Journal of Leadership in Organizations

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Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No.

2 (2020) 108- 120

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Khaidir Syahrul1*
1 Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia


This research aims to investigate the human resources

Keywords: management within the government which requires a reliable
The Empowerment of and competent leadership. A leadership categorized as the
Leadership; The
concept of empowering when the leader shares direction, a
Empowerment; support system, friendly, synergizing, and providing exemplary
Intrinsic Motivation. examples to his subordinates. Employees who feel empowered by
the leader would increase their motivation at work. This would
increase the psychological side of the employee's cognitions such
as a meaningfulness, the competence, a self-determination, and
the effect. This research is focused on the process of testing
hypotheses and is aimed at examining the effect of empowering
leadership's motivation in the field of work. It is mediated by
psychological empowerment. The data used in this study was a
questionnaire. This study was used in the four-stage hypothesis
test of Baron and Kenny (1986). The result indicates that
empowering leadership has a positive effect on intrinsic
motivation, and psychological empowerment partially mediates
the positive effect of empowering leadership in supporting
intrinsic motivation.
* Corresponding Author at Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia

K. Syahrul Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 2 (2020) 108-120

1. Introduction direction and affect his or her employees to

work professionally regarding the
As human resources, the State Civil
organizational goals. According to Bass and
Apparatus (ASN) is required an appropriate
Stogdill (1990), leadership is a process
management in accordance with the
affecting the activities of a group as an effort
implementation of government work
to achieve the stated goals. In the context of
programs. This is regulated in Law Number
BKPSDM at Jeneponto, a leadership is an
43 of 1999 concerning the principles rules of
important factor to achieve a successful
civil service governance. The National Civil
management of its personnel or staff
Service Agency (BKN) is one of the non-
members. The empowerment is created
ministerial government institutions which
when a leader delegates and shares
has the authority to manage their personnel
autonomy. This is can be applied by
managements’ nationally. The management
supporting the staff to get some soft- skills in
of government programs in the field of staff
pracitce at work field. Nevertheless, the
is aimed to create and to establish a strong
concept of empowerment yet is seldom
character on civil servants who had the
found in the system of the government
ability to carry out their duties
bureaucracy as general. A leader that is
professionally, fairly, democratically, and
bureaucratic, rigid, and authoritarian is yet a
competently as well. They must avoid
problem that is faced in the management of
corruption, collusion, and nepotism.
government bureaucracies.
Bureaucratic reform changed the
However, there is a distinction in the
paradigm of managing the staff from the
context of leadership in BKPSDM at
concept of centralization to decentralization
Jeneponto. The empowerment atmosphere is
and a development of regional autonomy is
felt by employees in improving the quality of
set up as the main goal. Managing the work
work in their staff members. This quality
system in its staff members at the basis of
indicated by some paramount aspects for
decentralization at Jeneponto regency is one
instance a gentle and a wise leader, a high
of the main responsibility of the Badan
motivation giving to employees according to
Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber
the organization's vision and mission,
Daya Manusia (BKPSDM). According to the
explaining assigned tasks, monitoring each
data from BKSPDM in 2017, the number of
work, evaluating every month, giving
civil servants at Jeneponto is 5911 people
examples or instructions, giving inspiration,
which varried based on positions, groups,
respect differences, and actively
agencies, and years of service. Thus, this is a
communicate with employees. Therefore,
big challenge for BKPSDM in managing the
this study focused on the contribution of
organization structure of the staff at
empowering leadership behavior related to
the phenomenon of government
A reliable and competent leadership
bureaucracy, especially at the BKPSDM
are needed on creating and establishing
office at Jeneponto regency. The
human resources in an organization. In
empowerment process that occured in the
addition to that statement, a leadership is
work field of BPKSDM at Jeneponto between
characterized by the ability of leaders to give

