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List of Figure


Figure 1 Stages of Waterfall Model 13

Figure 2 Layered Architecture of EMS 15
Figure 3 Flowchart of Employee Management System 16
Figure 4 ER Diagram 17
Figure 5 System Architecture 21
Figure 6 Home 23
Figure 7 About us 23
Figure 8 Contact 24
Figure 9 Employee Login 24
Figure 10 Employee Dashboard 25
Figure 11 Admin 25
Figure 12 Admin Dashboard 26
Figure 13 Database 26
Figure 14 Employee Database 27
Figure 15 Admin Database 27

EMS= Employee Management System

HTML= Hyper Text Markup Language

VS = Visual Studio

SS = SQL Server

XML= Extensible Markup Language

SQL=Structured Query Language


List of Figure..............................................................................................................................................1
LIST OF ABBREBIATIONS...................................................................................................................2
TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................................................3
1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................6
1.1 Background of Study.......................................................................................................................6
1.2 Problem Statement..........................................................................................................................6
1.3 Objectives.........................................................................................................................................7
1.4 Benefits of EMS:..............................................................................................................................8
2. Literature Review..................................................................................................................................9
2.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................9
2.2 Review of literature on employee management.............................................................................9
2.2.1 Employee Management Issues.....................................................................................................9
2.2.2 Review of related literature........................................................................................................10
3. RESEARCH METHODS....................................................................................................................10
3.1 Literature Review..........................................................................................................................10
3.2 Project Platform............................................................................................................................11
3.3 Feasibility Analysis........................................................................................................................12
3.3.1 Technical Feasibility...............................................................................................................12
3.3.2 Economic Feasibility...............................................................................................................12
3.3.3 Operational Feasibility...........................................................................................................12
3.3.4 Schedule Feasibility................................................................................................................13
4. DEVELOPMENT...............................................................................................................................13
4.1. Methodology..................................................................................................................................13
System and software design....................................................................................................................14
5. System design...................................................................................................................................14
5.1 System Design............................................................................................................................14

5.1.1 Module Design.........................................................................................................................14
5.1.2 Architecture Design................................................................................................................15
5.1.3 Flowchart.................................................................................................................................16
5.1.4: E-R Diagram..............................................................................................................................17
5.1.5 Planning.......................................................................................................................................18
5.1.6 Ghant Chart............................................................................................................................18
6. System requirement.............................................................................................................................19
6.1. Hardware requirement.................................................................................................................19
6.2. Software requirement...................................................................................................................19
7. Proposed system...................................................................................................................................19
7.1. Features.........................................................................................................................................20
7.2. Advantages....................................................................................................................................20
8. IMPLEMENTED SYSTEM...............................................................................................................21
8.1 Tools and Technologies Used........................................................................................................21
8.1.1. NET Visual Studio.................................................................................................................21
8.1.2. My SQL Database..................................................................................................................22
9. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS............................................................................................................22
9.1 Scope...............................................................................................................................................22
9.2 Limitations.....................................................................................................................................22
10. Screenshots.........................................................................................................................................23
11. Summary and future research..........................................................................................................28
12. CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................28
12. REFERENCES..................................................................................................................................29


An Employee Management System is a system that will be developed to maintain the details of
employees working in any organization. Every organization whether government or private uses an
information system to store data of their staff. However, in Nepal it is found that many small scale industries
use pen and paper to keep a record. However, there are many advanced technology systems available that can
do this work but they all are costly for these low level industries. It is fast and can perform many operations
of a company or organization.

An Employee Management System would maintain the information about the personal details of
employees, so that the human resource of the organization can easily know the details of all its
employees. It would be simple to understand and can be used by anyone who is not even familiar with
legacy employee’s system. It would be user friendly and just ask the user to follow step by step operations
by giving him few options. It would be fast and can perform many operations of a company. The
Employees Management Software would make it easy for the employer to keep track of all records. The
combination of these modules into one application assures the perfect platform for re-engineering and
aligning Human Resource processes along with the organizational goals.

This system has been developed using the powerful coding tools of HTML, CSS and PHP at Front End
and Microsoft Sql Server at Back End. The software is very user friendly. The project contains modules
like Employee and Admin. This version of the system has multi-user approach. This proposed system
would bring about an easy way of maintaining the details of employees working within any organization.
The goal of this project is to design and develop an employee registration management system to fill
existing gaps in the electronic management of employees. For further enhancement or development of the
package, user’s feedback will be considered.

