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TAL CHINH 1. Ly do khign cho sir phé sin ngin hing durge coi 8 nghim trong 285i vat nn kinh tls (0 tisccytenceuss [© ocr ning pa sn i nn meiiose ve sion in caanglot cre ing (© cicesscont snag ing en img cng nao eK i 2. NgBn hang thyong meal hign dal durge quan nin I: (© morn cone ty asc taupe chuyen mon od vo oat dng ian doar tn cure { (© orioa’ inn rang gan a cinn [© cere en avscon ote srou tani { © cine iy cb prin nat sym 3. Chiét kha thueng phiu e6 thé durge hig la: (© maaarinion [© nearing cho vy cin ave gai ca thzang piu due Kschhng cia gn Nang ann ng i [© settee ro vy co bo am cin cv gt thucrg ph thon denny Bg ce ong peu (© sr nine ro wo 000 bo aim a anc v80 8 thao NEU. Sua sud CECA ven TE 4, Chu ndo sau dy mé té ding nha quy luge cia dug ting cbu? © iat ting un pin hy ng © isi in ra uve sin him eich wai (O aaransere uve sin pa envy ing ann a. 3090000 USD cho num COL oon ching a na in doonh thu ten trong nam 2078 jaaaB cote i ‘hanh coun cba cong 2 Vay cong A shi ty Berd ve kha nang cam ket (© ce000 us eo pong tech phi [© 200200 uso neo prc ona Ce LoisTics 6. Trong vai th§p nin du thé ki21, logistics s& phat trién theo xu huréing chinh nao? cho phone (© ret cra toss cc crt sic chuyn ni rai br 6 ts (© tated cicohacrgin ten 7. Bdu nao sau day thé hign mai quan he cia logistics va chudi cung ing? © Fretman cn £8. Dich vu phy tre cia Damco ia: [© aria tuinana mange veces [© watonniomnnonint [© wintiooe [O woman c&e nguyén nha tim dn dn dn su chim tré trong nhu cu giao tip thdng tn v8 chu "Seana nen at tay va ars ge psa ayes Tone au sine ep enon i O tier mare du yn thre 0b a © They di gay tn tha tye 3 eu Ge tn Gt atm nope ‘© sec arm nguyen nan cr dn ans enam te 10. Ly do chinh cho sy ph trim ela chudl cung ting li: O tevisibé han chattrmeten © catinevc soo nine cnaran © catia MARKETING {The practice of promoting the interests of a company andits brands by associating witha specific events © pivicer ‘© Point at purchase communi © see oremeten Oa © ssonsoanip arteing +12, Marketing communicators ‘meaning and create associations for the brands by connecting them with ‘other objects that already possess welFknown meaning. (© reverse O wate © oan © wera 13. Fundamental marketing communication decisions include (© pestonng resing sting techs andbaging © serine tions, stn and pars ‘© pastnng eating paring and foretre ‘© none othe ansners supplied for ths question ae correct ] ‘© postoning mong elements, budgeting and setting objectives ] sells mussels while shouting to passersby, "Fresh seafood. get your 14. Ata local farmers’ market, Molly Mal {rech seafood here!” What kind of perspec O° © smecona aes ‘© comparing budgeted marketing communications expenditures against share-of voice ] structure win the fundamental decsons O= oO DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION {Ffctnthe gigital transformation process, digitization is a mandatory procedure which needs tobe conducted at [Os ] (o= 17. Which is the factor that a business of digitization focuses on? [ ‘© ailtne answers above } [0 reco ] [ © susness } [0 rene } 18. Your company is one of many who provide digital solutions to small businesses. One of your competitors has {istgone cue Busines, and yous an cpportunty to cau another competitor hat cul nerase your ness and give you an advaittage. How would you best describe your company’s current ile cele phase? © smerceneonae © conn phase ‘© wave ones ‘Bahn angling the compeitv lifecycle, whats the most important question companies shoul ask © Ste ratetsony ering or per ora © soismertetwnnersateot dopok. or cee 20, Your company launched avery succesful producto few year ogo, one that consistently yields significant ‘ould you say Ace er aaah aonez scenes separ nbang mroone emo Oe OQ wens gnieon