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NAVIDAD Course and Section: BSED ENGLISH SE31

Think Beyond
As a future English teacher, what do you think are the language learning materials
suitable for your future students? Why? Write a short paragraph detailing your answer.
I believe, the most suitable language learning materials for my future students
would be the materials that are mashed at their large expanse according to the creator,
purpose, form, and design. If we would present the students with the material filled with
sole objectivity, they would learn a thing, but surely, boredom would strike along the
way. The same thing happens if we serve them with material that caters only for their
enjoyment, but has less bolstering prowess in language learning, then they might end
up grasping unstable knowledge. Thus, it is important that we teachers, know how to
weigh our students particularly on the means of acquiring the language in the most
subtle, effective, and impactful way.

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