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English ii Cambridge University Press ‘wn cambridge orgie ‘Cambridge English Language Assessment ‘www cambridgeongish 079 Information on tis tte: wrw cambridge org781107482340 (© Cambsiige University ress and UCLES 2015 “This publication i in copyright. Subject o statutory excoption and1o the provisions ofrelovant collective icensing agreements, ‘no reprduction of any part may take place without the writen permission ofthe publishers First published 2015 Printed in Dual by Oriental Press ‘A catalogue record for this publication is available from the Brsh Lbery ISBN 976-1-107-48234-0 Students Book ISBN 978-1-107-49790-1 Student's Book and Onine Workdoook ISBN 976-1-107-49792-4 Students Book and Onkne WorkD0ok with Tostbank ISBN 978-1-107.49787.0 Workbook wih Audio ISBN 978-1-107-49788-7 Teachers Book with DVD and Teacher's Resources Onna ISBN 978-1-107-49786-3 Class Auto CDs ISBN 978-1-107-4978-4 Presentation Plus OVO-ROM ‘The pubishers have no responsibilty for the persistence or accuracy of URLS for exer or third-party internet wobsios referred to in tis publication, and {donot guarantee that any content on such websites s, or wil remain, accurate ‘oF appropiate, Information regarding pices, travel bmetabes, and other factual Information ivenin this works correct atthe tne of rst pining but he publishors do not guarantge the accuracy af such information thereaker. ron irae te 1 Going shopping 2 Friends forever Culture Shopping around the world 3 Funand games 4 From fie to snow Geography Glaciers Review 1 5 Youmade it 6 Take good care of yourself Culture National sports 7 Sound checks 8 Amazing architecture Biology Hearing Review 2 9 The future is now 40 Animals and us Culture Animals as national symbo's 11 Offto school 42 Getting around Maths Speed calculations Review 3 13. Perfect or teal? 14 Ready to cook Culture Advertising and you! 15 City and countryside 46 Lets fim that! Language Film reviews Roviow 4 17 Getting the message 18 We love the celebs! Culture Fan culture and social media 19 The world of work 20. Making plans IcT Internet safety Review § Exam profiles Pairwork Word profiles, Vocabulary list Grammar reference List of irregular verbs, 10 14 18 20 SSSSRERR 8S BSLSSLSaARNSLRSS ETI eI AGoing ‘Shopping, €.lseount, shopping feoeint page 10 Friends Personality adecives, forever eg content, easygoing age 14 ‘Citure Shopping around the word page 18 Fun and Sports phrases ag beat ome team, Sco #920! age 20 From te to Een man oe tee ling ey {S Word protie case Geography Gicis page 20 GBYou made it! Verbs for making tings, age 32 e9.cra, decorate Take good Health, 9. ied, injure care of yourself, age 36 Culture National sports page 40 Sound checks Muse, eg os tage 42 stirs amazing —_—_Desxtbngbsngs 0 architecture Nate, modem page 46 Blology Hearng page 50 OThe future is Technology nouns, e0 now coos connector page 64 DAnimats and Nature and wis, ag OF oats. emronment page 58 © Word profile besitos Culture Arias as national symbole page 2 Nolwens alowed Datorminers © Word profile ting Eval class biog sing terms © Word profile cioso BusyBall Present simple and © Word protege continuous Fre tomado Past simple ae seate Review 1 Units 1-4 page a0 From hobby tojob Past simple and @ Word protielook continuous Haisalergie to Moda (1): modern He! Obligation ana © Word protie ony necessity Alaris studio course Posen perfect and © Word protieust past simple ‘Unusual homes Comparative aroundihe word and auperlave @Word profile ast adjectives FRoview 2 Unis 5-8 page 52 ‘The carthat uses Future forms, social media forfuel_ Future continuous © Word protie actualy ‘Animelsin danger _Condtonals: zero, fist ane seccnd VOCABULARY 2 ‘any, 8. anyone, anything Profites: un- an ais- Strong agectves and adverbs, 0.9 exhausted, exremely Phrasal vor, 2.9, blow ‘anay, bum down Time adverbs Pronouns win some, any, ‘every and no Word ties 89 entertain, entertaining, ‘ontortainment Propositonal phrases ‘orlecaton, 2g. above, Decide ‘enough, 100, very Phrases wth at ‘8abat al at ist Pi LISTENING AND SPEAKING | EXAM TASKS | VIDEO A shor tox Reading parts Completing a task Listening Homework project iting part 1 Friends forever ‘Speaking Taking about yoursetl Listening part 3 Speaking part