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Renewable Energy Systems

1. SEMESTER/YEAR OF STUDY: Semester 1 , 2021

2. MODE OF DELIVERY: Face-to-Face/Online



5. TEACHING TEAM: Dr Atul Raturi

 Lecturer:

Dr. Atul Raturi

Office: N258A
Ph. Extn: 32430
Consultation Hours:
Mon: 3-5 pm, Tues: 10-11 am, Thurs: 10-
11 am

 Teaching Assistant : TBA

 Lab Technician: Mr Viti Buadromo and Mr Joape Cawanibuka


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3 hours Lecture, 3 hours lab and 1 hour Tutorial per week




The course considers the resources and distribution of energy in the world as a whole and the Pacific
region in particular. The main energy conversion processes, chemical to thermal, thermal to mechanical
and mechanical to electrical are studied. Particular emphasis is placed on a detailed analysis of the
physical problems involved in harnessing renewable and locally available energy sources such as solar
radiation, wind, hydro-power, biomass, wave-power, and ocean thermal energy. Laboratory work on
small scale devices and experiments to harness these sources form a significant part of the course. A field
trips to renewable energy sites is an essential component of the coursework.


1. Energy for sustainable development, general introduction to energy issues.

2. Introduction: review of origin, distribution, availability and utilisation of energy resources

on global and regional scales. Overview of renewable energy potential and resources for
the region.

3. Solar energy: resource nature, distribution, size and measurement. Thermal devices: hot
water systems, heating and cooling devices, crop-driers. Solar cells: physics of junction
devices; characteristics; applications in lighting, refrigeration and small scale power
systems. Environmental implications.

4. Wind power: energy obtainable, characteristics and distribution, data and energy
estimation, energy conversion systems. Environmental implications.

5. Hydro-power: resource, principles, impulse and reaction turbines, efficiency, hydro-

electric systems, case study - Monasavu Hydro Scheme. Environmental implications

6. Biomass: conversion processes and systems - combustion, gasification, pyrolysis,

digestion. Advantages & drawbacks to biomass energy conversion. Environmental

7. Ocean energy: ocean currents; tides; waves; energy from ocean thermal gradients

8. Potential for other forms of energy such as geothermal, hydrogen, etc. for the small
Pacific Islands.

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9. Electrical machines and their applications to renewable energy: DC and AC generators,
motors, transformers and regulators, single and three-phase circuits; energy
transmission and storage.

10. The economics of renewable energy.


On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

Learning Outcome Associated Learning Graduate Assessments

Activities Attributes

1.Provide an Learn about the global Critical thinking,

overview of the climate change issues and Physics Knowledge
origin, distribution understand how renewable Test and exam
and utilisation of energy plays an important
renewable energy role in CC mitigation efforts.
on the global,
regional and local
scales Attend lectures and take part
in the discussions including
MOODLE forums

2.Be able to explain Attend lectures, tutorials, Critical thinking, Tests, Exam,
the nature of solar read notes, attempt class Physics Knowledge tutorial
energy resources, examples. Students attempt assignments
the thermal and weekly tutorial problems and
photovoltaic devices attend tutorial sessions,
used to harness MOODLE foru discussions .
them and the
application of solar
energy at the
domestic and large
scale power systems

3.Assess wind power Attend lectures, tutorials, Critical thinking, Tests, Exam,
resources, and read lecture notes, attempt Physics Knowledge tutorial
describe the class examples. Students assignments
essential attempt weekly tutorial
components and problems and attend tutorial
configurations of sessions, MOODLE discussions
wind energy systems

PH 301 – Course Outline Page 3

4.To be able to Attend lectures, tutorials, Critical thinking, Tests, Exam,
describe the read lecture notes, attempt Physics Knowledge tutorial
principles of hydro- class examples. Students assignments
power generation attempt weekly tutorial
and discuss this with problems and attend tutorial
reference to known sessions, MOODLE discussions
hydro-power sites in
the region

