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Division of Marinduque


Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque



A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion Subject

The Researchers


Subject Teacher

Successful realization of any endeavor would not be possible without some people who

gave invaluable assistance.

First and foremost to Almighty God for the knowledge, wisdom and divine guidance

bestowed upon them.

To the adviser, for skillfully guiding them the mechanics of research processes.

Lastly, to friends, classmates and loved ones for their concern, love and eternal support.
This study was conducted to know the positive and negative effects of mass media and
technology on the upbringing of children, the frequency use of mass media and technology,
effects of mass media and technology in the different aspects of a child and their parents’
purpose in exposing their child to mass media and technology.
The result of the study will benefit parents on the enlightenment of different effects of
mass media and technology on their children. The research instrument used in gathering the
necessary data in this study is questionnaire.
The respondents of this study are parents of children aged 1- 12 years old whom they
are the residents of Brgy. Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque which is composed of 100
parents but only 50 of them responded. These respondents were selected through purposive
The researchers conducted a survey and based on their findings, majority of the parents
claimed that their children use mass media and technology. Television is the most used form of
mass media and technology and radio is the least used form of it. Majority of them claimed that
their children learned alphabet, counting, etc. through the use of mass media which helped in
the educational learning of their children. Most of them stated that mass media and technology
keeps the family connected which is beneficial in the family relationship of their children.
Majority of the parents stated that mass media and technology influences their child to do
better in sports which contributes in the sports activities of their child. Majority of the
respondents responded that communication with peers, friends, family, relatives, etc. has
become easier and faster, they as well claimed that mass media and technology opens their
children’s mind into different cultures that they don’t know, which contributes in the social life
of a child.
Most of the parents’ purpose in exposing their child to mass media and technology is
because of educational purposes. Based on the finding, children’s exposure to mass media and
technology has brought a lot of positive effects rather than negative.


Title page……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. i.

Acknowledgement……………………………………………………………………………………………… ii.

Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. iii

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………….. iv-v


Background of the Study……………………………………………………………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………………………………. 2

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………………………………………………………. 4


Related Literature………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5-10

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11

Conceptual Framework………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12


Research Design……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Research Locale………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

Population and Sample……………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

Data Gathering Instrument………………………………………………………………………………………. 13

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………………………………………………………… 14

Data Analysis Procedure……………………………………………………………………………………………. 14


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data……………………………………………………… 15-26


Summary and Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………… 27-28

Recommendations……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 29

APPENDICES………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30-39

BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 40-41


Mass media such as television, video games, internet, music, and mobile phones has

brought a lot of changes regarding the experience of childhood in our society. This leaves

parents unprepared of the consequences they might face with such technologies. There are

now good evidence about the impact on children of mass media, and that this constitutes a

health issue.

Children can use mass media to bring enlightenment and awareness of the world

around them and as well as teach them proper social behaviors. Even when children reached

adulthood, they are still capable of receiving such benefits. Television viewing has been studied

in children who are academically gifted, with results suggesting that selective viewing can help

in the academic abilities of a child, Furthermore, parents of gifted children are more likely to

see the potential benefits of educational TV programs and make more selective viewing

choices. Video games that involves information, academic content, and problem-solving

enables a child to improve its learning capabilities accurately. Likewise, the different

information available on the internet contributes in broadening a child's knowledge. Behavioral

problems can also occur to children of all ages. Most of the time, it starts at a very young age.

Toddlers and young children may decline what they are asked by adults, regardless of how

many times they've been asked. They are already capable of being rude, being able to recite

profanities, and throw tantrums.

In view of this, this study is conducted to find out the positive and negative effects of

mass media and technology on the upbringing of children in Brgy. Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz,


General Question:

What are the positive and negative effects of mass media and technologies on the

upbringing of children in Brgy. Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque?

Specific Questions:

1. How often are the children exposed in mass media and technologies?

2. How mass media affects children in different aspects of, educational learning, family

relationship, sports activities, social life, and so on?

3. What are the parents’ purpose in exposing their children to mass media and


This study will benefit the following group of people.


This study is expedient for parents to apply mass media in right direction for their

children. They are better able to fully understand the dangers and benefits of it on them.


This study will educate the children to use the mass media properly, inform and groom

their minds. This will also shape the way they grow up to view mass media.


