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EEE 425/591, ASU

Lab #2
Due September 29th, 6pm. Submitted to Canvas.

Submission: Prepare a concise report (< 5 pages) with important results only. You don’t have to
include the entire set of your circuit schematics or layout plots. Place the report in Assignment at
myasu with the filename as: EEE425_Lab_2_your name or EEE591_Lab_2_your name.

The objective of this software lab is to design and implement standard cells.

Standard cell design

Design two standard cells as randomly assigned to your ASU Student ID. The layout must follow
the rules indicated in the tutorial 4_layout_and_schematic_guidelines and 9_layout_tutorial_lab2.
The cells must pass DRC and LVS for credit.

(1) Please exactly the same cell names as in the table. Cell names must not be modified;
(2) All the sizes are actual NMOS and PMOS transistor sizes to be implemented in the layout;
(3) Please follow layout guidelines and check the given layout examples;
(4) Run your schematic first: create a schematic for the cells. Create an appropriate symbol for
each cell. In the “sample” library example symbols are shown. Characterize the 50% delay of
both high-to-low and low-to-high, the rise time and the fall time.
(5) Create the layout of the cells. Ensure the size on the layout view matches that size on the
schematic view. Run DRC and LVS to ensure that you layout complies with the design rules
and with your schematic.
(6) Please use “Gate 1” as a learning crutch to understand DRC/LVS rules and try to complete it
as soon as possible.

Cell Name N Width (nm) P Width (nm)

INVX01 420 504
INVX02 630 756
INVx03 945 1134
NAND2X03 1890 1134
NAND2X04 2836 1701
NAND2X05 4254 2552
NOR2X03 945 2268
NOR2X04 1418 3402
NOR2X05 2127 5104
NAND3x02 1890 756
NAND3x03 2835 1134
NOR3x04 1418 5103

Student ID Gate 1 Gate 2

1222556244 INVX01 NOR2X03
1220239813 INVX02 NOR2X04
1222291057 INVx03 NOR2X05
1222769886 NAND2X03 NAND3x02
1222743483 NAND2X04 NAND3x03
1223285050 NAND2X05 NOR3x04
1223446497 NOR2X03 INVX01
1221930450 NOR2X04 INVX02
1223204645 NOR2X05 INVx03
1223432470 NAND3x02 NAND2X03
1223231139 NAND3x03 NAND2X04
1223270971 NOR3x04 NAND2X05
1219620246 INVX01 NOR2X03
1223431599 INVX02 NOR2X04
1222670072 INVx03 NOR2X05
1223167634 NAND2X03 NAND3x02
1223633333 NAND2X04 NAND3x03
1222704392 NAND2X05 NOR3x04
1210558632 NOR2X03 INVX01
1223006369 NOR2X04 INVX02
1223319357 NOR2X05 INVx03
1222456326 NAND3x02 NAND2X03
1223314105 NAND3x03 NAND2X04
1222520351 NOR3x04 NAND2X05
1223203163 NAND2X03 NOR3x04
1222588055 NAND2X04 INVX01
1223176201 NAND2X05 INVX02
1223391026 NOR2X03 INVx03
1223224353 NOR2X04 NAND2X03
1223453712 NOR2X05 NAND2X04
1222349284 NAND3x02 NAND2X05
1223156597 NAND3x03 NOR3x04
1223422044 NOR3x04 INVX01
1221057786 NAND2X03 INVX02
1222820794 NAND2X04 INVx03
1223305369 NAND2X05 NAND2X03
1223354405 NOR2X03 NAND2X04
1223476878 NOR2X04 NAND2X05
1223385826 NOR2X05 NOR3x04
1223015859 NAND3x02 INVX01
1224173886 INVX01 NOR2X03
1222487773 NAND3x03 INVX02
1221417171 NOR3x04 INVx03
1222967382 NAND2X03 INVX01
1222559455 NAND2X04 INVX02
1219666877 NAND2X05 INVx03
1213875245 NOR2X03 NAND2X03
1223170897 NOR2X04 NAND2X04
1219534264 NOR2X05 NAND2X05
1219690446 NAND3x02 INVX01
1223640769 NAND3x03 INVX02
1223287832 NOR3x04 INVx03
1222814671 NOR2X05 INVX01

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