5.Able to explain Attend lectures, tutorials, Critical thinking, Tests, Exam,

biomass as a source read lecture notes, attempt Physics Knowledge tutorial
of renewable energy, class examples. Students assignments
discuss its traditional attempt weekly tutorial
and modern uses problems and attend tutorial
and its conversion sessions, MOODLE discussions
techniques including
gasification, pyrolysis
and digestion

6.To be able to Attend lectures, tutorials, Critical thinking, Tests, Exam,

explain the energy read lecture notes, attempt Physics Knowledge tutorial
available from ocean class examples. Students assignments
currents, tides, attempt weekly tutorial
waves and ocean problems and attend tutorial
thermal gradients, sessions, MOODLE discussions
and the harnessing
of these forms of

7.Describe other Attend lectures, tutorials, Critical thinking, Tests, Exam,

forms of renewable read lecture notes, attempt Physics Knowledge tutorial
energy such as class examples. Students assignments
geothermal and attempt weekly tutorial
hydrogen problems and attend tutorial
sessions, MOODLE discussions

8.Describe the Attend lectures, tutorials, Critical thinking, Tests, Exam,

PH 301 – Course Outline Page 4
essential principles read lecture notes, attempt Physics Knowledge tutorial
of operations of DC class examples. Students assignments
and AC electrical attempt weekly tutorial
machines and their problems and attend tutorial
applications in sessions, MOODLE discussions
devices such as wind
turbine systems

9. Able to Conduct Perform experiments based Professionalism and Lab reports

laboratory exercises on the manual provided and Teamwork, Ethics
to understand the able to answer the questions
principles of arising
operation of various
renewable energy

10. Undertake a Conduct Professionalism and Project report

supervised project experiments/simulations Teamwork, Ethics
Oral presentation
and write a report
Writing and


Twidell, J.W. and Weir, A.D., Renewable Energy Resources, 3rd edition (2015), Routledge, TJ 808 .T95

Twidell, J.W. and Weir, A.D., Renewable Energy Resources, 2nd edition (2006), Taylor and Francis,
London, NY. (TJ808.T95 2005)


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Wenham, S.R., Green, M.A., Watt, M. E., and Corkish, R. Applied Photovoltaics , second edition, 2006, CPE,
Duffie, J. A. and Beckman, W. A. (1991). 2nd Edition. Solar Engineering of

Thermal Processes. John Wiley and Sons Inc., USA. (TJ810.D82 1991)

Manwell J. F., McGowan J. G., and Rogers A. L., “Wind energy explained –

Theory, Design and application”, 2002, John Wiley (TJ820.M374 2002)\

Boyle G., Renewable Energy, 2004, Oxford University Press (TJ808.R42 2004
Note: Textbook Rental Scheme - The textbooks can also be rented through the Textbook Rental Scheme (TRS) of
the USP Book Centre. Details of the TRS can be obtained from


Activity Type Date Time Room

Test 1 Theory Week 7

Field trip Observations TBA Full Day

Test 2 Theory Week 13

Project seminar Presentation Week 14


Attendance in tutorials is mandatory. Students can choose their tutorial sessions by signing up on the course
shell on Moodle. All tutorials start from the second week.



2 Tests (wk 7, 20% Two short tests performed under 1-4 (Test 1) and 5- 8 (Test
12) strict supervision with an 2)
allocated time of 50 minutes.
This will test students’ ability to
analyse data obtained from an
experiment and draw
conclusions from it.

Field Trip 5 % Help students prepare for the 9-10

report short tests, encourage
independent literature and web

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Labs, project 25% Labs : 7 weeks: 9-10

report and
Supervised project : 7 weeks

Final Exam 50% A summative assessment mostly 1-8

on the application of concepts
taught during the semester. The
exam will be three hours and a
minimum of 40% is required for
an overall pass in this course.


