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A speech of “The Disadvantages of Smoking and Tips To Stop Smoking”

Good morning to all teachers and my fellow friends.

In conjunction with the nationwide anti-smoking campaign, I, as the Head
Prefect, would like to give a speech on the topic “The Disadvantages of smoking
and Tips to stop Smoking.”
It seems today that most of the youngsters including some of us here think
that smoking is something common and that it is something that we do not have
to worry about. In fact, there are among us here today who smoke without
thinking that their actions actually violate the school regulations and they are
actually causing harm to their health.
Allow me to highlight the fact that smoking actually brings so many
disadvantages. Firstly, smoking can cause health hazard and can lead to
diseases like lung cancer and heart problems. You surely do not want to
end your life like that. Besides, it is a waste of money. Students tend to use
their pocket money to buy cigarettes. Furthermore, when they start
smoking, they tend to lack concentration in their studies.

Here, I would like to share with all of you some tips on how to stop
smoking. The first strategy on how students can effectively stop smoking is
by channeling their energy to studies. You should also be in the company
of non-smokers as to avoid yourself from being influenced by those who

“Health is Wealth”, so, train yourself to do regular exercises such as jogging

and swimming. Besides improving your health, it can also help you to forget
smoking. Next, get involved in voluntary work. This voluntary service will occupy
your time and you will find yourself being further away from smoking.
The last tip that I can share with you is to talk and discuss with ex-smokers on
how to kick the bad habit. These people will definitely be the best example to tell
you that demerits of smoking.
That is all for the time being and I sincerely hope you have gained
something from my speech.
A Letter of Complaint (Stray Dogs)
As the secretary of the Residents' Association, write a letter of complaint to the
Manager of the Local Town Council to complain about the presence of stray dogs
in your area.

Marissa Tan,
Residents' Association of Taman Perdana,
75200 Melaka.

Datuk Lee Tiang Beng,

Malacca Town Council,
75150 Melaka.                                                                         5 SEPTEMBER 2013

Dear Sir,

Complaint Regarding Stray Dogs In The Area

I, as the secretary of the Residents' Association of Taman Perdana, would like to make
a complaint on behalf of the residents of Taman Perdana about the presence of stray
dogs in our area and seek a quick solution to our problem.

2.   Recently, there has been a sudden increase in the population of stray dogs in our
neighbourhood. Vicious-looking dogs roam the neighbourhood in packs and this
phenomenon is causing terror to spread amongst the residents.

3.   It is not only the sight of the dogs that are frightening the people, but also the
reported cases of residents being bitten and chased. Five people, so far, have been
attacked by the stray dogs and three are currently in the hospital for treatment. Some of
the dogs look infected and diseased and I fear they may spread terrible diseases like
rabies to the residents.

4.   Aside from bodily harm, the stray dogs also ruin the cleanliness and neatness of
Taman Perdana. The hungry wild dogs frequently mess up the rubbish in the rubbish
bins by knocking them over and tearing the plastic bags used to hold the trash. Not only
is it making the roads and alleys dirty and smelly, but such occurrences also attract
flies, rats and other pests. Lastly, the children are afraid to use the playground facilities
for fear of being attacked. The stray dogs constantly hang around the playground like
they are seeking victims.

5.   I sincerely hope that you will consider our problem seriously and that the Town
Council will soon provide us with relief. I am grateful for your attention in reading this

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Residents' Association of Taman Perdana,
Teenagers Don't Smoke

Smoking is one of the worst things teenagers can do to their bodies. Yet every
day,almost 5000 teenagers under age of 18 try smoking for the first time. 

No wonder, tobacco companies spend billions of dollar ever year on advertisements

and other ways to make sure that these young people start smoking and buying their
product. The companies count on them to become hooked for it keeps in them in

The nicotine in cigarettes is a poisonous drug. It even be used to kill insects. Nicotine
and dozens of other poisonous chemicals in tobacco can cause illness like heart
problems and certain kinds of cancer. Some of these illness take years to develop but
others can show up right away.

Generally, smoking makes a teenager's body less fit and more susceptible to infections.
For example, teenagers who smoke are much more likely to get a cold on pneumonia.
Each time they like up, it hurts their heart, lungs and brain. And the longer the smoke,
the worse the damage becomes.

Smoking has such a long list of bads points that wonders why teenagers smoke. Along
with bad breath and stinky hair and clothes, smoking makes it harder to run and to play
sports. It also cause a difficulty for blood to move around in the body.

Smokers often feel tired and cranky and cannot think quickly, not surprisingly, there are
more likely to get in trouble in school and get lower grades. There are also more likely to
lie to their friends or their parents about their activities; what they do and how they
spend their money.Smoking therefore not only brings about health problems but may
also develop undesirable traits. Teen smokers can become lazy, irresponsible and

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