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John Paul M.


1. Have you ever been to a job interview? If yes, how did you prepare for it? If no,
how are you going to prepare for it?
- Yes, I’ve been in a Job Interview. I’ve prepared by reviewing my job
description, thinking about what would I look like, if I’m good or not.
Preparing for possible questions that will be ask and thoroughly knowing
the company’s background.

2. Why is the video titled "This is the worst job interview?" Do you consider the
scenario as the worst job interview? Justify your answer
- I consider the given scenario as the worst job interview. Obviously, the
interviewer looks very talkative that quite made the interview much longer
than a usual interview. Instead talking about the company’s background
and needs, the interviewer focused on applicant’s skills. Primarily, as a
professional, it’s a total embarrassment for a person to just simply show
their face directly to another person which actually not included between
their conversation. And also, as an applicant, it is not advisable to simply
walked away without the interviewee’s consent, it’s an extremely
embarrassment for both the company and the interviewer.

3. In your opinion, what are the things that the interviewee could have done to avoid
being in that situation?
- The Interviewee should mastered communication skills, minimize being a
storyteller, focus on the conversation and avoid answering calls and text
messages during the interview nor simply ask for your applicant’s
permission that you’re going to excuse yourself for a minute instead of
unmannerly showing your friend’s face to your applicant that’s
unfortunately wrong.

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