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Swot Analysis of Mydin

In: Business and Management (/subcategory/Business-and-Management/1)

Submitted By nurul85
Words 1489
Pages 6


Analisis Kekuatan, Kelemahan, Peluang dan Ancaman (SWOT).

Menurut Harold Koontz (1995), Analisis SWOT merujuk kepada analisis persekitaran luaran yang melibatkan ancaman (threats) dan peluang
(opportunities) dan persekitaran dalamanan iaitu kelemahan (weaknesses) dan kekuatan (strengths). Menurut Harold Koontz (1995), perincian
dalam analisis SWOT meliputi Strengths [Kekuatan-dalaman] ialah kekuatan dalam pengurusan, operasi, kewangan, pemasaran, penyelidikan
dan pembangunan, kejuruteraan. Manakala weaknesses [Kelemahan-dalaman] ialah kelemahan dalam bidang-bidang pengurusan, operasi,
pemasaran, penyelidikan dan pembangunan, kejuruteraan. Opportunities [Peluang-luaran] merupakan keadaan ekonomi masa kini dan masa
hadapan, perubahan politik dan sosial, keluaran, perkhidmatan, dan perkembangan teknologi baru. Threats [Ancaman-luaran] ialah kekurangan
tenaga, persaingan, perubahan politik dan budaya, kemerosotan ekonomi, dan perubahan teknologi baru.

Menurut Rangkuti dan Freddy (2000), analisis swot adalah proses mengenalpasti factor luaran dan factor dalaman yang mempengaruhi sesuatu
tindakan atau pelaksanaan sesuatu strategi yang akan dilakukan oleh sesebuah organisasi dalam mencapai visi, misi dan objektif organisasi

Syarikat Starbucks menggunakan analisis swot dalam pengurusan strategik untuk meningkatkan kecemerlangan organisasi melalui program
pembangunan organisasi dan mengenal pasti kelebihan pesaing. Selain itu, analisis swot juga digunakan untuk memastikan strategi yang
digubal itu benar-benar berkemampuan untuk merealisasikan objektif, misi dan visi organisasi.

Kekuatan (S)

1.Kedudukan pasaran kuat dan pengiktirafan jenama Global:

Starbucks mempunyai banyak cawangan di seluruh dunia dan mengekalkan bahagian pasaran 36.7% di Amerika Syarikat (Lampiran…...


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business. Strategic planning is becoming more difficult because changes are occurring so fast that plans, even those set for months into the
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(Shouldis, 2012).. The Java Culture coffee has completed their business plan for a new coffee shop in a prime location near University of
Oregon. They are looking to provide a comfortable and relaxing shop for customers to enjoy coffee with friends while providing excellent
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business, lease, and forecasted sales based off the market for the first year. Now the owners will need to complete a SWOT analysis to
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the business. In reviewing the business plan for the Java Culture coffee shop they have......
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Swot Analysis of Mydin

...Kelemahan, Peluang dan Ancaman (SWOT). Menurut Harold Koontz (1995), Analisis SWOT merujuk kepada analisis persekitaran luaran
yang melibatkan ancaman (threats) dan peluang (opportunities) dan persekitaran dalamanan iaitu kelemahan (weaknesses) dan kekuatan
(strengths). Menurut Harold Koontz (1995), perincian dalam analisis SWOT meliputi Strengths [Kekuatan-dalaman] ialah kekuatan dalam
pengurusan, operasi, kewangan, pemasaran, penyelidikan dan pembangunan, kejuruteraan. Manakala weaknesses [Kelemahan-dalaman]
ialah kelemahan dalam bidang-bidang pengurusan, operasi, pemasaran, penyelidikan dan pembangunan, kejuruteraan. Opportunities
[Peluang-luaran] merupakan keadaan ekonomi masa kini dan masa hadapan, perubahan politik dan sosial, keluaran, perkhidmatan, dan
perkembangan teknologi baru. Threats [Ancaman-luaran] ialah kekurangan tenaga, persaingan, perubahan politik dan budaya, kemerosotan
ekonomi, dan perubahan teknologi baru.
Menurut Rangkuti dan Freddy (2000), analisis swot adalah proses mengenalpasti factor luaran dan factor dalaman yang mempengaruhi sesuatu
tindakan atau pelaksanaan sesuatu strategi yang akan dilakukan oleh sesebuah organisasi dalam mencapai visi, misi dan objektif organisasi
Syarikat Starbucks menggunakan analisis swot dalam pengurusan strategik untuk meningkatkan kecemerlangan organisasi melalui program
pembangunan organisasi dan mengenal pasti kelebihan pesaing. Selain itu, analisis swot juga......
Words: 1489 - Pages: 6

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...How a SWOT analysis can help companies maximize their marketing strategies in a global context 1 By Chris Hopkins Introduction Business
today relies on the ability of a company to grow. With the product saturation in today’s market, businesses are looking to expand globally in
an effort to expand their business and continue making a profit. This paper will look at how a SWOT analysis can help companies maximize
their marketing strategies in a global context. Section 2 The way that businesses have looked at marketing has changed with introduction of
social media and the internet. Customers can readily compare on line different products and shop for the best bargain all in the comfort of
their home. As the economy weakened, businesses have looked at expanding globally to make up for the loss of profit. International
marketing managers are faced with the challenge of how to cope with the new scope of operations and if they can apply what works
domestically with also work in a foreign environment. (Wind, Yoram; Douglas, Susan P.; Perlmutter, Howard V (1973)) Companies looking at
expanding into the global market must look at the country they wish to expand into. They must have total understanding of the country’s
government, legal and trade regulations, exchange rates, and the culture of the various consumers they are trying to reach. First the
company has to define its......
Words: 1023 - Pages: 5

Swot Analysis
...Advantages and disadvantages of using SWOT analysis to develop corporate strategy. Discuss using examples related to at least two
companies. Introduction SWOT analysis SWOT analysis can also be called as SLOT analysis which is a strategic planning or direction for making
decision based on available resources to determine valuate the Strength, Weaknesses/limitations, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a
project or in a small business (business venture). It mentions the objective of business or a collaborative enterprise project and recognizes the
internal, external factors which come in the achieving of objective. This method of analysis is prepared by an American businessman and a
management consultant named Albert S Humphrey (Stanford University in the 1960s and 1970s). An objective of a project or a business
venture should be only started after the SWOT analysis has been carried out. It would be easy for the organization to achieve its
targets/objective. With the help of SWOT analysis decision makers are able to ascertain after a calculation that whether the objective they
are planning is capable of been done or not. If not they must choose the distinct objective and the process is done over again. (Source :
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