IB Course 2: International Players

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IB course 2
Made with a little mischief

International Players celebrated throughout Latin America, companies close

for at least two days. Subsequently, between September
Member list:
17 and 20 (again, according to the year), Chile celebrates
Nguyễn Thị Diễm Quỳnh - 1911155073 Independence Day and Patriotic Days, also affecting the
Võ Hải Nhi - 1911155066 normal operations of companies.
Nguyễn Ngọc Cát Hân - 1911155029 Style of communications: Communication is usually
Bùi Lê Phương Hoa - 1911155035 indirect. Emotions and feelings are not hidden. A
Nguyễn Phúc Lam Kiều - 1911155041
professional business attitude with a bit of humor is
Nguyễn Ngọc Tường Vy - 1915535623 appreciated. One must expect to be interrupted, which is
not considered rude, but a way to show interest and
Question 1: Cultural features affecting business interactions in enthusiasm. Communication tends to involve more
Chile: physical contact than in most Western countries, and
Treatment: In general terms, Chileans are characterized distance between people when talking is closer.
by being supportive, welcoming and friendly. They also Question 2: Five tips regarding business etiquettes in the Middle
tend to be formal in dealing with people, especially when East country:
doing business, so it is advisable to address your host and Business occurs more slowly in the Middle East than in
colleagues formally and greet them with just a many Western cultures. Patience and flexibility are
handshake. therefore key when doing business in the Middle East.
Language: The ability to communicate effectively in Accept an invitation to a meal or social event.
Spanish can be of great value to foreigners doing Relationships are an integral part of doing business in
business in Chile. While most local executives are the Middle East. Spending time with your Middle East
bilingual and accustomed to doing business in English, counterparts is the best way to build trust and mutual
people attending restaurants, hotels, taxis and stores in understanding.
the country may have little or no knowledge of the Address your Middle East counterparts with the
language. appropriate titles followed by his or her first name. If
Business hours: Unlike some countries, like the United unsure, it is best to get the names and correct form of
States, for example, where there may be a 24/7 work address of those you will be doing business with before-
culture and receiving an email late at night is common, hand. 
Chileans tend to comply with their obligations within the Don’t expect a one-on-one meeting to only include
established work schedule. yourself and the other person. Often there will be other
Gifts: Souvenirs, office items such as pens or USB devices people present in the office or meeting room waiting
are gifts that can commonly be received as a token of their turn to meet with that person. When you arrive, it is
appreciation from the visitor or the host. As in many polite to greet the person, take a seat and accept any
other countries, offering gifts, activities or expensive coffee served until it is your turn. 
trips is seen in Chile as an attempt at bribery and is Don’t ask about a person’s wife or daughters. It is polite
prohibited according to the policies of most companies. to enquire about a person’s family or health, but never
Business Meeting and Management: The business ask specifically about any female members. Family life
atmosphere in Chile is formal, with punctuality expected which involves female members is kept extremely
and respected; conversely Chileans may be up to thirty private. 
minutes late, and do not like to be pressured or rushed.

Interruptions during presentations are to be expected: in

Chile, this is a way of expressing interest. Negotiations
are straightforward in general, but it is important to
always get written confirmation of agreements.
It is important to evaluate in advance what dates may or
may not be suitable for doing business in Chile. For
example, most Chileans tend to take vacations in
February, affecting the availability of executives to meet
with visitors. Also, during Holy Week (between March
Another team
and April, depending on the year), which is commonly
required in order to conduct business. Decisions are made
Châu Đỗ Ngọc Uyên - 1911155094
slowly. Do not try to rush the process. Do not use high-pressure
Nguyễn Hồng Trang - 1911155089
sales tactics. Business is hierarchical. Decisions are made by the
Nguyễn Nam Phú - 1911155068
highest-ranking person. If you change the lead negotiator,
Đinh Quỳnh Vi - 1911155101
negotiations will start over. Proposals and contracts should be
Nguyễn Đoàn Hiền Thục - 1911155086
kept simple.

Phan Thu Thảo - 1911155078

Question 1:
Tips for relationship:

Meeting and greeting:

- Mutual trust are essential for sucessful business. It is
- When meeting someone in Chile, a handshake is customary:  important to spend time with your Middle Eastern Business

Women patting each other on the right forearm or shoulder - People prefer to do business with someone they know, so
rather than shaking hands.
having someone to introduce you before doing business may
- When meeting large groups, it is good etiquette to shake hands bring immense benefits

with all those present. When addressing people start formal and -Get to know your partner personally and spend time to make
wait for an invitation to go informal.
friends with them

- In Chile, people leave little room among themselves as


- Eye contact in Chile is critical because confidence.

- It is immoral in Chile to strike your right hand in your

(stretched) left palm.

Working Relationship:

- Chilean culture is very group-oriented and building deep and

lasting relationships is important

- Chileans are usually friendly and warm but tend to be very

proud and easily offended.  Saving face and respecting each
other’s honour is therefore essential.

Legal matters:

- The business contracts in Chile are fulfilled as established and Yêu đi học chi :>
no changes and negotiations are allowed once signed, unlike
some countries where the signing of the contract marks the Members:
beginning of the negotiation process.
Lê Nguyễn Minh Hằng 1911155031;
Dress Code
Nguyễn Quang Phúc Hảo 1911155033;
- Dress codes are usually formal and conservative: suit and tie Trần Thị Minh Hương 1911155038;
for men and a business suit for women. Men tend to wear their Nguyễn Ngọc Minh 1911155051;
suit jackets when leaving the office, even if only for lunch. The Đặng Thị Thảo Ngân 1911155054;
dress code is less formal outside major cities.
Hoàng Thị Phương Bảo Nhi 1911155062.

