Hakikat Manusia Sebagai Individu Dan Mah-Dikonversi

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Human nature as Individual and Social Beings, the Dynamics and Dilemma of
Social Interaction

Preprint · March 2020

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26220.92805


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1 author:

M Chairul Basrun Umanailo

Universitas Iqra Buru


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Human nature as Individual and Social Beings, the
Dynamics and Dilemma of Social Interaction

M Chairul Basrun Umanailo

Keywords: nature, social, interaction, society

Human nature is as a servant and khalifah of Allah on earth which is composed
of three elements, namely: physical (physical, lust), reason (ratio), and spiritual
(psychic, spirit). As a consequence of man as servant and vicegerent of God on earth,
then the human being is: the creature of God's creation, creatures are born in a
helpless condition (clean paper), requires the assistance of another person, a
creature that has the ability to think1, sentient beings, creatures who have always
wanted to know about everything, beings who have the ability to speak, a creature
that is able to make equipment device2, social creatures that are able to work
together34, creatures that are able to organize themselves to meet the needs of life,
creatures that live on the basis of economic principles, a creature of the religious,
rational beings free to act based on moral reasons, a creature with a social contract
to respect and maintain the rights of others5.
Ubermensch Nietzsce is a superior man who is always ready to face all
challenges of life, always have a strong urge to reach the goal of becoming
human in power67. The elements that must be present in the human superior is the
energy, intellect, and self-pride (honor). These three elements must work
harmoniously together in order to create a force. Because by having the power and
virtue, then the human will be able to continue to hold his life to prevail and win.
A superior man can only be created through the aristocracy, that power must
be under the hand of the nobles8, so there must be courage and readiness to
sacrifice. Courage and readiness to be sacrificed was created because of the
selection process by humans through education to increase the degree and glory.
Superiorman Kong Fu Tse is human must be human values, namely human
beings who have the norm-the ideal norm in his life. There are four aspects that
became the core of the human mage that is humanity, personal choice, the pattern,
and reigned with good moral attitude.
Humans have a lot to do and a little talk, so never despair when experiencing
failure. Insan Kamil al Jilli is the perfect man as a new man able to survive and
timeless as the shadow of God has the nature and form of the deity with two
dimensions, namely the dimensions of the right (aspects of the birth) and the
dimensions of the left (inner aspect and absolute).
Stages that must be passed to achieve the perfect man is a mubtadi (the human
is irradiated by the name of the Lord), mutawasit (the human is irradiated by the
nature of God), ma'rifat (human exposed to the substance God), and reach the
station of khatam (insan kamil). The way to achieve Insan Kamil is with the practice
of Islam, iman, salah, ihsan, islam, shiddiqiyah, and mind.

