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Meaning of Salesmanship

Some well know authors define the word salesmanship

 As the act of persuading another to respond favourably to a product, service or

 As the process of persuading and convincing a prospect to accept a product or a
service as one that offers satisfaction to human needs and wants.

Important of Personal Selling

Salesmanship is also personal selling. It involves a face to face communication

between a prospect and a salesman. It is magnetizing and hypnotizing to be personally
convincing a prospect to act favourably to product, service or idea. At least, the
human element is there to help the salesman take the orders of his prospect.

The following is a discussion of the importance of personal selling or

salesmanship to the salesman himself.

1. Salesmanship involves face to face contact between the prospect and the
salesman, it easier for a salesman to conduct a product clinic or a product
2. The salesman is given a chance to answer every question and objection of the
prospect concerning the product offered.
3. The salesman, being an ambassador of goodwill of his company, can do a lot
to protect and even upgrade the good name or image of the company.

Advantage of being a salesman over being an office worker.

Generally, students do not realize that there is much, much more in store in selling
than in a rout nary office work. Here is an enumeration of the advantages that may be
experienced by a salesman that the office worker may not possible encounter:

1) Unlimited earning opportunities

2) More chances for promotion and growth
3) Less employment requirements
4) Less tensions and intrigues
5) More fun and adventures
6) More incentives and fringe benefits
7) Offers of awards and rewards
8) Opportunities to travel and meet people
9) Less working hours
10) Working without strict supervision.

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