Shop Drawing For Junctions

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Ref No: CRBC/CC/238/09 Date: Nov 19, 2009

To: Engineer Zewdie Eskinder & co plc

Addis Ababa

Ref: Coca Cola Turn Abinet- T/haimanot Square road project

Subject: Shop Drawing for Junctions.

Dear Sirs,
In accordance to the original design data provided and the existing site
conditions at the junction location, we have prepared a shop drawing
showing plan, profile, cross section and setting out survey data for
junctions at Km1+910 LHS and RHS.

Please note that the shop drawings are prepared in accordance to AACRA
design standard which states in section 12.2.1

“ Maximum grades for local residential street, or Access roads of

15KPH minimum design speed shall be 7% desirable and 17%

Thanking you in advance for your good cooperation, we remain,

Sincerely yours,

Wen Yingzheng
General Manager

Enc: 1 Set of Junction Shop drawings


- Mr. Zhang Tao

Project Manager

P.O.Box: 2509 Tel: 00251-14-391971 Fax: 00251-14-392468

Address: Kebele 10, Woreda Akaki Kaliti Sub City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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