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Pretest in Mathematics


(1) 21 (6) 428 (11) 9 x 5=

+ 34 - 165

(2) 36 (7) 391 (12) 12 x 3=

+ 52 - 242

(3) 23 (8) 496 (13) 15 x 2=

+ 47 - 389

(4) 18 (9) 769 (14) 10 x 5 =

+ 63 - 364

(5) 45 (10) 733 (15) 24 x 3 =

+ 74 - 597

(16) 2 616 (17) 6 642 (18) 4 636

(19) 3 618 (20) 5 640

Worksheet No.1
4 digit Addition (no regrouping)
I. Add:

(1) 3217 (2) 2216 (3) 4130 (4) 6632 (5) 4435
+ 2531 + 2503 + 2638 + 2154 + 3162

(6) 3205 (7) 5362 (8) 6438 (9) 3781 (10) 2714
+ 562 + 3032 + 341 + 2016 + 3053
Worksheet No.2

Read the questions carefully to identity simple problems involving

1. There are 124 pages in Carol’s Mathematics book and 363 pages in
English book. How many pages are there in 2 books?

2. A shopkeeper sold 286 cookies in a week and 513 in the next week.How
many cookies did he sell?

3. There 213 fishes in one pond.There are 784 in another pond. How many
fishes in total?

4. Jasmine counts 44 cars going to school. She counts 25 cars coming

back home.How many cars does she count in all?

5. Captain buys 275 oranges on Monday.He buys 419 more on

Tuesday.How many oranges did he buy in all?
Worksheet No.4
4 digit Addition (with regrouping)
I. Add:

(1) 4726 (2) 6082 (3) 7093 (4) 6520 (5) 2384
+ 2453 + 253 + 2517 + 5416 + 2537

(6) 7524 (7) 6519 (8) 5178 (9) 6255 (10) 4829
+ 3172 + 5286 + 762 + 576 + 5526
Worksheet No.5
II.Read the questions carefully to identity simple problems involving

1. There are 368 marbles in a sack.439 more marbles were put in it. How
many marbles are there in the sack now?

2. There are 215 tomatoes, 197 onions and 298 carrots in the basket. How
many vegetables are there in the basket?

3. An ice-cream parlor sold 218 vanilla ice-creams, 108 strawberry ice-

creams and 256 chocolate ice-creams. How many ice-creams did the ice-
cream parlor sell?

4. In a school, there are 235 students in preschool and 387 students in

elementary. How many students are there in school?

5. Rachel bought 297 balloons, 465 toffees and 165 pencils. Find the total
number of things did she buy?
Worksheet No.8
Read and answer each question.

1. There are 35 students in a classroom.The arts and crafts teachers has 87

paint tubes and hands over a tube to each child. How many tube paints

2. There are 67 bird families living near the mountain. If 32 bird families
flew away,how many bird families were left near the mountain?

3. At Wendy’s first day in school,her parents bought her pens in 56

different colors. She gave 22 of these to her friends, how many pens were
left to use?

4. Christmas came,Toyang and Enteng received 77 gifts to put under the

Christmas tree. They wanted to make other kids happy so they sent 35 of
their gifts to the orphanage downtown.How many gifts were left under
their Christmas tree?

5. During the previous month, Kevin was able to collect 375 stamps while
Simon was only able to collect 273.How many more stamps does Kevin
have morethan Simon?
Worksheet No. 7

Subtraction (No Regrouping)

(1) 8885 (2) 3868 (3) 8559

- 6000 - 2227 - 5049

(4) 8498 (5) 7867 (6) 6292

- 7111 - 1143 - 3272

(7) 7626 (8) 8734 (9) 2665

- 1001 - 4224 - 1022

(10) 6297
- 2064
Worksheet No. 7 (B)

Subtraction (With Regrouping)


(1) 265 (2) 1283 (3) 408

- 207 - 157 - 243

(4) 341 (5) 1342 (6) 1000

- 255 - 495 - 394

(7) 2000 (8) 3000 (9) 3793

- 317 - 435 - 2256

(10) 8361
- 3479
Worksheet No.11

4 digits by 1 digit Multiplication


(1) 3216 (2) 2041 (3) 1428

X 3 X 2 X 5

(4) 4317 (5) 4013 (6) 1425

X 4 X 2 X 3

(7) 6271 (8) 7307 (9) 5267

X 2 X 5 X 3

(10) 3539
X 4
Worksheet No.12

Read and answer each question.

