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I. A FORGERY OF PISANELLO'S SIGNA- differently,as was natural at this time of transition
TURE. from Gothic to humanistic lettering.
HERE is a small medal of Leonello Who Nicholaus was we do not know for certain,'
d d'Este, bearing the signature but there seems to be more than a mere probability
PISANVS F, which has generally that he made not merely the interesting, if ugly,
been accepted as from Pisanello's medal which he signed, but also the poor little
hand.' The reverse type is the myste- piece which, thanks to some later bronze-caster,
rious impresa of the pierced vase containing has got itself fathered on Pisanello.
olive branches, with anchors fastened to the
handles by chains, one of which is broken. 2. A NEW MEDAL BY SPERANDIO.
It is figured in PLATE I, C. I have elsewhere M. Jean de Foville has recently issued an
pointed out that "the character of the work, at interestingstudy of the work of this artist,in which
once coarse and petty, the weakness of the letter- he has made an attempt to reconstruct the
ing, the occurrence of the border of dots, and the chronology of his medals. The arrangement
unusual form of the signature itself conspire to which he proposes marks a distinct advance upon
I might our previous knowledge, although much remains
suggest that the signature is a forgery".
have added the most convincing proof of all, to most uncertain. He has not added anything
wit, that the signature is placed over the border; of importance to the actual medallic material;
in other words, a mould was made from the and he has, I do not know whether deliberately,
omitted a medal of Ercole d'Este, published
original unsigned medal, and the signature some time ago by Signor Venturi' from the
clumsily added in the mould. All the known
specimens seem to be after-casts; it may safely unique specimen at Modena. On the reverse
be predicted that if a specimen with any pretence of this piece are represented four putti receiving
to be an early cast is found, it will be without this from the heavens a shower of the diamond
misleading signature. The medal may, then, be rings entwined with flowers which formed the
excluded from any list of genuine works by device of Ercole. This medal, so far as can be
Pisanello. But who made it ? Here an answer judged from the photograph, is perfectly sound.
In examining the British Museum series of
possessing some show of probability is forth-
coming. The words of the inscription on the Sperandio's medals in the light of M. de Foville's
obverse are divided by a peculiar stop, common book, I came across the following piece, which
seems to be otherwise unknown [PLATE I, B]:
enough, I believe, in German inscriptions of the Obv.IVSTIN
late fifteenth or sixteenth century, but excessively
rare on Italian medals; it resembles a long IVRIS ? CON ?IANO-CAVITELLO'CrEMONE"
italic / with a lozenge-shaped expansion in the MIRIFI[CO?] Bust to left wearing mortier and
middle. I know of only two Italian medals on Rev. FORTITVDINE IVSTITIA * NON
which this stop is used; the one in question, and "
SVPERAT[VS?]. A nude female figure, with
the large medal of Leonello d'Este with the lynx flying scarf and streaming hair, riding to left on a
signed by Nicholaus.2 These stops occur on the lion; below, engraved, "OPVS SP[ERAN]DEI*
obverses, but not on the reverse of either medal; Bronze, 86 mm. British Museum.
on the other hand, on the reverses, lozenges are Giustiniano was the son of the jurisconsult
found in the inscription on the small piece, and Nicolb Cavitelli of Cremona and his wife
in the signature of Nicholaus on the other. The Guiduccia della Cella; he was himself a juris-
border of dots, sunk between two plain linear consult and a knight. He seems to have migrated
circles, also occurs on some, though not all, to Hungary, where he served the king for some
specimens of Nicholaus's medal. The letteringof time and became president of the Hungarian
the two pieces shows no essential differences. It Senate. He died in 1485 at Belgrad, and was
is true that while the so-called Pisanello uses an buried there.5 The medal, in its treatment of the
A with a left-hand serif at the top (except in the bust (not merely in the dress) comes very close to
false signature), Nicholaus uses a plain A. This, that of the Ferrarese Prisciano de' Prisciani of
however, means little; there are medals by 1473,and was probably made about the same time.
Pisanello in which both forms are used in- As a work of art, if that name is allowed to it, it
* For the previous articles see Burlington Magazine, Vol. ix, 3The identification with Niccol6 Baroncelli is little more
p. 408 (September, 1906); Vol. x, p. 384 (March, 1907) ; Vol. xii, than a guess. Mr. Rosenheim suggests that Andrea di Niccolo
p. 141 (December, 1907) ; Vol. xiii, p. 274 (August, 19o8); Vol. xiv, of Viterbo, who worked as jeweller for Paul II, and probably
p. 210 (January, 1909); Vol. xv, pp. 31, 94 (April and May, made the large medal of that Pope with the crossed keys on
Igo9); Vol. xvi, p. 24 (October, 1909); Vol. xvii, p. 143 (June, the reverse (Numismatic Chronicle, igio, pp. 350, 351), may be
Vol. xviii, p. 13 (October, 1910o). his son. He himself, to judge from the workmanship of his
'Reproduced in Heiss, Vittore Pisano, Pl. IV, and Hill, medals, was certainly a jeweller. But Niccolb is one of the
Pisanello, P1. 37. commonest of names.
