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Kar la M. Johnstone
University of Wisconsin—Madison

Audrey A. Gramling
Bellarmine University

Larry E. Rittenberg
University of Wisconsin—Madison

4% CENGAGE Learning*
Australia • Brazil • Japan • Korea • Mexico • Singapore • Spain • United Kingdom • United States
PREFACE, xxiii


Auditing: Integral to the Economy, 2

Overview of the External Auditing Profession, 3

Introduction to the External Auditing Profession, 3
External Auditing: A Special Function, 4
The Need for Unbiased Reporting and Independent Assurance, 6
Overall Objectives in Conducting an Audit, 7
Overview of the Audit Opinion Formulation Process, 8
Parties Involved in Preparing and Auditing Financial Statements, 9
Providers of External Auditing Services, 9
Skills and Knowledge Needed to Enter the External Auditing
Profession, 10
Organizations Affecting the External Auditing Profession, 11

Audit Quality, 14
Audit Firm Culture, 15
Skills and Qualities of the Engagement Team, 15
Effectiveness of the Audit Process, 16
Reliability and Usefulness of Audit Reporting, 16
Factors Outside the Control of Auditors That Affect Audit Quality, 16

Achieving Audit Quality and Minimizing Lawsuits, 16

Auditor Independence Requirements, 17
Review Programs, 19
Engagement Letters, 20

viii Contents

Client Acceptance/Continuance Decisions, 20

Audit Firm Limitations, 21
Audit Documentation, 21
Summary and Next Steps, 21
Significant Terms, 21
True-False Questions, 23
Multiple-Choice Questions, 24
Review and Short Case Questions, 26
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 28
Application Activities, 30
Academic Research Case, 31


The Risk of Fraud and Mechanisms to Address Fraud:

Regulation, Corporate Governance, and Audit
Quality, 32

Fraud Defined, 34
Misstatements Arising From Misappropriation of Assets, 34
Misstatements Arising from Fraudulent Financial Reporting, 34

The Fraud Triangle, 35

Incentives or Pressures to Commit Fraud, 37
Opportunities to Commit Fraud, 37
Rationalizing the Fraud, 38

Recent History of Fraudulent Financial Reporting, 38

Examples of Recent Frauds and Implications for External Auditors, 38
The Third COSO Report, 41
The Enron Fraud: A Key Driver of Regulatory Change, 42

An Overview of the Auditor's Fraud-Related

Responsibilities and Users' Expectations, 44

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as a Regulatory

Response to Fraud, 45

The Post Sarbanes-Oxley World: A Time of Improved

Corporate Governance, 49
What Is Corporate Governance? 49
Principles of Effective Corporate Governance, 50
Responsibilities of Audit Committees, 53
Summary and Next Steps, 53
Significant Terms, 54
True-False Questions, 54
Multiple-Choice Questions, 55
Review and Short Case Questions, 58
Contents ix

Contemporary and Historical Cases, 63

Application Activities, 67
Academic Research Cases, 69
Ford and Toyota, 70


Internal Control over Financial Reporting: Management7s

Responsibilities and Importance to the External
Auditors, 72

Importance of Internal Control Over Financial

Reporting, 74
Importance of Internal Control to the External Audit, 74

Defining Internal Control, 75

Components and Principles of Internal Control, 77

COSO Component: Control Environment, 78
COSO Component: Risk Assessment, 81
COSO Component: Control Activities, 83
COSO Component: Information and Communication, 87
COSO Component: Monitoring, 88

Management's Responsibilities Related to Internal

Control Over Financial Reporting, 90
Documentation of Internal Control, 91
Reporting on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, 91
Evaluating Internal Control Over Financial Reporting, 92
Summary and Next Steps, 97
Significant Terms, 97
True-False Questions, 99
Multiple-Choice Questions, 100
Review and Short Case Questions, 1 03
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 1 10
Application Activities, 1 1 1
Academic Research Cases, 1 12
Ford and Toyota, 1 1 3


