Criteria 5 4 3 2 Role Model Background Information and Point, Counterpoint and Refutation

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In your mini-presentation, you are going to detail your progress with the project to your teacher and

classmates. You should prepare at least 5 slides, according to the information below. In the case that you are
working in pairs, you and your partner should be very clear about who is giving the necessary examples for the
steps below. You should use the essay outline. Time to speak should be 3-5 minutes (or 4-6 if in pairs).

1. Who is your role model? Give a little background information, Remember that you can take the
negative position and argue that someone is NOT a role model. Talk about why you chose this
character/person. Show how you have used relative clauses to describe your role model.

2. What scandals/problems/character defects does your role model have? Make sure that there are
genuine reasons for people to think that the person you have chosen is not a good role model. You are
preparing the counterpoints.

3. Briefly present your first argument using PCR. Make your point then give your evidence and details to
support it. Show the counterpoint to your argument and then the refutation.

4. What sources have you found? Show the articles and videos that you will be using to support your
arguments. You need at least 2 and no more than 4. Some sources should support your arguments, the
others your counterpoints. Explain why you chose your sources.

5. Include new vocabulary that you discovered during your research. Define these words for your
classmates. Display two examples of the grammar used in your presentation which includes relative
clauses, gerunds and infinitives.

You are being assessed on your speaking skills which include fluency, accuracy, and pronunciation.

Remember to not use too much text on your slides. Follow the 6 X 7 Rule: 6 lines of text with 7 words per line
(42 words total).

Mini-Presentation Rubric
Criteria 5 4 3 2

Role Model Student provides Student provides Student may not Student does not
Background enough background some background have enough have background
Information and information to justify information to justify background information and
Point, choice and clearly choice and has information to justify there is no point,
Counterpoint and demonstrates the some ideas for the choice, and the counterpoint and
Refutation point, counterpoint point, counterpoint point, counterpoint refutation.
and refutation. and refutation. and refutation is

Sources Student has Student has Student has Student has not
displayed evidence displayed evidence displayed too few or displayed evidence
of 2-4 appropriate of 2-4 sources, but possibly all of sources.
sources including some may be inappropriate
newspaper articles, inappropriate sources including
review blogs and including newspaper articles,
videos. newspaper articles, review blogs and
review blogs and videos.
Grammar/Vocab Student is able to Student is able to Student may have Student is unable to
● Gerunds show 2 sentences show at least one only examples of show use of target
and with grammar example of a relative clauses or grammar or
infinitives examples and sentence with a gerunds and vocabulary.
after several examples of relative clause or infinitives, or only
certain course vocabulary. gerunds and examples of
verbs infinitives and a few vocabulary, but not
● Relative examples of course both.
clauses vocabulary.

Speaking Skills: Student sounds Student sounds Student may not Student is not fluent
Fluency very fluent with high fluent with good always be fluent, and makes frequent
Accuracy accuracy and good accuracy and accurate or have accuracy and
Pronunciation pronunciation. No pronunciation. No good pronunciation. pronunciation
meaning is lost. meaning is lost. Some meaning can mistakes. Meaning
be lost. is lost.

Slides Slides are very Slides are Slides are Slides are not
interesting with an interesting with an interesting, but interesting and
appropriate amount appropriate amount have too much text. have too much text.
of text. of text.
Note: Grade can be reduced if students were absent from class the day the introduction was written.

Total points divided by 25

Example: 19/25 = 0.76 * 5 = 3.8

Or you can divide 76/20 for 3.8

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