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John Paul M.


Comparison Contrast

- Pulse code modulation - Sampling is  done  to  determine  the

Sampling is a way of transmitting characteristic  that  contains  the
analog data in digital analog  quantity,  such  as the
format. An analog signal’s  amplitude.  A  constantly
signal is sampled and varying  input  must be sampled at a
converted to a series much higher frequency than its own
of binary bits. to ensure the accuracy of the
- It includes three
steps sampling, quanti - Quantization  takes  the  sampled
zation and encoding. analog  value  and converts it to the
Quantization In pulse code nearest binary value or quantity. The
modulation, amplitude accuracy of a binary quantity is
of analog wave is limited to the value of the least
sampled at regular significant bit
intervals and then
converted into digital - The encoding operation reduces the
form which is binary 0 result of the conversion to a binary
and 1 code acceptable to the digital
equipment that use the data
- These three steps
were all needed when - Sampling: Digitizing the co-ordinate
Encoding value is called sampling.
transmitting analog
data in digital format
- Quantization: Digitizing the amplitude
value is called quantization.

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