Exercise 1: Cultural characteristics that may affect business in


Tips for Dress:

1. Dressing:
- Men: Conservative suits and ties are common for initial Chileans respect and appreciate those who dress well,
meetings. In letter meetings, you can wear business casual attire
yet are conservative. Jeans and business casual attire are
- Women: Avoid wearing overly expensive accessories, a no-no as are brightly colored clothes and extravagant
dresses/skirts cut above the knee, low necklines and sleeveless accessories.
attire. Pants are acceptable.
2. Titles & Business Cards:
- Jeans and shorts are not usually worn in business situations.
Titles are very important and it is best to address people
directly by using their professional title only.
Tips for Titles & Business Cards:
There is no specific ritual surrounding the giving of
- When it comes to business cards it is always best to treat the business cards although a worn or damaged card can
card with respect and advisable to give and receive cards with reflect poorly on the individual.
the right hand as left hand is considered using for dirty work.
The language of business is essentially Spanish. It is
advisable, although not required, to have one side of your
Tips for Meeting:
business card translated into Spanish. Present your
-It’s always best to be on time for meetings, but do not business card with the Spanish side facing the recipient.
necessarily expect all others to show up on time. Meetings do 3. Meetings:
not tend to follow set schedules. Exchange greetings and Beginning with small talk helps establish a base for the
pleasantries freely with everyone present, starting with the most relationship, after which discussion of business matters
senior person first then everyone else in turn.
can begin. Appropriate small talk topics include family,
literature, music.  Avoid talking and asking about politics
Tips for Negotiation:
and human rights.
- Good personal relationships are important since trust is
It is considered acceptable to interrupt someone who is one should schedule meetings as per the availability of
speaking. This can be viewed as having a strong interest their Saudi partner and not impose timings. One should
in what somebody is speaking about. also not get impatient if their partner is running late,
Chileans are punctual and largely formal. It is prudent to this is because the Saudis value their relaxed culture.
estimate traffic and commute time beforehand.
4. Negotiations:
Avoid hard-selling and any sort of conflict or Butterfly Players
confrontation.  Chileans respond much better to the soft
sell. Members:
Honesty, integrity, kindness, and trust are highly valued. 1. Trần Thuý Hằng | 1911155032
Avoid bribery at all costs. 2. Nguyễn Thị Minh Hoàng | 1911155036
Feeling and emotions can play a major role in successful 3. Nghiêm Mai Yến Nhi | 1911155064
negotiations. 4. Tôn Nữ Thục Oanh | 1911155067
5. Communication Style: 5. Nguyễn Tấn Tấn | 1911155076
Most Chileans never want to offend anybody, so they’ll
say “maybe or possibly” even when they know they will Exercise 1: 
not be able to get the thing you are asking for done. From the “Center for Intercultural Learning”, we encountered
Chileans tend to stand close to one another while talking. some striking cultural characteristics that may affect business
One to two feet is normal. It can be considered rude to interactions in Chile.
back up or away from someone while they are speaking. Meeting and Greeting
A handshake is customary when meeting someone in
Exercise 2: Five tips of business etiquette in Saudi Arabia
Chile. Instead of shaking hands, you might see women
1. Titles and Business Cards:  patting each other on the right forearm or shoulder.
Always give and receive business cards with the right It is proper etiquette to shake hands with everyone in a
hand. large group.
It is a good idea to have one side of your business card Start formal and wait for an invitation to go informal
translated into Arabic. when addressing people.
It is important to first address people with their right Address people by their surnames and Mr, Mrs or Miss.
titles followed by their first name. Most Hispanics have two surnames, one from the father
2. Meetings: and one from the mother. Only the father's is usually
It’s always best to be on time for meetings, but do not used.
necessarily expect all others to show up on time.  Gestures
Exchange greetings and pleasantries freely with When interacting in Chile, people leave little space
everyone present, starting with the most senior person between themselves. Don't be surprised if the person
first then everyone else in turn.  you're speaking with puts their hand on your shoulder
Meetings do not tend to follow set schedules. Frequent while speaking with you.
interruptions and cancellations are common. It's best to Try not to move away or appear uneasy. In Chile, eye
just go with the flow. Don't rush your Saudi partner. contact is important because it conveys trust, sincerity,
It is customary to remove your shoes before entering a and interest.
carpeted room. When in doubt, follow a Saudi In Chile, slapping your right fist into your left (open) palm
counterpart's lead. is considered impolite; an open palm with the fingers
3. Negotiations: separated means 'stupidity.'
Always remain calm during negotiations, Saudis do not
tend to be very expressive in public. Business Meetings and Negotiating
Always expect to bargain. It is an integral part of Saudi Appointments should be made a few weeks before your
culture. trip to Chile.
Decisions are made from the top down and usually take Try to avoid the summer vacation months of January and
time. It is important to not come across as impatient or February.
overeager. Building trust and connecting as individuals is essential
4. Dressing:  for successful business relationships.
Dress appropriately- since this is quite a conservative The first visit to Chile should always be used to establish
country, one should dress in an appropriate manner. rapport and demonstrate who you are. The conversation
The Saudi business partner will most probably be dressed can then be gently guided back to the purpose of your
in his traditional attire. A suit must be worn by men and visit.
as this is a Muslim country governed by Sharia law, In Chilean society, honor is extremely important. Never
women need to wear the appropriate attire and also make criticisms in public or cause embarrassment to
carry a headscarf. anyone. Keep your word, or you will be perceived as
5. Time Management: untrustworthy.
One should keep in mind that their Saudi business Chileans bargain in a serious and straightforward
partner will pray five times a day and Fridays and manner. Be direct but not obnoxious.
Saturdays are religious days for the Muslims. Therefore,
Pressure or hard sell tactics never work. Always be willing Business decisions are decentralised with most made at
to make a compromise because it demonstrates that you the top level; it is customary to meet with
value the relationship over the financial aspects of the representatives at the highest level initially, with
transaction. subsequent meetings made with middle level executives.
Exercise 2:
Secretaries serve as screeners for executives. Face to face
The Middle East has immense opportunities for foreign business meetings are preferred over the telephone or
investment and continued economic growth. Several Middle East email correspondence, although email correspondence is
countries have become much more modern, as many traditional acceptable.
attitudes and business practices are evolving towards a more Interruptions during presentations are to be expected: in
Westernized approach. However, it is still important to be aware Chile, this is a way of expressing interest. Negotiations
and respectful of some of the differences that might exist. Here are straightforward in general, but it is important to
are five tips that foreign business people may use when they always get written confirmation of agreements.
come to visit Middle Eastern countries. Business lunches can be long, and using correct European
Tip 1: Business occurs more slowly in the Middle East than in table-manners is key. Licking fingers or using toothpicks
many Western cultures. Patience and flexibility are therefore key is considered rude. So is leaving directly after a meal: stay
when doing business in the Middle East.
for conversation. There are no separate bills; the person
Tip 2: Accept an invitation to a meal or social event. who issues an invitation pays. Payment should be
Relationships are an integral part of doing business in the Middle arranged in advance if hosting. Women should note that
East. Spending time with your Middle East counterparts is the even in business, men expect to pay for a meal.
best way to build trust and mutual understanding.
Arrival time for social occasions is on the late side: being
Tip 3: Address your Middle East counterparts with the fifteen to thirty minutes late for dinner and thirty
appropriate titles followed by his or her first name. If unsure, it minutes late for a party is the custom.
is best to get the names and correct form of address of those Certain subjects are considered unacceptable for light
you will be doing business with before-hand.
conversation, such as politics, human rights, and
Tip 4: Don’t expect a one-on-one meeting to only include comparing your own country to Chile. It is polite to talk
yourself and the other person. Often there will be other people about and show interest in family members, especially
present in the office or meeting room waiting their turn to meet children.
with that person. When you arrive, it is polite to greet the While Chile is an easier place for women to conduct
person, take a seat and accept any coffee served until it is your business than other parts of South America, business
women may still encounter a patriarchal business ethic.
Tip 5: Don’t ask about a person’s wife or daughters. It is polite to Men may also stare at women, this is considered
enquire about a person’s family or health, but never ask flattering.
specifically about any female members. Family life which
2. Business Greeting: 
involves female members is kept extremely private.
A handshake is customary when you meet someone in
Chile. Rather than shaking your head, you can see people
slapping each other on the right forearm. Common
greetings include a handshake, hug, or a kiss on the right
Ba nữ thám tử Minh, Nam, Trường
cheek. Visitors should greet the head or senior individual

