Angela - TN3 - Units 6, 7: Name: - Class: - Date: - Id: A

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Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________ ID: A

Angela - TN3 - Units 6, 7

Complete each statement.

Complete the conversation. Use was going to or were going to.

Sally: Beth Goodman? Hi! Long time no see.

Beth: Wow, Sally Sanders! What are you doing these days?
Sally: Well, actually, now I’m Sally Finch. I got married last year.
Beth: But I thought you were going to marry Tommy Harrigan!

1. Sally: I ____________________ marry him, but I changed my mind and I didn’t. What about you? I

remember you ____________________ move to another city.

Beth: Well, my sister and I ____________________ go to Toronto after high school.
Sally: Now I remember! Your sister was a great dancer, and she ____________________ study
Beth: Yes, she was, but my parents talked her out of it.

Complete the sentence. Use was going to or were going to and the words in parentheses. Use a
capital letter when necessary.

Example: Tom and I were going to go (Tom and I / go) camping last weekend, but we didn’t go
because the weather was bad.

2. ____________________ (I / go) to Brazil last summer, but then I decided not to.

3. What ____________________ (you / study) when you graduated from high school?

4. Even when they were young, Jamie and Tom said ____________________ (they / have) six

5. ____________________ (your mother / go) back to work after she had children?

Name: ________________________ ID: A

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Complete the sentence. Choose the correct answer.

c If Diane isn’t at the meeting, then she ____ an accident. It’s the only reason she wouldn’t be
a. couldn’t have had
b. may have had
c. must have had

____ 6. I used to daydream a lot when I was younger, and now I regret it. I ____ so much time daydreaming.
a. must have spent c. could have spent
b. shouldn’t have spent

____ 7. We don’t know what time Mike left. He ____ at 8:30, or it’s possible that he left at 9:00.
a. may have left c. would have left
b. must have left

____ 8. Brian had two choices after college. He ____ a job with IMB, but he decided to work for Orden
a. could have taken c. must have taken
b. shouldn’t have taken

____ 9. Kim had to stop by the office this morning. She ____ something yesterday.
a. must have forgotten c. should have forgotten
b. would have forgotten

____ 10. Felicia stopped painting at an early age. She ____ a huge success, but now we’ll never know.
a. couldn’t have been c. might have been
b. should have been

____ 11. She really wanted that job. She ____ disappointed when she didn’t get it.
a. could have been c. must have been
b. would have been

____ 12. My parents have a lot of artistic ability. I ____ an artist, but I didn't really try.
a. must have become c. couldn't have become
b. might have become

____ 13. You ____ the highway to get here. That way is a lot faster.
a. would have taken c. may have taken
b. should have taken

Name: ________________________ ID: A

____ 14. Shawn isn’t here yet, and he’s never late. I guess he ____ stuck in traffic.
a. could have gotten c. would have gotten
b. should have gotten

Short Answer

Match each sentence to one with a similar meaning. Write the letter. You will not use all of the

Example: I have a good memory. c a. I'm very reliable.

(1) I have knowledge of the ____ b. I have learned a lot of abilities.

(2) I have a lot of talents. ____ c. I remember things well.

(3) I have a lot of skills. ____ d. I have worked with the subject before.

(4) I have experience with the ____ e. I was born with a lot of abilities.
f. I’m familiar with and understand the

Answer the question in your own way. Write complete sentences.

Example: You’re waiting for a friend, but he is late. What do you think might have happened to
He might have gotten lost.

16. What is one thing that you should have done differently in your life?

17. What is one skill, talent, or ability that you have?


18. When you were a child, what did you think you would be when you grew up?

Name: ________________________ ID: A

Match each word with the correct definition. You will not use all of the definitions.

Example: remember the dead e a. a large bunch of flowers

(1) picnic ____ b. agreement to marry someone

(2) newlyweds ____ c. vacation taken by people after their

(3) wedding ____ d. marriage ceremony

(4) engagement ____ e. think about people who have died

(5) honeymoon ____ f. a meal eaten outside

g. people who were recently married

Underline the adjective clause and circle the relative pronoun in the sentence. Then draw an
arrow from the relative pronoun to the noun or pronoun that it describes.


20. Rosh Hashana is a religious holiday that celebrates the Jewish new year.

21. Valentine’s Day is a great holiday for people who are in love.

22. The fireworks that are on the 4th of July are fantastic!

23. On December 26, Boxing Day is celebrated by people who live in Canada.

24. Anyone who wears a costume can participate in the Halloween parade.

25. The music that they played at the party was very festive and exciting.

26. The women who prepare the food for the holiday dinner are very busy.

27. The birthday party that we're planning for Jim is going to be a surprise.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

Read the sentence. Write C if the adjective clause is correct. Write I if the adjective clause is
incorrect, and fix the error.


28. They are the couple who they were married on the beach yesterday. _____

29. People give each other gifts that are handmade. _____

30. Anyone wants to see the fireworks can go to the lake and watch them. _____

31. “Happy Birthday” is a song that is well-known all over the world. _____

32. The cancan is a traditional dance that it comes from France. _____

33. There are lots of people who they have picnics outside in the summer. _____

34. The mariachis sang at the wedding reception were really good. _____

35. The group that is dancing on Saturday has won many competitions. _____

Complete the sentence in your own way.

Example: Ramadan is a religious holiday that is celebrated by Muslims .

36. ________________ is a holiday in my country that _________________________________.

37. ____________________ is / are a great way to celebrate for people who


38. I prefer holidays that ________________________________________.

Name: ________________________ ID: A



A. Read the article. Then read it again and match the correct response to each question. Write
the letter. You will not use all of the responses.

Name: ________________________ ID: A

Name: ________________________ ID: A

Example: Why should you read the c a. There’s no excuse for being late.
job description before the interview?
(1) Why should you always be on ____ b. You should be cool, calm, and
time for an interview? confident.
(2) Why shouldn’t you be too ____ c. You need to think about how you’ll
friendly in an interview? tell the interviewer about your skills.
(3) Why should you ask questions ____ d. It shows that you are interested in the
in an interview? job.
e. It is a formal occasion.

B. Read the article again. Then circle the letter of the answer that best completes each


(4) You ____ wear formal clothes to an interview.

a. should
b. shouldn’t
c. can never

(5) You ____ think before you answer a question in an interview.

a. should never
b. must
c. would

(6) You need to show the interviewer that you ____.

a. can do the job
b. are nervous
c. already have a job

Name: ________________________ ID: A


Read the article. Then read it again and circle the word or phrase that correctly completes
each sentence.


(1) The fight is held in (the town square / a vegetable market / Valencia).

(2) La Tomatina is a fight (between two people / between the people and the police / involving a
large group of people).

(3) Now La Tomatina is (accepted / illegal / ignored) by the police.

(4) You (should / have to / can’t) crush the tomatoes before you throw them.

(5) (Eating / Throwing / Making) tomatoes is an important part of La Tomatina.

(6) In the past, the police (started / stopped / ignored) the tomato fights.

(7) You can throw (only tomatoes / any vegetable / all kinds of food) at La Tomatina.

Name: ________________________ ID: A


41. Choose one of the following topics to write about. Write four or five sentences.
a. Describe some wedding traditions in your country. What do people eat, wear, and / or do at a

b. What is your favorite holiday? What type of holiday is it? What are some ways you commemorate
this holiday? What are some traditions for this holiday?


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