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Case Study Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

1) Do you think employees have a right to say what they want to about their organizations online
as opposed to in private

= I have mixed opinion, I don’t think it right for a person to bash and say what they want to
about their organization online, I think it should be said to the people in the organization in
private with the people who can do something about the issues at hand. Speaking about it
online will not really fix the underlining issues and could potentially hurt both the organization
and the person speaking freely online. By posting freely online someone could go freely bashing
a company while they are emotionally upset verses having time to reflect and taking the right
pursuit of going to the organization itself. You see, freedom of speech, can have its
consequences, you are free to say whatever you want. But you also have to remember the
consequences of that freedom.

2) How would you react if you learned one of your employees posted unflattering comments about
you as a manager? Would your reaction be any different if the employee posted unflattering
comments about you as a person?

= If I had an employee who posted unflattering comments about me as a manager, I would like
to talk to the person to see why they had posted the comments. After talking to them I would
ask them what I could change personally to change their opinion about the comment. My
reaction would be different if they were just about me as a person, because you cannot always
please everyone and not everyone will like you.

3) Do you feel it is acceptable to post comments anonymously, or do you think people should
include their names? Why or why not?

= I do not think it is acceptable to post comments anonymously because that shows you know
you are commenting something that might get you in trouble. It is a weak way to stand up
against something if you think it is true. Hiding behind a screen is just very disrespectful. If you
have something to say and actually think what you are saying is right then stand behind it fully
and show you care about.

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