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Detailed Lesson Plan

Presented by:
Batara, Kimberly Millet
Pacion, Ferliza

I. Objectives:
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to:
a. selects appropriate meaning from several meanings given;
b. know the proper pronunciation of soft ‘th’ and hard ‘th’; and
c. give examples of soft ‘th’ and hard ‘th’.

II. Subject Matter:

A. General Topic: Words with Multiple Meanings
B. Specific Topic: Phonetic Analysis soft/th, hard /th/
C. Materials: poem chart, dictionary, laptop, projector ,audio/video of words with soft
‘th’ and hard ‘th’ audio ,
D. References: PELC 1.1 Speaking, 1 Reading, Skill Builders for Efficient Reading 4 pp.
139-143, Fun in English Language IV pp. 40-41, Fun in English Reading IV pp. 204-20

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preliminary Activities

Good Morning, Class! Good morning, Ma’am!

May I ask everyone to stand for (The students will stand for the prayer.)
the prayer?

Class, before you take your sit,

kindly pick up the scattered pieces
of paper on the floor and arrange

your chairs properly.

Are you sitting on your designated Yes, ma’am.

seats? Who are absent? (The secretary will take note of those
students who are absent.

A. Motivation (CHANGE)
To start with, let’s have an activity called
1. Form a group (one for boys and one
for girls)
2. Think of words that starts or ends
with ‘th’.
3. Write as many as you can.

Are you ready class? I’m giving you 5

minuets to finish the activity.


Thing That
Thank Thermos
This Bath
Through Path
these Math

Okay, stop writing.

Class, all those words that you have

written is connected with our topic.

B. Presentation
Today, we are going to study a poem
about excuses. But before that we will
know first the meaning of the following

PHONETIC is a branch of linguistics

that compromises the study of sounds of
humans speech or -in the case of sign
languages -the equivalent aspects of sign.

Phonetic analysis is based on the
traditional classification of speech sounds
using the international phonetic
alphabet (IPA). it is also called phonics
wherein it is the study of sound-symbol or
phoneme-grapheme relationships.

Yes ma’am.
Mothers' Excuses
-Edgar Albert Guest Okay next.
Here’s a poem
Mother for me made excuses
When I was a little lad; Excuses”
Found some reason for my conduct written by (someone reads the poem)
When it had been very bad. Edgar Albert
Blamed it on a recent illness Guest
Or my nervousness and told
Father to be easy with me Who wants to
Every time he had to scold. read the poem?
And I knew, as well as any
Roguish, healthy lad of ten,
Mother really wasn't telling
Truthful things to father then.
What did you
I knew I deserved the whipping,
notice the
Knew that I'd been very bad,
Knew that mother knew it also
words that was
When she intervened with dad. underlined in
I knew that my recent illness the poem?
Hadn't anything to do
With the mischief I'd been up to,
And I knew that mother knew. What did you
But remembering my fever noticed?
And my nervous temperament,
Father put away the shingle
And postponed the sad event. Very good.
Now his mother, when I threaten What else?
Punishment for this and that,
Calls to mind the dreary night hours
When beside his bed we sat.
Comes and tells me that he's nervous,
That's the reason he was bad, You are right.
And the boy and doting mother What else?
Put it over on the dad.
Some day when he's grown as I am,
With a boy on mischief bent,
He will hear the timeworn story
Of the nervous temperament.
And remembering the shingle
That aside I always threw, 3
All I hope is that he'll let them
Put it over on him, too.
Excellent. With that let’s proceed to our

C. Lesson Proper

Our lesson for today is about


Do you understand class?

Anyone who knows what does our lesson

all about? Or clue?

Excellent. What more?

Yes ma’am.

Very good. Ma’am those are words that is about

ability to recognize sound/ symbol Ma’am I notice that the words are about the
relationships in order to identify a right pronunciation of words.

It is the same to what we have written on

For you to understand well our lesson for the board awhile ago.
today I have here an audio how to
determine a word if it is an example of
soft or hard ‘th’.

Listen carefully.

(Present the video/Play the audio link

attached in the materials)

So class, can you now determine what is
soft and hard ‘th’ through all those words
that you have written awhile ago?
Yes ma’am.
Are you sure?

Are you ready? Ma’am phonetic analysis is about


Ma’am phonetic analysis involves a

BOYS GIRLS knowledge of the phonological patterns of
the language, knowledge.
1) Thing 1) That
2) Thank 2) Thermos
3) This 3) Bath
4) Throug 4) Path
h 5) Math
5) These

Good job class.