auwsionwncssay omen O wna nn O venew sod 21. What are the combined sales o 2009 Online vs High Steet sales Total Sales 2009 (Total sales = £1,675 mation) (£11675 maion) m0 Am os 109] | I mow! Bo oe owes one 29 Product sales (£10 0008) (Om (© ese00 22. the profit margin for aniine sales is V8th of the sales value, what was the total profit for online sales in 20032 2000 Onine vs High Siret sales Total Sates (Cota sles = £1675 mation) fsrsmaer) no me 274m ons : ar i soa] é Mowe) Mone: DOs COs Acne Mae Mowe) owes { © sna (© ens [ (© sowse (© snr (Os 23, What isthe difference in sales between the best and worst performing quarters? 2009 Onine vs High Street sales Total Sales 2000 (Total saes = £1675 milion) (€1.675.mllon) Product sales (£10,0008) 724, What was the difference between Online and High Strest sales (in £10,0005)? 2009 Onine vs High Steet sles Total Sates 2000 (Toa sates = £1678 mon) (E1875 mien) ae : Onto Hivos g i Meee Mowe: Moms pomws [os (ox (o= (ox (o= 25. In 2010 there isa High Street CD and DVDs zale that results in an ingrease in he ‘atagery by 11% and 14st respectively. What are the combined High serect DVD 2009 Onine vs High Street sales Toi Sales 2008 (Total sales = £1 675 mon) (£1.87 maion) nual 2009 sales of each "ED ssice for 20100 Product sates (£10,0005) fence an increase in sales for the European Region? 2009 company Sales for European Rion Eilon) 72 mStesple aarae mnakutd a (oa (CO wore ] [Ow | (CO core (CO wore 2008 Company Sales for Guropann ReponEmilone) for Rak Led represent 45% of worldwide sales, what isthe level of sales worldwide? period? 2009 Company Sales for European Region (Crilion) ples European sales in quarters 4 and 2 difler from Farlez's Eurapenn sales over the same [© Seniionnore [ O nuneormese 25, the anmual sales target for Rik Lid was £285 milion, by what fection ofthis target did the company inderper 2008 Company Sales fr European Region (millon) 72 msclesple Foray mmakied [Ou [Os [oe [Oe (ox 30, Next quarters total sales projection represents what increase on Quarter 4s total sales forthe three companies Shown (es the nearest whole 5)? me 2009 company Sales fo European Rapin (emiions) 2 wseiesple OFerhe meakd an [O= ] [o= fo= | J ] {o [O# Grape Yield Per Acre. In ltay, the grape tee has become one af the most pefitable crops for years However in recent decades, the prodtivity and competitiveness ofthe Halian grapes have been reduced because of increasing production cost and the scarcity of aor. In onder o evaluate the barvest quality inthis sector of Tay, the Italian Grape Associaton Would like to compare the rape production of competitive Furopean countries. The following figure ilustrates the average pape veld per acte of | ‘Franee, Spain Italy and UK from 1400 to 2000. 31 Refer to the figure above, which of the following statements, true, MOST correctly exp rent average grape yi per'acre of France, Spain, aly and UR from 1400 co 250 22, Vihich ofthe following description fg MOST correct regarding position ofthe grape production of aly compared mri other countries frown 100 to ing Pos rape "y coma eaniies ‘pave pwn ese) ean toon. [Quaen es [© tairtesocetencatacontrunusyonthinisgone fedperace withistemastsabercomangthefurcounses | (eye rac ean cre an eat a ER or = 3, The average annual grovrth rate grape yield per acre of Italy during the period From 1400 to 2000 is: Grape yield per acre (tons) Were tape ype aco rage op yl eases he io» [pope fe wt ae ce) of and aoa Ou O 10m © oom Os Description In order to analyze comparable advantages and disadvantages of the Italian grape, the Italian Grape Association used snformation derived stom previous econcmc reports, surveys With growers, and data from recearchers t9 build a gure of ‘Production Costs for Grapes in France, Spain, lily and UK sn 2000 as follows: Production Costs