2Friedl1inder, Ital. Scliaumiinzen, Taf. ix; Heiss, NiccolM,etc., 4 Le Galletie Naz. Ital., I, PI. XIII, 2.
Pl. I, I. 5Franc. Arisius, Cremona literata (1702) I, p. 338



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Notes on Italian Medals
has all the faults and hardly any of the few virtues went out to meet the French king at Pisa in
of the exasperating medallist who made it. My So far as I know, there is no authenticatedportrait
excuse for publishing it is that Sperandio,to judge of the son of Lorenzo. The small scale of the
by the number of commissions which he received, portraitsmakesit impossibleto speakwith certainty;
was evidently considered by his contemporariesthe at firstI was inclined to recognize in the long-haired
leading medallist of his time; and therefore any general on the right Lorenzo himself ; but it is not
authentic work of his is a document which entirely impossible that he should be CharlesVIII.
demands publication, apart from what we may Then the curly-haired younger man would be
consider its artisticclaims. The apparentlyunique Piero. The fleurs-de-lis and plain cross do not
specimen before us is imperfectly preserved,and, help us greatly; the former might represent either
moreover, was never properly finished, but it is Florence or France; the latter either the Popolo
well known that it is more difficultto find finished of Florence or the Swiss soldiery. Charles had
specimens of this medallist's work than of any Swiss in his train.7
other's. He was too careless or too much pressed The medal, whatever its explanation, does not
to attend to details, either of conception or of seem to be the work of a Florentine artist; we
execution. should rather look for its origin in the North, in
the direction of Bologna, or perhaps, with more
3. BERNARDO NASI. probability,the Veneto. In date it is rather after
The striking medal of Bernardo Nasi illustrated than before I5oo00. The portraitis a vigorous piece
in PLATEI, A,was acquired by Mr. Henry Oppen- of work ; a casting-faulthas left a large hole in the
heimer at a recent London sale. With his kind back of Bernardo'shead, but fortunatelydoes not
permission, I bring it to the notice of the readers seriously spoil the general effect. The reverse
of this magazine, although it must be admitted
that I can offer nothing more than a string of might be more interesting for its historical sig-
doubtful suggestions in interpretation of its nificance-which, unfortunately, still remains
obscure-than it is as an artistic composition.
PREDITVS Bust to left, wearing cap with Six years ago Signor Domenico Montini, in
back flap turned up and fastened in front with publishing for the first time the medal of Angela
cord, and vest and robe with lapels. Brenzoni by Gian Maria Pomedelli, of which the
Rev. B VENIT VIDIT " ET * VICIT-On a only known specimen is in the Museo Comunale
" at Trent,8 was able to throw some light on the
high platform, decorated with panels in relief and
a shield, three men seated conversing with gestures personal history of the medallist, of whom,
-viz., in centre Nasi, facing, in civil costume; on previously, little or nothing was known. In 19o6
the right a long-haired man in armour, his left the same author collected all the available infor-
hand on his sword at his side; on the left another mation in a second article, including a list of his
man (short-haired) in armour, with a baton in his known works, both as medallist, painter and
right hand; in the background, on the left, three engraver. We now know that this Veronese artist
tents surmounted by fleurs-de-lis (a helmet and was born in 1478 or 1479, and died in 1537 or
shield in the opening of one), and a flag with a soon after.
plain cross flying from a lance; on the right three The articles referred to are so unlikely to meet
tents (one with a small flag, in the opening of the eye of English readers,that it seems desirable
another a battle-axe and saddle ?) and five lances, to reproduce the medal of Angela Brenzoni in
two with flags. these pages, accompanying it with certainremarks
Plain raised rim and triangularstops on both sides. Bronze. which it suggests [PLATE II, D].9 The first
95'5mm. OppenheimerCollection. thought which occurred to me on seeing the
Bernardo di Lutozzo Nasi is said to have been illustration of the medal in Signor Montini's
prior of Florence in 1478; ambassador to King publication was: This is the fat lady of the
Ferrante of Naples in 148o; one of the Mastersof Victoria and Albert Museum I By the fat lady, I
the Mint in 1487; commissary of war against the
7If the proposedidentificationof the two generals is correct,
Pisans in 1494; ambassadorto the Pope in 1497; then the fleurs-de-lisand the flag with the cross mustbe Floren-
and again prior of Florence in 1504.6 It is clear tine, since they are on the side of Piero de' Medici.
that the medal commemorates some alleged '" Una preziosa medagliadel Museo Comunale di Trento"
in Tridexntum, fasc. iv, I9o4. I am under great obligations to
successful interference of Nasi as a diplomatist Signor Vittorio Salvaro for having procured me a copy of this
between two generals. I can only suggest that he article, which seems to be otherwise inaccessible in England,
and also of the same author's importantarticle on " Giovanni
may have claimed to have arrangedaffairsbetween Maria Pomedelli" in the Bollettino di Numismalica, n. 7-10
CharlesVIII and Piero de' Medici, when the latter (xigo6).
s.n. Nasi ; I. Orsini,
I Crollalanza,DizionarioStorico-Blasonico, 9 Dr. Ludovico Oberziner,Directorof the Museumat Trent,
Storia delle Monetedella Rep.Fior., p. 254. Mr.Wood-Brown, was kind enough to have the medal photographedfor me. This
who has kindly examined Fr. Gabbriello Nasi's Storia della photographis slightly smaller than the original. The photo-'Nasi (MS. Magliab.,class. xxvi, cod. 151),informs graph of the bust in the Victoria and Albert Museum,which
me that it gives no informationaboutthis memberof the family. is reproducedfor comparison,I owe to Mr. Maclagan.