Professional Liability and the Need for Quality

Auditor Judgments and Ethical Decisions, 114

The Legal Environment and the Effects of Lawsuits

on Audit Firms, 11 6
Liability Doctrines, 116
Class Action Lawsuits, 117
Contingent-Fee Compensation for Lawyers, 117
Audits Viewed as an Insurance Policy: The Expectations Gap, 117

Applicable Laws and Causes of Legal Action, 117

Laws from Which Auditor Liability Is Derived and
Causes of Legal Action, 117
Parties that May Bring Suit against Auditors, 118

Auditor Liability under Common Law

and Contract Law, 119
Common-Law Liability to Clients: Breach of Contract, 119
Common-Law Liability to Third P., -l'es, 120

Auditor Liability un- • /Law, 122

Securities Act of 1933, 123
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 123
Summary of Auditor Liability to Third Parties under
Common and Statutory Law, 12J

A Framewor Decision Making, 125

Importance of Prolcs^'i^i SL-pucism in Making
Professional Judgments, 128

A Framework lo; Emica! Decision Making, 130

Resolving Ethical Dilemmas, 130
Applying the Ethical Decision Making Framework, 131

Professional Guidance on Decision Making, 13Ä

IESBA's Code of Ethics, 134
A1CPA Code of Professional Conduct, 134
Summary and Next Steps, 1 39
Significant Terms, 1 39
True-False Questions, 142
Multiple-Choice Questions, 143
Review and Short Case Questions, 145
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 152
Application Activities, 153
Academic Research Cases, 154
Ford and Toyota, 1 55


Professional Auditing Standards and the Audit Opinion

Formulation Process, 156

Professional Auditing Standards, 158

Auditing Standards Issued by the AICPA, 158
Auditing Standards Issued by the IAASB, 159
Sufficiency of Audit Evidence, 233
Sample Sizes, 235

Additional Evidence Considerations, 236

Evidence Needed for Auditing Management Estimates, 236
Using a Specialist/Expert to Assist with Obtaining Evidence, 237
Evidence Needed for Related-Party Transactions, 238

Documenting Audit Evidence, 239

Documenting Planning and Risk Assessment Procedures, 240
Documenting Audit Work Performed, 240
Documenting Significant Issues and Their Resolution, 241
Copies of Documents, 241
Auditor-Generated Memos, 242
Characteristics of Quality Audit Documentation, 242
Revisions and Retention of Audit Documentation, 243
Audit Programs, 243
Summary and Next Steps, 244
Significant Terms, 244
True-False Questions, 246
Multiple-Choice Questions, 247
Review and Short Case Questions, 251
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 255
Application Activities, 262
Academic Research Cases, 263
Ford and Toyota, 264
ACL, 264


Planning the Audit: Identifying and Responding

to the Risks of Material Misstatement, 266

Assessing Materiality, 268

Materiality Guidance, 268
SEC Views on Materiality, 270
Changes in Materiality Judgments Throughout
the Audit Opinion Formulation Process, 270

Identifying and Assessing Risks of Material

Misstatement, 271
Assessing Factors Affecting Inherent Risk, 272
Assessing Factors Affecting Control Risk, 279
Analytical Procedures and Brainstorming Activities
to Assess the Risks of Material Misstatement, 282

Responding to Identified Risks of Material

Misstatement, 286
Determining Detection Risk and Audit Risk, 286
Contents xiii

Planning Audit Procedures to Respond to the Assessed Risks

of Material Misstatement, 289
Summary and Next Steps, 292
Significant Terms, 292
True-False Questions, 293
Multiple-Choice Questions, 294
Review and Short Case Questions, 297
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 305
Application Activities, 31 2
Academic Research Cases, 313
Ford and Toyota, 315


Specialized Audit Tools: Sampling

and Generalized Audit Software, 316

Overview of Sampling and GAS as Tools

for Gathering Audit Evidence, 31 8

Objectives of Sampling and Risks Associated with

Sampling, 319
Nonsampling and Sampling Risks, 320

Nonstatistical and Statistical Sampling, 322

Attributes Sampling, 323

Steps in Attributes Sampling, 324
Nonstatistical Sampling Approach to Testing Controls, 334