first. Once people are presented they begin formally and
wait until they are informally invited. Chileans stand

Nguyễn Thị Trà My - 1911155052 closer to others than most North Americans or
Liêu Võ Khánh Huy - 1911155039 Europeans, and it is considered rude to back away. It is

Trần Minh Luận - 1911155046  also considered rude to click your fingers or beckon with
Nguyễn Nhật Trường - 1911155092 an index finger.
Regarding dresscode, sophisticated European style is the
Vũ Thành Nam - 1911155053
Nguyễn Duy Minh - 1911155049  norm, with men expected to wear jackets regardless of
Bùi Thị Thùy Liên - 1911155043 weather, and dark conservative suits the appropriate
business style. Women should wear business dresses and
Question 1:
suits; bare legs are acceptable.

3. Gestures: 
1. Business Meeting and Management Advice:
In Chile, as you communicate, people leave little room
The business atmosphere in Chile is formal, with among themselves. Don't be surprised because when you
punctuality expected and respected; conversely Chileans speak with the other you speak with either a hand on
may be up to thirty minutes late, and do not like to be your back. Don't want to walk aside or feel nervous. Eye
pressured or rushed. Personal, family, and company contact in Chile is critical because confidence, honesty
background is important in conducting business, where and curiosity are expressed here. It is immoral in Chile to
family and friendship play large roles in minimising red strike your right hand in your (stretched) left palm, a
tape. stretched palm with split fingers is crazy.