Mona is having a party at her house to celebrate her birthday. She invited
some friends and family.

1. Mona prepared rainbow colored cupcakes for dessert. If she made one box
of cupcakes for each of the 7 colors of the rainbow and each box has 6
cupcakes, how many cupcakes did Mona prepare in total?

2. Her mom also baked some cookies. If she baked 5 pans of cookies for 30
minutes each and there are 8 cookies per pan, how many cookies did her
mom bake?

3. They planned to serve some cold drinks as well. If they make 9 pitchers of
drinks and each pitcher can fill 6 glasses, how many glasses of drinks are they

4. They decided to hold the party in their backyard. They have 8 tables and
each table is 10 feet long and has 7 chairs. How many chairs do they have for
the guests?

5.At the end of the party, Mona gave away some souvenirs to her 6 closest
friends. If each of them received 2 souvenir items, how many souvenirs did
she gave away?
Worksheet No.15

4 digit by 1 digit Multiplication

Multiply to determine each product:

(1) 7936 (2) 6901 (3) 1765

X 3 X 4 X 7

(4) 8015 (5) 3345 (6) 9868

X 3 X 9 X 8

(7) 7164 (8) 2552 (9) 3845

X 9 X 4 X 5

(10) 5977
X 8
Worksheet No.16
Read and answer each question.

Bryan has always been fond of studying rocks and minerals. He has a room
full of samples of different types of rocks.

1. One particular day, he went into the room to take a look at his mineral
samples. If he has 65 samples of minerals per shelf, and he has a total of 7
shelves, how many mineral samples does he have?

2. He then classified some of the rocks into igneous, metamorphic and

sedimentary. It took him 4 hours to soft them all out. If each classification has
246 samples each, how many rocks does he have in all?

3. Bryan took a look at his books as well. He has a bookshelf almost 10 feet
wide. If he has 56 books on each of the 9 shelves, how many books does he
have on these shelves?

4. Some of the books came from 4 countries that Bryan had visited; he
collected 122 books per country. How many books does he have from those 4
countries in total?

5. Bryan had 8 precious stones in his collection which he sold to his friend at
the jewelry store which is 5 miles from his house. If the stones were sold for
Php1,785 each, how much money did Bryan get in total?
Worksheet No.19

Multiply in columns- 2 digits by 4 digits

Find the product:

(1) 324 (2) 1350 (3) 7344

X 46 X 12 X 81

(4) 1134 (5) 7079 (6) 5031

X 13 X 29 X 11

(7) 4439 (8) 9166 (9) 4477

X 82 X 65 X 82

(10) 2421
X 44
Worksheet No.20

Read and answer each question.

Bryan has always been fond of studying rocks and minerals. He has a room
full of samples of different types of rocks.

1. One particular day, he went into the room to take a look at his mineral
samples. If he has 65 samples of minerals per shelf, and he has a total of 17
shelves, how many mineral samples does he have?

2. He then classified some of the rocks into igneous, metamorphic and

sedimentary. It took him 4 hours to soft them all out. If each classification has
246 samples each, how many rocks does he have in all?

3. Bryan took a look at his books as well. He has a bookshelf almost 10 feet
wide. If he has 56 books on each of the 20 shelves, how many books does he
have on these shelves?

4. Some of the books came from 4 countries that Bryan had visited; he
collected 122 books per country. How many books does he have from those 14
countries in total?

5. Bryan had 12 precious stones in his collection which he sold to his friend at
the jewelry store which is 5 miles from his house. If the stones were sold for
Php1,785 each, how much money did Bryan get in total?
Worksheet No.23

3 Digits divided by 1 digit ( No Remainder)


(1) 2 v120 (2) 2 140 (3) 2 186

(4) 3 153 (5) 3 186 (6) 3 219

(7) 4 148 (8) 5 145 (9) 6 156

(10) 8 168
Worksheet No.24
Read and answer each question.
Lexie has a lot of art materials. She needs to organize all these materials into
1. She counted her crayons and found out that she has 80 crayons which she
will place in crayon boxes. Every crayon box can contain 8 crayons. How many
crayon boxes does she need?