K. Syahrul Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 2 (2020) 108-120

leaders and employees is predicted to management which has implications for

contribute to positive behavioral outcomes. intrinsically motivated members.
According to Amundsen and The impact of empowering leader
Martinsen (2014), empowerment leadership behavior will make individuals intrinsically
is a leader behavior that influences employee motivated to work on the task, which is
performance by providing autonomous characterized by their finding interest in their
support (delegation, coordination, work, has a tendency to look for new things
information sharing, initiative, motivating, and challenges to expand and train their
focusing on goals and self-efficacy support), capacities while exploring interest and
and supporting development (inspiring, learning (Ryan and Deci, 2000). In the context
giving example, and guidance) to employees. of civil servants, individuals who have
For this reason, leaders who empower their intrinsic motivation are predicted to
employees are predicted to increase intrinsic contribute actively, work optimally, and
motivation in employees, thus their uphold the work ethic in the organization.
employees could work well in achieving Berdud, Cabases, and Nieto (2016) argue that
organizational goals. Empowerment a person can be intrinsically motivated
leadership is predicted to influence the because he gains satisfaction and benefits
intrinsic motivation of employees with from his own duties, rather than waiting for
psychological empowerment as a mediator. uncertain rewards.
The role of psychology as a mediating BKPSDM as a representation of
variable in this study is predicted to increase organizational management at Jeneponto
intrinsic motivation. The condition here regency must provide the best service as
refers to the psychological state of good as possible in the implementation of
individuals who would increase when they work programs. The leader, in this case the
gain the role of an empowering leader. head of the department must operate the
Psychological empowerment is a duties optimally in work and actively
construction implemented in four cognitions provide opportunities to employees in the
such as meaningfulness, competence, self- form of organizational policies and the
determination, and the effect (Spreitzer and agendas, so that the policy is able to be
Spreitzer, 1995). understood by every work unit involved.
There are several opinions related to Saripudin and Rosari (2019) explains that
empowerment in increasing employee employee performance will enhance by
intrinsic motivation. Zhou and Shalley leadership which accomodates membership
(2003), in Meng et al., (2015), as agreed, and meaningfulness of work. It means that
individuals in empowerment leadership will employees need leadership empowerment.
need to be competent and independent of the Whereas on the other hand, the
tasks assigned with intrinsic motivation will management of human resources in the
increase. Furthermore, Gagne et al., (1997) behavior of empowering leadership system
states that empowerment can be interpreted is predicted to be able to enhance the intrinsic
as leadership cooperation that encourages motivation of employees which is mediated
members in developing abilities and self- by psychological empowerment. This is also
explained in the research of Meng, Zou, He,
K. Syahrul Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 2 (2020) 108-120

and Luo (2015), regarding the concepts of direction of the organization's goals to
leadership empowerment, psychological employees (Conger and Kanungo, 1998).
empowerment, and intrinsic motivation that 2.2 Intrinsic Motivation
are integrated with each other. Motivation is an aspect that plays an
2. Literature Review important role in one's performance. With
motivation, one's behavior at work will
2.1 Empowering Leadership
increase. Intrinsic motivation is motivation to
Empowering leadership is a style of
achieve maximum results that arise from
leadership with the process of giving
within a person. According to Ryan and Deci
influence to employees in the form of
(2000), intrinsic motivation is a condition of
motivational support, development support,
someone who is motivated to work optimally
and independence to employees. According
because they feel happy, enthusiastic at
to Amundsen and Martinsen (2014),
work, and consider participating in work is
leadership empowerment is the behavior of
the best reward for themselves.
leaders who influence employee
This study uses two basic intrinsic
performance by providing autonomy
motivational theories, namely Cognitive
support and development support to
Evaluation Theory (CET) and Self
employees. Furthermore, Amundsen and
Determination Theory (SDT). Cognitive
Martinsen (2015) identified eight sections on
Evaluation Theory (CET) is a theory of social
behavior that form the basis of a leader in
context factors that results in variability of
empowering, namely: delegating tasks or
intrinsic motivation and interpersonal
work, building coordination and sharing
structures, such as: appreciation,
information, giving encouragement to
communication, and feedback (Ryan and
employee self-initiative, providing support
Deci, 2002 in Dysvik and Kuvaas, 2010). Self-
for focusing on goals, providing support,
motivation will be seen from the behavior of
inspire, set an example, and guide
individuals to improve self-competence, and
psychologically actively involved and
A leader who carries out an
contribute maximally in their work.
empowerment process effectively in an
Cognitive Evaluation Theory (CET) is
organizational environment has the
closely related to Self Determination Theory
consequences of positively influencing
(SDT), both theories become the basic
employee attitudes and behavior. Leadership
foundation of intrinsic motivation theory.
and empowerment patterns tend to be
Self-determination theory (SDT) explains
shaped by the organizational context and the
that intrinsic motivation is the purest form of
important role of management practices that
autonomous motivation (Gagne and Deci,
delegate decision making (autonomy) as well
2005). The theory of self-determination (SDT)
as leader behaviors that aim to empower
states that achieving intrinsic motivation
(Klerk and Stander, 2014). Empowering
requires three innate psychological needs,
leaders will increase the meaningfulness of
including the needs for autonomy,
the work by providing some information to
competence, and linkages (Dysvik and
employees about the vision, mission, and
Kuvaas, 2010). These needs can be described
as follows:
K. Syahrul Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 2 (2020) 108-120