4. Business Negotiating: 
A few weeks before arrival in Chile should be named. Most Arab women are expected to wear a burkha or hijab
Summer holidays are January and February, so consider and cover their heads with a scarf or shaila. However,
stopping them. Trust and communication as individuals there are no set rules for foreign women and they are
are key to effective commercial ties. You should also use usually under no obligation for the same.
a first visit to Chile to set up a friendship and show who
4. Communication Style  
you are. Then the talk can be directed softly to your visit.
Throughout Chilean culture, dignity plays a critical role. Emiratis tend to favor an indirect style of communication
Never openly threaten or cause anyone shame. Keep to over a direct style.  Avoiding confrontation and saving
your word, since you'll be treated as unfaithful otherwise. face is paramount.
With a strict and straight-forward way, Chileans Being tactful and less direct when communicating is
negotiate. . Strong sales or intimidation tactics rarely appreciated.
succeed. Be always willing to negotiate because this Hand-shaking is best avoided in UAE unless your host
illustrates that you respect the partnership more than offers you their hand. 
the financial elements of the arrangement. The business Men shaking men’s hands and women shaking women’s
atmosphere in Chile is formal, with punctuality expected are both generally acceptable, but that’s about as far as it
and respected; conversely Chileans may be up to thirty goes.
minutes late, and do not like to be pressured or rushed. Firm handshakes are considered rude, dominant or
Personal, family, and company background is important disrespectful. 
in conducting business, where family and friendship play 5. Meeting: 
large roles in minimising red tape.
The key speaker or person with the highest position at
When it comes to gifting, business gifts are not expected
the meeting in UAE can be late.It is normal for things to
until a relationship is established, and tastes are
not start on time. 
conservative, including items such as appointment books,
You should greet the manager or the person with the
pens, office accessories, or alcohol. For social occasions,
highest title first unless you are familiar with another
bringing flowers to the host, wine, chocolates, or local art
person. After greeting the highest ranking person it is
objects are all appreciated.
customary to greet the rest of the people in the room in a

Question 2:
counter-clockwise direction.
Meetings do not tend to follow set schedules.  Frequent
interruptions and cancellations are common.  It's best to
We layout some Tips for Business Etiquette in UAE.
just go with the flow. It is customary to remove your
1. Biz card:  shoes before entering a carpeted room. 
When it comes to business cards it is always best to treat
the card with respect and advisable to give and receive
cards with the right hand. Community
Minimalist and white designs are usually preferred when
Team member
it comes to business cards.
Business card should have two sides, one in your own
Nguyễn Quý Thương - 1911155087
language, and one in Arabic. This is considered a sign of
Chung Ngọc Nhã Thi - 1911155079
politeness and respect. Business cards should be given at
Nguyễn Đan Thi - 1911155080
the beginning of the meeting. When presenting your
Nguyễn Hồng Gia Hân - 1911155028
business card, always keep the Arabic side of your
Lê Yến Nhi - 1911155063
business card face up with an Arab client.

2. Eye Contact   Câu 1:

Emiratis tend to favor direct eye contact in Some of the striking cultural features of the Intercultural
conversations. Learning Center in Chile which could affect commercial
While staring is not considered rude or an invasion of interactions: 
privacy, it is best for foreign men to avoid staring directly 1. Meeting and greetings
into the eyes of an Emirati woman. Handshake: customary when meeting someone in Chile.
While talking to an elder,there usually is not much direct People usually slap each other on the right forearm. 
eye contact as a sign of respect. Introduce surnames firsthand: When you meet someone
in Chile, especially in business, it is highly recommended
3. Gender Issues  
that you should present your surnames to introduce
Local women are usually submissive to the leading male yourself. In Chile, there are some people who have both
be it the father, brother, husband etc. They are expected father’s name and mother’s name. In this case, only
to respect and obey the wishes of these men. father’s name is included in meeting and greeting
However, gender roles are changing, more Arab women 2. Communication in Business
are working independently, are more confident and are Eye contact: Eye contact in Chile expresses confidence,
ambitious and more hard working. honesty and curiosity, so it is important in
communication in Chile.
Educational and Family backgrounds: in Chile, Chileans agreements. Contracts are generally not considered
are very nationalistic and are proud of their country and binding and are viewed as details of understanding rather
has high level of literacy (~95%), so people are judged by than a fixed agreement. 
their educational and family backgrounds, not by races.
Therefore, the educational backgrounds may help to Tip 4: Gender issues
enhance the effectiveness of communication in Chile. Gender roles tend to be much more defined in the Middle
3. Punctuality: Punctuality is generally respected and expected East than in Western societies. For example, public
in business. . However, it is not uncommon for Chileans to arrive interaction between the two sexes is often looked down
30 minutes late. upon and men should avoid physical contact and long
4. Relationship-oriented approach to meetings and negotiation periods of eye contact with women. It's best to avoid
Slow and gentle business approach: Chileans don’t like direct eye contact with men. A simple smile can be
to feel pressured or rushed. Business may be conducted severely misinterpreted.
more slowly than in Europe and North America. In It is unacceptable in most social circles for women to
addition, they highly value relationships in doing voice their opinions about many things or question their
business. Some light conversation is customary before male guardian’s authority. These roles are generally
getting down to business.  expected of foreign women as well.
Straightforward yet relationship-oriented  approach to
negotiation: Chileans are straightforward about Tip 5: Meetings
negotiations but feelings and emotion are also important Foreigners should be wary of attempting to conduct
in negotiation. So, always willing to negotiate because business with Muslims during the month of Ramadan. It
this illustrates that you respect the partnership more is common for general business activity to be reduced
than the financial elements of the arrangement. And It is during this time as well as during the holidays of Eid al-
preferable to conduct business face-to-face rather than Fitr (following Ramadan) and Eid al-Adha (following the
over the phone or via fax. Be prepared to take several annual pilgrimage)
trips to finish a business transaction.  It’s always best to be on time for meetings, but do not
necessarily expect all others to show up on time.
Câu 2: Don’t rush a meeting and don’t even look at your watch as
Five tips of business etiquette in Middle Eastern you’ll not be trusted
Tip 1: Dressing Due to their tendency to multitask, Middle Eastern
For men: If you are foreigners, conservative suits and ties people can be unpredictable so be prepared for
are common for initial meetings. Darker colors are the spontaneous meetings and when you already established
way to go.  Jackets are not always a necessity. Business an appointment provide the agenda and reconfirm.
casual attire is becoming more and more acceptable in Scheduled meetings and appointments should be
many industries.   confirmed verbally at a time close to the meeting date to
For women: Conservative yet stylish is a good choice for ensure personal circumstances have not led to a schedule
foreigners.  Avoid wearing overly expensive accessories, change. Meetings do not tend to follow set schedules. 
dresses/skirts cut above the calf, low necklines and Frequent interruptions and cancellations are common. 
sleeveless attire. Sleeves should cover at least to your It's best to just go with the flow.
elbow, up to the wrist tends to be the norm. Pants are
generally acceptable.
Jeans and shorts are not worn in business situations

