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Imran Ismail


⮚ 18+ years of experience in Building Web Applications, Designing, and Software Process Engineering using Java/J2EE
Technology and using other open source technologies for Automobiles, Banking, Finance and e-commerce Domains.
⮚ Worked on identifying defects, problems, suggesting and determining the extent of programming required and
performance tuning of the applications.
⮚ Worked with complete Software Life Cycle Development (SDLC) process which incorporates Requirement Gathering,
Analysis, Designing, Developing, Testing, Implementing and Documenting the whole life cycle utilizing different
approaches like Waterfall, Agile, Scrum, Test Driven improvement (JUNIT, Mockito) and Rapid Application
⮚ Expertise with development and migrations from SQL relational databases to NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Apache
Cassandra and CouchDB.
⮚ High expertize working on building projects and Integration using Build Tools CI /CD (Jenkins, Gerrit, Maven, Ant,
Chef, Puppet, Gradle)
⮚ Strong working Knowledge on Amazon Web Services (EC2, S3 EC2 Container Service (ECS), CodeCommit, CodePipeline,
CodeDeploy, Auto Scaling, Security Groups, Redshift), using the Elastic Search APIs (Document, Search, Indices, Cluster,
⮚ Experience in using various AWS components like Dynamo DB , Lambda ,EC2 for virtual servers, S3 and Glacier for
storing objects, EBS, Cloud Front, Elastic cache, IAM, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation and Dynamo DB.
⮚ Strong working expertise in implementation of Java Development Kit (JDK), Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Java Run-time
Environment (JRE), Just In Time Compiler (JIT), Java Compiler (javac) to develop different Java based applications.
⮚ Strong working Knowledge on development of Microservices.
⮚ Worked on developing applications using Java/ J2EE technologies include JDBC, Servlets, JSP, EJB, JNDI, JAF, Java Mail,
JMS, Apache Camel
⮚ Expertise in Core Java with strong understanding & working knowledge of Object Oriented Programming (OOPs)
concepts like Abstraction, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation..etc. and also API’s like JAVA Persistence API
(JPA), Java Reflection API (JRA), Java Persistence API (JPA), Java Transaction API (JTA), Garbage Collection, Collections,
Multi-Threading, Exception-handling.
⮚ Good Implementation knowledge of base classes, setting up framework classes/configuration files for implementing
J2EE application using complete set of JAVA SDK and available J2EE APIs.
⮚ Adept skills in working with applications developed using Object Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks like Hibernate
and MVC frameworks like SpringMVC ,Struts, JSF etc., and IOC frameworks like Spring and its subsidiary modules such
as Spring MVC, Spring DI , Spring JDBC, Spring IOC, and Spring AOP
⮚ Good knowledge on IIS, Tomcat, Apache, WebSphere, JBoss, WebLogic, Nginx, Open VPN, Sensu, logstash and also in
design patterns such as Model View Controller (MVC), Strategy Pattern, Command Pattern, Factory Pattern, Inversion of
Control and Singleton Pattern.
⮚ Experience with various IDEs like IntelliJ, Eclipse, NetBeans and Web sphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) and
Rational Application Developer (RAD).
⮚ Experience in developing critical and responsive GUI /front-end components using HTML5, CSS3, Angular JS, Node JS,
Bootstrap, JavaScript, Typescript, AJAX, JSON, JQuery, React JS, DOJO.
⮚ Strong working experience with Database Management systems like Oracle 10g, 11g, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL,
PostgreSQL, MS-Access, Mongo DB
⮚ Experience in working with XML technologies like XPath, XSL, DTD, XSLT and parsing XML with SAX and DOM parsers.
⮚ Experience in implementing Web Services based on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using SOAP, REST, Restful,
⮚ Configuration and Version control management using CVS, Git, GitHub, Rational Clearcase, Perforce and SVN.
⮚ Designed and developed various web applications using scripting languages as Unix Powershell, JavaScript, Python
and JQuery
⮚ Experienced in developing database to create its Objects like Tables, Functions, Views, Stored Procedures, Triggers,
Cursors using on PL/SQL in Oracle and T-SQL in MS SQL Server, MySQL, MS Access
⮚ Experience with Bug Tracking tools like Atlassian JIRA, Remedy, HPQC.
⮚ Good testing experience with Testing like Selenium,TestNG, JUnit and integrating Unit Tests.
⮚ Excellent team player, quick learner and self-starter with effective communication, motivation and organizational skills
combined with attention to details and business process improvements.
⮚ Used Log4j, Logback,JBuilder for logging mechanism and developed wrapper classes to configure the logs.
⮚ Strong Background in C, C++, Java on UNIX, Linux, and Windows NT platforms
⮚ Experience in Requirement gathering & analysis, designing UML - for developing application specific Object model, Use
Case diagrams, Class diagrams, Sequence diagrams & State diagrams.