2. 3 piles of clean white papers were stacked in the corner of her room. She
decided to place these papers in paper envelopes which can hold 10 papers
each. How many paper envelopes does she need if she has 120 clean white

3. Besides the piles of white paper was a stack of 700 sheets of used paper.
She wants to place it in boxes for recycling. If every box can contain 100
sheets, how many boxes does she need?

4. Lexie’s spent 2 hours gathering all of her watercolor paintings. She thought
of placing an equal number of paintings in four of the rooms in the house. If
Lexie has 32 watercolor paintings, how many paintings will be placed in each
of the four rooms?

5. Lexie’s younger brother helped pick up all the paper clips in Lexie’s room.
He was able to collect 81 paper clips. If he wants to distribute the paper clips
in 9 boxes, how many paper clips will each box contain?
Worksheet No.27

Division: 3 digits divided by 1 Digit (With Remainder)

(1) 2 831 (2) 3 458 (3) 4 634

(4) 5 333 (5) 6 576 (6) 7 576

(7) 8 517 (8) 9 517 (9) 4 777

(10) 5 518
Worksheet No.28

Read and answer each question.

Marian baked bread, cookies and pastries one Saturday at home for her family
and friends this holiday season.
1. She made 47 gingerbread cookies which she will distribute equally in tiny
glass jars. If each jar is to contain six cookies each, how many cookies will not
be placed in a jar?

2. She also prepared 59 croissants which she plans to give to her 8 neighbors.
If each neighbor received and equal number of croissants, how many will be
left with Marian?

3. Marian also baked oatmeal cookies for her 30 classmates. If she can place
12 cookies on a tray at a time, how many trays will she need to prepare 276
oatmeal cookies at a time?

4. Marian’s friends were coming over that afternoon, so she made 480 bite-
sized pretzels. If one serving is equal to 12 pretzels, how many servings of bite-
sized pretzels was Marian able to prepare?

5. Lastly, she baked 53 lemon cupcakes for the children in the preschool
nearby. If two lemon cupcakes were left at home, how many boxes with 3
lemon cupcakes each were given away?
Post test in Mathematics

I. Calculate:

(1) 4078 (2) 3020 (3) 8389 (4) 1938 (5) 8784
+ 7806 + 7033 + 2094 + 8398 + 9969

(6) 5039 (7) 6958 (8) 9223 (9) 8498 (10) 1850
- 536 - 591 - 216 - 664 - 687

(11) 868 (12) 995 (13) 329 (14) 671 (15) 749
x 62 x 55 x 17 x 51 x 11

(16) 6 684 (17) 7 686 (18) 7 714

(19) 4 517 (20) 5 777

II. Read and answer the questions:
1. Betty bought 88 pink flower stones and wanted to make 8 bracelets out of
these stones. How many pink flower stones will each bracelet have if she used
the same number of stones in each bracelet?

2. At the soda dispenser, there are 31 large paper cups, 23 medium paper
cups and 12 small paper cups. How many paper cups are there in total?

3. There are 46 birds perched on the branches of a tree. How many feet are
there on the branches

4. After decoding the clues on the map, they found out that they needed to go
to the Island of Mysteries which was 120 miles away. To get there, they could
either take a plane for Php 600 or a boat for Php254. How much money can
they save if they took a boat to the island?

5. They are to repaint 350 balls in ten different colors. If they painted an equal
number of balls for every color, how many balls are there for each color?
Worksheet No.3
“Let’s have some fun this summer,” says
“Let’s swim in the river,” says Lina.
“Let’s get some star apples from the tree,” says
“Let’s pick flowers,” says Lina.
“That is so much fun!” says Mama.
“But can you help me dust the shelves too?”
“Yes, we can Mama,” they say.
“Helping can be fun too!”