Using Sampling to Gather Evidence about

Misstatements in Account Balances
and Associated Assertions, 335
Steps in Sampling Account Balances and Associated Assertions, 335
Nonstatistical Sampling for Substantive Tests of Account
Balances and Associated Assertions, 339
Statistical Sampling for Substantive Tests of Account Balances
and Associated Assertions: Monetary Unit Sampling (MUS), 340

Using Generalized Audit Software to Obtain

Evidence, 347
Tasks Performed by GAS, 348
Benefits of using GAS, 350
Summary and Next Steps, 351
Significant Terms, 351
True-False Questions, 354
Multiple-Choice Questions, 355
Review and Short Case Questions, 358
Academic Research Case, 365
Contents xv

Overview of Cash Accounts, 440

Cash Management Techniques, 441
Relevant Financial Statement Assertions, 442

Performing Risk Assessment Procedures for Cash

Accounts, 442
Identifying Inherent Risks, 442
Identifying Control Risks, 444
Performing Preliminary Analytical Procedures, 452
Responding to Identified Risks of Material Misstatement, 452

Obtaining Evidence about Internal Control Operating

Effectiveness for Cash, 453
Selecting Controls to Test and Performing Tests of Controls, 454
Considering the Results of Tests of Controls, 457

Obtaining Substantive Evidence about Cash Accounts,

Disclosures, and Assertions, 457
Substantive Analytics for Cash Accounts, 458
Substantive Tests of Details for Cash Accounts, 458

Auditing Marketable Securities, 465

Significant Accounts and Relevant Assertions, 465
Identify and Assess Inherent, Fraud, and Control Risks
Relevant to Marketable Securities, 466
Analytical Procedures for Marketable Securities, 467
Tests of Controls and Substantive Tests of Details
for Marketable Securities, 468
Summary and Next Steps, 471
Significant Terms, 471
True-False Questions, 472
Multiple-Choice Questions, 474
Review and Short Case Questions, 477
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 490
Application Activities, 497
Academic Research Cases, 498
Ford and Toyota, 499


Auditing Inventory, Goods and Services,

and Accounts Payable: The Acquisition and
Payment Cycle, 500

Significant Accounts and Relevant Assertions, 502

Activities Involved in the Acquisition and Payment Cycle, 503
Relevant Financial Statement Assertions, 503
Contents xvü

Selecting Controls to Test and Performing Tests of Controls, 571

Considering the Results of Tests of Controls, 571

Obtaining Substantive Evidence about Accounts,

Disclosures, and Assertions for Long-Lived Asset Accounts
and Related Expenses, 572
Substantive Analytical Procedures, 572
Substantive Tests of Details for Tangible Assets—Testing
Current Period Additions, 572
Substantive Tests of Details for Tangible Assets—Testing
Current Period Deletions, 574
Substantive Procedures Related to Depreciation Expense and
Accumulated Depreciation for Tangible Assets, 574
Substantive Tests of Details for Natural Resources and the Related
Expense Accounts, 576
Substantive Tests of Details for Intangible Assets, 577
Substantive Procedures Related to Asset Impairment, 577
Substantive Procedures Related to Leases, 578
Performing Substantive Fraud-Related Procedures, 579
Documenting Substantive Procedures, 579
Summary and Next Steps, 579
Significant Terms, 580
True-False Questions, 580
Multiple-Choice Questions, 581
Review and Short Case Questions, 583
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 590
Application Activities, 591
Academic Research Case, 592
Ford and Toyota, 593


Auditing Debt Obligations and Stockholders'

Equity Transactions, 594

Significant Accounts, Disclosures, and Relevant

Assertions, 596
Debt Obligations, 596
Stockholders' Equity, 597

Performing Risk Assessment Procedures for Debt

Obligations and Stockholders' Equity Transactions, 598
Identifying Inherent Risks, 599
Identifying Fraud Risk Factors, 599
Identifying Control Risks, 601
Performing Preliminary Analytical Procedures, 602
Responding to Identified Risks of Material Misstatement, 602
xviii Contents