Keywords: employee management system, employees, staff, human resources, leave management, task
management, dbms, php, html, css.

1.1 Background of Study
Employees are the backbone of any company therefore their management plays a major role in
deciding the success of an organization. Human Resource Management Software makes it easy for
the employer to keep track of all records. The ever changing trend in technology brought the
necessity for the automation of everything from paper-and-pen based to absolute computer
domination. The overwhelming emergence of computers paved way to easier access of information
that leads to increased production, efficiency and reliability.

Large and even small and medium sized companies have always implemented a system (whether
electronically or manually) to be able to manage its employees effectively. The effective
management of these records ensures sound decisions based on full, accurate and up-to-date
information to be made. This also ensures that any decision made can be traced, scrutinized and
justified if necessary. The Human Resource segment have long used such information to track
employees’ performance, incentives, problems etc. to streamline the company’s input and
consequently, maximize its productivity.

This need paved the way to the development of databases to store and retrieve important
information. In the development of generic management systems, the organization of storage of data
was prioritized. A typical database management system controls the creation, maintenance and use
of the database storage structures of institutions.

A flexible and easy to use Employee Management software solution for small and medium sized
companies provides modules for personnel information management which allows organizations and
companies to manage the most crucial organization asset – people. The combination of these
modules into one application assures the perfect platform for re-engineering and aligning Human
Resource processes along with the organizational goals.

1.2 Problem Statement

Manual handling of employee information poses a number of challenges. This is evident in
procedures such as leave management where an employee is required to fill in a form which may
take several weeks or months to be approved. The use of paper work in handling some of these
processes could lead to human error, papers may end up in the wrong hands and not forgetting the
fact that this is time consuming. A number of current systems lack employee self-service meaning

employees are not able to access and manage their personal information directly without having to
go through their HR departments or their managers. Another challenge is that multi-national
companies will have all the employee information stored at the headquarters of the company making
it difficult to access the employee information from remote places when needed at short notice. The
project is aimed at setting up an employee information system about the status of the employee, the
educational background and the work experience in order to help monitor the performance and
achievements of the employee through a password protected system.

The problem definition for designing the system is to maintain data of employee, to make easy
controlling employees, to divide jobs and access control of employees, to use technology for
accurate and timely processing by fully privacy and full authority access. The objective of the
project is to set up employee information system about status of employee and attendance of
employee and monthly salary process and delivery. To eliminate or reduce as much as possible the
hardships of existing system and avoid errors while entering data. In existing method employee
management are employee record are maintaining in records. It’s a manual process. Complicated to
search the employee salary


• Needs for extra manual effort.

• In existing system is standalone process normal employee cannot track their employee status.

• Less Accuracy Danger of losing some files.

Certain required report is not available Time-consuming process

1.3 Objectives
Paperless: To make existing system paperless and save lots of bunching logs of files on the shelf
which makes the later on access of the record not at all easy task and overhead to peoples.

Automatic: Making the existing system fully automatic which will save lots of human resources
work. As the current system is all human resource work is needed to maintain and keep the record
and details of every employee under and organization to keep track of every employee in staff
working in an organization.

 To store employee information.

 A user friendly front-end for the user to interact with the system.

 Easy retrieval of employee information.

 Ability to sort employee queries by departments.

 Remove details of employees no longer working in the organization.


Picture a situation in which any piece of critical data related to the most valuable assets, i.e. workers,
is available through a centralized database on a single dashboard and is usable 24 x 7 at lightning
speed. This is basically what a successful employee management system provides.

1.4 Benefits of EMS:

Management systems for workers also offer ways that improve workplace motivation and potentially
affect productivity. Resources such as performance management offer a new means of monitoring
and evaluating the progress of workers. You should collaborate with staff to establish targets, make
them feel important, and build a roadmap to their progress and success.
Having such a system helps employees to feel confident and helps in developing cordial relations
with the company. Remember, Motivated employees = Engaged employees.