Full Stack 12 years
Java 18 years
Angular 3 years
HTML 5 5 years
Cassandra/Mongodb – 3+Years
Bootstrap 2 years
Unix/Linux and shell scripting 8 years
TCP traffic analysis, application flows, GSLBs/VIPs, web servers & services 4 years
Restful ApI 3 years
Spring 5+ years
Spring boot 5+ years
Hibernate 9 years
MVC 8 years
Core java 6 years
Microservices 3 years
Kafka 2 years
Docker 2 years
Apache 2 years


Languages Java, J2EE, PL/SQL,Scala

Operating Systems Windows, Linux, Unix
SDLC Methodologies Agile, Waterfall , Scrum, TDD
JAVA Technologies Java, J2EE, Full Stack ,JSP, Servlets, elastic search, JDBC, JNDI, EJB, JSF,
Spring, kafka, Framework
Portal Technology Websphere Portal 5.1,6.0,JSR 168,286
Web Technologies HTML, XML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, AngularJS-2.0/4.0,
Node Js
Open Source Knowledge IText, Tag Soup, ANT, MAVEN, Cradle, Jenkins, Quartz
Distributed Technologies RMI, EJB, JMS, APACHE CAMEL.
Middleware Technologies Web Services(SOAP, REST, UDDI, WSDL, WADL and Restful)
XML XML Schema, DTD, XSLT, XPATH, SAX and DOM parsers.
Application Server/Web Server IIS, Tomcat, Apache, WebSphere 6.0, JBoss4.0, WebLogic10g, logstash
Modelling Tools Visual Paradigm for UML, Rational Rose, MS Visio
Databases Oracle 10g, 11g, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, Mongo DB
MVC Frameworks SpringMVC, Tiles Framework, Srtuts, SpringWebFlow
ORM Hibernate, SpringDAO
Version Control Tools CVS, Git, GitHub, Bitbucket, Rational Clearcase, Perforce and SVN.
IDE Eclipse, NetBeans, RAD, IntelliJ
Other Tools Log4J, JUnit, Ant, Maven, Apache Lucene, Apache Tika, JIRA, Putty,
Node.js, IBM WebSphere Message Broker, Jenkins, JTA, Putty, JBoss
Fuse, JBoss BRMS, JQuery
Cloud Technologies Amazon Web Services (AWS)-EC2, S3


● IBM Certified Advanced Application Developer - Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software
● Java & OO
● SUN Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.4
● JAVA Black Belt Certifications:
● IBM Certified Solution Developer – WebSphere Portal V5.1

Professional Experience

Feb 2017 - Present

Senior Java Architect/Developer/Lead
Dallas, TX

● Responsibilities:
● Implemented all the phases of SDLC including Requirements Collection, Design & Analysis of the
Customer Specifications and Development of the Application.
● Followed Agile approach for the development process.
● Developed the server-side business logic using Helper classes and DAO access layer classes.
● Used JSP, HTML, Java Script, Jquery JS and CSS for content layout and presentation.
● Developed Web services and written SOAP and created WSDL for web services.
● Developed various modules using MVC Struts.
● Developed Spark streaming modules for pulling data from RabbitMQ and Kafka.
● Worked with NoSQL and Big data technologies such as Mongo db, Cassandra, Hadoop.
● Used Spring IOC, AOP modules to integrate with the application.
● Used Hibernate as persistent layer by mapping to the tables.
● Experience in writing Beans, Action Classes and Business Delegates using Action Forms, DynaActionForm
and Validator Action Forms.
● Create Hibernate.hbm mapping files for Data Models and configuring in hibernate.cfg.xml.
● Implemented the design of the applications using J2EE using Model/View/Controller (MVC) design

● Defined AWS Security Groups which acted as virtual firewalls that controlled the traffic allowed

to reach one or more AWS EC2 instances.