Obtaining Evidence about Internal Control Operating

Effectiveness for Debt Obligations and Stockholders'
Equity Transactions, 603

Obtaining Substantive Evidence in Auditing

Debt Obligations and Stockholders' Equity
Transactions, 603
Substantive Analytical Procedures—Debt Obligations, 603
Substantive Tests of Details—Debt Obligations, 605
Substantive Tests of Details—Stockholders' Equity Transactions, 606
Performing Substantive Fraud-Related Procedures, 608
Documenting Substantive Procedures, 609
Summary and Next Steps, 609
Significant Terms, 609
True-False Questions, 610
Multiple-Choice Questions, 61 1
Review and Short Case Questions, 61 3
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 616
Application Activities, 61 8
Academic Research Case, 61 9


Activities Required in Completing a Quality

Audit, 620

Review Activities, 622.

Reviewing, Summarizing, and Resolving Detected Misstatements, 622
Reviewing Contingencies, 625
Reviewing Significant Estimates, 627
Reviewing the Adequacy of Disclosures, 629
Auditors' Responsibilities Regarding Clients' Noncompliance
with Laws and Regulations, 630
Evaluating the Going-Concern Assumption, 632
Performing Analytical Review of the Financial Statements, 635
Evaluating Management Representations, 637
Reviewing Subsequent Events and Subsequently Discovered Facts, 640
Consideration of Omitted Procedures Discovered after the Report
Date, 644
Performing an Engagement Quality Review, 644

Communicating with Management and the Audit

Committee (And Those Charged with Governance), 645
Responsibilities of External Auditors to Communicate
with the Audit Committee, 645
Communicating with Management via the Management Letter, 647
Contents xix

Issues Relating to Audit Firm Portfolio Management, Audit

Partner Rotation, and Audit Firm Rotation, 649
Client Acceptance and Continuance Decisions, 649
Partner Rotation and Audit Firm Rotation, 653
Summary and Next Steps, 656
Significant Terms, 656
True-False Questions, 658
Multiple-Choice Questions, 660
Review and Short Case Questions, 666
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 674
Application Activities, 679
Academic Research Case, 682
Ford and Toyota, 683


Audit Reports on Financial Statements, 684

Principles Underlying Audit Reporting, 686

Standard Unqualified Audit Reports on Financial

Statements, 686
Standard Unqualified Audit Reports: U.S. Public Companies, 686
Standard Unqualified Audit Reports: U.S. Nonpublic Companies
and Non-U.S. Companies, 690

Unqualified Audit Reports with Explanatory

Language, 691
Explanatory Language: Justified Departure from GAAP, 691
Explanatory Language: Inconsistent Application of GAAP, 691
Explanatory Language: Substantial Doubt About the Client
Being a Going Concern, 692
Explanatory Language: Emphasis of a Matter, 693
Explanatory Language: Reference to Other Auditors, 695

Qualified Reports, Adverse Reports, and

Disclaimers, 697
Qualified Audit Reports, 698
Adverse Audit Reports, 700
Audit Reports with a Disclaimer of Opinion, 701

Comparisons of Modifications to the Standard

Unqualified Audit Report, 704

Audit Reports on Internal Control Over Financial

Reporting, 704
Elements of Management's Annual Report on Internal Control
Are Incomplete or Improperly Presented, 705
XX Contents

Restriction on the Scope of the Engagement, 705

Auditor Refers to the Report of Other Auditors as the Basis, in Part,
for the Auditor's Own Report, 705
Other Information Contained in Management's Annual Report on
ICFR, 705
Management's Annual Certification Pursuant to Section 302 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act Is Misstated, 705
Summary and Next Steps, 708
Significant Terms, 708
True-False Questions, 709
Multiple-Choice Questions, 710
Review and Short Case Questions, 71 2
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 721
Application Activities, 723
Academic Research Cases, 724
Ford and Toyota, 725


Advanced Topics Concerning Complex

Auditing Judgments, 726

Complex Auditing Judgments, 728

Identifying Complex Judgments in the Financial Statements, 728

Making Materiality Judgments, 729

Purpose of Materiality Judgments and Common Benchmarks and
Thresholds, 730
Common Difficulties in Making Materiality Judgments, 733