You know these days the main target of brutal hackers is the HR Databases. As we all are aware of
the fact that companies do hold confidential information about their employees. Bank accounts,
driving license numbers, spouse details, social security passwords, phone numbers, remuneration
numbers, and a lot more. What if all these highly sensitive data go in the wrong hands? Having a
secure HR system will save you and your employees from any sort of malware, threats, and hackers.
It will provide you with two-factor authentication, security measures, and data encryption features
to protect your employees and yourself from any kind of insider threats, and hackers.

 Efficiency and Better Accuracy

 Fewer Compliance Risks
 Boosted Profitability
 Very Few Manual Errors

 Higher Productivity
 Higher Motivation
 Lower Costs

2. Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
This section provides a brief introduction on the underlying concepts of this project; sufficient
background knowledge based on relevant literature reviews of related works and thoughts with
respect to the advancement of this project. At this stage, critical examination is done with respect to
other related works vis-à-vis the current project under development and current trends of the project
under development. Evaluation is also done on previous systems or existing systems of similar nature
enumerating possible features which the current project had identified.

2.2 Review of literature on employee management

Management is not only about managing resources and controlling expenses. Although these are
basic functions of management, there's more to management than just managing resources and
controlling expenses. Another extremely important function of management is the ability to manage
employees - especially since they are the lifeline of any business. Given the downturn in the
economy, many businesses have not only been forced to lay off employees, but they've also been
forced to close their doors due to a lack in demand. However, there are also businesses that have
capitalized on the downturn of the economy to reduce overhead and increase employee productivity
even if the need does not exist. This can certainly be a temporary fix, but squeezing everything out of
employees does not appear to be the solution for long term business success. With that in mind, this
project will dive into some of the common management issues that businesses and leaders face today
such as; the effects of poor leadership, not motivating employees effectively, and not being able to
manage conflict appropriately. Based on the study of these management issues, the study concludes
that poor leadership can result in not providing proper direction and/or guidance to your employees to
meet company goals, not motivating employees can result in a decrease in employee productivity, and
not managing conflict can lead to low morale and even a belief of inequality among the workgroup if
issues are not handled properly. Further research would be appropriate to explore solutions to these

2.2.1 Employee Management Issues
Given the fact that every person and employee is different, managing employees effectively
continues to be one of the most common management issues that businesses face in this
demanding world of business. Businesses can certainly hire employees that have great credentials
and impressive resumes. However, managing employees and addressing management issues
effectively is just as important as hiring employees with the proper experience and education in
order to establish a good employee base that will be instrumental for future success.

With the above in mind, this study will focus on several employee management issues such as the
effects of (a) poor leadership, (b) not motivating employees effectively.

2.2.2 Review of related literature

 Poor leadership

Employees not only need guidance from their managers or leaders, but they also need to know
that they will be there to help them when they need them or to help put things back on the right
track. Leadership need not imply that a leader is, by nature, wise, and inspirational. Darker
forces sometimes drive leaders as well as their followers. Bad leadership is as ubiquitous as it is
insidious (Kellerman, 2007, Pg. 17).

Kellerman (2007) further points out that, "Like good leaders, bad leaders are characterized by
traits such as intelligence, high energy, strong drive for power and achievement, decisiveness,
and determination. Bad leaders have a skill set that ranges from being good at communicating to
being good decision making. Kellerman (2007) also describes bad leaders as, "incompetent,
rigid, intemperate, callous, corrupt, insular, and evil" (Kellerman, 2007, Pg. 17). McGowan
(2010) also notes, "Leadership can't lead if it can't see" (McGowan, 2010, Pg. 3).

 Poor motivation

Once the relationship between employees and management starts to deteriorate, this can then
lead to motivational issues. Managers need to realize that every employee is different. Some
employees prefer to work independently while others like the continued feedback and support
from their leaders. As Lazenby (2008) notes, "a one-size-fits-all apprach to employee motivation
doesn't work. Challenges that motivate one person might actually discourage another. Some
individuals seem to have a high need for praise and recognition, even when their work is
mediocre; others don't seem to care about those things" (Lazenby, 2008, Pg. 22).