This study will motivate broadcasters to put awareness to people regarding the proper

use of mass media, to communicate well, and to possess a good personality.


This study will let the listeners know the right use of mass media and their exposure to


Future Researchers

This study will be a future researchers’ guideline in conducting their study. This will also

provide new directions for further studies that can be explored related to this topic.

This study looks into the effects of mass media and technology on the upbringing of

children in Brgy. Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque. It critically examines the influence of

media technology on children. The concept of this study covered parents and children in Brgy.

Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque and can well be applicable in any community.

The limitation involved in this study includes wide nature and time constraint which

resulted in narrowing down to Brgy. Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque only.


Media and technology’s presence in children’s lives is totally ubiquitous. As screens

become ever-present in human lives, especially ones that are small and portable, children and

teenagers are spending more time playing digital games and browsing on internet. Modern

technology has transformed the way children learn and interact with their environment.

Television, which is the most dominant media affects children consumption habits, is now

joined by computers, video game players, cell phones and other connected devices. The result

is that children today are completely immersed in media experiences from a very young age.

Regulating the impact these experiences are having on children has become very challenging

for parents.

“A researching study conducted by the National Institute on Media and Family, children

spend more time sitting in front of electronic screens (for hours) than doing any other activities

besides sleeping”. (Gentile; Douglas; Walsh; David, a normative study of family media habits,

2002). Which means that children are more exposed to Media than any other interest

surrounding them and as kids get older, too much screen time can interfere with activities such

as being physically active, reading, doing homework, playing with friends, and spending time

with family.

Today’s families are different. Technology’s impact on the 21st century family is

fracturing its very foundation, and causing a disintegration of core values that long ago were

the fabric that held families together. Juggling school, work, home, and community lives,
parents now rely heavily on communication, information, and transportation technology to

make their lives faster and more efficient. Entertainment technology (TV, Internet, video

games, iPads, and cellphones) has advanced so rapidly, that families have scarcely noticed the

significant impact and changes to their family structure and lifestyles. A 2010 Kaiser Foundation

study showed that elementary aged children use on average 7.5 hours per day of

entertainment technology, 75 percent of these children have TV’s in their bedrooms, and 50

percent of North American homes have the TV on all day. Gone is dining room table

conversation, replaced by the “big screen” and take out. Children now rely on technology for

the majority of their play, grossly limiting challenges to their creativity and imaginations, as well

as limiting necessary challenges to their bodies to achieve optimal sensory and motor

development. Sedentary bodies bombarded with chaotic sensory stimulation are resulting in

delays in attaining child developmental milestones, with subsequent negative impact on basic

foundation skills for achieving literacy. Hard-wired for high speed, today’s young are entering

school struggling with self-regulation and attention skills necessary for learning, eventually

becoming significant behavior management problems for teachers in the classroom. So what is

the impact of technology on the developing child? Children’s developing sensory, motor, and

attachment systems have biologically not evolved to accommodate this sedentary, yet frenzied

and chaotic nature of today’s technology. The impact of rapidly advancing technology on the

developing child has seen an increase of physical, psychological and behavior disorders that the

health and education systems are just beginning to detect, much less understand. Child obesity

and diabetes are now national epidemics in both Canada and the U.S., causally related to

technology overuse. Diagnoses of ADHD, autism, coordination disorder, developmental delays,

unintelligible speech, learning difficulties, sensory processing disorder, anxiety, depression, and

sleep disorders are associated with technology overuse, and are increasing at an alarming rate.

An urgent closer look at the critical factors for meeting developmental milestones, and the

subsequent impact of technology on those factors, would assist parents, teachers and health

professionals to better understand the complexities of this issue, and help create effective

strategies to reduce technology use. (Rowan, 2017)

Researchers who have documented racial and gender biases in media depictions of

reality have long speculated about the implications for children’s feelings, beliefs, and attitudes.

Content analyses of TV and magazine content in the United States continue to document

underrepresentation and stereotyped representations of females and non-Anglo ethnic/racial

groups. At the same time, surveys of non-Anglo children in the United States indicate a strong

desire to see representations of their own group and an awareness of racial bias in news and

entertainment depictions (Children Now, 1999).