Tip 2: Greeting
Greetings are traditionally formal with a firm handshake,
a smile and even a slight bow in certain old-fashioned
Shaking hands with each other both as you arrive and
Punctuality is an important thing.

Tip 3: Communication  Nhóm NCGDN

When people are asking for a favor or in need of
something, they tend to be indirect. Whereas, if one Members:

makes a statement, they are more likely to be more Nguyễn Trúc Mai Phương - 1911155069

direct. Nguyễn Ngọc Thảo Nhi - 1911155065

It is always important to take time to include Dương Ngọc Hồng Vân - 1911155099

pleasantries; asking about a person’s family, health, etc., Đặng Vũ Thúy Vy - 1911155105

before getting to the reason or motive behind the Châu Lê Mỹ Uyên - 1911155095

conversation. Nguyễn Quang Khải - 1911155040

In the Middle East, great value is placed on spoken words. Question 1:

In fact, spoken words carry more weight than written 1. Time Management

It is critical to determine ahead of time which dates may or may are an integral part of doing business in the Middle East.
not be suitable for conducting business in Chile. Punctuality is Spending time with your Middle East counterparts is the best
essential for everyone doing business in Chile.
way to build trust and mutual understanding.

2. Transparency
3. Address your Middle East counterparts with the appropriate
Chile has a low degree of corruption, and the business titles followed by his or her first name: If unsure, it is best to
community is committed to openness. When conducting get the names and correct form of address of those you will be
business with a new partner, it is normal practice to do due doing business with before-hand.

diligence to confirm the company's qualifications and legitimacy, 4. Don’t expect a one-on-one meeting to only include yourself
using methods such as Know Your Customer (KYC).
and the other person: Often there will be other people present
3. Legal issues
in the office or meeting room waiting their turn to meet with
In Chile, commercial contracts are completed as agreed, with no that person. When you arrive, it is polite to greet the person,
modifications or discussions permitted once signed, unlike in take a seat and accept any coffee served until it is your turn.

some other nations where the signature of the contract signals 5. Don’t ask about a person’s wife or daughters: It is polite to
the beginning of the negotiating process.
enquire about a person’s family or health, but never ask
4. Gifts
specifically about any female members. Family life which
Souvenirs, office goods such as pens or USB devices are frequent involves female members is kept extremely private. 

gifts received as a mark of thanks from the guest or host.

Offering gifts, activities, or costly trips, like in many other
nations, is seen as bribery in Chile and is forbidden by most
company rules.
Nhóm Chợ Nhỏ
5. Communication style:
Most Chileans never want to offend anybody, so they’ll say MEMBER:
“maybe or possibly” even when they know they will not be able 1. Lê Nhật Quyên - 1911155071
to get the thing you are asking for done. So it will be difficult to 2. Nguyễn Ngọc Anh Thư - 1911155083
get accurate reviews from people about your products if you do 3. Nguyễn Thị Minh Thư - 1911155084
business here.
4. Lê Nguyễn Bình Minh - 1911155048
6. Eye contact:
5. Lăng Ngọc Thúy Hằng - 1911155030
Chileans favor direct eye contact over indirect. Therefore, if 6. Trần Trúc Thiên - 1911155081
doing business here, employees of the company must know this
basic communication culture to keep a friendly attitude with Question 1: Chile's striking cultural characteristics affecting
business interactions

