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A. Identify if what Kinds of Culpa are the examples given and explain why

1. Emi, proprietor of Emi Taxi Company, hired Parekoy as one of her driver of her taxi
units. Tonix was able to chance upon Emi’s taxi, Parekoy being the driver. Parekoy
drove negligently fast on a barangay road and accidentally hit a lamp post while
turning a curb. The accident resulted to some bruises on Tonix. However, Emi is liable for
the negligence acted by Parekoy, and is subject for damages for breach of contract
of carriage.

- A legal phrase for something that causes a contract to be breached is Culpa

Contractual. A fault or neglect in the performance of an existing commitment,
known as culpa contractual, enhances the culpability of that obligation. Breach
of structure is a legal action in which one or more contracting parties fail to fulfill
a contractual agreement or paid exchange by failing to perform or interfering
with the performance of the other contracting party. In both written and oral
agreements, a contract violation can occur. The participants have the option of
addressing the issue among themselves or in court if a contract is breached.

2. Referring to the same problem stated above. If Parekoy while driving Tonix to his
place, drove negligently fast and accidentally hit a lamp post while turning a curb,
and at the same time caused physical injuries to a Sky, a bystander in the curb. Sky
can file a case against Emi, the owner of Emi Taxi Company and her driver parekoy.

- Culpa Aquiliana is referred to as civil negligence, tort, or quasi-delict. The

substantive and self-contained Culpa Aquiliana serves as a source of legal duty
between people who had previously had no legal ties. Furthermore, negligence
creates a duty of care between persons who were not previously bound by any
contract. Liability's legal foundation. A quasi-delict may occur if someone is
harmed or injured as a result of someone else's carelessness or negligence. It
covers a lot more ground than just crime.

3. Sky filed a criminal action against Parekoy for reckless imprudence resulting to
physical injuries.
- Culpa Criminal negligence, also known as criminal conduct, is conduct that
leads to the commission of a crime or a delict. Referring to the same issue as
above, Sky has the option of filing a criminal complaint against Parekoy for
reckless imprudence resulting in bodily harm.

B. What do you think is your obligation on the following areas?

a. As a son/daughter’
- The role of any child is to be a child. As a daughter, it is my responsibility to study,
grow, and mature into an adult. I have been given life and am not to be held
responsible for anything other than making the best of it. As a woman who has
been raised to be well prepared for the terrible times in life while still enjoying the
good times and making the most of what life and the world have to offer, I've
learned to be cautious and to think things through before making major
decisions. To keep an eye out for vultures who might try to attack me. But it's also
critical for me to remember my family and be there for them when they require
assistance or support.

b. As a member of a family
- Some of the roles I play in my family are as follows: Come help my family. As a
child, it is my responsibility to assist my parents with home responsibilities. By
studying hard, I can show my gratitude to my parents. Make my parents and
other family members happy.

c. As a student
- As a student, I am responsible for completing my tasks on time and submitting
work on time. I'm not going to make any excuses for not finishing my assignment.
Make sure my assignments are tidy and well-organized before submitting them.
Keep the lesson on track by staying on topic and plan ahead of time and be
aware of my deadlines. Stay organized in class and complete assignments to the
best of my ability and turn them in on time. Maintain my place in the class and
come to class prepared so the teacher may teach what he or she expects
(rather than what you have learnt, for example, reading).

d. As a citizen
- I have a legal obligation to follow national laws, to obey lawful court and
government decisions, and to pay legally established taxes and other
government charges. Furthermore, under the Police Act, I am required to obey
police orders, such as traffic management or keeping public order.

e. As a local
- It is my responsibility to be loyal to the Republic and honor the Philippine flag, to
defend the State and contribute to its development and welfare, to support the
Constitution and obey the laws, and to collaborate with lawfully elected officials
to achieve and maintain a just and orderly society. Also, I need to work in order
to provide a decent life for myself and my family, and I need to be eligible to
vote in order to register and vote.

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