Technology has played a big role in changing the way our children learn, get

entertained, how they interact with friends, it has impacted their level of creativeness, and how

they behave in society. Today’s children use more technology compared to kids in 1990. Many

technological companies are inventing technological tools for kids. Technology has both

positive and negative impacts on our children. As much as technology has changed the way our

kids learn or entertain themselves, it has also affected their ability to learn and have real

entertainment with their friends. It is not bad to give our children technological tools like iPads,

video games, computers, etc., but it is our role as parents to guide them on how to use this

technology and also set limits on when to use specific technological tools.
Internet technology and video games have become addictive to so many children. Many kids

have become victims of internet predators and others have become video game addicts, which

leaves them with no time to interact with other children and this has resulted in increased

cases of loneliness and depression among children. The most common technologies used by

children include: Video games, Smartphones, Television, Computers, Tablets, Internet, social

networks, chatting services, calculators and much more. (Ramey, 2012)

Most young children imitate aggressive acts on TV in their play with peers. Generally

children are unable to distinguish between fact and fantasy and may view violence as an

ordinary occurrence. In general, violence on television and in movies often communicate a

model of conflict resolution. It is well organized, frequent, and inconsequential. Heroes are

violent, and as such, are rewarded for their behavior. They become role models for youth. For

them it is cool to carry an automatic weapon and use it to knock off the bad guys. The typical

scenario of using violence for a righteous cause may translate in daily life into a justification for

using violence to retaliate against perceived victimizers. Hence, vulnerable youth who have

been victimized may be tempted to use violent means to solve problems. Unfortunately, there

are few, if any, models of nonviolent conflict resolution in the media. Additionally, children who

watch televised violence are desensitized to it. They may come to see violence as a fact of life

and, over time, lose their ability to empathize with both the victim and the victimizer.

Nowadays violent incidents are highest in children's programming, for the entertainment

industry, whether in action drama or homicide and detective programs, violent death is a tool

to drive tension and propel dramatic action. And these Aggressive behavior and attitudes which
they learn at young ages can result in lifelong violence unless there are interventions. (Camara,


There is, however, a growing body of research that technology can be both beneficial

and harmful to different ways in which children think. Moreover, this influence isn’t just

affecting children on the surface of their thinking. Rather, because their brains are still

developing and malleable, frequent exposure by so-called digital natives to technology is

actually wiring the brain in ways very different than in previous generations. What is clear is

that, as with advances throughout history, the technology that is available determines how our

brains develops. For example, as the technology writer Nicholas Carr has observed, the

emergence of reading encouraged our brains to be focused and imaginative. In contrast, the

rise of the Internet is strengthening our ability to scan information rapidly and efficiently.

(Taylor, 2012)

Technology has completely changed virtually every aspect of our society over the past

few decades, from the way we work to the way we socialize and everything in between. One of

the differences that have been most noticeable is the change in the way that children play and

interact with each other from previous generations. Although technology does provide many

positive benefits for learning, it also can have several negative effects on child development and

quality of life. One of the biggest differences in the way that children live today is that they

don’t get as much exercise as they used to. This is because technology such as computers,

smart phones and television encourages them to be sedentary when they get home from

school, as opposed to going outside and playing with other kids. Child obesity rates have risen

drastically over the past several decades. In 2012, the child obesity rate was measured to be 18
percent, which is an 11 point difference from the obesity rate in 1980. While many schools and

parents have made strides to change this by promoting organized exercise both during and

after school, we still have a long way to go in helping kids playing in more conventional ways.

The effects of technology on children are complicated, with both benefits and costs. Whether

technology helps or hurts in the development of your children’s thinking depends on what

specific technology is used and how and what frequency it is used. At least early in their lives,

the power to dictate your children’s relationship with technology and, as a result, its influence

on them, from synaptic activity to conscious thought. (Patel, 2017)


For the purpose of citing, it is very important to understand the following:

Mass media. It is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a large audience via

mass communication. The technologies through which this communication takes place include

a variety of outlets.

Behavioral problems. Also known as disruptive behavioral disorders, are the most common

reasons that parents are told to take their kids for mental health assessments and treatment.

Behavioral disorders are also common in adults. If left untreated in childhood, these disorders

can negatively affect a person’s ability to hold a job and maintain relationships.