L 143
Notes on Italian Medals
need not say I mean the delightfully ugly but siderably diminished, although one trembles to
dignified terra-cotta bust [PLATE II, E] which think of any addition to the already rather over-
bears a false inscription associating it with the whelming scale of the original of the terra-cotta.
Lupari family and with the obviously impossible I am not by any means sure of the proposed
date 1460. The medal bears an engraved date " 1524 identification, but have thought the suggestion
fettenber27'",which may not, perhaps, have been worth proposing.
placed on it at the time the medal was made,10 The reverse of the medal-an excellent com-
but corresponds well enough with the probable position in its way-conveys some sort of allegory
date when the medal must have been made. connected with Angela Brenzoni. Of her, I may
And 1520-1530 is a very suitable date for the add, nothing seems to be known except that she
terra-cotta bust. Now the resemblancesbetween was a lady " d'illustreed onorata memoria, di alto
the bust and the portrait will be clear enough ingegno e segnalatavirtl "and wife of the Venetian
to everyone; lest, however, it should be thought senator, Luca Busnato. But this reverse is also
that I am unable to perceive the discrepancies, found attached to quite another portrait-that of
I proceed to enumerate them. The propor- a nameless young man [PLATE II, F].1' The dog
tions of the faces are different; the measurement holding a bone in his paws-canis os ferens-
from the nostril to the chin is proportionately suggested to Cicognarathat the man was Ludovico
much greater in the medallic portrait than Canossa,bishop of Bayeux. Friedlknderhasalready
in the bust. Angela has little or no neck, as pointed out the untenableness of this view on
compared with the neck of the bust. Her various grounds. We may now add that this
forehead is straighter; the lady of the bust has a reverse design does not belong to the medal
rounder head. On the other hand, it is worthy of of the nameless man at all. A glance at the
notice that two discrepancies are only apparent. illustration in PLATE II shows that the obverse
In both heads the measurements from tip of chin and reverse of the Brenzoni medal were
to nape of neck, and from tip of chin to the made for each other. On the other hand, the
beginning of the hair on the forehead,are approxi- bust of the nameless man was obviously meant
mately equal to each other, though they do not to have a larger reverse ; the diameter of
look so. Secondly, the great breadth of the the piece has been reduced in order to fit it to
shoulders of the terra-cotta bust is not seen in the the alien reverse. Whether it represents a larger
photograph, whereas in the medal Pomedelli has piece, which once existed with legend and border
brought the bust round to the front, while keeping (for which there is now no room) complete, or
the head in profile. Hence the actual resemblance whether it is cast from a model to which these
in general proportions between the two portraits accessories were never added, it is difficult to say.
is disguised. There is no doubt that the medal, in the form in
The question is: are the differences between which we know it, is a hybrid, and that the last
the two portraits such as could be due partly to a shred of evidence in favour of its representing
difference of age, partly to the idiosyncrasies of Ludovico Canossadisappears. It is even possible
the two artists? The medal shows a woman to question whether the portrait is the work of
perhaps from five to ten years older than the bust. Pomedelli; but though it is larger in conception
With increasing years and fulness of proportions and bolder in execution than any of his signed
that difference which I have noticed between the portraits,there is no obvious reason for disputing
necks of the two portraits might have been con- his claim.
10 Dr. Oberzinerthinks it is a later addition. The forms of
11Alreadyfigured in Friedliinder'sItal. Schaumranzen,
p. 1o3,
the numerals,it must, however,be admitted,are not unsuitable from the unique specimen at Vienna. Friedliinder's engraving
to the date. does not reproducethe incised date on the reverse.

HIS panel was in the collection of the the panel, on the extreme right hand, bearing the
late Sir William Neville Abdy, and inscription "Andreas Mantinea", it had been
with other pictures owned by him was catalogued as the work of the great Paduan
in I88i exhibited at the winter exhi- master,and as such exhibited at Burlington House.
bition of the Royal Academy. As all It is a curious fact that the painting by Carpaccio,
the world knows, it was recently a centre of in the Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum,with which I am
attraction in the sale rooms of Messrs. Christie, about to compare the panel now under discussion,
where it was displayedwith the rest of the deceased bears, on the monumental table which supportsthe
collector'svery remarkableseriesof Italianpictures. dead body of Christ, the same signature "Andreas
On the strength of a cartellino at the bottom of Mantinea F ". In both cases the signature is old,

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