Structure for Grapes (Sper acre) “34. Which ofthe following assessments can be interpreted based on the figures provided in Exhibit 2 respect Production Coste in the Grapes sector of France, Spain ealy and UK? prow "e anni? Production Costs Structure for Grapes (S per acre) (O= acest hove ony odvonagsin gape production becae [ © taiynas an anscuue avareagein bor [Om { (© reiynasa comparceve asvemagein lane 35, Accume that grape farmers need to sell thelr crops atthe price higher than production cost, which of the folioming statement is incorrect regarding the grapes selling price! coduction Costs Structure for Grapes (Sper acre) © Te scling pie of UK gepesistigher han S548 (© Tre scling price of French gepesis lower than $345 16 pert 2000, (Tre seurgprie orSpanen gape ngner nan s25951 person wna O ressng pres aspe rer nan S48 1 parton nD. Sharing economies Sharing economies allow individuals and ercupe to make mone’ from underused assets In this wav, physical assets are shared as seruces. Whether borrowing goods, serving up micro-shills in exchange for acess or money, consumers ate showing a robust appetite forthe sharina-based economy. To brainstorm the sharing economy implications it could have on ‘both enterprise and society in a developing county like Vietnam, the Werld Bank invited Me Kinsey for this research collaboration. The research sampled Vietnamese consumers across age. income, region and gender, who bave some ‘emianity withthe sharing econowny (44% of total consumers) 36. Which ofthe following. iFtrue, would directly explain the strong grovrth of sharing economies in Vietnam? O Yemen (© Pee nasa sig tea inprovmrnc in Vemarts per capa CP in recent © manny wes preva Fienon 5 Babeahen oie pune SSIS | sumars nave become mors trustg ot reationshps edo sci sencment and commutes o users Among Vietnamese adult familar with the sharing economy, ‘they perceive many benefits tot 37. Refer to exhibit 11, which ofthe following statements is correct respect Sharing economies? © 2788 oft consumersagresitrekes Ife more ofordeble (© Tre mas inporarebeneftofsrarrg oromiesis mat fe mor ofersabe © were (© Trees amar of tral consumers aro ape rare sharing economic based ona ecween prods ae er of a consumars apres tra snerng economies have many arate ] Description (One of the most important consequences of staring economies is value of ownership. Exhibit 12 show's the atitude of consumers about value of ownership. eoniin Re-thinking the value of ownership = aim on 108 _ om son 3% son om os lage tists tape owe lagre access is expenarete are toaytectne abandon the newouneip ‘00d thant own them india 38, Refer to exhibit 12, which of the following is most likely prediction about ownership under shoring economies? sods ond sees vl becre cheaper becuse ere wl BE sage vine vant am them — fennership wl become more exper { (© vate ct onnecnpwittecome ess expense ren betore { (© Goods wat nave systema overcapacry reatveto me requirements of et owners. Description The research also found that 16% of the Vietamese population are providers in the sharing economy, their age disuibution 's shown in exhibit 13, 38 fer to eb 13, which of the following is accurately inferred regarding the providers distribution in sharing | © ore wertrs aces Yerremese poston (© treeare any 2 pecantotstanng ecrany ronda aged 64 tw leworeer aged 253 ana re igure jumps 0 2 percent othe sha orngacreny Wort are age 125 welaDoveT erent ofthe Vemarere pe 40, Refer to information given in exhibit 11, 12 and 13, which of the following isthe most unlikely deduced fespecting the featurer of Vietnamese shating ecanamny? Ch (© trance eoereres tere email co ofr beter preg ana ere comer [Ose { (© rusts ne mostimporanceo keep the sharing ecanay spining and growing

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