In order to be awarded a pass in this unit, students must:
 Achieve an overall mark of at least 50% in the course.
 At least 60% tutorial attendance.
 At least 75% lab attendance.
 Achieve at least 40% (20/50) in final examination.
 If you DO NOT comply with these criteria you are automatically deemed to have failed the course
although you will be allowed to attempt all assessments.


A+ A B+ B C+ C D E
85-100 78-84 71-77 64-70 57-63 50-56 40-49 0-39



As for any Lab in USP, our Engineering Labs & Workshops have various OHS requirements such as proper
closed footwear, neat unobtrusive clothing, and vigilance is a an utmost due to some HIGH VOLTAGE LIVE
WIRES being present in the labs. You will be required to sign a Lab Safety Rules during the first lab when
you will be briefed by the Occupational, Health & Safety (OHS) officers in the School.
Should you fail to adhere to the rules stipulated in the OHS guidelines, you will be asked to leave the lab
immediately or may be permanently banned from the lab by the Technician in charge.


Experiments are normally carried out in a team of two. The experimental apparatus will be provided during
the following lab sessions. The instruction handouts/manual will be available either in the bookshop or on
moodle. All labs will held in room 010- 053 (you’ll choose one session):

Timetable : TBA


17.1 e-Learning

PH 301 – Course Outline Page 7

All course materials that will be made available on Moodle, students are encouraged to print out notes
well before time and read through it at least once so that it makes sense once lectures a delivered.
All information and material will be provided on Moodle share for EE/MM/PH 301 in the website: You may login using your SOLS username and password.
Students may either call in personally or seek help via email. Any student seeking help relating to the
course via email should include the following:
From: <a valid student ID to be used> (Reason: When we send it to outside mail, spammers can get hold
of our address to send us junk mail and it is very time involving to scan through all emails)

Subject: <EE/MM/PH301– xxxxxxx> (This is to ensure that mail filters in my mail client is able to filter it to
the EE/MM/PH301 course folder & I can give priority to your mail. Note we receive almost 20+ USP
related emails apart from student & personal emails!!)
Message Body: write concisely what you need to be clarified. Also include your name at the end. It is a
uncourteous gesture not to include the senders name.


Assessment is an integral part of the learning/teaching process. It is a means by which an individual’s progress
is measured.

 To meet the assessment requirements of the University of the South Pacific
 To compare between an individual’s performance and be able to use the results to compare between
their past and present achievements
 To provide an effective means of formative and summative evaluations


i) Students should be aware of their assessment requirements each semester. A detailed outline would be
distributed to all students at the beginning of the semester. The outline will have:
 The total number of assessments
 The proposed dates/deadlines
 The nature of the assessments – short tests, assignments, etc

ii) Majority of assessment tasks are common every semester with incorporation of essential innovations.

iii) Special equivalent assessment to be carried out only on satisfactory reasons of absence, which may
 Major illnesses support by a medical certificate. The validity of the medical certificate may be
 Student’s attendance to an official business
 Timetable clashes
If absence is not covered by an acceptable reason, a result of ZERO will be recorded for that

iv) Final examination is moderated by the School moderation committee. Upon publishing the result, the
course coordinator or lecturer are not involved in reassessment (recount) process. It is handled
centrally by the school as per Faculty regulations.
vii) Plagiarism, copying materials from other sources without proper referencing and acknowledge of the
source is a serious offence and will be dealt with severely. In the Regulations Governing Academic
Misconduct section of the USP Handbook & Calendar plagiarism is defined as “the copying of another
person’s creative work and using it as one’s own – without explicitly giving credit to the original

PH 301 – Course Outline Page 8

creator. Work copied without acknowledgement from a book, from another student’s work, from the
internet or from any other source”. If lecturer is satisfied that plagiarism has occurred they will report
the matter to the Head of School. They can reduce marks appropriately. If the matter is seen as
serious enough it can be taken to the Student Disciplinary Committee by the Head of School.

viii) Students may appeal the mark awarded for any piece if work and must do so within a week of receiving
the mark. The changes can only be done by the course co-ordinator.


