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favorite prime numbers to base the QRD , N=7, 13 and 41

It is always better to build a higher order diffuser for covering more

surface with diffusive effect, than using many identical but smaller
order diffusers for that purpose

orden siguiendo barker code?

What I mean is that it is kind of difficult to believe that while a

standard n13 panel needs to be 227mm deep to have a minimum
diffusion frequency of 700 Hz, you can build an advanced n13+4 panel
with a depth of only 151mm and get the same minimal diffusion

Some general considerations regarding control room treatment and

placement of diffusers:

First of all, “RTxx” (RT60/45/30 etc; Reverberation Time) does not

exist in small acoustic spaces (“SAS”). “Decay time” might be a valid
term sometimes but in general, all we are really interested in is the
shape of the ETC (and perhaps the slope of the linear fit (after sparse
reflections) of the Schroeder integral, in order to evaluate the “decay
times” at higher frequency bands.

Since all design concepts share the same (more or less) criteria’s for
the lower frequency range (below about Schroeder); = good modal
control and as low decay time as the rest of the frequency range (or
preferably even lower) and naturally; an as even frequency response
as possible; we´ll focus the rest of this discussion on the range above
the modal range from now on since this is where the various design
philosophies differ.

In order to advise on placement of Acoustic Treatment and diffusers in

particular, one first needs to decide what acoustic response (speaker-
listener response primarily, but environment response might also be
important) we are trying to accomplish in the room. Assuming a studio
control room; the more common options are: LEDE/RFZ (or possibly
CID), NE (or any of the variants of it) or perhaps “Ambechoic” if
surround formats are important (or at least something similar to it; like
a LEDE/RFZ but no termination of the “ISD-gap” but still featuring a
“decay time” of about 0,3 seconds by a highly diffused sound fled).

If hi-fi listening room (not critical listening), there are no rights or

wrongs, but I would still personally try to at least avoid early strong
reflections and try to create some kind of diffuse return to the listening
position in order to keep some life in the room instead of ending up
with a “dead” sounding space (unless this is what is requested
naturally). The criteria’s of LEDE/RFZ would be my first choice, or
perhaps something in-between LEDE/RFZ and Ambechoic (a proper
termination, no termination, or limited termination of the ISD-gap
assuming highly diffuse decaying sound field). Also, since we´re
talking about placement of diffusers, NE design is probably not of much
interest, especially for normal listening rooms since this approach tries
to achieve an anechoic speaker-room response although one can use
diffusers even if NE in order to keep the general room response
somewhat alive (but without scattering too much speaker energy to
the sweet spot thus deteriorating the anechoic speaker-listener

Assuming we strive for a LEDE/RFZ (or possibly CID) response, we first

need to select an ISD-gap and this is either done by simply measuring
the room and identifying the first order reflection from the rear wall, or
calculating the time difference between the direct sound and the
reflection from the rear wall based on the geometry, and then deciding
if this is an appropriate ISD-gap (between about 12-25 ms). If the
control room is connected to a large recording room, the live room
usually dictates the ISD-gap needed in the control room. Preferably,
the ISD-gap in the control room needs to be at least about 3-5 ms
longer than the recording rooms generic ISD-gap). If the distance to
the rear wall in the control room is too short to provide a sufficient
ISD-gap, treatment and/or geometry can be used to extend the
natural ISD-gap of the room (by using absorption and/or splayed walls
on the first reflection point on the rear wall and using rotated 1D
diffusers on side walls for instance).

If a less strict treatment is requested, then at least try to avoid placing

diffusing elements in such a way that they scatter early energy back to
the listening position within about 10-12 ms or earlier compared to the
direct sound. I would personally try to extend this period to at least
about 15-17 ms, 20-25 ms if possible (a longer ISD-gap allows you to
hear the acoustical footprint of the recording easier, especially of larger
recording rooms). Use geometry and/or absorption to redirect/absorb
early energy (away) from the listening position that would otherwise
arrive too soon (within the desired ISD-gap).

If absorption is used, make sure to use thick panels so that you don´t
simply “EQ” the reflections, only removing the high midrange and
highs from it, leaving the low mids and bass frequency range
unaffected. Use at least 120 mm, preferably 200-300 mm or deeper
(and make sure to use a wool with appropriate flow resistivity for the
given depth). Only use broadband absorption where needed, or you´ll
struggle to keep the energy needed to keep the room “alive” (in order
to reach the desired gain of the ISD-gap termination).

Use the ETC to track down your early reflections and figure out what
areas needs attention. Also, remember that diffusers also absorb
energy more or less. One cannot “add” energy to a room by adding
diffusers unless replacing treatment that absorbs more than the
diffuser replacing it. Just adding diffusers to a room does not
automatically make it sound “more spacious”, it´s the combination of
all treatment in a well thought out design that achieves this.

The energy return (the termination of the ISD-gap) should arrive

primarily from the rear sides in a LEDE/RFZ/CID room and this is the
reason why you normally see 1D diffusers on the rear wall in such
rooms. As stated above, if your room is too short to provide a sufficient
ISD-gap using the rear wall, one can extend this gap by various
treatment options but assuming the room is not too short (or too
long); the rear wall is the most efficient place to put 1D diffusers, since
they will scatter the sound to the sides and then back to the listener
via the rear side walls.

Assuming one understands that diffusers also absorbs energy (more or

less) and that we are now probably striving away from LEDE/RFZ and
moving towards the Ambechoic response; one can add diffusers to
other surfaces as well as long as they don’t (partially) scatter energy
back to the sweet spot within the ISD-gap (with or without

A note on low frequency treatment (modes and SBIR related issues): I

recommend pressure based absorbers for the bass region for two
reasons: First, they don´t need to be ridiculously deep in order to be
effective at low frequencies and secondly, they don´t absorb the upper
range that one usually struggle to preserve in order to achieve a
proper termination of the ISD-gap and the semi diffuse field that
should follow it (assuming LEDE/RFZ/CID design or Ambechoic with
decent “decay times”).

For proper use of any Acoustic Treatment; measure and analyse your
room and decide on a response model to use as a guide when deciding
on different treatment options. I know this might sound daunting, but
the alternative is usually a less than perfect outcome but if you´re
happy with that: build/buy some panels and fire away!

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