Evaluating Misstatements, 734

Subjective Differences between the Auditor and the Client, 735
Aggregating and Netting Misstatements, 736
Intentional Misstatements, 736
Considerations Regarding Selective Correction of Misstatements, 736
Considering Misstatements in the Statement of Cash Flows, 737
Regulatory Guidance Concerning Materiality Judgments, 737

Assessing Long-Term Liabilities Involving Significant

Subjective Judgment, 737
Warranty Reserves, 738
Pension Obligations and Other Postemployment Benefits, 739

Auditing Merger and Acquisition Activities, 740

Valuing the Assets and Liabilities of an Acquisition, 740
Measuring Restructuring Charges, 742
Contents xxi

Auditing Management's Fair Value Estimates

and Related Impairment Judgments, 743
The Accounting Model for Fair Value Estimates, 743
Audit Considerations for Fair Market Estimates
and Related Impairments, 747

Auditing Financial Instruments, 751

Overview of Financial Instruments, 751
Audit Considerations for Financial Instruments, 754

Assessing Deficiencies in Internal Control over

Financial Reporting, 756
Assessing Likelihood and Magnitude of Potential Misstatements, 757

Evaluating a Client's Internal Audit Function, 759

An Overview of Internal Auditing, 759
Evaluating the Quality of the Client's Internal Audit Function, 763
Summary and Next Steps, 766
Significant Terms, 766
True-False Questions, 768
Multiple-Choice Questions, 769
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 783
Application Activities, 785
Academic Research Cases, 787
Ford and Toyota, 788
ACL, 788
Using ACL to Perform Benford Analysis, 789


Other Services Provided by Audit Firms, 790

Attestation Services Provided by Audit Firms, 791

Subject Matter of an Attestation Engagement, 791
Components of Attestation Services and Parties
Involved in Attestation Services, 792
Levels of Assurance Provided in an Attestation Engagement, 792
Professional Standards for Attestation Engagements, 793

Reviews and Compilations, 794

Reviews, 794
Compilations, 798

Reviews of Interim Financial Information

for Public Companies, 800
Review Procedures for Interim Financial Information, 800
Reporting on Interim Financial Statements, 801
Special Considerations for Reporting, 801
AU-C Section 800: Special Considerations—Audits of Financial
Statements Prepared in Accordance with Special-Purpose
Frameworks, 803
AU-C Section 805: Special Considerations—Audits of Single Financial
Statements and Specific Elements, Accounts, or Items of a Financial
Statement, 805
AU-C Section 806: Reporting on Compliance with Aspects of
Contractual Agreements or Regulatory Requirements in Connection
with Audited Financial Statements, 807

Attestation on Agreed-Upon Procedures, Financial

Forecasts and Projections, and Pro Forma Financial
Information, 809
SSAEs No. 10 and 11, AT Section 201: Agreed-Upon Procedures
Engagements, 809
SSAEs No. 10 and 17, AT Section 301: Financial Forecasts and
Projections, 812
SSAE No. 10, AT Section 401: Reporting on Pro Forma Financial
Information, 816

Forensic Accounting, 6id

Sustainability Reporting and Assurance, 819

Reporting on Sustainability Activities and Outcomes, 820
Providing Assurance on Sustainability Reporting, 825
Summary, 828
Significant Terms, 829
True-False Questions, 831
Multiple-Choice Questions, 832
Review and Short Case Questions, 835
Application Activities, 838
Academic Research Case, 839


INDEX, 859
Performing Risk Assessment Procedures in the Acquisition
and Payment Cycle, 504
Identifying Inherent Risks, 504
Identifying Control Risks, 506
Performing Preliminary Analytical Procedures, 513
Responding to Identified Risks of Material Misstatement, 515

Obtaining Evidence about Internal Control Operating

Effectiveness in the Acquisition and Payment Cycle, 517
Selecting Controls to Test and Performing Tests of Controls, 517
Considering the Results of Tests of Controls, 517

Obtaining Substantive Evidence about Accounts,

Disclosures, and Assertions in the Acquisition and
Payment Cycle, 51 8
Substantive Tests of Inventory and Cost of Goods Sold, 518
Substantive Tests of Accounts Payable and Related Expense Accounts, 529
Summary and Next Steps, 535
Significant Terms, 536
True-False Questions, 537
Multiple-Choice Questions, 538
Review and Short Case Questions, 541
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 550
Application Activities, 555
Academic Research Cases, 556
Ford and Toyota, 558
ACL, 558


