crushed by the dichotomy of faith and disbelief.

I need a man; Someone who has been utterly deceived ... who has been wounded and left in
contempt and deprivation. The humble words that came to his mind were humiliated - like a
citizen agitating with the piston of rights !!

Who has been brutally vandalized by someone with gross negligence; The flowers
worshiped as deities have dried up in secret contempt. The pain of suppressing his habitual
words has flown away in the clouds of Shravan.

Someone broke his faith by making him a resident and gave up. Who is left to scatter on the
shores of words; "Whose desire to go back to wood made a man as brutal as an ax !!

The curse has never come for a person whose wet eyes are deceived by secret prayers.
The one who is compassionate, the one who is compassionate ... knows how to keep

I need a man who is tired of crying a lot and stays calm.

He will not break me ... He knows the pain of breaking ... He will not despise me ... He also
knows the intense pain of contempt. Who can no longer be crushed to the ground; Whom no
one can suppress by the fear of burning. He will become a caring person with the oath of
I need a man .... He needs nicotine burning on his lips waiting for a kiss .... Who needs a
point of light in my dark city in prayer. Broken people know how to paint ... they don't know
how to break; People can't burn anyone with a burnt mind !!

I never accused him; The one I gave the opportunity to break will be broken ... the one I
gave away the right will reject; The person to whom I have lost my personality will have to
listen to two or four things.

But why do people have to act like a stone to leave? In the midst of a silent conversation in
the middle of the night, how strong a strong relationship is executed. I am a tight-lipped
person. It could have been called anti-social or non-caring ... it has become non-boyfriend.

I have discovered that there is only one reason to go away ruthlessly by putting a bandage
on the wounded mind ... when the fascination and fascination is lost, it starts to rot.

There is an ointment to prevent the decay of the body, the ointment for the decay of the mind
cannot be found all over the world. There is no one who can keep the departed passenger in
love. I am a tight-lipped person.The first sip of tea was not left to understand, you made the
tea. Because there is only one person in my family who mixes sugar and salt.

I also drink tea with bad taste. I don't have the courage to hurt your tender heart.I remember
the first mistake, the two of them laughed all over the house. I still vividly remember hitting
your tongue with the wrong tooth for the second time.

Then how many times he made the same mistake! I was never angry. I don't know why? The
intensity of my love for you, or that indomitable desire not to leave any mark on the
memory.You didn't have anyone in my marriage. You didn't want our marriage either.
I got married by force. I know that not being able to see a couple of suns or sunsets without
you means going through life year after year. Every moment I spend with you is like a year to

Today, on the 46th day after marriage, the same mistake of yours makes me laugh like crazy.
I don't want to stop when I start laughing. I know the reason. If you remember, increase the
level of laughter.

I don't want to count the hours. Yet there is no way out in this cruel world. Just seven days
before the wedding, the doctor said, you don't have more than two months. I thought it would
be two months, 71 days. The calculation is very difficult.

I am not ready to give a day off. There is even a lunatic in the world who wants to live less
than 1 year with his life partner! Despite everyone's prohibition, I made you my partner to live
71 years.

But the owner of this earth wanted my time to be extended, so he gave me the opportunity to
spend 6 years with you instead of 61 years. At your farewell, the ambulance sirens
incessantly, everything you want to say, everything seems to be confused at the last moment
I lost you. I'm so sorry I couldn't hear your last words. I lost consciousness and let my head
get in your chest. When I opened my eyes, I saw that you are not there!

Be a little careful before submitting yourself to someone in Venture dear. There is no

guarantee that tomorrow will be your favorite tomorrow. It doesn't take long for loved ones to
become unpopular in the land of interest. Don't make a story of cheating by revealing your
privacy to uncertain people.

To whom you have revealed your troubles and secrets today ... maybe tomorrow he may
become a curse in your life. Think about how many people have come on your journey ...
How many have become your favorite? How many words have you exchanged, how many
people have become your own.
The best friend of the school has been lost in college life, the boy who seemed unbearable
at the last table - in the course of time he has also become dear today. You have left your
privacy behind to insecure people.