An caline comment Fun and games Suggestions and comments LUstening Losi on a mountain Reading parts ‘Speaking Taking about past experiences Listen part 2 Answerng questions (1) Speaking part Astor (1) Reading part’ ‘You made it iting part 9 Listening Matching exacts and pictues Listening part 1 ‘Speaking Discussing options (1), Speaking part2 Expreseing opinions ‘An ioral ltr or eral (1) Weting parts Listening Moving to another cty easing part 2 Amazing Speaking Desenibng a picture (1) ‘iting part + ‘arenitecture ian you dant know tha grt word Listening part 4 ‘Speaking part 3 A short message (1) Reading par CCheesing your wring ‘wring part 2 stoning A aco wit teams of dogs Reading parts Animale and us ‘Speaking Discussing a ope (1) Speaking par a ‘Taking partin a dscussen, UNIT [vocasuiary1 [READING | |oRammar | VOCABULARY 2 DO# to school School,, _—Ciassrooms around the Past pert ‘quatizatens wort Repaite © Word profile oy Betting abroad, lena post about Modal 2) Phrases wt 0 rersund ‘tourism ‘raveling alone ‘Obligation and ‘eg. an board, on foot ae © Word prote chock savee Metra Speed calstatons ago 72 evi’ Unts9-12 page 74 BPeriect or —_Photephy and Creating te erect The passive Prases win, nal acvertsing 9 eover, Image Modalpassies —eg.naciance,n deta boned mage © Word pro asut Deady to Vetter cooking, ‘Amercan wen chef __Non-tning__—_Nounsoton inthe plural Soe 9.000 str QWord protie keep reaivecinses og .arargemens, page 80 ‘novedents Ccumure Advertsing and youl page 84 Beity and iy andnatural wor, Teortak..down Ais: a/an, the Phrasal verbs, countryside g-pallion.valey under ander aril @.¢,catch up with, end up ponte {© Word pros at CDler's fim Fimeq-appeered, Marts bog abot ——Reponed spec Reporting vrba, that! rected tinmaking eg announce, demand aa Word profile cect Language Fim reviews page 98 Reviows 4 Unis 19-16 page 96 Wetting the Verbs ofcommunicaton, Messageina botle; Reported questons Adverbs of dre: at, aetoe e9.apobog, complan personal messages ‘prety, quite, reasonabyy roe {© Word proie know WDWe love the Fesinysandquaes, hata stam witout have something Prepostions ‘oaatisk ©. amnoyed, charming thei ans? one 29. according te, because aoe Word prote quay a ‘Culture Fan cute and soil media page 108 WThe world of Wokiasks Work operons Ditrenttescf as anita ten eq.ananae, calcite © Word protieoior muse page 108 Making Hopes and crams... Bonn snowboard Verbs wih two Peas verb, plans acheve, choose suo cece 1.9 Bokeh, go or Lela {© Word pote ace ICT letome satty page 116 Review Unis 17-20 page 118 Exam profiles 1-5 page 120 _—Pairwork page 180 story @) ‘wring par to schoo! Listening Announcements storing part's ‘Speaking Tang about homes, family and Speaking pat 1 schoo! “Answering questons (2) | [An onine review leading part 3 Perfect or real? ] Listoning Choices and decisions Reading part 4 ‘Speaking Discussing options (2) stoning par 1 ‘Suggestions and dacisions Speaking part 2 | 1 , ‘an informal ter or emai (2) iting part 9 | i Listening Discussing a fim Listening part 4 Lets fir that Speaking Describing a picture (2) ‘Speaking par 3 Describing what you can soo ‘A shor massage (2) easing pat 1 ‘cating the massage Pras le sor massages Wana part 2 j Listening An intewviow wihjournaist. storing part 2 The colsbs Speaking Dcussing atopic (2) Speaking pat ‘Kéaping the corvereaton garg A inka ite oor) Reading pact 2 wating part } Lstening ends ak about her Speaking part? achievements Speaking Discussing cptons (2) ‘ing and eagroong | Word profes page 132 Vocabulary ist page 190 Grammarrelerence page 145 _Listofirgular verbs page 165 Welcome to Prepare! EDEL SUA A NILE? Start each unit by talking about you, your life and the unit topic GD Anrmsie anes Cer gue Focus on the different meanings of important words and phrases opinion on the topic in the text Gapmschelinga Take the grammar challenge and learn from common mistakes GREPETOC UD Learn useful tips to help you plan and check your writing Watch interviews with teenagers like you Learn useful words and phrases for effective rT GaqYEB Work together to expand your learning GED GUA Read usetul tps, practise techniques, then try a taster exam task Genin Check your progress a (BED Watch teenagers doing speaking tasks in an exam situation Look through your book and do the quiz with your partner. 