1. Who were talking to each other?

2. What were they talking about?

3. Doing something "fun" means ______________.

Worksheet No.6

Pam has a cat.

It is on the bed.
It can nap. It can sit.
“Oh no!” says Pam. “
The cat fell off the bed!”
Is the cat sad?
No. It is on the mat.

1. Who has a pet?

2. What is her pet?

3. Why did Pam say “Oh no!”?

4. Why did she feel this way?

5. How do we know that the cat is ok?

Worksheet No.9

Ring! Ring!” rang the clock.

But Jacky did not get up.
“Wake up, Jacky! Time for school,” yelled Mom.
And yet Jacky did not get up.
“Beep! Beep!” honked the horn of the bus.
Jacky still laid snug on the bed.
Suddenly, a rooster crowed out loud and sat on the
window sill.
Jacky got up and said with cheer, “I will get up
now. I will!”

1.Who is the main character in our story?

2. Why did the main character need to wake up


3. What woke the character up?

4. What did the character think as he/she "laid

snug" on the bed

5. What does it mean to say something "with

Worksheet No.10

The sun is up.

“Is it a hot day, Matt?” asks Sal.
“Yes, it is,” says Matt.
Sue gets her fan. Matt gets his hat.
Sue and Matt go out to play.
Sue and Matt have fun.

1. Who are the children in the story?

2. What kind of day was it?

3. What did the little girl do so that she

will not feel hot?

Worksheet No.13

Nina and Ria are looking out the window.

“I do not like getting wet in the rain,” says
“What can we do?” asks Ria.
“We can play house,” says Nina.
“Or we can play tag,” says Ria.
“Okay, let’s play tag. You’re it!” says Nina.
Nina runs from Ria and bumps a lamp.
“Oh no!” says Nina.
“We must not play tag in the house.”

1.What is it that Ria does not like?

2. What does Nina want to do?

3. Who wants to play tag?

4. What is "tag?"

5. Why wasn’t it a good idea to play tag in the

Worksheet No. 14

Al has a bag.
It has a mat.
It has buns.
It has bananas.
But it has ants too!
“Ants! Ants!” says Al.
Al lets the bag go.

1.What is the name of the boy in the


2. What does he have in his bag?

3. What will he do?

Worksheet No.17

Ben has his own store.

“Do you sell eggs?” asks Mel.
“Yes, come in,” says Ben.
“Do you sell milk?” asks Dante.
“Yes, come in,” says Ben.
“Do you sell hats?” asks Lala.
“No, we do not sell hats,” says Ben.
“But you can come in and have a look.”
Lala goes in. She gets a banana.

1. Who is the main character in the story?

2. What does he have?

3. What is the store for?

4. What do you think does it sell?

Worksheet No. 18

Anansi was tired of her web. So one day,

she said “I will go
live with the ant.”
Now, the ant lived in a small hill. Once in
the hill Anansi
cried, “This place is too dark! I will go live with
the bees.”
When she got to the beehive, Anansi cried,
“This place is
too hot and sticky! I will go live with the
But on her way to beetle’s home she saw
her web. “Maybe
a web is the best place after all."

1. Where does Anansi live?

2. What was her problem?

3. Which of the following happened last?

Worksheet No.21

Nat will nap.

He will nap on his bed.
But Nat wet the bed.
He cannot nap.
Nat is sad.
Mama gets Nat.
Nat has his nap

1.Who will nap?

2. Where did he want to nap?

3. Why was he not able to take a nap?

Worksheet No.22

Mara sat by the school gate.

It was the end of the day.
Mara looked at her watch.
“Where is Ate Mila?” she asked.
Mara looked at her watch again.
At last, Mila has come to pick her up.
“Let’s go home. Mama said it’s time for
dinner,”says Mila.

1.What did Mara want to do?

2. Why was Mara by the school gate?

3. What part of the day was it?

4. What does the phrase "pick up" mean?

5. Why did Mara keep looking at her watch?

Worksheet No.24
Mama was feeling sick.“Lisa, I cannot make you a
snack,” she said.
“Can you watch out for the peddler while I rest?”“Yes
Mama,” Lisa answered.
Soon, a man shouted, “Taho! Taho!”
Lisa ran. “Two cups please,” she said. Lisa
paid the man. She got one cup
of taho and gave the other to Mama. “Thank you, Lisa.
I feel much better now,” said Mama.
“You’re welcome, Mama!”

