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Think of a world event that happened in your lifetime and that

you remember. Research the background to that event, and write

a piece about your memory of the incident - make sure to include
the research.

Write 400 words and post it here.

The death of Michael Jackson

I always loved Michael Jackson as a kid, and up to this day still enjoy a few of his songs here and
there. For the first few days of his death, I couldn’t believe that he was gone. Numerous people also
said different stories about his death. But I still believe a lot of people don’t know the reason behind
the famous singer’s death.

It was a gloomy day, it looked as if the rain wanted to fall but something was preventing it from
falling. Dad driving me to school in his Ford Focus in his suit, we decide to practice some mental
strategy games instead of listening to the radio. It was dad’s idea. However, after one tremendously
long ride to school unlike every other morning, we finally got there. I walk towards the cold wet grass
on Thursday 25th June and find my friends 2009 whispering and comforting one of my friends Pricilla.
“What’s going on, is everything okay?” I queried while my hand reaches the shoulder of my friend.
“My absolute favourite singer passed away today.” Pricilla answers before bursting in tears.
My instincts immediately inform me to hug her and tell her that it will be okay, but I choose to ask her
if she would like a hug first. I didn’t even ask her who had died because it didn’t seem too
appropriate, it would have probably made things worse if I did.
Later that day, during our lunch break I heard a few people whispering about the death of Michael
Jackson. As shocked as I was, I didn’t want to believe it because I would only believe the news.
‘People start rumours for attention all the time in private schools.’ I thought to myself. Though only a
few minutes passed until they announced on the school speakers that there should be an assembly
after our lunch break.
It seemed highly unlikely for them to be having a whole school assembly at the time, but my mind
didn’t care much. As we stood in the hallway, a few more people whisper, “do you think this will be
about Michael Jackson’s death?” My stomach started to rumble, ‘was he actually dead, would that be
why dad didn’t let me listen to the radio this morning?’ I thought to myself.
“Most of us have heard the news this morning stating that a very famous singer passed away. We
called this assembly today as we all know how much we all loved him and will miss him. Can we
please have a moment of silence.” Says our principle over the microphone.
Tears rolled down my cheeks, devasted as ever I turn around to my friend Pricilla and ask her, “how
did that happen?”
“He was murdered.” She says.

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