1. The need for autonomy, represented when 4. Impact is the condition of someone who
someone feels they have the opportunity to believes that they can exert influence
make their own choices, carry out according administratively, strategically, or contribute
to self-expression, and take full responsibility to the workplace (Spreitzer, 1995).
for their work (Ryan and Deci, 2002 in Dysvik 2.4. Hypothesis Development
and Kuvaas, 2010). The characteristics of empowering
2. Competency needs, represented when leadership is implemented by encouraging or
someone needs competence and feel effective influencing employees for instance providing
in the social environment. Someone has the autonomous support, being a good example,
opportunity to express and manage their and giving more direction, attention, and
capacity (Ryan and Deci, 2002 in Dysvik and initiative. This is supported by Amundsen
Kuvaas, 2010). This need will make a person and Martinsen (2014) who stated that
challenged in carrying out optimal activities empowerment leadership is as a process of
in maintaining the capacity of skills and influencing employees through sharing
abilities. strength, enhancing motivation, and
3. The need for connection with others, supporting development skills. This is aimed
represented by the need to interact socially to promoting their experience of being
and feel valued by the group, feel part of the independence in the work environment.
team and feel free to express problems Based on this, empowering leader behavior
related to their work and personal (Ryan and can influence the motivation of employees
Deci, 2002 in Dysvik and Kuvaas, 2010). through autonomy and development
2.3. Psychological Empowerment support. This motivation leads to the
Psychological empowerment is a construct of intrinsic motivation.
condition of a person experiencing an Furthermore, one aspect that
increase in psychological experiences related accommodates one's motivation intrinsically
to employee cognition, such as: competence, in work is empowering leadership behavior.
self-determination, meaning, and strong Empirical evidence that supports this
impact (Spreitzer and Spreitzer, 1995). These influence is explained by Tung and Chang
four things can be explained as follows: (2011) which stated that leader attitudes and
1. Self competence is a person's ability to employee responses are two parts of
believe in his ability to complete work. These perspective from empowering leadership.
beliefs lead to efforts to enhance higher self Based on the literature, the following
abilities (Thomas and Velthouse, 1990). hypotheses are formulated:
2. Self-determination is the condition of Hypothesis 1: The empowerment leadership
someone who has his own responsibilities has a positive effect on intrinsic motivation.
and initiatives in his work and knows the The environment that applied the
work process to be performed (Spreitzer, empowerment process in its organizational
1995). system would increase the sense of employee
3. Meaningfulness is a condition of someone self-efficacy because the staff members
who has a value of trust in the environment, would feel psychologically empowered. This
and work goals that are in harmony feeling of being psychologically empowered
(Spreitzer, 1995). is characterized by individuals experienced a
K. Syahrul Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 2 (2020) 108-120

psychological sides into a person's cognitive Figure 1 explains the relationship between
processes that produce high self-efficacy, feel the independent, dependent and mediating
competent, and have strong confidence in variables. The direct influence of
completing tasks (Zhang and Bartol, 2010). empowerment leadership is expected to have
Employees who feel empowered would a positive influence on intrinsic motivation.
have high self-confidence and are confident On the other hand, the indirect effect of
in their competence to contribute maximally psychological empowerment is expected to
in the field of work. According to Meng, et al. be able to explain the positive influence of
(2015), empowerment leadership has a empowerment leadership on intrinsic
positive and significant influence on motivation.
psychological empowerment. This explained 3. Method, Data, and Analysis
that the role of empowerment leadership
This research examined the effect of
would have a positive effect and increase
empowering leadership on intrinsic
intrinsic motivation if the employee
motivation with psychological
psychologically feels the impact of the
empowerment as a third variable. The
empowerment results. Thomas and
sample in this study were employees of the
Velthouse (1990), explained psychological
State Civil Apparatus (ASN) working in the
empowerment as a factor that is thought to
Personnel and Human Resources
be the cause of intrinsic motivation and
Development Agency (BKSPDM) of the
employee satisfaction. Employee who feel
Jeneponto Regency. Samples are scattered in
that he or she was given a greater authority
the secretary and three fields, namely the
in doing work would feel a strong
field of mutation and work assessment, the
psychological effect to influence his or her
field of education and training, and the field
work environment. Hence, the intrinsic
of procurement of dismissal, information and
motivation of employees would enhance
coaching apparatus. Employees who are
along with the conditions of employees who
selected as respondents work for at least one
feel they have a job. Additionally, the
year taking into account employee
employees who take a full responsibility for
engagement in their interactions with their
the trust given by leaders would improve the
leaders and the intrinsic motivation they feel.
results of their work. Based on the literature,
The questionnaires distributed amounted to
the following hypotheses are formulated:
45 questionnaires with details of the number
Hypothesis 2: Psychological empowerment
of questionnaires distributed, namely 3
mediates the positive influence of
questionnaires for the secretary, 15
empowering leadership on intrinsic
questionnaires in the field of mutation and
work assessment, 16 questionnaires in the
field of education and training, 11
questionnaires in the field of procurement of
dismissal, information, and apparatus
development. Questionnaires were
distributed according to the number of ASNs
Figure 1 Research Model
in each field and along with directions from