Your favorite office colleague may become unpleasant tomorrow. Before accumulating your
own identity, think about how many people you have left behind ... how many people you
have had relationships with. Your troubles will one day disregard you. One day you will suffer

We are wounded by sweet smiles, exchange words with our thoughts, then stumble. I
promise I will never tell anyone about myself in life. Then I made a relationship again and got

Think dear- there is no one dear to you except you. Relationships become unpleasant one
day, you will never be unpleasant. Keep your word to yourself, don't be overwhelmed one

"Humayun Azad said; - I don't have a bad family ... I have a lot of sex.

People find their own similarities in everything ... Someone who is drowning in movies
should find a man who loves movies and talk to him. The bookish type of people want
people to understand a story.

The person who is very upset wants someone to read his upset openly; Stick to the side to
find out the reason. People find a man like themselves in everything.

The boy who has just fallen in love with the unwanted story of his lover wants a friend who
knows the details of his love.

The lone passenger on the last ticket wants to have a person in the seat next to him - talking
to him will end the long journey.
Man's relationship with man finds refuge in the table of similarities and differences;
Inconsistent relationships can be drawn in many ways, they cannot be kept alive ... The
power of human beings can never be long. Relationships don't last in Tenetun, you have to
give up for a while. "

In the chat of ten friends, people try to talk more with someone who wants to listen
attentively; People love to find the smell of harmony among selfless listeners.

Traveling with people who are immersed in literature is never a relationship with a loved one,
it is a pleasant exchange. People can't go a long way with someone of incompatibility !!

When someone says while listening to the favorite song, the song is also his favorite! Then
the man feels very close to himself. Even if you talk about music for hours, you don't get tired
... You can never get tired of talking to people.

People find a man like themselves ... with whom there will be stories of neighborhood tong
shopkeepers, analysis of world politics ... Imagine walking hand in hand on the streets of
Paris in line with the poems of the beloved poet. There will be a war of words in the night
with the writings of the beloved author; There will be a sweet argument about the madness
of the hero of the favorite movie.

I am jealous of a woman who came to a carpenter from faraway America to find such a
match ... I am overwhelmed by the suppressed cries of my lover who came back in silence
... people just find a man like themselves ... a man who can lose himself and disappear !!

The article is from Asif Akbar's timeline.

Salman Khan is in danger of killing a deer, people have also died due to the pressure of his
car. The case is going on on one hand and the movie is getting hit on the other hand after
being released. He is again the most eligible bachelor, his play-boy attitude is full of fans in
Bangladesh. Even after two divorces,Aamir Khan is Mr. Perfectionist in our media, he is very
popular. Mr. Shah Rukh Khan is a little more tactful than that,
he is happily maintaining his family by maintaining two religions in the house. Sanjay Dutt is
crowned with the title of Sanju Baba in the minds of many fans.

The audience is very happy to understand the meaning of the word gossip in his
biographical movie. People also have sympathy for his personal disorder.

Dully Picture's Silk Smith's Ulala Ulala song has shaken Bangladesh. With Nasiruddin
Shah's lustful performance, Vidya Balan's thick body must have given a lot of pleasure to the
entertainment-loving people of the country. Sunny Leone's public fan base is huge in
Bangladesh, baby doll likes it. Sylvester Stallone, who went from pornstar to Rambo Forest,
has made a huge hawk in an English movie, which I have seen myself.

The entertainment media in Bangladesh is very anxious about Shilpa Sethi's current
troubles, with daily updates. I don't know the media generation lately, it's my ignorance. I
mentioned some symbolic names for the sake of meaning. The ones I have named are all
very popular in Bangladesh. Thanks to open globalization, everything is now readily
available on the Bengal satellite.

The children who were able to pass the violence of internet facility are now super adults. And
the boy who secretly did his thesis on women is very conservative. Enjoying the full fun of
the virtual world with sacred type characters like flowers by spending MB. Only on Facebook
do they really become angels. I have never seen a girl in my life, not even in secret. But if
you check your mobile, the whole country will become a prison only on the issue of porn.
There is nothing negative in civil society. All the bad guys live in the world of entertainment.