7. Business dress code

Meeting and Greeting
Chileans prefer conventional and formal attire, and any other Arriving on time for meetings is important even though
style, such as casual wear, is seen as disrespectful. Chileans you may be kept waiting. 
respect and appreciate those who dress well, yet conservative. Beginning with small talk helps establish a base for the
Bright clothing that draws notice can prevent international relationship, after which discussion of business matters
businesspeople from succeeding.
can begin.
8. Titles and Business cards:
Appropriate small talk topics include: family, literature,
Titles are very important and it is best to address people directly music.  Avoid talking and asking about politics and human
by using their professional title only.  If they do not have rights.
professional titles like, Doctor, Lawyer, etc, they should be It is considered acceptable to interrupt someone who is
addressed as Mr., Mrs., or Miss, plus their surnames. Secondly, speaking. This can be viewed as having a strong interest
giving business cards that are damaged can reflect poorly on the in what somebody is speaking about.
individual. Thirdly, it is advisable to have one side of your Do not expect a decision to be reached during the first
business card translated into Spanish.  Present your business meeting.  Expect several.
card with the Spanish side facing the recipient.
handshake is customary followed by the appropriate time
9. Meetings management
of day greeting
Arriving on time for meetings is important
Commonly, women patting each other on the right
Beginning with small talk helps establish a base for the shoulder or forearm as opposed to a handshake
relationship, after which discussion of business matters can If one is meeting a big group, it is considered proper
etiquette to shake everyone’s hand
Appropriate small talk topics include: family, literature, music.  There is no specific ritual surrounding the giving of
Avoid talking and asking about politics and human rights.
business cards although a worn or damaged card can
Do not expect a decision to be reached during the first meeting.  reflect poorly on the individual.
10. Negotiations: Honesty, integrity, kindness, and trust are It is advisable, although not required, to have one side of
highly valued.  Avoid bribery at all costs.
your business card translated into Spanish.  Present your
Question 2:
business card with the Spanish side facing the recipient.
1. Patience and flexibility: Business occurs more slowly in the Chileans like most Hispanics use both their paternal and
Middle East than in many Western cultures. Patience and maternal surnames on business cards , paternal surname
flexibility are key when doing business in the Middle East.
is used when addressing the person with first names
2. Accept an invitation to a meal or social event: Relationships reserved for close friendships only. It is advisable to use
titles e.g. Mr, Mrs or Miss and to be formal throughout address of those you will be doing business with before-
unless there is an invitation to be informal. hand.
Avoid bringing gifts to a first meeting. If invited to a Don’t expect a one-on-one meeting to only include
Chilean’s house, it is appropriate to bring flowers (avoid yourself and the other person. Often there will be other
black or purple as they mean death), wine, and or people present in the office or meeting room waiting
chocolates. Stick with conservative gifts versus their turn to meet with that person. When you arrive, it is
expensive.  Make sure that gifts are nicely wrapped and polite to greet the person, take a seat and accept any
expect them to be opened right away. Avoid gifts like a coffee served until it is your turn. 
letter opener, knives, and or scissors as they can mean a Don’t ask about a person’s wife or daughters. It is polite
severing of relations. to enquire about a person’s family or health, but never
ask specifically about any female members. Family life
Gestures which involves female members is kept extremely private.
Chileans stand very close when engaging in a Role of religion: Just as there is a very faint line between
conversation and it should not be surprising when the personal and professional matters, religion (specifically
person you're engaged in a conversation with places their Islam), plays an enormous role in the professional world
hand on your shoulder. One should neither step away nor of the Middle East. Foreigners need to be aware of
seem uncomfortable.  religious holidays, prayer habits, gender roles, and proper
Maintaining eye contact is considered a vital sign of greetings.
sincerity, interest and trust. On the other hand, having Use only the right hand for greetings, giving, or receiving
your fingers spread and open means 'stupid' while it is things; left hand is considered “toileting” hand
obscene to slap the right fist into an open left palm.

Business Negotiations and Meetings

It is advisable to schedule meetings and appointments Dream Team
several weeks before arriving in Chile. Business trips in
the months of January and February should be avoided as Members

most staff and executives are out on summer holidays.  Lê Ngọc Thanh Vân - 1911155100
Creating a connection while establishing trust is vital in Vương Tú Vy - 1911155107
ensuring a successful business relationship hence one Nguyễn Phạm Thu Uyên - 1911155098
should not expect decisions to be made instantly. It is Nguyễn Thành Vinh - 1911155103
advisable not to immediately rush into the topic of Nguyễn Quang Sĩ - 1911155075
discussion. Chileans usually begin with a polite chat ------------

