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Pawaon, Nimpha P.

8188 ELT-223

Let’s Check!
Activity 2. Based on revised Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning objectives create at least
three sample objectives for each cognitive level (Remembering, Understanding,
Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Creating). Follow Smart in designing objectives.
Learning Objectives
1. At the end of lesson the student will be able to identify
sentences in which the subject and verb agree.
1. Remembering 2. At the end of lesson the student will be able to tell the
importance of punctuation in writing.
3. At the end of lesson the student will be able to identify the
prefix and suffix in a sentence.
1. At the end of lesson the student will be able to explain the
importance of studying subject-verb agreement.
2. Understanding 2. At the end of lesson the student will be able differentiate
between common punctuation marks
3. At the end of lesson the student will be able to determine the
correct form and meaning of prefix and suffix used in a given
1. At the end of the lesson the student will to classify the correct
3. Applying subject/verb agreement and use complete sentences. Use
dialogue correctly in sentences.
2. At the end of lesson the student will be able to demonstrate
an understanding of punctuation through correct usage.
3. At the end of lesson the student will be able to connect the
write prefix and suffix to their designated word.
1. At the end of the lesson student will able to classify the
singular and plural subjects and verbs in sentences.
4. Analyzing 2. At the end of lesson the student will be able to differentiate
when each punctuation mark (period, exclamation point,
question mark, comma and quotation marks) is needed
3. At the end of lesson the student will be able to break down
information by transcoding the information from diagrams, charts
and the like into a written form.
1. At the end of the lesson the student will be able to determine
the correct subject verb agreement.
5. Evaluating 2. At the end of lesson the student will be able to select
punctuation marks correctly
3. At the end of lesson the student will be able to evaluate the
statements about affixes and information presented by a table.
1. At the end of the lesson the student will be able to construct
sentences that follows correct subject verb agreement.
6. Creating 2. At the end of lesson the student will be able to construct the
proper punctuation usage.
3. At the end of lesson the student will be able to formulate their
own answer regarding on the information presented in the
diagram, charts, graphs, or table.

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