Anyone who can give describe or give his

or her own definition of our lesson again?

Yes ma’am.

What a great definition is that. Who else?

Very good. Let’s proceed.

Yes ma’am.

Yes ma’am.

Yes ma’am.


1) Soft th 1) Hard th
2) Soft th 2) Soft th
3) Hard th 3) Soft th 5
4) Hard th 4) Soft th
5) Hard th 5) Soft th
Ma’am it is a strategy for attacking words
by focusing on the letter-sound
relationships and how to blend sounds into

Ma’am it is also understanding the

alphabetic code.
D. Unlocking of Difficulties
Ask pupils to read the sentence and select
the meaning of the underlined words from
the options below.

1. Can you reach up to that shelf?

a. to arrive at
b. to get in touch with
c. to extent or distance a person, a
thing can stretch

2. Were you able to swim?

a. having enough power or skill
b. skillful, talented

A. Reading of the poem by the teacher

while pupils listen.

B. Comprehension Check-up
1. Why does Fe like going to market

with mother?
2. Why does Fe not want to go to
market just now?

3. Why don't like reading and

studying my lessons just now?

C. Aesthetic Discussion
What line of the poem do
you like most? Why?

D. Value
When your mother tells you to do
something, are you going to do it? Why?
Why not?

E. Development of Skills
Let's read a story and find out the words
with /th/.”Clint's Bird”

Select the appropriate meaning of the

underlined words from several meanings
1. The bird has a fine feather.
a. to fit with a feather, as an arrow
b. to cover, adorn with feathers
c. to join by a tongue and groove
d. covering
2. I cannot think what he said.
a. to believe or consider
b. to expect
c. to bring to mind/remember

d. Consider

F. Generalization
How do we get the meanings of a word
from several meanings given?

What are the sounds of /th/?

Soft TH (voiceless): Place tongue
between upper and lower teeth. Blow air
through teeth.
Hard TH (voiced): Place tongue behind
upper teeth. Blow air and let tongue

Practice Exercises
A. Guided Practice
1. The pupils are grouped into 2.
Group I (girls) will get strips with words
and Group II (boys) will hold the strips
with group of words, the teacher reads the
sentence, the pupil who has the correct
meaning will match it with the word.
1. cabin
a. a small house; hut
b. a room on a ship
c. a place where passengers
are seated in an airplane
1. The captains cabin in the
streamer is big.
2. The boys built a cabin in
the woods.
B. Independent Exercise

Select the meaning of the
underlined words by writing the letter on
your paper. Write also the sound of /th/ in
the words.
1. throw
a. to put hastily or carelessly
b. to direct or projects
c. to cause to fall
1. The horse throw its rider.
2. He throws a coat over his

IV. Evaluation: (IMPROVE)

Write the words that I'm going to dictate. Read the words correctly afterwards.
1. theme 3. faith 5. heather 7. birthday 9. tooth/teeth
2. them 4. weather 6. thesis 8.three 10.depth

V. Assignment. (CHANGE)
1. The sickly child developed into a strong youth. Write 5 words with soft /th/ and 5 words with

hard /th/ using the dictionary. 30 points.

2. Create a poem, underline all the words with th and define those words. Use your creativity in

creating your poem. Make a video of you reciting your poem. 50 points.


Content (relevance to the theme) – 20%

Organization (unity of the thought) – 30%

Style (originality) – 20%

Poetic Structure (creativity) – 20%

Total: 100%


Changes / Improvements to change the detailed lesson plan.

1. Objectives - objectives must be 3 using 3 domains in case only 1 is specified so added.
2. Equipment - - connected to technology.
3. Motivation

Since Our topic is PHONETIC ANALYSIS SOFT AND HARD ( revised,improved, change )

1. In the PRESENTATION part - i present the lesson by first explaining the following: 1st the
Phonemes Phonetic Analysis soft and hard "th" second Then use phonetic analysis soft and hard
"th" in a poem and ask students find the word with "th" in it and let them give its meaning.

5. Evaluation - in the evaluation it should be Giving words with soft and hard "th" by asking them
to read it properly.

6. Assignment Highlights - In the assignment Highlighted it should be necessary to give and show
an example where the Assignment of poetry production with standards to find out if they really
understand the discussion. “PHONETIC ANALYSIS SOFT AND HARD "TH"”

Is the plan of technology integration supportive of the attainment of the learning competencies and
learning objectives? Explain your Ans:

We want to integrate using phones. For the students to properly pronouns the words especially that
our topic is about soft and hard "th". They can use their phones to search on google the words that they
want to know and hear.


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