mostly social and will enquire about one's family as a way Question
of showing a general interest as opposed to being nosey. Q1: Cultural characteristics that might affect doing business in
It is therefore polite to ask about their family as well.  Chile
Business meetings are usually regarded as being between Business Etiquette:
two individuals as opposed to two firms, thus the Dress: Chileans respect and appreciate those who
personal engagement. Business attire is conservative and dress well, yet conservative
formal.One should never publicly criticize a person or Business titles: titles are very important and it is
embarass them. Standing by one's word earns trust.  advisable to address people directly by using their
Chileans are straight talkers and serious negotiations. professional title only; it’s important to use a
One should therefore be upfront while avoiding being good-form business card, and have one side of
overbeared. Coercion or use of hard sell techniques does your business card translated into Spanish and 
not work and one should be prepared to compromise as present your business card with the Spanish side
it signifies that one values the relationship more than the facing the recipient.
business deals. It is okay to interrupt someone when Meeting: be punctual; have small talks with
speaking as it is not considered rude in Chilean business ordinary topics (family,...) to warm up
culture. conversations; do not interrupt; be patient to have
several meetings if needed to have decisions
Question 2: Middle East Business Etiquette reached
Business occurs more slowly in the Middle East than in People preference & respect:
many Western cultures.  People value high education background
Accept an invitation to a meal or social event. Respect for family
Relationships are an integral part of doing business in the On communication:
Middle East. Spending time with your Middle East Behaviour: it’s important to show warmth &
counterparts is the best way to build trust and mutual reciprocation
understanding.  Body gesture: handshake, hug, or a kiss on the
Address your Middle East counterparts with the right cheek on greeting; it’s rude to click your
appropriate titles followed by his or her first name. If fingers, beckon with an index finger, or stay away
unsure, it is best to get the names and correct form of when; eye contact is critical; it’s immoral in Chile
to strike your right hand in your (stretched) left Man greeting Woman –There is little to no touching between
palm, a stretched palm with split fingers is crazy. men and women during greetings in public.  Women may extend
Banking practices:  a sleeve-covered wrist or hand to be shaken. Always wait for the
Banks frequently only allow expats to open a local woman to initiate, if at all.
account after they’ve resided in Chile for two
years. Tip 6: Views of time 
A substantial amount of credit must be proven Punctuality does not tend to be taken seriously. While the
available by an expat before a bank issues an usual expectations of being on time for a meeting are present, it
account. is normal for people to be late at meetings, social gatherings, etc.
Those wishing to open an account must have a People expect things to run slow and for people to be late.
RUT  Deadlines are very hard to stick to. 
The solution: open a savings account rather than a Traffic is quite an issue here, it is normal to use it as an excuse
checking account for being late. The public transport buses are almost never on
Expats can request salaries be paid into their time and you may have to wait for an extra hour for a bus.
overseas bank accounts 

Q2: Identify 5 tips regarding business etiquette in the Middle

Eastern country The Only 1
Tip 1: Appropriate and modest dressing: It is important to dress
modestly, especially for women.  Men: A suit and tie is Group members:

appropriate. Darker colors are viewed as more professional. - Cao Ngọc Quỳnh Hương – 1911155037
Women: Wear either a suit or a skirt with the hem below the - Huỳnh Khánh Linh – 1911155044
knee. It’s not necessary for non-Muslim women to wear the - Nguyễn Thị Ánh Linh – 1911155045
hijab, or headscarf, unless you plan to visit a religious site during - Phạm Thị Quỳnh Mai – 1911155047
your trip. - Nguyễn Hoàng Tuyết Nghi – 1911155056
- Nguyễn Long Nhật – 1911155060
Tip 2: Working hour:
Working days in Dubai can vary highly from one company to Exercise 1:

another. Working days are generally from Sunday to Thursday 1. The majority of Chileans are Roman Catholics.

and close every Friday. Working hours are 8am to 1pm, and 4pm 2. Spanish is the official language of Chile: therefore it is
to 7pm. Long breaks between working hours are a common important to know the language in order to do business with the
practice due to the heat during the middle of the day Chileans.

Tip 3: Business Cards: For business cards, minimalist white 3. Important dates:  most Chileans tend to take vacations in
designs with one side printed in English and the other in Arabic February, affecting the availability of executives to meet with
are recommended. It is also possible to print both versions on visitors. Also, during Holy Week (between March and April,
the same side or have two separate cards (one in English and depending on the year), which is commonly celebrated
one in Arabic). Cards must always be offered with the right hand. throughout Latin America, companies close for at least two days.
Subsequently, between September 17 and 20 (again, according to
Tip 4: Meeting: It is important to arrive on time for meetings the year), Chile celebrates Independence Day and Patriotic Days,
and not be in a hurry. Middle Easterners often have a relaxed also affecting the normal operations of companies.

attitude when it comes to business meetings and may arrive 4. Punctuality and formality: Punctuality is key for every person
late.  It’s important not to follow suit as punctuality is expected doing business in Chile. It is important to prepare and comply
of Westerners. The private sector works Sunday-Thursday from with the agreed time for the meeting, also considering that large
9am-5pm and the public sector Sunday-Thursday from 7:30am- cities in Chile are not exempt from heavy traffic problems.

2:30pm (some offices are open until 4pm). Remember Muslims 5. Business hours: Unlike some countries, like the United States,
pray five times a day, so any meeting must work around that for example, where there may be a 24/7 work culture and
schedule. The official weekend in the UAE is Friday and Saturday. receiving an email late at night is common, Chileans tend to
Refreshments such as coffee and pastries are commonly served comply with their obligations within the established work
at meetings – remember, it is proper etiquette to accept what schedule.

you’re offered and to compliment your host on the food and his
hospitality.  Exercise 2:

1. Greetings:-Man to man: warm handshake with right-hand

only-Woman to woman: handshake with right hand only and
Tip 5: Man greeting Man – A light handshake and sometimes a sometimes one to three kisses on alternating cheeks.-Men and
kiss on the nose or both cheeks is common.  Placing your right women: Little to no touching

hand on your heart or chest after shaking hands is a show of 2. Eye Contact:-Acceptable between people of the same gender.-
great respect to the person you are greeting.  No eye contact is best between genders

