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focus on diagnosis

Ethan A. Mezoff, MD

Introduction considering the differential diagnosis

Dysphagia, or difficulty with swal- of dysphagia. Oropharyngeal causes,
lowing, may present alone or with ac- in general, are grouped as neuromus-
companying signs and symptoms. cular, infectious/inflammatory, or
Author Disclosure The evaluation of dysphagia is guided structural (Table 1). Esophageal
Dr Mezoff has disclosed no financial by an accurate and thorough history, causes are divided into structural
taken in consideration of the vast dif- causes, dysfunctions of motility, and
relationships relevant to this article.
ferential diagnosis. A brief review of mucosal disorders (Table 2).
This commentary does not contain the physiology of swallowing is fol-
a discussion of an unapproved/ lowed by a differential diagnosis and History and Physical
investigative use of a commercial historical points that should direct Examination
product/device. the diagnostic evaluation. Finally, a re- The importance of a thorough and
view of diagnostic and treatment op- accurate history cannot be over-
tions is presented. stated. In adults presenting with dys-
phagia, the likely diagnosis may be
Physiology of Swallowing uncovered while obtaining a history
Swallowing prepares and transfers in approximately 75% of patients.
a bolus of consumed or secreted sub- (1) Adolescents may provide an accu-
stance from the mouth to the stom- rate history; however, infants may
ach. Initially, the pooling of oral present with nonspecific feeding
secretions forms a bolus, with or symptoms such as poor interest,
without masticated food. This bolus neck muscle strain, or stridor. Drool-
is then transferred to the upper ing between meals also may be pres-
esophagus during the oropharyngeal ent. Initially, an assessment of airway
phase of swallowing. During this patency and respiratory effort is nec-
phase, the epiglottis covers the larynx essary. At this time, considerations
to prevent aspiration of the bolus. should be made for conditions re-
Additionally, the soft palate is ele- quiring urgent treatment, includ-
vated against the nasopharynx to pre- ing foreign body aspiration, caustic
vent nasal regurgitation of the bolus. ingestion, epiglottitis, myasthenia
Transfer of the bolus to the stomach gravis, tetanus, and diphtheria. Next,
then occurs through peristaltic mus- the focus should be on distinguishing
cle contractions of the circular and between oropharyngeal and esopha-
longitudinal smooth muscles of the geal causes.
esophagus and relaxation of the
lower esophageal sphincter. The de- Oropharyngeal Causes
velopmental milestone of swallowing In general, oropharyngeal causes of
typically is reached at 34 weeks gesta- dysphagia are indicated by delayed
tional age in premature infants. swallow initiation, postnasal regurgi-
tation during swallow, cough with
Differential Diagnosis swallow, drooling, or persistent throat
It is best to separate oropharyngeal clearance. Owing to referred viscero-
from esophageal causes when somatic sensation, neck symptoms
do not indicate oropharyngeal rather
Fellow in Pediatric Gastroenterology, Cincinnati than esophageal origins. When struc-
Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH. tural lesions are not readily apparent,

518 Pediatrics in Review Vol.33 No.11 November 2012

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focus on diagnosis

Table 1. Oropharyngeal Causes of Dysphagia

Neuromuscular Causes Infectious/Inflammatory Causes Structural Causes
Amyloidosis Botulism Cleft lip
Brain tumor Coxsackievirus Cleft palate
Cerebral palsy Cytomegalovirus Congenital esophageal web
Cerebrovascular accident Diphtheria Goiter
Dystonic reaction Epiglottitis Lymphadenopathy erythematosus
Guillain-Barré syndrome Encephalitis Tetanus
Multiple sclerosis Herpes simplex virus
Myasthenia gravis Juvenile dermatomyositis
Sarcoidosis Neurosyphilis
Systemic lupus Peritonsillar abscess
Retropharyngeal abscess

one may proceed to evaluation for further clues. Feeding refusal with oral with a rare cause of dysphagia, juve-
neuromuscular or infectious/inflam- mucosal lesions and an otherwise nile dermatomyositis.
matory disorders. reassuring examination may indicate
The nature of the onset of symp- coxsackievirus, herpes simplex virus, Esophageal Causes
toms may help to refine further the or cytomegalovirus. Fevers in the Esophageal causes of dysphagia pres-
differential diagnosis. Sudden onset context of oropharyngeal dysphagia ent with retrosternal chest pain or
generally indicates neurologic dysfunc- may indicate retropharyngeal or “sticking” sensations with swallow-
tion, possibly due to a cerebrovascular peritonsillar abscess. Encephalitis and ing. The presence of symptoms when
accident in populations at risk. Sub- neurosyphilis also are considerations swallowing both solids and liquids
acute onset can be seen with infectious when the patient demonstrates focal indicates motility dysfunction. Exam-
or autoimmune causes. Although rare, neurologic findings, seizures, or al- ples of motility dysfunction include
progressive onset may indicate external tered mental status. Any neurologic achalasia (failure of the lower esopha-
mass effect. Persistent, nonprogressive process affecting bulbar function geal sphincter to relax) or diffuse
symptoms can suggest static neuro- may cause swallowing dysfunction. esophageal spasm, both rare. Difficulty
logic dysfunction due to cerebral palsy Botulism or myasthenia gravis will swallowing solid materials only indi-
or subtle structural abnormalities such present with diffuse weakness. cates an obstructive process. Obstruc-
as cleft palate or choanal atresia. Drug-induced dyskinesia will be in- tive processes can be intrinsic to the
Systemic signs and symptoms may dicated by other extrapyramidal ef- esophagus, such as stricture caused
provide the astute clinician with fects. Finally, rash may be expected by chronic inflammation associated