3.1 Literature Review

During research of this project, several articles, papers, journal relating to the field of Web
Development itself has been reviewed. The reviewed articles are taken from the web. Many related
web based management projects, articles have been studied and conclusions have been drawn that
there have been many advantages to develop Employee Management System in Nepal. We have done
our best in research of this project to ensure effective and efficient working mechanism of this

Employee Management System is very effective for different form of business for managing the
employee according to the area or filed where they are working. It helps to manage the employee
working in the institute or for particular company by internet connection. It can add the records of the
employee edit the information of an employee and delete the employee after they leave the company.
This project provides a lot of features to manage employee in very well manner. Thus this system
provide facility of managing the staff or employee online.

3.2 Project Platform

Project platform are the programming languages, software and other tools used for developing
particular system. Following are the platforms we will use in this project.

3.2.1 Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)

Hypertext Markup Language is the standard markup language for creating web page. With Cascade
Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript it forms a triad of cornerstone technologies for the World Wide
Web. HTML describes the structure of a web page semantically and originally included cues for the
appearance of the document. We will use HTML to create layout of our pages.

3.2.2 Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the designing of a document written in a markup
language. CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS, we can control the color of
the text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs etc. We will use CSS to design the

3.2.3 PHP
 PHP is an acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor"

 PHP is a widely-used, open source scripting language

 PHP scripts are executed on the server

 PHP is free to download and use

PHP is an amazing and popular language!

It is powerful enough to be at the core of the biggest blogging system on the web (WordPress)!
It is deep enough to run the largest social network (Facebook)!
It is also easy enough to be a beginner's first server side language!

3.2.4 PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is an advanced, enterprise-class, and open-source relational database system.
PostgreSQL supports both SQL (relational) and JSON (non-relational) querying. PostgreSQL is a
highly stable database backed by more than 20 years of development by the open-source
community. PostgreSQL is used as a primary database for many web applications as well as mobile
and analytics applications.

3.2.5 Apache Tomcat Serve

Apache Tomcat, often referred to as Tomcat Server, is an open-source Java Servlet Container
developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements several JAVA EE
specifications including Java Servlet, Java Server Page (JSP), Java EL, and WebSocket, and
provides a “pure Java” HTTP web server environment in which Java code can run. Apache Tomcat
software powers numerous large-scale, mission-critical web applications across a diverse range of
industries and organizations.

3.3 Feasibility Analysis

The study of effect on the organization after the development of system is feasibility analysis. The
system may be positive as well as negative impact on organization. The feasibility study can be
carried out in four ways such as technical, economical, operational and schedule.

3.3.1 Technical Feasibility

 While developing this project. the tools which were used are VS and MS SQL Server
 VS and MS SQL Server have free access to user, they were selected to use. As, we have studied
about this software in basic, they were easy to use.
 No need to generate code ourselves.

3.3.2 Economic Feasibility
 No cost is used in programming language like C#, VS, MS SQL Server.
 Took about 4 months to develop this project.
 Took few costs while printing and gold binding this project.

3.3.3 Operational Feasibility

 Does not require manual work.
 This project saves the precious time of department by quick searching of employees’ details.
 Requirement of skilled manpower i.e. having computer knowledge.

3.3.4 Schedule Feasibility

 This project was completed within the scheduled period of time.

4.1. Methodology
Methodology can be applied to build this project since it is very simple to understand and use. In
this model, there is no overlapping in the phases since each phase must be completed before the
next phase begins. Waterfall model is the first System Development Life Cycle approach that
was used for software development. Waterfall model is also called a Linear-Sequential Life
Cycle Model as it illustrates the software development process in a linear sequential flow. In
waterfall model, whole process of software development is divided into separate phases. They
are requirement analysis, system and software design, implementation and unit testing,
integration and system testing and maintenance.

Figure 1: Stages of Waterfall Model

Requirement analysis
The aim of the requirement analysis and specification phase is to understand all possible requirements of
the system to be developed. It involves understanding what needs to design, its function and purpose by
determining the features and objectives. Hence, it serves as the specification of the system.
System and software design
It involves step to design a system by transforming the requirements specified in the SRS document into a
structure that is suitable for implementation in some programming language. The aim of the design phase
is to identify the system software and its relations between the systems.
Implementation and Unit Testing
In this step, the system is first developed in small programs called units which are integrated in the next
phase with inputs from the system design. The individual units of a software are tested to find out
whether these units meet specifications which is referred to as Unit Testing.