Woman greeting Woman – Friends and family usually kiss on the 3. Communication style:-Indirect communication style

left cheek three times, or at least touch their left cheek to the 4. Gestures: -Use only the right hand for greetings, giving, or
other woman’s right cheek three times. receiving things; left hand is considered “toileting” hand-Avoid
crossing the legs at the knee while seated5. Personal Space &
Touching: -No touching between men and women in public always be used to build rapport and show who you are.
places.-A decent amount of touching is common between the Conversation can then gently be steered towards the
same genders
purpose of your visit. Honor plays a vital role in Chilean
society. Never criticize people in public or cause
embarrassment to anyone. Stick to your word because
otherwise you will be seen as untrustworthy. Chileans
negotiate in a serious and straight talking manner. Be
upfront but not overbearing. Hard sell tactics or pressure
Sixy never works. Always be prepared to compromise as this
shows you value the relationship more than the financial
Group members:
aspects of the deal.
Lê Thị Mai Trinh - 1911155090 8. Gifts: Souvenirs, office items such as pens or USB devices
Thẩm Quỳnh- 1911155074 are gifts that can commonly be received as a token of
Phương Uyên - 1911155097 appreciation from the visitor or the host. As in many
Thúy Vy - 1911155106 other countries, offering gifts, activities or expensive
Nguyễn Khánh Trinh - 1911155091 trips is seen in Chile as an attempt at bribery and is
Phan Đỗ Quyên - 1911155072 prohibited according to the policies of most companies.
9. Language: The ability to communicate effectively in
Question 1: Spanish can be of great value to foreigners doing
1. Important dates: Most Chileans tend to take vacations in business in Chile. While most local executives are
February, affecting the availability of executives to meet bilingual and accustomed to doing business in English,
with visitors. Also, during Holy Week (between March people attending restaurants, hotels, taxis and stores in
and April, depending on the year), which is commonly the country may have little or no knowledge of the
celebrated throughout Latin America, companies close language.
for at least two days. Subsequently, between September 10. Business hours: Unlike some countries, like the United
17 and 20 (again, according to the year), Chile celebrates States, for example, where there may be a 24/7 work
Independence Day and Patriotic Days, also affecting the culture and receiving an email late at night is common,
normal operations of companies. Chileans tend to comply with their obligations within the
2. Treatment: Chileans tend to be formal in dealing with established work schedule.
people, especially when doing business, so it is advisable Question 2:
to address your host and colleagues formally and greet 1. Trust in business: The most fundamental of these is the
them with just a handshake. importance placed on trust in business. Saudi Arabians
3. Punctuality: It is important to prepare and comply with look to do business with those they know and trust and
the agreed time for the meeting, also considering that therefore dedicating time, effort and patience to building
large cities in Chile are not exempt from heavy traffic relationships is critical to success. The Arabs do not
problems. separate professional and personal life. Doing business
4. Formality: It is common to start a meeting with the revolves much more around personal relationships,
exchange of business cards and a lighter, more personal family ties, trust and honour. There is a tendency to
conversation, before discussing business matters. prioritise personal matters above all else. It is therefore
5. Transparency: When doing business with a new partner, crucial that business relationships are built on mutual
it is common to carry out due diligence to corroborate friendship and trust.
the credentials and authenticity of the company in 2. Communication topics: When making social
question, through processes such as Know Your conversation, family, health, home town and activities are
Customer (KYC). For this reason, it is not advisable to safe topics, but avoid enquiring after a Saudi
intervene or try to alter or expedite the business counterpart’s female relatives. Unlike many other
processes locally, as it can be interpreted as an attempt countries gifts between business counterparts is not the
at corruption. norm although small gifts can be given when invited to
6. Interaction: In Chile people leave little space between someone’s home.
each other when interacting. Don't be surprised if the 3. Punctuality: Business meetings should always be
person you are speaking with places a hand on your arranged a few weeks in advance and if possible
shoulder when talking with you. Try not to step away or scheduled in the morning. Punctuality from foreign
appear uncomfortable. Eye contact is important in Chile visitors is expected although it is considered acceptable,
as it conveys trust, sincerity and interest. In Chile, in keeping with the Saudi’s flexible view of time, to keep
slapping your right fist into your left (open) palm is them waiting, and meetings can often be cancelled.
obscene; an open palm with the fingers separated means 4. Indirect communication styles: During meetings Saudis
'stupid are inclined to an indirect communication style that
7. Appointments should be made a few weeks prior to avoids open criticism or giving a direct “no” so that
arrival in Chile. January and February are the summer counterparts do not lose face. A Saudi may either suggest
holidays so try and avoid them. Establishing trust and that changes are needed or say nothing at all. 
connecting as people is fundamental to successful 5. While business cards are not essential, they can be given
business relationships. An initial visit to Chile should to all contacts and if given should have one side
translated into Arabic
6. Greetings manner (handshake): handshake are always
used and can last a long time. Islamic etiquette
recommends that one waits for the other to withdraw
their hand first before doing the same. Always use the
right hand. Do not be surprised if your hand is held while
you are led somewhere. Holding hands among men is
common and does not carry the same connotations as it
does in the West. Arabs are fairly informal with names
when doing business and generally address people by
their first names. John Smith will be addressed as Mr.
John. Arab titles of note are: Sheikh (an old man, scholar,
leader), Sayyid (descendant of the Prophet Muhammad)
and Hajji (one who has performed the pilgrimage)
7. Gender: The roles of men and women are far more
defined in the Arab culture. Interaction between the
sexes is still frowned upon in certain arenas. However,
when doing business in the Middle East it is not
uncommon to come across women. Avoid touching and
prolonged eye contact with women.


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