● Developed Spring Beans and Configured Spring using applicationContext.xml.

● Involved in the integration of Struts with Spring Framework and implemented Spring MVC, Spring IoC,
Spring AOP, Spring JDBC, Spring Persistence with JPA.
● Configured Front Controller in springapp-config.xml of Spring MVC and implemented Spring Web flow.
● Changing the AWS infrastructure Elastic Beanstalk to Docker with Kubernetes.
● Written DAO classes to interface with Database using hibernate.
● Used XML parsers to parse the XML data
● Used O/R mapping tool Hibernate for persistence data.
● Developed and flexible, scalable, utilizing open source technologies like Hibernate ORM and Spring
● Responsibility for multiple projects that’s involves spring boot, micro services, web work.
● Wrote the Hibernate-mapping XML files to define java classes–database tables mapping.
● Used Hibernate Template for various database update, insert, delete operations and for invoking
functions, stored procedures, triggers.

● Involved on AWS (Amazon Web Services), EC2, RDS, Dynamo DB, S3, Lambda, Cloud Formation Templates.

● Created Database tables and schema in Postgres based on data flow requirements.
● Written database Functions, Procedures and Triggers as per the business logic requirements.
● Build scripts were written to create a run time environment for ANT.
● Wrote JUnit test cases for testing the Business layer and the service layer.
● With angular.

Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Spring, AWS, Hibernate, Postgres, MVC, AJAX, Java Script,
Dynamodb,CSS, HTML, ANT, JUnit, Apache Tomcat Server,JBOSS.

Aug 2015 – Feb 2017

Technical Java Lead
Citi Bank

● Development and testing of the website using Struts and Spring framework.
● Implemented applicatioIn logging and exception handling using Spring AOP.
● Used the Agile as SDLC process for the project execution.
● Designed and developed GUI components using Struts Taglibs, JSP, HTML and JavaScript.
● Developed highly responsive, dynamic user interface components using AJAX and JQuery.
● Used object oriented programming concepts of Java Script like Prototypes and Closures for client side
data manipulation and encapsulation.
● Implemented MVC using Spring Framework.
● Development Rest Api’s using spring boot MVC,hosted all microservices .

● Implemented development procedures for IVR and speech applications through Java and Web
● Handled the database access by implementing ControllerServlet.

● Implemented PL/SQL stored procedures and triggers.

● Designed, configured and managed public/private cloud infrastructures using Amazon Web Services (AWS),

which includes VPC, EC2, S3, CloudFront, ELB and Elastic Beanstalk.
Implemented NO-SQL DB (Mongo DB/Cassandra) to store poisoned messages.

● Used JDBC prepared statements to call from Servlets for database access.
● Designed and documented of the stored procedures
● Used Websphere Portal as a server application. And also some implementations with RESTful.
● Developed the CSS Classes for all Error, Form Elements and Warnings.
● Performed client side validations using JavaScript.
● Used Log4J to monitor the Error Logs and Used Maven to build the application.
● Deployed application on WebLogic Application Server and development using Eclipse.

Environment: Java, JEE, JSF, RAD, Ajax, JavaScript, JAX-WS, AWS, Web Services, SOA, SOAP, WSDL, JMS,
Hibernate, JSTL, Spring, XML, XSLT, WebSphere, Junit, SVN, MavenLog4J,Servlets,JDBC.

Aug 2013 –Aug 2015

Senior Java Developer
Bentonville, AR.