Video games. It is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface to generate

visual feedback on a video device such as a TV screen or computer

Upbringing. Is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional, social, and

intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the

intricacies of raising a child aside from the biological relationship.

Technology. Allow children to have Internet access through computers and cell phones. Even if

a parent is diligent in limiting a child's time on those devices, TV, iPods, MP3s, DVD players and

video games are waiting in the wings, vying for your child’s attention. Parents, teachers and

health workers are questioning the physical effects that technology has on children’s lives.

Cause – Independent Effect – Dependent

Bring enlightenment
and awareness of the
Mass Media and
world, behavioral
Technology problems, help in the
academic abilities

This figure further depicts that the use of mass media and technology and the exposure to it

has positive and negative impact on the upbringing of children in Brgy. Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz,



Research Design

The researchers chose qualitative research. Utilizing the descriptive design in order to

know the effects of mass media and technology on the upbringing of children in Brgy. Lapu –

Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Bgry. Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque.

Population and Sample

The sample was taken from the population of 100 through random sampling in which

each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen. The sample consists of 50

parents who shared their children’s exposure to mass media and technology.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researchers used a questionnaire in gathering data. It is composed of sets of

questions designed to elicit data that can provide answers to the problems being studied. The

questionnaire was composed of three parts. Part 1 aimed to determine how often the children

are exposed in mass media and technologies. Part 2 aimed to determine how mass media

affects children in different aspects of, educational learning, family relationship, sports

activities, social life, and so on. Part 3 aimed to determine the parents’ purpose in exposing

their children to mass media and technologies.

Data Gathering Procedure

The first phase of the study was the preparation of the questionnaire. The questions

must be relevant to the statement of the problem.

The second phase of the study was the distribution of the questionnaires. The parents

are asked to answer the questionnaires done on the first phase.

The third phase was the gathering of data from the questionnaire. The data were

interpreted to know the effects of mass media and technologies on the upbringing of children

in Brgy. Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque.

Data Analysis Procedure

All data were collected and served as the basis to find out the effects of mass media and

technologies on the upbringing of children in Brgy. Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque.



Yes No
Age Of Children
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
1-3 years old 4 8% 2 4%
4-6 years old 20 40 % 0 0%
7-9 years old 10 20 % 0 0%
10-12 years old 14 28 % 0 0%
Total 48 96 % 2 4%

The table above shows the number of children that use mass media and technology. 4

parents of 1-3 years old children stated that their child use mass media and technology which is

equivalent to 8% while 2 parents claimed that their children don’t which is equivalent to 4 %.

20 parents of 4-6 years old said that their children use it which is equivalent to 40 %. 10 parents

of 7-9 years old children stated that their children use it which is equivalent to 20 %. 14 Parents

of 10-12 years old children claimed that their children use it. As a result, 48 parents stated that

their children use mass media and technology which is 96 % while 2 of them said that their

children don’t use it which is equivalent to 4 %. Overall, majority of the respondents claimed

that their children in Brgy. Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque use mass media and



Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Media And
Technology Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Television 34 68 % 10 20 % 2 4% 0 0% 4 8%

Radio 1 2% 7 14 % 6 12 % 4 8% 32 64 %

Cellphone 33 66 % 12 24 % 2 4% 0 0% 3 6%

Computer 24 48 % 12 24 % 2 4% 3 6% 9 18 %

Tablet 29 58 % 10 20 % 2 4% 1 2% 8 16 %

Laptop 24 48 % 12 24 % 4 8% 0 0% 10 20 %

The table above shows how often do the children use mass media and technology in

Brgy. Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque. Out of 50 respondents, 34 (68%) claimed that their

children always use television, 10 (20%) stated that their children often use it, 2 (4%) responded

that their children sometimes use it, 4 (8%) said that their children never use television. 1 (2%)

claimed that their children always use radio, 7 (14%) stated that their children often use it, 6