Polygamy is a divorce that is all in this world. Bribery, interest, disappearance, rape, murder,
corruption are all things that people tolerate, because they themselves are involved in those
processes in one way or another. Just having a lot of fun with the show's antisynthetic news.
Perverted gentlemen start commenting like heroes. The sense of humanity is being
destroyed in a fun way.
The blind media has already made its own grave in the intoxication of content like share
subscribers rather than giving someone a chance to get better. Wise public jokes and swear
words, and just like crazy to find the link. There is no black mind under black clothes, no one
leaves. So after a long time I wore white Punjabi, let's win in white.Love is endless.

People think that all the happiness is inside the walls of expensive houses and inside the
windows of expensive cars because of the coolness of the AC ... but people don't know it -
people who wear expensive shoots inside expensive cars are sick inside and outside. Even
successful people in the corporate world are sometimes afraid to return home ... to cope with
this fear ... not to be able to survive by making adjustments.

But the office peon thinks - whatever it is, I will take any of his favorite food for the man at
home to return home - the illness at home will be cured.

I had the opportunity to talk to a banker once - six months into the account at the end of the
month, he was sad that he did not have time to spend money in his life. Look at a hawker -
he has a lot of time in his life, bank admission is not a big money. The hawker can win even
if it is a little bit in the competition of happiness.

Look around - hundreds of people are stunned by the roar, even though there is a bowl full of
meat on the table, he does not have the courage to chew a piece of meat. Maybe
hypertension, or fear of allergies. Go to the sidewalk with a plate of meat and see if you can
chew it and eat it with bones effortlessly.

Everyone who has it is sick. He who has nothing - has the desire to get it inside. No one is
able to adapt to life, and no one knows the eighty serial number of the doctor to survive.

I have never been able to establish a relationship on all sides, making a list of the uninitiated
is sure to dominate my first row. To be a lover is to be much more caring.
I have been in doubt day after day. If people love too much, they cultivate doubt. Waiting for
a phone call or seeing someone busy makes you active. I have become so active a hundred

I heard from the side, "You are disrespecting me." Then I was accused: "You don't love me
anymore" I was confused about myself then.

In the middle of the conversation, I discovered the reason for losing the lover's attention,
losing the fascination. But I could not leave Maya. Systematically, the flowering of sweet
words has stopped in many conversations. I was annoyed with the monotony.

Sometimes I am brazen to keep the relationship going. Avoided minor flaws to keep the
relationship fresh. At the end of the day I discovered: I am human! I have forgotten my own
identity by trying to please someone by closing my inner self.

There is a common saying, if not brazen, where is the love? But he did not say that the love
invested in Behair's forehead was the result of negligence. To the man who understands me,
I am arrogant, I bow down ... to the one who understands or not ... to the one who is not
fascinated, I am not a lover or anything arrogant.

At the bargain of this reckoning, I could never become a lover and put my hand on my lover's
forehead and swear: "I love you" I am a straightforward person; Why should I say love even
after getting dishonesty? Why should I fall asleep with the intense pain of negligence and
inattention at the end of the day because I love kissing my forehead.

I am a careless, skeptical farmer. I have never been able to stay lepte I have repeatedly
freed myself by learning the difference between honesty and dishonesty. I have fled for fear
of being crushed by the dichotomy of faith and disbelief.

I need a man; Someone who has been utterly deceived ... who has been wounded and left in
contempt and deprivation. The humble words that came to his mind were humiliated - like a
citizen agitating with the piston of rights !!
Who has been brutally vandalized by someone with gross negligence; The flowers
worshiped as deities have dried up in secret contempt. The pain of suppressing his habitual
words has flown away in the clouds of Shravan.

Someone broke his faith by making him a resident and gave up. Who is left to scatter on the
shores of words; "Whose desire to go back to wood made a man as brutal as an ax !!

The curse has never come for a person whose wet eyes are deceived by secret prayers.
The one who is compassionate, the one who is compassionate ... knows how to keep

I need a man who is tired of crying a lot and stays calm.

He will not break me ... He knows the pain of breaking ... He will not despise me ... He also
knows the intense pain of contempt. Who can no longer be crushed to the ground; Whom no
one can suppress by the fear of burning. He will become a caring person with the oath of

I need a man .... He needs nicotine burning on his lips waiting for a kiss .... Who needs a
point of light in my dark city in prayer. Broken people know how to paint ... they don't know
how to break; People can't burn anyone with a burnt mind !!

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