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Laptop PC Setup

In this example, hyperterminal will be used to communicate between the PC

and CNC. Hyperterminal is software that comes free with the Windows
operating system.
1) Turn ON the PC and run HYPERTERMINAL on the START menu …

After a few seconds the connection description window appears…

2) Type the connection

name, RS232, then

The Phone number window will be displayed….

3) On the PHONE NUMBER window select COM 1 then

4) On the COM1 PROPERTIES window, select the settings shown below,

5) The RS232-HyperTerminal window should now be visible. In the lower
left corner of the window, CONNECTED should be displayed with the
connection time.

6) Click the PROPERTIES icon on top of the HyperTerminal


7) Click the SETTINGS tab, then in the EMULATION drop down box
select ANSI

8) Click the button.

9) Make sure the check boxes
“Send line ends with line feeds ”
“Force incoming data to 7 bit ASCII”
are both checked.

10) Click the button.

11) Click the button.

Your PC is now setup to

transmit and receive data
Follow the steps below to download from the CNC to your PC.

1) On the PC, across the top of the Hyperterminal window click on

then select CAPTURE TEXT

2) On the PC, a window appears that ask you to enter the file name , for the
capture. You can use the Browse button to select your folder.
Enter Filena me.TXT, then click the button.
The PC is now ready to receive the file. Punch out the CNC data.

NOTE: When data is received by Hyperterminal, the bottom of your screen will show
the baud rate and type of data. NOTE: ISO transmits 7 data + 1 parity bit. Hyperterminal
may see this data as 8 data bits and N parity. In a previous step we set Hyperterminal to “
Force data to 7 bit ASCII ” so this will not effect the data.
When the download is COMPLETED.
3) On the PC, across the top of the Hyperterminal window click on
then select CAPTURE TEXT, then select STOP

The file is now saved. You should confirm the file was saved correctly.

NOTE: If you open the file in WORDPAD, it will display in a single

To load a file from PC to CNC

1. On the PC, across the top of the Hyperterminal window click on


then select SEND TEXT FILE

2. Select the file you want to send, and click on OPEN

To start sending data to the CNC.

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