K. Syahrul Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 2 (2020) 108-120

Mr. Syahrul M as the head of department and was higher than 0.60 and was said to be less
two BKPSDM staff. Questionnaire good if the value was below 0.60. The results
distribution was carried out for three days. of this study indicated that all variables in the
The questionnaire of empowerment study are included in the good reliable
leadership was measured using the category with the following values: 0.860 of
Amundsen and Martinsen model of empowerment leadership, 0.874 of
instrument (2014), with 18 statements. psychological empowerment; 0.859 of
Furthermore, the variables respectively was intrinsic motivation. This study then was
measured into 2 dimensions: the autonomy used the analysis phase based on the
support dimension with 10 items of procedures of Baron and Kenny (1986) which
empowerment Leadership and the aimed to provide an overview of the
dimensions of the development support mechanisms of affecting independent
with 8 item of statements. These variables.
questionnaires used a 1-5 Likert scale which
described from ‘1’as strongly disagree to ‘5’ as 4. Result and Discussion
strongly agree. In addition to that, the intrinsic Table 3 shows that the results of the study of
motivation questionnaire used by researcher the four stages of Baron and Kenny (1986).
was a questionnaire developed by Dysvik Phase I shows that leadership empowerment
and Kuvaas (2010) with 6 item of statements. has a positive and significant effect on
These item of questionnaires were measured intrinsic motivation (β = 0.654; t = 5.665; ρ
on a Likert scale that range between 1 up to 5. <0.05). These results indicate that the higher
This study was used a psychological the level of leadership in food empowerment
empowerment questionnaire that has been the higher the intrinsic motivation of
developed by Spreitzer and Spreitzer (1995). employees. The value of the coefficient of
The number of statements was 13 items. determination of (R2 = 0.427) shows that
While. the validity test in this study aimed to leadership empowerment can explain the
measure the quality of research instrument. variance of intrinsic motivation by 42.7%.
This is tend to make this instrument as a tool Based on the results of the Phase 1 testing, it
to measure what they want to measure can be concluded that the leadership variable
(Cooper and Schindler, 2014). The validity of empowerment has a positive and
test in this study was used to measure validity significant effect on the intrinsic motivation
with questionnaire that have been translated of employees in BKPSDM, Jeneponto
by the experts. Regency. This also means that hypothesis 1 is
In this present research, the reliability supported.
test was used the Cronbach Alpha coefficient Stage II shows that leadership
(Cooper and Schindler, 2014). Reliability is empowerment has a positive and significant
able to test the consistency of an instrument effect on psychological empowerment (β =
when it is used repeatedly on different 0.727; t = 6.941; ρ <0.05). The value of the
objects, places, and times. If the result of the coefficient of determination of (R2 = 0.528)
value was close to number one, the level of indicates that the empowerment leadership
reliability could be said to be strong and variable can explain the variation of
good, that was, the value of Cronbach Alpha psychological empowerment of 52.8%.
K. Syahrul Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 2 (2020) 108-120