Students are expected to:
 Print and READ the course notes from moodle shell well before the lecture is scheduled to be
 Attend all lecturers, tutorials and laboratory unless hampered by illness.
 Carry out assignments individually unless otherwise stipulated within or by the lecturer in the class.
 Carry out any research required for laboratory and come prepared in the lab on time with relevant
literature to carry out experiments.
 Maintain proper attire for the laboratory, clothing, shoes etc.
 Facilitate the course coordinator with any proof that he/she was sick and unable to attend classes or
assessment at the earliest possible time to avoid getting a zero mark for the missed assessment.
 Report any damages to the equipment immediately to the technician and laboratory demonstrator.
 Be responsible for any damages of USP property due to negligence. (Negligence will be assessed by
the Chief Technician(s) and the Division Coordinator(s).
 Follow all guidelines stipulated in the School’s OHS regulations. (Guidelines will be provided during the
first lab session.



Lecture 3×14 = 42

Laboratory + Project 3×12 = 36

+Field Trip report

Tutorial 1×12 = 12

Preparation 1 (lect.)×14 + 1.5 (lab. + Project) ×7 + (1 tut.) ×12 + 10

(Test1 and 2)+ 20 (Exam.) hrs = 66.5hrs

Total workload 156.5 hours


To maintain a classroom environment that is conducive to optimal learning, please follow these simple rules:
 Arrive on time
 Turn off your mobile phones (or keep them on silent mode)
 Do not chat with your neighbors unnecessarily
 Avoid any disruptive behavior

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CFL Student Learning Specialists provide you with professional assistance for successful study and help you
develop as an independent active learner. Student Learning Support services are provided at the Hub. The
student support staff will:
 help you to adapt to the new environment and expectations of students at the USP.
 have one-to-one consultations with you to discuss any challenges that you may be facing in your
 connect you to mentors (study buddies) who will guide you and facilitate group discussions with other
students in your courses.
 conduct special workshops to upskill and equip you for your assessments and examinations.( e.g.
Literature Review, Report Writing, Presentation Skills, etc.) NB Check your student webmail for
 help you unpack and understand your assignments and tutorial questions.
 assist you with English language and mathematics basic skills.
 provide specific assistance for students with disability.
 assist students who are not performing up to par.

SLS staff contacts:

Name Phone Email Office Location

Ms. Jane Kanas (679) 323 SLS Hub, Laucala
1910 Campus
Ms. Aluwesi (679) 323 SLS Hub, Laucala
Fonolahi 1729 Campus
Ms. Afshana (679) 323 SLS Hub, Laucala
Anzeg 2264 Campus
Dr. Jai Raj (679) 323 SLS Hub, Laucala
2598 Campus


PH 301 – Course Outline Page 10

1 Introduction to Energy & Climate Change
relationship and Sustainable Energy

2 Solar Energy

3 Solar Thermal Applications

4 Semiconductor Physics Review

5 Physics of Solar Cells

6 Photovoltaic Systems

7 Solar Sizing

Mid-Semester Break

8 Geothermal and OTEC

9 Waves and Tidal Energy

10 Fuel Cells

11 Wind Energy

12 Biomass

13 Hydropower

14 Electrical Machines and RE Economics


Extra Help (Remedial) Sessions are compulsory for students who have demonstrated prior weak performance.
Extra Help Sessions must be taken in addition to regular tutorials, and a minimum attendance of 60% in these
sessions is required to past the course. Students who qualify for Extra Help Sessions will be notified by the
Course Coordinator prior to the 3rd week of the semester. The purpose of these sessions is to provide
students who have struggled in the past (“C“grade or less in prerequisite courses) by providing additional
contact with teaching staff to help them succeed in the course. The type of extra help offered in these
sessions is determined by the Course Coordinator. Qualifying students will be identified by the Faculty. Based
on student marks at mid-semester, the Course Coordinator may require struggling students to attend Extra
Help Sessions during the second half of the semester. These sessions can include extra tutorials, workshops,
peer mentoring, etc.

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