(12%) responded that their children sometimes use it, 4 (8%) said that their children rarely use

it, 32 (64%) stated that their children never use the radio. 33 (66%) claimed that their children

always use cellphone, 12 (24%) responded that their children often use it, 2 (4%) said that their

children sometimes use it, 3 (6%) stated that their children never use cellphone. 24 (48%)

claimed that their children always use computer, 12 (24%) responded that their children often

use it, 2 (4%) said that their children sometimes use it, 3 (6%) stated that their children rarely
use it, 9 (18%) claimed that their children never use the computer. 29 (58%) responded that

their children always use tablet, 10 (20%) said that their children often use it, 2 (4%) stated that

their children sometimes use it, 1 (2%) claimed that their children rarely use it, 8 (16%)

responded that their children never use tablet. 24 (48%) said that their children always use

laptop, 12 (24%) stated that their children often use it, 4 (8%) claimed that their children

sometimes use it, 10 (20%) responded that their children never use laptop. Thus, television is

the most used form of mass media by the children and radio is the least used form of mass

media by the children.


Effects Of Mass Undecided

Media And Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

in doing their 26 52 % 13 26 % 1 2% 0 0% 10 20 %
home works
2.Learned the
counting, and
30 60 % 15 30 % 0 0% 2 4% 3 6%
etc. through the
use of mass
3.Doing school
works has
19 38 % 19 38 % 2 4% 1 2% 9 18 %
become easier
and faster

16 32 % 20 40 % 6 12 % 3 6% 5 10 %
literacy in media

5.Helps develop
reading and 19 38 % 18 36 % 5 10 % 1 2% 7 14 %
writing skills

The table above illustrates the level of agreement of the respondents regarding the

effects of mass media and technology in terms of educational learning of their children. Out of

50 respondents, 26 (52%) of them strongly agree that their children procrastinates in doing

their home works, 13 (26%) of them agree, 1 (2%) of them is undecided, and 10 (20%) of them

strongly disagree. There were 30 (60%) of the 50 respondents strongly agree that their children

learned the alphabet, counting, and etc. through the use of mass media, 15 (30%) of them

agree, 2 (4%) of them disagree, and 3 (6%) strongly disagree. Out of 50 respondents, 19 (38%)
of them strongly agree that doing school works of their children has become easier and faster,

likewise, 19 (38%) of them agree, 2 (4%) of them are undecided, 1 (2%) of them disagree, and 9

(18%) of them strongly disagree. There were 16 (32%) of the 50 respondents strongly agree that

mass media and technology heightens literacy in media of their children, 20 (40%) of them

agree, 6 (12%) of them is undecided, 3 (6%) of them disagree, and 5 (10%) of them strongly

disagree. Out of 50 respondents, 19 (38%) of them strongly agree that mass media and

technology helps develop reading and writing skills of their children, 18 (36%) of them agree, 5

(10%) are undecided, 1 (2%) of them disagrees, and 7 (14%) of them strongly disagree.

Therefore, majority of the respondents claimed that their children learned the alphabet,

counting, etc. through the use of mass media. On the other hand, least of them stated that

mass media and technology heightens literacy in media of their children.

Effects of Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree
Mass Media
Technology Frequen Percenta Frequen Percenta Frequen Percenta Frequen Percenta Frequen Percenta
cy ge cy ge cy ge cy ge cy ge

17 34 % 18 36 % 2 4% 6 12 % 7 14 %
what he or
14 28 % 20 40 % 6 12 % 3 6% 7 14 %
she is asked
to do
3.Build a
between the
members of
the family as 20 40 % 20 40 % 5 10 % 0 0% 5 10 %
leisure (e.g.
4.Keeps the
family 30 60 % 14 28 % 2 4% 2 4% 2 4%
of the family
have 9 18 % 20 40 % 4 8% 2 4% 15 30 %

The table above shows the level of agreement of the respondents regarding the effects

of mass media and technology in terms of family relationship of their children. Out of 50

respondents, 17 (34%) of them strongly agree that mass media and technology makes their

children recites profanities when provoked, 18 (36%) of them agree, 2 (4%) of them are

undecided, 6 (12%) of them disagree, and 7 (14%) of them strongly disagree. There were 14

(28%) of the 50 respondents strongly agree that their children decline what they are asked to
do, 20 (40%) of them agree, 6 (12%) of them are undecided, 3 (6%) of them disagree, and 7

(14%) of them strongly disagree. Out of 50 respondents, 20 (40%) of them strongly agree that

mass media and technology builds a strong relationship between the members of the family as

family leisure (e.g. watching comedy films), also, 20 (40%) of them agree, 5 (10%) of them are

undecided, and similarly, 5 (10%) of them strongly disagree. There were 30 (60%) of the 50

respondents strongly agree that mass media and technology keeps the family connected, 14

