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Week 1 Writing Task

Write your own ‘Notes of a Childhood List’ (400 words)

Content Warning: Self Harm

Special Girl

Dad almost never home before my bedtime.

Getting a dog, naming it Tommy.
Begging my mum for a little sister.
Dad forcing me to read the newspaper in French on the weekend.
Tommy pushes me towards the stairs and break my tooth due to excitement.
Brushing my hand on hard surfaces, getting blisters.
Being yelled at daily for dirtying my uniform.
Getting in the wrong school van.
Discovered fire, watch the candle melt onto my hand.
My Mum telling me I will be a big sister.
Going to my first ever school camp.
Being pushed off my bike by a monkey, stole my banana.
Freaking out seeing hair on my armpits.
Winning a chick in a school raffle.
Having my palm on top of candles.
Lying to my mum about the burns.
Late on mt first day of high school.
Unscrewing pencil sharpeners and cutters, a passion.
Start wearing long sleeves, regardless the temperature.
First kiss on the lips.
Dad getting a promotion, excited.
Moving a whole different country, away from everyone I know.
Children begging for money at lights.
Flighting back to Mauritius, throwing up on mum.
Blaming cuts and bruises on hiking.
Truth or dare becoming a trendy game.
Smoking for the first time, as a dare.
Last day of term, hosed outside of classroom, covered in powdered colour.
Having a stranger ask to come visit his house.
Getting in an argument with my ex-boyfriend.
Threatened to have the police call on me.
Dad deciding, he wants the best education for his daughters.
Packed 3 suitcases, moved to Australia.
Make new friends at school.
Have my first kiss in a different country.
Learning people have different personalities, not always nice.
Experienced racism, crying
Mum seeing my cuts and starts questioning.
Start a job in the city.
Threatened, when refused to accompany some random home.
Leaving job when witnessing horrifying accident.
Seeking help online.

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