Table 2. Esophageal Causes of Dysphagia

Motility Disorders Structural Esophagitis
Achalasia Intrinsic Candida infection
Diffuse esophageal spasm Esophageal web Caustic ingestion
Scleroderma Zenker diverticulum Chlamydia infection
Stricture Crohn disease
Extrinsic Eosinophilic esophagitis
Foreign body Gastroesophageal reflux disease
Mediastinal mass Herpes simplex virus
Pulmonary sling Pill esophagitis
Vascular ring

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focus on diagnosis

with gastroesophageal reflux disease, extraesophageal causes of dysphagia, feeding tube placement. If possible,
Crohn disease, or eosinophilic esoph- which may be missed by endoscopy. swallowing rehabilitation is attempted
agitis. Mediastinal masses, vascular Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation by using texture modification, strength-
rings, and pulmonary slings cause ob- of swallow with or without sensory ening exercises, and rate control. The
struction from outside the esophagus. testing involves the passage of a flexi- risk of aspiration must be taken into
Finally, pain generally indicates ble endoscope through a nostril to consideration for all patients.
esophagitis. Infectious esophagitis is observe pharyngeal soft tissue struc-
usually caused by Candida, or, less tures directly, immediately before
frequently, herpes simplex virus or and after swallowing. The procedure
cytomegalovirus, and should prompt may detect laryngeal penetration of Summary
immunodeficiency evaluation and the food bolus as well as incomplete
• The evaluation of the child with
human immunodeficiency virus in- clearance. Sensory testing involves
dysphagia requires a basic
fection screening. Intermittent pain the use of a puff of air to stimulate understanding of the
following meals may indicate gastro- the laryngeal adductor reflex, which swallowing mechanism,
esophageal reflux disease, and pain is responsible for the airway protec- a detailed history, and
in male teens also should prompt tion response. Limitations include thoughtful consideration of the
differential diagnosis. Further
consideration of eosinophilic esopha- the need for technical expertise and
testing will be well guided by
gitis. Finally, it is important to re- the possibility of patient intolerance. this approach.
member that 20% to 40% of those Upper endoscopy is used to ob- • Treatment is diagnosis-specific
with Crohn disease experience esoph- serve the esophageal mucosal appear- but should take into
ageal involvement. ance directly and obtain tissue biopsies consideration the management
of oral secretions, potential for
when indicated. This test may detect
aspiration, and nutritional
and differentiate among causes of needs.
Diagnostic Evaluation esophagitis. Also, endoscopy may re-
Laboratory evaluation of the child veal remnant food particles, indicating
presenting with dysphagia should pro- the possibility of dysmotility. Sedation
ceed according to findings on the his- is necessary for this procedure. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. I thank Dr
tory and physical examination. Several Esophageal manometry measures Adam Mezoff for his guidance and
radiologic and procedural techniques esophageal pressures and pressure critical review of this manuscript.
for evaluation are available although changes during swallowing. Manom-
extensive workup may not be neces- etry involves passage of a catheter
sary to arrive at the correct diagnosis. with pressure sensors along its length.
1. Ingelfinger FJ, Kramer P, Soutter L,
Videofluoroscopic barium studies This study is used to evaluate for mo- Schatzki R. Panel discussion on diseases of
involve the administration of contrast tility disorders. the esophagus. Am J Gastroenterol. 1959;31
for the radiographic observation of (2):117–131
swallowing. A barium swallow study
observes the oropharyngeal phase of Treatment
swallowing. This test is done with The treatment of dysphagia depends
Suggested Reading
Arvedson JC. Assessment of pediatric dys-
the collaboration of a speech and lan- on its cause and severity. With severe phagia and feeding disorders: clinical
guage therapist who may tailor treat- cases or in those patients with exces- and instrumental approaches. Dev Dis-
ments with the use of results from sive salivary excretion, medical or sur- abil Res Rev. 2008;14(2):118–127
this study. Liquids, semisolids, and gical management of secretions may Prasse JE, Kikano GE. An overview of
pediatric dysphagia. Clin Pediatr
solid foods are tested. In addition be necessary. A treatment plan is
(Phila). 2009;48(3):247–251
to observing bolus handling through determined best by a multidisciplinary Sreedharan R, Liacouras CA. Dysphagia. In:
the oropharyngeal swallow, the study team, including a dietician, behavioral Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St. Geme
may reveal aspiration. A drawback psychologist, speech and language pa- JW, Schor NF, Behrman RE, eds.
to this test is the use of radiation thologist, occupational therapist, and Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 19th ed.
Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2011:1240–
directed at the head. In addition physician. Nutritional goals should
to permitting observation of the be set immediately for all patients. Tutor J, Gosa M. Dysphagia and aspiration
esophageal phase of swallowing, bar- In some cases, maintaining nutrition in children. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2012;47
ium esophagography evaluates for will require temporary or permanent (4):321–337

520 Pediatrics in Review Vol.33 No.11 November 2012

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Focus on Diagnosis: Dysphagia
Ethan A. Mezoff
Pediatrics in Review 2012;33;518
DOI: 10.1542/pir.33-11-518

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Focus on Diagnosis: Dysphagia
Ethan A. Mezoff
Pediatrics in Review 2012;33;518
DOI: 10.1542/pir.33-11-518

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