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Subject of the artwork: What is it all about?

It foreshadows on what will be the future of the place.

Content of the artwork: What do you think the artist wanted to communicate? - Is
it factual, conventional, or subjective? 

I think that the artist wants to show that time will come this houses, trees and natural
landscape will soon be replaced with this concrete jungle and skyscrapers.

If you could change one thing about this picture, what would it be? Why?

If I could change one thing in this artwork it would be its frame. In my opinion the
frame does not suits the vibe of the artwork, although the artwork is magnificent but
not perfect as nothing that we created is perfect it always comes with flaws and those
flaws shows the beauty within artwork.

What would the title be if you had created this?


What prompted you to select this image over other artworks?

This artwork existed before me, as a child it is difficult to understand the meaning of
the artwork, back then it’s just a plain old houses and buildings for me. Because I
can’t think rationally back then and now that I have the knowledge and realizations I
know appreciate the meaning of every artworks that I see even if it is not as popular
as van gogh’s there are many talented artist that shares and tries to communicate their
feelings, emotions and messages through their artworks.

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