1. What is it that Mama could NOT do?

2. Describe Lisa?

3. What can a peddler do?

I. DIRECTIONS: Read the selections below then answer the questions that follow.
Selection No.1
Bam is sad. QUESTIONS:
“Where is Tagpi?” 1. Who is Tagpi?
Where is my pet dog? 2. Where did Bam first look for
I want to play with him. Tagpi?
He is not in the room.” 3. Why did Bam look for Tagpi?
“Aw! Aw!” 4. Where did Bam find Tagpi?
“Where are you, Tagpi? 5. What did Bam feel when he
Oh, you are in the garden.” found Tagpi?

Selection No.2

Dan and Pepe will play.

“But the sun is hot,” says Pepe.
“Let us get our caps,” says Dan.
“My cap is not on my bed,” says Pepe.
“My cap is not in my bag,” says Dan.
“Look boys! Our cat has kittens,” says Mama.
“ Mik-mik has four kittens!” says Dan.
“Yay! The kittens nap in our caps!”
1.Why did Dan and Pepe need their caps?
2. What did Mama want them to look at?
3. Who is Mik-mik?
4. What did the kittens use the caps for?
5. What did the boys feel when they saw the kittens?

Selection No. 3
A mouse and a cat lived in an old house.
The mouse stayed in a hole while the cat slept under
the table.
One night, the mouse got out of its hole.
“Mmm, Cheese!” it thought, as it went up the table.
As it started nibbling the cheese, a fork fell. It woke the
cat up so it ran up the table. But the mouse was too fast
for the cat. It quickly dashed to its hole. Safe at last!


1.Where did the cat and the mouse live?

Selection No. 4
Atalanta is a lovely princess and a great runner.
One day, her father told her, “It’s time you get married.”
“I will marry a man who will beat me in a race,” replied
Atalanta. Many young men tried their luck. But they all
lost. Hippomenes asked the goddess of love for help.
“Here are three golden apples,” she said. “During the
race, throw one apple in front of Atalanta. She will
stop to pick it up. That should slow her down.”
Hippomenes heeded her advice and won the race.
Thus, Atalanta became his wife.

1. Which sentence says something about Atalanta?
2. What kind of man would she marry?
3. Hippomenes heeded Aphrodite’s advice. The
synonym of heeded is
4. Who was Aphrodite?
5. How did the golden apples help Hippomenes win?

Selection No. 5

Many things around us move at different rates. Glaciers,

which are frozen rivers of snow, move less than one foot in a
day. A box turtle travels about ten feet per minute, while a snail
travels five inches per hour. A chimney swift flies almost ninety
miles per hour. This is the fastest speed recorded for any living
A hydroplane skims across the top of the water at nearly
300 miles an hour. Some racing cars travel more than 500 miles
per hour. The wind in a tornado may move at 600 miles per hour
but sound waves are faster with a speed of up to 740 miles per
The Earth moves around the sun at 67,000 miles per hour.
At 186,000 miles per second, light is faster! Science has yet to
discover anything that would surpass this speed.

1. Which living creature has the highest recorded
2. In the first paragraph, which has the slowest rate of
3. What does this statement mean? “Science has yet to
anything that would surpass the speed of light.”
4. What is a hydroplane?
5. What is the main idea of the selection?

Selection No. 6

`There was a time when young and old stars could talk to
Bathala. One day, the young stars learned that they become
part of a black hole when they grow old. The young stars feared
losing their light. They asked Bathala for help.
“I have a solution. But you have to give up a lot,” said
Bathala. “You need to leave the heavens and live on land.” Some
of the younger stars agreed.
On a dark night, you might chance upon these stars. They
have turned into tiny twinkling bugs whose tails flicker as they fly
from place to place.
1.What did the younger stars fear?
2. What was Bathala’s solution to the younger stars’ problem?
3. “One might chance upon these stars on a very dark night.”
Which statement below means the same thing?
a. One will always see these stars on a very dark night.
b. One will never see the stars on a very dark night.
c. One will surely see these stars on a very dark night.
d. One will possibly see these stars on a very dark night.
4. The story is a legend. This means that _________________.
5. According to the selection, what is a firefly?


