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Voting is traditionally conceived as a quasi-rational decision made by self-

interested individuals. It means the town folks usually choose candidates based on their

own perception and choice.

Voting behavior is a form of political behavior. Understanding voters behavior can

explain how and why decisions were made either by public decision-makers, which has

been a central concern for political scientists (Goldman: 1966).

 Understanding the dynamics of voting behavior is integral in trying to analyze the

political landscape of democratic states. Interestingly, as opposed to the cases

presented earlier, the composition of the Philippine government and the social identity

of the candidates running for office are as ambiguous and irrelevant, making elections

seem unpredictable using the rational choice model.The Philippines seems to not

subscribe to the same idea of social identity-rooted voting preference. With that said,

one would ask “Why do Filipinos vote? Do they vote for short term benefits or for

expected returns in the future?” While these crude analyses seems to characterize the

reality of Philippine elections, seeing that Filipino voters base vote on heuristics and not

on rationality, it cannot be a decisive explanation of the current condition of Philippine

elections. It may seem that these raw analyses of the Filipino voting behavior provide a

convincing demonstration as to how Filipinos actually behave at the poll. (Gallardo,


In a typical state or national election a person faces a higher probability of being

struck by a car on the way to his or her polling location than of casting the deciding vote.
In view of this, this study is conducted to find out the factors the voting behaviors

of the town folks in Poblacion, Santa Cruz, Marinduque.


The main problem of this study is to determine the voting behaviors of the

registered voters in Poblacion, Santa Cruz, Marinduque.

1. How do the demographic profile influence their voting behaviors?

2. What are the reasons of the town folks’ participation in voting?

3. How do the town folks decide in voting?

4. Is there any significant relationship between the profile and their voting



This study is expedients for voters to vote in right decision, learn how to vote

wisely, apply political ideologies in voting and they will be able to better fully understand

how to choose candidates. This study will educate students in terms of voting behavior

so that they would know how to vote in right direction. This will also groom their minds

and shape the way they view voting. This study will be a future researchers’ guideline in

conducting their study. This will also provide new directions for further studies that can

be explored related to this topic.


This study looks into the voting behaviors of the town folks in Poblacion, Santa

Cruz, Marinduque. The concept of this study covered the registered voters in Brgy.

Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque.

The limitation involved in this study includes wide nature and time constraint

which resulted in narrowing down to Poblacion, Santa Cruz, Marinduque only.


This chapter presents the methods of research used, the participants, research

locale, the research instrument and the time frame.

Research Design

The researchers used descriptive research method which uses the qualitative

design. The descriptive type of research aims to gather information about the condition

and situation variables. This type of research is suited in this type of investigation since

it attempts to describe the result of the study to support the present study concerning

the Voting Behaviors of the Town Folks in Poblacion, Santa Cruz, Marinduque.

Population and Sample

The sample was taken from the population of 1000 through random sampling in

which each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen. The sample

consist of 25 town folks who shared their answers through questionnaire. 5 from each

barangays were asked to answer the questionnaires administered to them. The primary

research instrument was structured questionnaire administered to 25 numbers of

respondents. Respondents were selected randomly from Poblacion, Santa Cruz,


Research Locale

This study was conducted in the province of Marinduque, particularly in

Poblacion, Santa Cruz, Marinduque.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers used a questionnaire in gathering data. It is composed of sets of

questions designed to elicit data that can provide answers to the problems being

studied. The questionnaire was composed of three parts. Pat 1 aimed to determine the

demographic profile of the respondents. Part 2 aimed to determine the reasons of the

town folks’ participation in voting. Part 3 aimed to determine how the town folks decide

in voting.

Data Gathering Procedure

The first phase of the study was the preparation of the questionnaire. The

questions must be relevant to the statement of the problem.

The second phase of the study was the distribution of the questionnaires. The

registered voters are asked to answer the questionnaires done on the first phase.

The third phase was the gathering of data from the questionnaire. The data were

interpreted to know the voting behaviors of the town folks in Poblacion, Santa Cruz,


Data Analysis Procedure

All data were collected and served as the basis to find out the voting behaviors of

the town folks in Poblacion, Santa Cruz, Marinduque.


This chapter deals with the results and discussion of all the data gathered

through the questionnaire as the instrument utilized by the researchers of this study.

The respondents of this study were the registered voters in Poblacion, Santa

Cruz, Marinduque. The main goal of this study is to find out the voting behaviors of the

town folks in Poblacion, Santa Cruz, Marinduque. The method used in this study is

descriptive research design for determining the demographic profile of the town folks,

the reasons of their participation in voting, and how they decide in voting.

Part 1 aimed to determine how the demographic profile of the town folks

influence their voting behavior. Most of the respondents are 18 – 24 years old. Some of

them are 35 – 44 years old and least of them are 55 – 74 years old. So we can say that

aged 18 – 24 are politically more concern, active and enthusiastic about their voting

than the old aged voters. Majority of the respondents are male and some of them are

female. Therefore, male voters are more concerned rather than the female voters. In

terms of their highest qualification, most of them are high school graduate, some of

them are high school undergraduate, and least of them stated that they have no degree.

So that the high school graduates are more concern about their voting decisions and

behaviors. In terms of their marital status, majority of them claimed that they are single,

some of them stated that they are married. On the other hand, least of them responded

that they are widowed and separated. Therefore, single voters are the ones who are

more politically concerned about their voting behaviors. In terms of their employment

status, most of the respondents claimed that they are employed for wages, some of
them are self – employed and students and least of them are out of work but not

currently looking for work, military and retired. Most of their annual income is 50, 000

and below. In terms of religion, majority of the town folks are Roman Catholic and some

of them are Iglesia Ni Cristo. Therefore, their demographic profile influence their voting

behaviors in terms of voting decisions and their perceptions about voting.

Part 2 aimed to determine their reasons of their participation in voting. Majority of

the respondents claimed that they vote because it’s their right and responsibility. Some

of them stated that they vote to get those they trust elected. Furthermore, least of them

vote because it’s their sacred duty.

Part 3 aimed to determine how they decide in voting. Majority of the town folks

responded that they know about candidates and decided for themselves. Some of them

stated that they decided after briefing by candidate, sought others’ opinion then

decided, and see no difference between candidates. Most of the town folks affects their

voting behavior because of their lack of trust in the political system.

Based on the data gathered, the researchers therefore conclude that the voters

are influenced by sociological factors such as income, occupation, education, gender,

age, religion, ethnic background, geography, and family. Most of the registered voters

in Poblacion, Santa Cruz, Marinduque vote because it’s their right and responsibility.

Their voting decision is that they know about the candidates and they decide for

themselves. Therefore, the town folks’ lack of trust in the political system affects their

voting behavior. The researchers therefore conclude that there is a significant

relationship between the profile and their voting behaviors.


Retrieved from:

Santa Cruz Campus
Santa Cruz, Marinduque

November 27, 2018

The undersigned are 1st year Political Science students and currently conducting a
research as one of the requirements for the subject Fundamentals of Political Science. The title of

In this regard, we are humbly requesting you to allow us to ask for the number of
registered voters in each barangay, Lapu – Lapu, Maharlika, Bagong Silang, Pag – Asa and
Banahaw needed in gathering the necessary data for our study.

Thank you so much in anticipation to your favorable action in this regard.

Respectfully yours,



The Researchers


Research Professor

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