● Responsibilities:
● Actively participated in complete development of “Agile Development Methodology” using Scrum and
tested the application in each Iteration.
● Administration in Unix/Linux environments with hands-on expertise in networking, scripting and systems
integration with Java environment
● Development of backend services using Microservices.
● Implemented "Model View Controller (MVC)" architecture for an efficient implementation of the view
level customizations and interface with the application logic.
● Developed OneOps cloud formation templates and setting up Auto scaling instances and involved in the
automated provisioning of OneOps cloud environment using Jenkins and chef.
● Developed server-side software modules and client-side user interface components deployed entirely in
Compute Cloud of OneOps.
● Build Restful API web services using Node JS and used a full complement of Express, Angular 2/4, Node.
js, and Mongo DB to store and present assessments.
● Implemented design patterns like MVC, Singleton, Factory, DAO, DTO and Spring IOC.
● Used Spring Hibernate template to access relational DBMS via Hibernate.
● Worked on AWS, high availability practices and deploying backup/restore infrastructure.
● Involved in deploying systems on oneops Infrastructure
● Developed business layer using Spring, Hibernate and DAO’s.
● Developed Web services and written SOAP and created WSDL for web services.
● Wrote unit test cases by using Junit,Spock with groovy framework.
● Used Ant, Maven, Gradle for build automation.

Environment: Linux/Unix,OneOps, Java 8.0, J2EE, Spring 4.0, SpringBoot, JDBC, JNDI, Hibernate, Apache Tomcat,
DEVOPS(Git, Gradle, OneOps cloud, Gerrit, Jenkins), JM, AWS, XSLT, Mule 3.3, Intellij, Oracle 10g, XML/XSLT,
HTML, JavaScript, Angular.JS, Spoc, Microservices.

Jun 2012 –Aug 2013

Java Developer
Bentonville, AR.


● Actively participated in complete development of “Agile Development Methodology” using Scrum and
tested the application in each Iteration.
● Administration in Unix/Linux environments with hands-on expertise in networking, scripting and systems
integration with Java environment
● Implemented "Reactor pattern" architecture for an efficient implementation of the view level
customizations and interface with the application logic.
● Developed OneOps cloud formation templates and setting up Auto scaling instances and involved in the
automated provisioning of OneOps cloud environment using Jenkins and chef.
● Developed server-side software modules and client-side user interface components deployed entirely in
Compute Cloud of OneOps.
● Build Restful API web services using Scala and used a full complement of Play framework and DB2 DB to
store and present assessments.
● Implemented design patterns like MVC, Singleton, Factory, DAO, DTO and IOC.
● Worked on oneops, high availability practices and deploying backup/restore infrastructure.
● Involved in deploying systems on oneops Infrastructure
● Developed Web services and written SOAP and created WSDL for web services.
● Wrote unit test cases by using Junit, Spock with groovy framework.
● Used Ant, Maven, Gradle for build automation.

Environment: Linux/Unix,OneOps, Scala2.2, PlayFramework, SpringBoot, Akka Stream, JNDI, , Apache Tomcat,
DEVOPS(GitHub, Gradle, OneOps cloud, Jenkins), JM, XSLT, Intellij, XML/XSLT, Spoc, Microservices.

Nov 2008–Jun 2012

Senior Java Developer
Apple Inc,
Phoenix AZ


● Implemented all the phases of SDLC including Requirements Collection, Design & Analysis of the
Customer Specifications and Development of the Application.
● Followed Agile approach for the development process.
● Developed the server side business logic using Helper classes and DAO access layer classes.
● Used JSP, HTML, Java Script, Jquery JS and CSS for content layout and presentation.
● Developed Web services and written SOAP and created WSDL for web services.
● Developed various modules using MVC Struts.
● Used Spring IOC, AOP modules to integrate with the application.
● Used Hibernate as persistent layer by mapping to the tables.
● Experience in writing Beans, Action Classes and Business Delegates using Action Forms, DynaActionForm
and Validator Action Forms.
● Create Hibernate.hbmmapping files for Data Models and configuring in hibernate.cfg.xml.
● Implemented the design of the applications using J2EE using Model/View/Controller (MVC) design
● Developed Spring Beans and Configured Spring using applicationContext.xml.
● Involved in the integration of Struts with Spring Framework and implemented Spring MVC, Spring IoC,
Spring AOP, Spring JDBC, Spring Persistence with JPA.
● Configured Front Controller in springapp-config.xml of Spring MVC and implemented Spring Web flow.
● Written DAOclasses to interface with Database using hibernate.
● Used XML parsers to parse the XML data
● Used O/R mapping tool Hibernate for persistence data.
● Developed and flexible, scalable, utilizing open source technologies like Hibernate ORM and Spring
● Wrote the Hibernate-mapping XML files to define java classes–database tables mapping.
● Used Hibernate Template for various database update, insert, delete operations and for invoking
functions, stored procedures, triggers.
● Created Database tables and schema in Postgres based on data flow requirements.
● Written database Functions, Procedures and Triggers as per the business logic requirements.
● Build scripts were written to create a run time environment for ANT.
● Wrote API test cases for testing using Cucumber and JUNIT the Business layer and the service layer.