(28%) of them agree, 2 (4%) of them are undecided, likewise, 2 (4%) of them disagree, and also

2 (4%) of them strongly disagree. Out of 50 respondents, 9 (18%) of them strongly agree that

members of the family have become distant because of mass media and technology, 20 (40%)

of them agree, 4 (8%) of them are undecided, 2 (4%) of them disagree, and 15 (30%) of them

disagree. As a result, majority of the respondents stated that mass media and technology keeps

the family connected. Furthermore, least of them responded that mass media and technology

makes the members of the family become distant.


Effects of Mass Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

Media and

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

1.Influence him or
her to do better in 20 40 % 15 30 % 2 4% 2 4% 11 22 %

inclination in
16 32 % 18 36 % 4 8% 1 2% 11 22 %
watching sports

3.Influences him or
her to get more
14 28 % 16 32 % 5 10 % 2 4% 13 26 %
involved in Sports

admiration to an
11 22 % 22 44 % 0 0% 1 2% 16 32 %
athlete that he or
she imitates

5.Develops interest
in playing sports 12 24 % 19 38 % 5 10 % 1 2% 13 26 %

The table above illustrates the level of agreement of the respondents regarding the

effects of mass media and technology in terms of sports activities of their children. Out of 50

respondents, 20 (40%) of them strong agree that mass media and technology influences their

children to do better in sports, 15 (30%) of them agree, 2 (4%) of them are undecided, similarly,

2 (4%) of them disagree and 11 (22%) of them strongly disagree. There were 16 (32%) of the 50
respondents strongly agree that their children develops inclination in watching sports channel

because of mass media and technology, 18 (36%) of them agree, 4 (8%) of them are undecided,

1 (2%) of them disagrees, and 11 (22%) of them strongly disagree. Out of 50 respondents, 14

(28%) of them strongly agree that mass media and technology influences their children to get

more involved in sports intramurals, 16 (32%) of them agree, 5 (10%) of them are undecided, 2

(4%) of them disagree, and 13 (26%) of them strongly disagree. There were 11 (22%) of the 50

respondents strongly agree that their children develops admiration to an athlete that they

imitates because of mass media and technology, 22 (44%) of them agree, 1 (2%) of them

disagrees, and 16 (32%) of them strongly disagree. Out of 50 respondents, 12 (24%) of them

strongly agree that their children develop interest in playing sports virtually because of mass

media and technology, 19 (38%) of them agree, 5 (10%) of them are undecided, 1 (2%) of them

disagree, and 13 (26%) of them strongly disagree. Thus, majority of the respondents claimed

that mass media and technology influences their children to do better in sports. On the other

hand, least of them claimed that their children develops admiration to an athlete that they

imitate because of mass media and technology.


Effects of Mass Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

Media and
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

1.Prefers to stay at
home and watch
16 32 % 18 36 % 2 4% 5 10 % 9 18 %
television or play

with peers, friends,
family, relatives, 22 44 % 14 28 % 2 4% 0 0% 12 24 %
etc. has become
easier and faster

3.Open child’s
mind into different
22 44 % 19 38 % 0 0% 0 0% 9 18 %
cultures that he or
she doesn’t know

interest in
socializing virtually 15 30 % 14 28 % 3 6% 0 0% 18 36 %
rather than

5.Expanded his or
her social circle
and develop new 17 34 % 16 32 % 4 8% 0 0% 13 26 %
friendships through
Mass Media

The table above demonstrates the level of agreement of the respondents regarding the

effects of mass media and technology in terms of social life of their children. Out of 50

respondents, 16 (32%) of them strongly agree that their children prefer to stay at home and

watch television or play mobile phones, 18 (36%) of them agree, 2 (4%) of them are undecided,

5 (10%) of them disagree, and 9 (18%) of them strongly disagree. There were 22 (44%) of the 50
respondents strongly agree that communication with peers, friends, family, relatives, etc. has

become easier and faster because of mass media and technology, 14 (28%) of them agree, 2

(4%) of them are undecided, and 12 (24%) of them strongly disagree. Out of 50 respondents, 22