DIRECTIONS: Read the selections below then answer the questions that follow.

The Philippine Eagle has replaced the maya as our national
bird. Itis one of the three largest and strongest eagles in the world.
Bu it is in danger of extinction. Hunting and deforestation have
caused the number of Philippine Eagles to dwindle. Scientists have
tried toincrease their number by breeding them in captivity. The first
eagleto be bred in captivity is Pag-asa. At 25 years old, Pag-asa is
not yetsuited to be released to the wild as she has developed
dependency on her human keeper.
1.The Philippine Eagle is in danger of extinction which
2. When birds are bred in captivity, they are _____________.
3. What is responsible for the decrease in the number of
Philippine Eagles?
4.What is our national bird?
5. What are the causes of the eagles’ extinction?


Coral reefs are found in shallow areas of tropical ocean waters.

They are like beautiful underground gardens that grow in salty
waters. Millions of fish and sea plants make their home in the reefs
as these provide a safe sanctuary for them. They allow small fish to
hide from large predator fish.
But many coral reefs are in trouble. Water pollution is destroying
many reefs. Tourism likewise harms them. If reefs are damaged,
we will lose many of our most beautiful fish.

1. Where can you find the coral reefs?
2. Why are the coral reefs described as underground
3. What is the problem posed in the selection?
4. Why are the coral reefs in trouble?
5. What is the importance of coral reefs?

Mara woke up with a start. “Oh no!” The sun was shining
brightlyon her face. She looked at her alarm clock. She was not
going tomake it to school. She hurriedly put on her uniform,
gathered herthings and dumped them into her bag. She rushed
so that she could be in school before the bell rang. As she was
going out the door,her mother stopped her and asked, “Why
are you rushing? Did you forget? It’s Saturday today!”

1.Mara woke up with a start. What do you mean by wakes up
with a start?
2. Why does Mara have to rush? (Literal)
3. What did Mara forget?
4. How do you think did Mara feel after her mother talked to
her? (Inferential)
5. What did the author intend when she wrote the selection?


Anika washed the rice grains. Then she put them into a pot.
Shealso put in two cups of water. Finally, she covered the pot
and left it on the electric stove. After twenty minutes, she went
to check on the pot. It was not hot. She saw that the plug was
still on the floor. Anika looked at the clock and shook her head.
It was almost lunchtime.
1.What did Anika want to do? (Inferential)
2. Why was she unable to do what she wanted to
3. Why did Anika look at the clock.?
4. What did Anika feel when she saw the clock?
5. What should Anika do to finish what she started?

The colorfully-wrapped box was lying on the table when Mario got
home. Thinking that it was his parents’ birthday gift to him, he took
it and quickly tore it open. It was the coolest looking pair of shoes
he had ever seen. Mario put them on, walked out into the street and
jumped into a puddle. “Mario, why are you wearing your brother’s
shoes?” his Mother cried. When he looked down, he said, “Oh no,
that’s a lot of cleaning I have to do.”

1.Why did Mario think the box was for him?
2. What does “the coolest-looking pair of shoes” mean?
3. As Mario looked down, what did he think he needed to do?
4. How did Mario’s mother feel when she saw Mario?
5. What do you think was Mario feeling when he saw his


That night, Jessica helped her mother close the windows. The wind
was howling. Droplets of rain started pelting the roof. “Go find the
candles and I will get the matches,” said her mother. Lightning
flashed. A clap of thunder followed. Soon after, the lights went off.
“A blackout!” shouted Jessica. “Don’t be alarmed. It’s a good thing
we have what we need,” said mother?

1.Why did they close the windows?
2. What did Jessica and her mom do?
3. Describe the characters in the story?
4. What does the word “blackout” mean
5. What did the mother feel at the end of the story

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