Environment: Java, kafka, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Postgres, MVC, AJAX, Java Script, CSS,
HTML, ANT, JUnit, Apache Tomcat Server,JBOSS.

April 2007–Nov 2008

J2EE Developer
Gemini Systems, LLC


● Designed the UML class diagrams and sequence diagrams using Rational Rose.
● Used JSP, HTML, Java Script, Angular JS and CSS for content layout and presentation.
● Used JMS for Point-to-Point asynchronous messaging for high transactional Banking operation.
● Worked on JQuery, AJAX, JASON and JSF for designing highly user interactive web pages.
● Implemented AJAX for better user experience by dynamically providing Asynchronous request and
response communication between the client and the server.
● Created data access layer using SQL and PL/SQL.
● Integrated part of web layer of the application based on Struts into Spring.
● Implemented the design patterns DAO, Service Locator and Business Delegate.
● Wrote Spring configuration files for the beans defined and properties to be injected into them using
spring's Dependency Injection
● Incorporated new Spring DAO implementation of Hibernate components for enrollment module.
● Used Spring’sAOP to implement logging feature seamlessly into the application.
● Successfully implemented the MVC pattern by writing the JSP’s as a view and Java beans i.e., POJO’s as a
model and ActionServlet is the controller.
● Developed Persistence classes and O/R mapping (.hbm) files for Hibernate.
● Used Hibernate in the DAO layer to persist the data to the Database.
● Used HQL queries and Criteria API for efficient object retrieval
● Developed stored procedures and Triggers using PL/SQL to access the database.
● Used on DOM parser to read XML files
● Incorporated new methods into existing service business components
● Performed logging using log4j
● Performed unit testing by writing test cases using JUnit.
● Developed ANT scripts that checkout code from SVN repository, build EAR files, and deploy the EAR files
on WebLogic Application server.
Environment:Core java, Java 1.5, J2EE, JSP, JSF, Servlets, Angular JS, Hibernate, SQL, HTML, Springs, JQuery, JNDI,
JMS, PL/SQL, JBOSS, ANT, XML, Java Script, CSS, Windows, Eclipse, Log4j,SVN

Jun 2002 – April 2007

Java Developer(
ACP medicine and ACS surgery
Philadelphia, PA


● Developed the GUI of the system using HTML, JSP and client-side validations was done using JavaScript.
Built and accessed the database using JDBC for ORACLE 9i.
● Struts Framework in conjunction with JSP and Tag Libraries used in developing user Interface for
administrative screens and user interaction screens.
● Developed Session Beans for necessary transactions like fetching the data required, updating the
customer information
● Worked on coding of Servlets and EJB communication
● Worked on Maven for getting latest jar files including common-collection.jar,
● common-logging.jaretc from Apache.
● Developed Servlets to process the requests, transfer the control according to the request to
Corresponding Session Beans, JSP pages.
● Developed WebLogic container security components for adding vendor specific Security Realm to
application using JMX.
● Java Servlets and JSP pages were deployed on the WebLogic Application Server for retrieving user
information and posting related data.
● Worked on database interaction layer for insertions, updating and retrieval operations of data from oracle
database by writing stored procedures.
Environment: Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, HTML, DHTML, XML, JavaScript, kafka, elastic search, Spring, Eclipse,
WebLogic, PL/SQL and Oracle9i

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