(44%) of them strongly agree that mass media and technology opens their children’s mind into

different culture that they don’t know, 19 (38%) of them agree, and 9 (18%) of them strongly

disagree. There were 15 (30%) of the 50 respondents strongly agree that their children

develops interest in socializing virtually rather than physically, 14 (28%) of them agree, 3 (6%) of

them are undecided, and 18 (36%) of them strongly disagree. Out of 50 respondents, 17 (34%)

of them strongly agree that their children’s social circle are expanded and develops new

friendships through mass media, 16 (32%) of them agree, 4 (8%) of them are undecided, and 13

(26%) of them strongly disagree. Overall, majority of the respondents stated that

communication with peers, friends, family, relatives etc. has become easier and faster, also,

they claimed that mass media and technology opens their children’s mind into different

cultures that they don’t know. Furthermore, least of them stated that their children develops

interest in socializing virtually than physically because of mass media and technology.

To be able to do other
Communicating with peers,
For educational purposes For entertainment household chores while
family, and relatives
taking care of the child

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

44 88 % 22 44 % 24 48 % 11 22 %



The table above shows the frequency of purposes of parents in exposing their children

in mass media and technology. There were 44 of the 50 respondents claimed that they expose

their children to mass media and technology for educational purposes which is equivalent to 88

%. Out of 50 respondents, 22 stated that they expose their children to it for communiciation

with peers, family, and relatives which is equivalent to 44 %. There were 24 of the 50

respondents claimed that they expose their children to it for entertainment which is equivalent

to 48 %. Out of 50 respondents, 11 of them expose their children to it to be able to do other

household chores while taking care of the child which is equivalent to 22 %. Therefore, majority

of the respondents expose their children to mass media and technology for educational



The study aims to determine the positive and negative effects of mass media and

technology on the upbringing of children.

The respondents of this study were the parents of children in Brgy. Lapu – Lapu, Santa

Cruz, Marinduque. The method used in this study is descriptive research design for determining

the level of frequency use of mass media and technology by the children, frequency and

percentage of level of agreement of parents regarding the effects of mass media and

technology in terms of different aspects, and purposes of parents in exposing their children to

mass media and technology.

This study was conducted from November 2017 to March 2018 at Brgy. Lapu – Lapu,

Santa Cruz, Marinduque.

Summary of the Findings

Majority of the respondents claimed that their children use mass media and technology

while the rest do not use it. Television is the most used form of mass media and technology and

radio is the least used form of it by the children. In terms of educational learning, out of 50

respondents, majority of them claimed that their children learned the alphabet, counting, etc.

through the use of mass media and technology. On the other hand, least of them stated that

mass media and technology heightens literacy in media of the children. In terms of family

relationship, majority of the respondents stated that mass media and technology keeps the
family connected. Furthermore, least of them responded that it makes the members of the

family become distant. In terms of sports activities, out of 50 respondents, majority of them

stated that mass media and technology influences their children to do better in sports. On the

other hand, least of them claimed that their children develops admiration to an athlete that

they imitate because of mass media and technology. In terms of social life, out of 50

respondents, majority of them stated that communication with peers, friends, family, relatives,

etc. has become easier and faster, also, they claimed that mass media and technology opens

their children’s mind into different culture that they don’t know. Furthermore, least of them

stated that their children develops interest in socializing virtually rather than physically because

of mass media and technology. Most of the respondents’ purpose in exposing their children to

mass media and technology is because of educational purposes.


Based on the data gathered, the researchers therefore conclude that most of the

children in Brgy. Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque use mass media and technology. On the

other hand, parents must know the negative effects of mass media and technology on the

upbringing of their children so that they can lessen the exposure to it. Furthermore, the

researchers conclude that mass media and technology mostly affects children in a positive way

in different aspects. Lastly, the researchers conclude that most of the parents expose their

children to mass media and technology for educational purposes.


After getting all the findings and discussing the conclusion of the collected data, the

researchers recommend some measures to let children use mass media and technology in right

direction. Positive use of mass media and technology can contribute on the upbringing of

children in terms of educational learning, family relationship, sports activities, social life, and so


1. Parents should keep in mind that mass media and technology has its basic purpose

and always remember that the use of it are not only for their children’s interest but

also for education, contacts, and friends.

