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Curriculum & Grant Opportunity

DATE: July 21, 2008

TO: Neighborhood Groups and Leaders
FROM: Sharon L. Ware, Assistant Impact Director, United Way of Central Ohio
SUBJECT: Vibrant Neighborhoods Toolbox Curriculum and Grant


United Way of Central Ohio and the Macy’s Foundation are pleased to announce a
unique opportunity for capacity building at the neighborhood level through a new
program, the Vibrant Neighborhoods Toolbox Curriculum and Grant. Each selected
organization will complete a focused curriculum intended to improve the skill sets
of neighborhood organizations and increase resident involvement. Upon
completion of the curriculum, the participating organization will receive a $1,500
mini-grant to implement a project in alignment with the curriculum.

This opportunity will include approximately a dozen neighborhood groups.


In October 2008, eight classes on four topics will be delivered over a four week
schedule. A representative from the participating organization must take each of
the eight classes. An individual can take as many of the eight classes as they
would like, but multiple participants are encouraged. Each organization can send
up to 3 people per class.

The classes include:

1. Communication & Public Relations
2. Community Engagement & Involvement
3. Leadership Development
4. Public Policy, Legislation & Advocacy


Each participating organization will receive a $1,500 mini-grant to implement a

project that relates to the completed curriculum. Examples of projects include
communication (newsletter, website, survey, public meeting, etc.), membership
recruitment and/or retention projects, or community engagement activities. The
projects are intended to be executed in the beginning of 2009 and completed by
late spring/early summer. Each participating organization will then share best
practices/lessons learned from their grant implementation with other participating


• Applicants DO NOT need to be a 501c3 non-profit but will need to partner

with one to receive funds
• Organizations must have been in existence for at least two years.
• Organizations can be civic associations, neighborhood groups, resident
councils, block watch groups, area commissions, grass-roots groups, etc.,
within Franklin County
• Annual operating revenue below $50,000 (exceptions could be made)
• Applications are due September 5th, 2008
• Selection of participants occurs on September 19th, 2008
• Courses begin the week of October 20th, 2008
• Courses end the week of November 17th, 2008
• Mini grants are awarded in December, implementation begins January 2009


Applications are due to United Way of Central Ohio on September 5th, 2008 and can
be dropped off in person before 5:00p.m., or sent by fax to 614-224-5835 or via
email to Email subject line should read, “Vibrant
Neighborhoods Toolbox Application.”

The application is included within this correspondence or an electronic copy of the

application will be sent upon request by contacting Sharon L. Ware 241-3071 or by
using the above email.
Thank you for interest in supporting vibrant neighborhoods.
1 Submitting Organization Name:
Vibrant Neighborhood Toolbox
Lead contact person submitting this application:
A p p l i c a t i o n 2008
Mailing Address & zip code:

Email Address:

Phone Number Fax Number:

2 How long has your group been in existence? How or why did you come together as a

3 Describe your geographic boundaries (major street boundaries or neighborhood name):

4 How many people are actively involved in your group, what are their contributions and
how long have they been involved?

5 How many representatives will participate in this training program?

6 Name a major challenge facing your community?

7 How will this project help the neighborhood address its challenges?

8 Tell us something special about your neighborhood.

Please type brief responses.

For an electronic copy contact Sharon L. Ware: 614-241-3071 or Email

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