5. System design
5.1 System Design
System design is concerned with the computer-oriented design of the system. System design
(sometimes also called Top-Level Design) is the process of defining the architecture, components,
modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. The main objective of
system design is to develop the best model of system as per user requirement and working
environment for operating the system. System design goes through two phases of design, logical
design and physical design.
5.1.1 Module Design
The module design is divided in to three portions, The Admin section, visitor section and registered
employee section.

a) The Admin: The Admin can-

1. Add new employee

2. Edit and create employee details

3. Delete or update existing employee record

4. Check employee details

5. Read query & response

b) Visitor
1. View records

2. Registration for new user

c) Registered Customer
1. Login existing member

2. Member update profile

3. View profile

5.1.2 Architecture Design

This system work on the 3-layered client-server architecture. The web browser (client) sends
request to the web server which then sends request to the DBMS to check the valid data stored in
database management system. After the request the response is generated by DBMS to web server.
This response states that either the required record set is present in the DBMS or not. If yes, then
the web server generates the output in the browser understandable form (html standards) and
response back to the web browser. Otherwise, the web servers process the error page and displays
back to the web browser. It is as shown in the figure below:

Request Request
Apache Tomcat
Web Browser
Server Oracle

Response Response

Fig. 1: 3-Layered Architecture of EMS

5.1.3 Flowchart
Following figure explains flowchart of employee Management System with three users i.e. admin,
visitor, registered member and their associated processes

Fig. 2: Flowchart of Employee Management System

5.1.4: E-R Diagram

Fig: E-R Diagram of Employee Management System

Symbol Name Description
Attribute Property of entity

Relation Describes relationship between


Entity Name of any things like place,

object etc.

5.1.5 Planning
Planning Requirement Database Design and Testing and Documentation
Analysis Design Development Implementation
Start Jan Feb March April-May May-June June-July
Duration 15 Days 15 Days 15 Days 45 Days 20 Days 15 Days

5.1.6 Ghant Chart

Jan Feb March April-May May- June-July
Database Design
Design Development
Testing and

6. System requirement
6.1. Hardware requirement
The hardware can be any computer that runs both web and database servers and handles expected
traffic. There should be minimum 20 GB of hard Disk and 256Mb memory. Computer is to be
powered by an Intel® Pentium® processor. Other hardware requirements include printer, scanner,
keyboard, mouse etc. Wi-Fi is an important part of the system making since we need to research
many information and details for making the system.

6.2. Software requirement
The system will work in Google chrome or Firefox and internet explorer 7 or higher running under
Windows Operating system. For the effective implementation of the new system, the Window XP or
Windows 7 software has to be installed on the computer. The application is written in HTML and
JavaScript along with PHP backend which are supported by any reasonably well-maintained web
server. All the application data are stored in SQLite database.

7. Proposed system
This chapter builds on the work done in the Analysis Chapter and gives documentation for the Design
of the Employee Management System. The EMS is modelled in terms of objects and classes and their
interactions with each other. Explanation of the proposed system is done as well structure of the Entity
Relationship Diagram (ERD). Design of the User Interface is also discussed.

The proposed system is designed to eliminate all the drawbacks of the existing employee management
software. The system shall be responsible for maintaining information about employees, thus their
personal profile. The system shall incorporate leave management all the way from application to
acceptance/rejection of leave requests as well as all employee projects with close monitoring of the
projects from creation to completion and trainings to assist in monitoring active and inactive

The main features to be added include:

• Employee Profile
• Leave management
• Task management
• Notifications

Consistent- The website should have a similar look and feel on every page. Every page should have
the same header/logo, heading style, fonts, navigations etc.
Efficient and easy to maintain- This refers to the fact that there is need to separate content from
layout, so that you can easily change your page design without editing every page on the site.
Layout-The layout of each page should have a good contrast between the text and background area.
This helps considerably with visibility as it will be difficult to read the text if it is almost the same
color as the background. Monitor size should also be taken into consideration.

Easy to navigate and use- Users should not have a hard time trying to navigate the site. Navigation
links should be consistent and clearly labelled. All navigation links should also be working properly
and should point to the intended page/site.
Browser compatible- When designing the site consider different browser environments. Extensive
testing should be done on each page in all the major browsers and the design changed appropriately to
cater for all.
Visually appealing- The use of color, text, fonts and graphics should be carefully considered and used
to ensure that the site is visually appealing to its visitors.