2. Parents should download educational applications and let their children use mass

media and technology when it is appropriate to their age.

3. Parents should keep in mind that mass media and technology has negative impacts

on their children’s physical and mental health, academic performance, and attitude

so that they can lessen the exposure and manage the time using it.
Name: (Optional) __________________________
Direction: Please put a check () on the corresponding answers.

1. What is your child’s gender?

 Female  Male

2. How old is your child?

 1 – 3 years old  7 – 9 years old
 4 – 6 years old  10 – 12 years old

3. Does your child use mass media and technologies? (e.g. television, radio, cellphone,
computer, etc.)
 Yes  No

4. In what mass media and technologies is/are your child/children mostly exposed to and
how often is/are your child/children exposed to these? (please put a check () that
indicates your answer)

Media and Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never







5. Please check the box if any of these apply to your child’s daily life.

Effects of Mass Media and Strongly Strongly

Agree Undecided Disagree
Technology Agree Disagree
Educational Learning:
1. Procrastinates in
doing their home

2. Learned the
alphabet, counting,
and etc. through
the use of mass

3. Doing school works

has become easier
and faster

4. Heightens literacy
in the media

5. Helps develop
reading and writing

Family Relationship:
6. Recites profanities
when provoked

7. Declines what he or
she is asked to do

8. Builds a strong
between the
members of the
family as family
leisure (e.g.
watching comedy
Effects of Mass Media and Strongly Strongly
Agree Undecided Disagree
Technology Agree Disagree
9. Keeps the family

10. Members of the

family have become

Sports Activities:
11. Influences him or
her to do better in

12. Develops inclination

in watching sports

13. Influences him or

her to get more
involved in sports

14. Develops
admiration to an
athlete that he or
she imitates

15. Develops interest in

playing sports

Social Life:
16. Prefers to stay at
home and watch
television or play
mobile phones

17. Communication
with peers, friends,
family, relatives,
etc. has become
easier and faster
Effects of Mass Media and Strongly Strongly
Agree Undecided Disagree
Technology Agree Disagree
18. Open child’s mind
into different
cultures that he or
she doesn’t know

19. Develops interest in

socializing virtually
rather than

20. Expanded his or her

social circle and
develops new
friendships through
mass media

6. What is/are your purposes in exposing your child to mass media and technologies?
 For educational purposes
 Communicating with peers, family, and relatives
 For entertainment
 To be able to do other house hold chores while taking care of the child
 Others: Please specify _______________________________________
Division of Marinduque
Landy, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

February 12, 2018


Barangay Captain
Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque

Dear Captain:

We, the undersigned are presently conducting a study entitled ”Effects of Mass Media
and Technology on the Upbringing of Children In Lapu - Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque” as one
of the requirements for the subject Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion. In connection to
this, we would like to ask permission from your good office to allow us to distribute
questionnaires to selected respondents/parents in our barangay to gather the necessary data
for our study.

Thank you very much for your kind approval in this regard.

Respectfully yours,


The Researchers

Research adviser


Barangay Captain
Dear Respondent,

The undersigned are presently conducting a study entitled ”Effects of Mass Media and
Technology on the Upbringing of Children in Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque”, as one of
the requirements for the subject Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion. In connection to this,
please answer the necessary data needed for the success of this study. Rest assured that all the
information you wrote will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Thank you very much for your cooperation and more power.


Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque


Personal Information

Nickname: Ysa

Age: 18

Place of Birth: Santa Cruz District Hospital

Date of Birth: November 10, 1999

Civil Status: Single

Gender: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

Senior High School: Landy National High School

2016 – Present

Junior High School: Malindig Institute Foundation, Inc.

2012 – 2016

Elementary: Escuela De Gratia Plena, Inc.

2006 – 2012

Lapu – Lapu, Santa Cruz, Marinduque


Personal Information

Nickname: KC

Age: 17

Place of Birth: Amisola Maternity Hospital

Date of Birth: May 01, 2000

Civil Status: Single

Gender: Female

Religion: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

Senior High School: Landy National High School

2016 – Present

Junior High School: Malindig Institute Foundation, Inc.

2012 – 2016

Elementary: Escuela De San Lorenzo Ruiz

2006 – 2012
Retrieved from:

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