Furthermore this means that there are 47.2% intrinsic motivation in BKPSDM employees
variance in psychological empowerment at Jeneponto regency. This research had a
explained by other variables outside the correlation with Ryan and Deci's (2002)
leadership empowerment variable. Based on research which stated that the attitude of an
the results of Phase II, it can be concluded empowering leader in the form of delegation
that the empowerment leadership variable of authority, information sharing, guiding,
has a positive and significant effect on modeling and inspiring would increase the
psychological empowerment in BKSPDM intrinsic motivation of employees that were
Jeneponto Regency. being more confident and enjoying their jobs.
Stage III shows that psychological Zhou and Shalley (2003) further stated
empowerment has a positive and significant that the concept of empowerment leadership
effect on psychological intrinsic motivation would make employees feel trusted by the
(β = 0.673; t = 5.962; ρ <0.05). Furthermore, leader and feel competent and independent
the value of the coefficient of determination of the tasks assigned so that their intrinsic
of (R2 = 0.453) shows that the psychological motivation would increase. The concept of
empowerment variable can explain the empowerment leadership carried out by the
intrinsic motivation variable of 45.3%. head of BKPSDM has been considered
The results of stage IV regression indicate capable of increasing the intrinsic motivation
that empowerment leadership still has a of employees. This makes employees feel
positive and significant influence on intrinsic more confident in working, and actively
motivation by being mediated by communicate with the head of the
psychological empowerment variables (β = deparment in the side of BKPSDM formally
0.163; t = 2.221; ρ <0.05). The coefficient of such as in a evaluation meetings, and outside
determination from the three regression the working hours informally.
analysis of variables with leadership This study showed that the psychological
empowerment and psychological empowerment variables capabled partially
empowerment as predictors of (R2 = 0.510). on mediating the effect on empowerment
Furthermore, this means that there is a 51% leadership on the intrinsic motivation of
variance in intrinsic motivation explained by BKPSDM employees in Jeneponto Regency.
the leadership variable in empowerment and The results of this study are in line with the
psychological empowerment. Based on the findings of Zhang and Bartol (2010) who
value of the regression results, it was argue that employees who feel the impact of
concluded that psychological empowerment empowering leadership will increase their
mediates (partial) the effect of empowering sense of self-efficacy, feel psychologically
leadership on the intrinsic motivation of empowered with the employee cognition
Jeneponto Regency BKPSDM employees. process, which has implications for
This means that hypothesis 2 is supported employee motivation to contribute
(partial). maximally in his work. Furthermore, the
The results of testing the variables results of this study also directly answer that
using a four-stage regression analysis showed empowerment leadership variables 12
that the empowerment leadership had a mediating the influence of empowerment
positive and a significant effect on the leadership on intrinsic motivation in
K. Syahrul Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 2 (2020) 108-120

accordance with the results of the four-stage positive with a value (r = 0.515: p <0.01).
regression analysis set by Baron and Kenny Furthermore, the correlation value of
(1986). empowerment leadership with
The result found that the empowerment psychological empowerment has a positive
leadership variable gained an average value correlation value (r = 0.418; p <0.01). The
of 4.15 in all fields, then the psychological correlation of psychological empowerment
empowerment variable obtained an average with intrinsic motivation is positive, and
value of 3.96, and intrinsic motivation gained significant (r = 0.423; p <0.01).
4.09. In other words, a low intrinsic Table 3 was carried out with four stages
motivation in BKPSDM employees was not that were in accordance with the regression
existed, while the psychological analysis technique according to Baron and
empowerment was capable of partially Kenny (1986). Stage I shows that leadership
mediating the empowerment leadership empowerment has a positive and significant
variable on intrinsic motivation. The effect on intrinsic motivation (β = 0.654; t =
employees who felt empowered by the 5.665; ρ <0.05). Stage II shows that leadership
leader, in this case the head of BKPSDM empowerment has a positive and significant
would feel empowered psychologically as effect on psychological empowerment (β =
well so that this had a significant effect on the 0.727; t = 6.941; ρ <0.05). Stage III shows that
intrinsic motivation of employees in working psychological empowerment has a positive
field. Interactions that occur between leaders and significant effect on psychological
and employees properly, and sustainably intrinsic motivation (β = 0.673; t = 5.962; ρ
made a positive outcome in every work <0.05). The results of regression stage IV
program. indicate that empowerment leadership still
The reliability test in this study uses has a positive and significant effect on
Cronbach's Alpha, by explaining the intrinsic motivation by being mediated by
correlation each item and having a positive psychological empowerment variables (β =
fit with the obtained alpha value (Cooper and 0.163; t = 2.221; ρ <0.05).
Schindler, 2014). Table 1 shows that the Table 4 shows the summary of
variables of empowerment leadership, hypothesis test result. According to the
psychological empowerment and intrinsic results of stage I test, the value of the
motivation have Cronbach's Alfa coefficient coefficient of determination is (R2 = 0.427),
values above 0.60, it can be concluded that indicating that leadership empowerment can
the three variables are reliable and worthy of explain the variance of intrinsic motivation
being used as measurement instruments in by 42.7%. This also means that hypothesis 1
research. is supported. Furthermore, the results of
Table 2 shows the mean values, standard stages II, III, & IV test, the value of the
deviations, and correlation coefficients of the coefficient of determination is (R2 = 0.510). It
variables of empowerment leadership, means that there is a 51% variance in intrinsic
psychological empowerment, and intrinsic motivation explained by leadership
motivation. The correlation value of empowerment and psychological
empowerment leadership variables with empowerment variables. This means that
intrinsic motivation was proven to be hypothesis 2 is partial supported.
K. Syahrul Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 2 (2020) 108-120