7.1. Features
• Portability

• Compatibility

• Secure

• User Friendly

• Generosity

• Runtime Compactness and Speed

7.2. Advantages
• Transparency to all the user of system.

• Less paper use and removal of redundancy.

• Less prone to errors.

• The whole system is interactive.

All these features include the ability to add user, update (edit), and retrieve through search results. All
users are presented with the same login interface. User must login the system by means of valid
username/password combination. After access is granted to the system, the admin can add a new user to
the system by entering the basic information which are the full names and email address. The admin also
assigns the new user a role which will determine the access level. During the process of user registration,
the all users are issued with a unique username and password combination. Seeing that the system holds
private employee information, the admin has the ability to monitor all activity logs into the system by
date and time.

Employees can apply for leave by filling in a form as well as submitting an attachment to support their
leave request. The Admin has the ability to view all employees under his/her department, assign a task
and trainings. The Admin can also create a project, add members to the project and create a work
breakdown structure. Being an employee, the HOD can apply for leave as well as check leave days
accrued. Upon logging in to the system, the HR manager gets notifications on the leave applications
submitted and has the ability to approve or reject leave requests as they are submitted. The HR carries out
all employee tasks which include the ability to view and edit basic details, view pending tasks, projects
and trainings.

8.1 Tools and Technologies Used
8.1.1. NET Visual Studio
Visual Studio .NET is Microsoft’s visual programming environment for creating Web
services based on use of XML. Visual Studio .NET comes the .NET Framework including the
Common Language Runtime, and includes several programming languages including VB,
Visual C# and Visual ++.

8.1.2. My SQL Database

My SQL is the world’s most popular open source database. My SQL is a database
management system. My SQL server is very fast, reliable, scalable and easy to use.


9.1 Scope

•Though the Human Resource Management includes the management of various aspects of human
resource, the project will be focused on the development of the Employees Leave and Attendance
Management System.

•The project developed remains strict to base on survey, it doesn’t go further to other institutions,
though it can be replicated.

9.2 Limitations

The major limitations of the project are as follows:

• Due to the constraint of resources and time, the size of the project could not be increased.

• The project has been developed through utilizing the records of the employees and other
information available at certain organization. The requirements gathered through various sources
might not be properly reflected in the requirements analysis and the design documents due to limited
knowledge and time.

•Due to the small scope the project may not represent the whole spectrum of the human resource

• Due to very little knowledge of the team members about ASP.NET language and MsSQL
database, the project may not have been developed as envisioned.

10. Screenshots

Fig: Home Page

Fig: About Us

Fig: Contact

Fig: Employee Login Page

Fig: Employee Dashboard

Fig: Admin Login

Fig: Admin Dashboard

Fig: Database

Fig: - Employee Table

Fig: Admin Login Table

11. Summary and future research
The current work is the initial background report for the employee management website development
project. This report aims to provide a critical review of the relevant literature in the e-management
field and also to describe key aspects of the methodology that will be applied throughout the project.
This report tries to examine various issues that arise while building. Mastering the necessary software
skills and tools to build a website does not guarantee its success. For this reason, following the
guidance and the advice of my supervising professor, this report focuses on many other challenges
that come up through the development process, like performing website evaluation, conducting
market research and choosing the right business model for the e-commerce proposal. These are the
first and most crucial steps that will ensure that the final IT employment website will be developed
according to the requirements of an organization. Further research and more focus will be given on
software tools after these parts of the methodology are complete and will be presented in later stages
of the project.


Overall, the system is useful for all the users to maintain information at various levels. It connects
admin and employee and thus easy to maintain. Now admin can easily set the task or any
notifications to the respective employees without having a person to send to employees and
employees can apply for leave or reply with task allotted to them. It has been a great pleasure for me
to work on this exciting and challenging project. This project proved good for us as it provided
practical knowledge of not only programming in PHP, HTML, CSS and Oracle MySQL Server
Developer working of web based application, but also about all handling procedure related with
Advance and new technology. It also provides knowledge about the latest technology used in
developing web enabled application and client server technology that will be great demand in future.
This will provide better opportunities and guidance in future in developing projects independently.


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