Problems I: P4-5 Eamirrgr)

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Problems L79

t: P4-5 (Income Statement, Retained Eamirrgr) The follon ing account balances were included in the trial
bal.lrce o{ Tn'ain CorForatisn at }unc 30,2010.

Sales $1.578.500 Dspreciatirx of ofiice furniture

$aloE discounts 31.'150 and eguipmont $ 7,2s0
Cost ol gooxJs sold 896.770 Real ostat8 and other local taxe$ 7.32Q
Sgles salaries 56,260 Bad dcbt expense-selling 4,850
Sa{ree comrnissions 97,6S0 Building expe*se--prorated
Travei expens**salesporsonc 28,930 to adrfiinietration s.130
Fraight-out 21,44Q Miecellarnoua ollice expensee 6,000
Eiltertainment expense 14.8t0 sahs returns 62.3@
Telephone and lnt€rnet expense--sal€s s.030 Dividonds revenue 38,000
Depreciation of salsa equipfllent 4.S80 80nd int€rsst rxp€nse 18,0m
Buitding expen$s*prorated ts sales 6.200 lncome tax 102,000
Miscsllaneous selling expens€s 4,715 Defi@iation undorstatGnlsfl t
Ofrice supFriies used g.dS$ due to e$o{-2m7
Taieprurs and lnlem€t expen$** Dividends declarcd on
adrnifii$lration 2"820 prefarence shares
Divideads dsclarEd on :,-
ordinary shares 2; ann

The Retained Earnings ar(ount hurd a balance of 5337,tXKl at )ulv 1" 20t19, There are $0,000 ordinary* I
sharer outrtanding;.

Prep*re an ircome statem$nl and a retained eanrings statement fnr the vear ent{ed fune 30, ?010.

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