Table 1 Reliability Value

No. Variables Cronbach’s Alpha Remark
1 Empowerment Leadership 0.860 Reliable
2 Psychological Empowerment 0.874 Reliable
3 Intrinsic Motivation 0.859 Reliable
Source : Primary Data, 2019
Table 2 Descriptive Statistic
Correlation Coefficient
Variables Mean Empowerment Psychological Intrinsic
Leadership Empowerment Motivation
Empowerment Leadership 4.15 0.457 - 0.418** 0.515**
3.96 0.562 - 0.423**
Intrinsic Motivation 4.09 0.618 -
Source : Primary Data, 2019 *) p < 0.05 , **) p < 0.01
Table 3 Result of Hypothesis Test
Dependent Variables Intrisic Motivation Psychological Empowerment
Independent Variables B T P B t P
Stage I
Empowerment Leadership 0.654 5.665 0.000
R2 0.427
F 32.096
Stage II
Empowerment Leadership 0.727 6.941 0.000
R2 0.528
F 48.175
Stage III
0.673 5.962 0.000
R2 0.453
F 35.549
Stage IV
Empowerment Leadership 0.163 2.221 0.032
0.235 2.663 0.011
R2 0.510
F 21.868
Source : Primary Data, 2019
Table 4 Summary of Hypothesis Test Result
Hypothesis Remark
Hypothesis 1:
Empowerment leadership has a positive effect on intrinsic motivation.
Hypothesis 2:
Psychological empowerment mediates the positive effect of empowerment leadership on
intrinsic motivation.
Source : Primary Data, 2019

K. Syahrul Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 2 (2020) 108-120

5. Conclusion would feel more responsible, happy with

their work, and be enthusiastic to contribute
The results of this study indicated that
optimally to the organization. The concept of
empowering leadership had a positive and a
empowering leadership which is still limited
significant effect on intrinsic motivation. This
in the government bureaucracy is an
means that the higher the empowerment
opportunity to continue to be developed in
leadership shown by the leadership to
responding to the challenges of bureaucratic
employees, the intrinsic motivation of
management to be more open, democratic,
employees would increase the more. In
efficient and effective.
addition, the psychological empowerment
As the afformentioned issues
model partially mediated the effect of
previously, the results of this study are
empowering leadership on intrinsic
expected to be the foundation for other
motivation. The employees who felt
departments in the practice of managing
psychologically empowered with some
government bureaucracy. The BKPSDM of
cognitions such as competence, self-
Jeneponto regency must provide more
determination, meaningfulness, and the
training opportunities in the form of
effect would produce an intrinsic motivation
leadership training, functional training and
on the employee to work optimally.
technical training for its employees as an
effort to improve employee competency in
6. Suggestion work field. Things that must be improved on
The results of this study are expected to be a the attitude of the head of BKPSDM in
comprehensible input for BKPSDM of empowering such as a more open pattern of
Jeneponto regency in increasing the intrinsic communication and information on the
motivation of the employee which supported performance of a leader, delegation of
by the empowering leadership aspect and the authority by providing opportunities for
psychological empowerment felt by employees to represent leaders in a policy
employees as well. The BKPSDM's formulation forum together with other
department as the representation of the departments, cooperation forums with
personnel management at Jeneponto outside parties, regional and national forums
Regency would be very much depends on that play a role in maximizing employee
the quality of the human resources on it. A potential, hence the employees would be
reliable leadership role and a good more confident in their abilities, increasing
coordination between employees and leaders skills and confidence in work, and
in managing human resources of BKSPDM supporting the agendas, the system, abd the
would be an example for other departments organizational functions.
in managing an efficient and effective
bureaucratic system.
Furthermore, the intrinsic motivation
felt by employees after getting a strong
psychological side would affect on
employees on some aspects such as salaries,
benefits, bonuses, and other facilities, but

K. Syahrul Journal of Leadership in Organizations Vol.2, No. 2 (2020) 108-120

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