Auditing Long-Lived Assets: Acquisition, Use,

Impairment, and Disposal, 560

Significant Accounts, Disclosures, and Relevant

Assertions, 561
Activities in the Long-Li ved Asset Acquisition and Payment Cycle, 562
Relevant Financial Statement Assertions, 563

Performing Risk Assessment Procedures for Long-Lived

Assets, 563
Identifying Inherent Risks, 563
Identifying Control Risks, 565
Performing Preliminary Analytical Procedures, 567
Responding to Identified Risks of Material Misstatement, 569

Obtaining Evidence about Internal Control Operating

Effectiveness for Long-Lived Asset Accounts
and Related Expenses, 571

Auditing the Revenue Cycle, 366

Significant Accounts, Disclosures, and Relevant

Assertions, 368
Processing Revenue Transactions, 368

Performing Risk Assessment Procedures

in the Revenue Cycle, 372
Identifying Inherent Risks, 372
Identifying Control Risks, 379
Performing Preliminary Analytical Procedures, 384
Responding to Identified Risks of Material Misstatement, 386

Obtaining Evidence about Internal Control Operating

Effectiveness in the Revenue Cycle, 386
Selecting Controls to Test and Performing Tests of Controls, 386
Considering the Results of Tests of Controls, 389

Obtaining Substantive Evidence about Accounts,

Disclosures, and Assertions in the Revenue Cycle, 389
Revenue: Substantive Analytical Procedures, 390
Revenue: Substantive Tests of Details, 391
Accounts Receivable: Substantive Procedures Based on the Aged Trial
Balance, 392
Accounts Receivable: Substantive Tests of Details—Confirmations, 393
Accounts Receivable: Substantive Procedures for the Allowance
Account, 400
Accounts Receivable: Other Substantive Procedures, 401
Performing Substantive Fraud-Related Procedures, 402
Documenting Substantive Procedures, 403
Summary and Next Steps, 404
Significant Terms, 404
True-False Questions, 405
Multiple-Choice Questions, 406
Review and Short Case Questions, 409
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 424
Application Activities, 434
Academic Research Cases, 435
Ford and Toyota, 436
ACL, 436


Auditing Cash and Marketable Securities, 438

Significant Accounts and Relevant Assertions, 440

Contents xi

Auditing Standards Issued by the PCAOB, 159

Comparison of the Auditing Standards, 159
Principles Underlying the Auditing Standards, 159

The Audit Opinion Formulation Process, 161

An Overview of the Phases in the Audit Opinion Formulation
Process, 162
Important Concepts Affecting the Audit Opinion Formulation
Process, 163
Phase I Making Client Acceptance and Continuance Decisions, 168
Phase II Performing Risk Assessment, 169
Phase III Obtaining Evidence about Internal Control Operating
Effectiveness, 175
Summary of Audit Decisions Prior to Determining Substantive
Procedures, 180
Phase IV Obtaining Substantive Evidence about Accounts,
Disclosures, and Assertions, 182
Phase V Completing the Audit and Making Reporting Decisions, 185

Audit Example: Assessing Control Design

Effectiveness, Implementation, and Operating
Effectiveness, 187
Management Assessment of Controls, 187
Auditor Assessment of Controls, 188
Summary and Next Steps, 1 89
Significant Terms, 1 89
True-False Questions, 1 91
Multiple-Choice Questions, 1 92
Review and Short Case Questions, 196
Contemporary and Historical Cases, 203
Application Activities, 204
Academic Research Cases, 205
Appendix, 206


A Framework for Audit Evidence, 212

Obtaining Sufficient Appropriate Audit Evidence, 214

Appropriateness of Audit Evidence, 215

Relevance of Audit Evidence, 215
Reliability of Audit Evidence, 218

Type and Timing of Audit Procedures, 221

Type of Audit Procedures, 221
Timing of Procedures, 227
Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures, 228

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