Humans as individual beings have the element of physical and spiritual, elements of
the physical and the psychic, the elements of the body and the soul. An individual
is a mix between the factors of genotype and phenotype. The factor genotype was
the factor which brought individuals from birth, he is heredity brought individuals
from birth.
Personality is the overall behavior of the individual which is the result of the
interaction between the potential biopsikofisikal (physical and psychic) that are
carried from birth with a series of the environmental situation, which is revealed
in actions and deeds as well as mental reactions psychological, if it gets stimuli
from the environment.
Humans can be said as social beings due to several reasons, namely:
1. Humans are subject to social norms, rules
2. Human behavior expect the ratings of other people
3. Humans have a need to interact with other people
4. Human potential will grow if he lived in the middle-middle man9
The human said as social beings because:
- Humans are subject to the rules and social norms
- Human behavior is expecting an assessment from other people
- Humans have a need to interact with other people
- Human potential will flourish when they are in the middle of the community
Cooley gave the name of looking glass-self to see that a person is influenced by
others10. Cooley argued that the looking-glass self is formed through the 3 stages. In
the first stage a person has a perception of other people's views against him. In the
next stage a person has a perception about the judgment of others to his
appearance. In the third stage a person has feelings towards what she feels as the
judgment of others against it.
According to George Herbert Mead, in the first stage, play stage, a child begins
to learn to take the role of the people in the surrounding areas. The role of other
adults with whom he frequently interacts.
The Game stage, a child not only has to know the role that must be performed,
but also know the role that must be executed by others with whom he interacts 11.
Contoh dari Mead An example from Mead, is the state of a game: someone's child is
playing in a match not only know what is expected of others from him, but also what
is expected from others that come into play.
In the third stage of Socialization, a person is considered to have been able to
take roles which run others in the community are able to take the role of generalized
The individual comes from the word in and devided. In the English language in
one of them implies not, whereas devide that is divided. According to the opinion of
Dr. A Lysen of the individual is derived from the latin individum, which means
undivided. Human birth is a creature of individual meaning not divided or does not
separate between body and soul.
Individuals in behavior according to the pattern of his personal have three
1. Deviate from the norm of the collective lost its individuality
2. Subject to the collective
3. Affect the community12
In a mass of human beings tend to get rid of his individuality because the level
of behavior, is almost identical with the behavior of the mass question 13. In this
relationship can be characterized, if the human in its actions lead to the personal
interests of so called human beings as individual beings 14, on the contrary, if his
actions are relationships with other humans, then the man said to be social beings.
Experience shows that if a person is his devotion to yourself great, then his
devotion to the small community. On the contrary if someone pengabdianya to
yourself small, then community service is great. Thus it can be said that can improve
the traits of individuality on a person until he is himself, referred to as the process of
individualias, or sometimes also given the name of the process of self-actualization.
In its development, man as a creature of the individual is not meaningful unity
of body and soul, but it will be the typical pattern of his personality. The growth and
development of the individual is influenced by several factors.
Know it there are three views, namely:
a. View nativistik stated that the growth of the individual are determined solely
on the basis of factors from within the individual himself, such talent and he
potential, including also the relationship or resemblance with his parents 15. Eg, if his
father is an artist then the child will be an artist anyway
b. View empiristik stated that the growth of the individual solely based on
environmental factors. The environment that will determine the growth of a person.
This view is contrary to the view of the nativistik.
c. The view of the convergence which states that the growth of the individuals
who dipengaruh by a factor of individual self and the environment. A child's talent is
a potential which must be adjusted to create a good environment so that he can
grow optimally. This view seeks to combine both views of the previous 16.
As a creature of the human individual is also not able to live alone, this means
that man must also live in a society17. As for the lead man is always in a society,
among others Because of the encouragement the unity of the biological that there is
in human instinct, for example;
1. The desire to meet the needs of eating and drinking
2. The desire to defend yourself
3. The desire to hold a descent
This is stated since human birth is stated to have two wishes, namely basic:
1. The desire to become one with the humans around him
2. The desire to become one with the atmosphere of the nature around him
As a creature of the human individual plays a role to realize the following
1. Maintain and sustain the status and dignity
2. Meet their basic rights as human beings
3. Realize all the potential good side of the physical and spiritual
4. Meet the needs and interests of self for the welfare of his life 18.
The role of humans as social beings, humans are said as social beings because in
humans there is a drive to relate (interactions) with other people. There is a social
need to live in groups with other people19. Need to make friends with other people,
often based on similarity of traits or interests respectively. For example, wealthy
people tend to make friends again with the rich people. People who work as artists,
tend to find a friend to fellow artists again. Thus, it will be formed social groups in
society based on similarity of traits or interests.
The general form of the process-social process is a social interaction that can
be also called a social process because social interaction is the main condition of
occurrence of activity-social activity. The factors underlying the ongoing social
interaction, namely:
1. Factor imitation
2. Factors suggestion
3. Factor identification
4. The sympathy factor20
Two kinds of social processes that arise as a result of social interaction,
a) associative Processes, divided in three specific forms, namely the
accommodative, assimilation, and acculturation.
b) the Process of dissociative, include the competition which includes
the“contravention” and contention - contention21
Based on the nature of human nature as an individual, that can be known that
humans have the dignity of having basic rights22, where every human being has the
potential for self distinctive,and every human being has interests to meet the needs
of himself.
As individual beings humans act to realize the following things:
1. Maintain and sustain the status and dignity
2. seek the fulfillment of their basic rights as human beings
3. Realize all the potential good side of the physical and spiritual
4. Meet the needs and interests of self for the welfare of his life23.
Human as a person is only social24. That will always and always be in touch with
other people. As social creatures humans against the social norms that grows as a
benchmark in the behavior of man in groups of25, the norms referred to are as
The dilemma between the interests of the individual and of society is the
question faced by the human, when which one should be preferred.
1. The View Of Individualism
Individualism based on the basic concept of the ontological that man is
essentially a creature individuals who smoke.
View invidualisme argue that individual interests should be the priority 26. Some
of the principles that developed the ideology of liberalism from the word liber is as
follows :
a. Guarantee the property rights of individuals,namely personal rights do not
apply property rights serves social
b. Selfishness, namely letting other people to perform the activity
c. The granting of freedom in individual
d. Free competition to achieve the respective interests27
2. The view of socialism
This view holds that the interests of the community take precedence. Because
the community is an entity that large and stand-alone where the individuals are28.
Socialism is concerned with society as a whole and is know what to expect the
formation of a fair society29, aligned, free, and prosperous-free from the rulers of
individual property rights and the means of production 30.

Status atau kedudukan sosial adalah tempat, posisi atau kedudukan individu di dalam
struktur sosial kelompok atau masyarakat. Individu yang status sosialnya berbeda
akan memiliki hak-hak, tanggung jawab dan kewajiban-kewajiban yang berbeda pula.
Dalam hubungannya dengan tindakan dan interaksi sosial, ternyata dijumpai cara-
cara bertindak dan berinteraksi sosial yang berbeda di antara orang- orang yang
kedudukan sosialnya berbeda.
Ada tiga macam peran sosial:
1) Peran ideal, yaitu peran yang digagas, dirumuskan atau diharapkan oleh
masyarakat terhadap orang-orang dengan status tertentu.
2) Peran dipersepsikan, yaitu peran yang dilaksanakan dalam situasi tertentu.
3) Peran dilaksanakan, yaitu peran yang secara nyata dilaksanakan oleh seseorang
atau sekelompok orang.
Dapat terjadi peran yang dilaksanakan tidak sama dengan peran ideal. Dalam
pelaksanaan peran-peran sosialnya, seseorang dapat mengalami apa yang disebut
sebagai konflik status dan konflik peran. Konflik status adalah pertentangan di antara
status-status yang disandang oleh seseorang ketika suatu interaksi sosial berlangsung
yang disebabkan oleh adanya perbedaan kepentingan di antara status-status
Hal ini dapat terjadi karena dalam kenyataannya seseorang akan sekaligus
menyandang berbagai macam status sosial. Ketika suatu interaksi sosial berlangsung,
terdapat status aktif, yaitu status yang berfungsi ketika sebuah interaksi sosial
berlangsung, dan ada status laten, yakni status yang tidak berfungsi ketika sebuah
interaksi sosial berlangsung.

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