1D wats the topic of unt 9 invatich unt can you find something that children make with snow” © tnwhich unit can you in e‘phoks oa ig cat? 8 wich unt can yout out what kind af tend you an? B can you find @ famous Portuguese footballer? Who is he? What page is he on? 1 Look at the photos. What different things ‘can you buy in these places? ‘Compare your answers with your partner. 2 © 1.02 Listen to tive teenagers talking about {ese diferent places to shop. Match each speaker to one of the photos in exercise 1 A 2 junit 3 ©r.02 Compete the sentences with the words in the box. Then listen again and check. ‘change charge charges discount ‘online shopping receipt refunds ond... back serves shop spend 1 Eva says that markets are probably her favourte place to ‘She says you dort have to much money there. I youre a tourist, sometimes they can you high prices, 2 Alan thinks that says if you spend a certain amount, you don't have to pay the delivery Ifits not right, you can usually... the items 3 Marty's lavourte department store was ottering is the best thing ever. He 210% on some games. He says they are really good about 4 Elena thinks i's nice when you know the person WMO oo YOU, 5 Bon hops. She says i you buy something and i's not right, you can iLYou just have to show them the You are going to ask your partner some questions about the last item they bought. Write the {questions using these words. Then ask the ‘uestions. © shop / department store Did you shop in a department. store? 1 get a receipt 2 how much spend 3 who /serve you 4 eta discount Discuss the questions. 1 Do you keep the receipts for things you buy? vty? wy not? 2 How often do you or your parents do ontine shopping? 3 Do you enjoy going o shops where you know the person who serves you? 4 What was the last time you got a discount? '5 Have you ever sent an item back? Why? READING 2 @ Read the article again and the comments. 1 Road the title of the article. Why do you think ‘Are the sentences correct or incorrect? toons aren't allowed in the mall? Read the arti sci Rt otal Pana Ra TORI OE T quickly to check. aes There are only shops in The Store. “The PEP means that teens under the age of 48 have to be with someone older. Jackie First mentioned bad behaviour from ‘Some teens as a reason for changes tothe PEP. Jackie First agrees with parents who allow young children fo go there on their own, ‘Taran and her friends use the mall as a location in which to celebrate something. Luke can afford to buy things when he is out with his father. DO YOU go shopring BAIVBUREWA? Lot: of eenagers spend Satuday afternoons in shopping malls without ther porenis, but for some unlucky teenagers, this cing Yo GSRSTERTERA. Tho Store ic one of Americo's biggest shopping malls, popular with local shoppers and turiss from diferont countries, Wiho theme pork 3 Match the highlighted words and phrases in the article to the meanings. 1 finish inside i, ifs especially popular with young people, ) but it s no longer going to allow unaccompanied 2. Fesot Xho thee oh vara tien leenagess. If you are under the age of 15, you won't be a 4 without anyone else cable to hong out with your riends duting quite « lot of zi ” ae 5 ificulty the holiday season this year. ‘Last year there was quite «bit of fRBUBIB with young people during the holiday shopping season,’ said Jackie First, who works for Sofaty First, the sacurity company at The Store, ‘So this year we are increasing our parental escort policy (PEP), ‘which soys that parents must stay with children ond young people inside The Store. SO, what does this mean? Well, at the moment he parental escort policy soys that no one under the age oF 15.can enter The Store on Fridays or Saturdays after 4. Read the comments that the teens posted. Who ... 1. talks about the reasons for the rule? 2 thinks the now rule wil be good? 3 willhave to find a diferent place for special 4 pam. alone. Bul now they will have this rule on ober days, including some school holidays Jackie First explained, The main problem is that some poten thnk The Sloe is @ BABYSEE. Thare were quite « faw kids aged ton hore on their own. These kids co jst hanging around inthe mall, they aren't doing anything ond they aren't spending ony money” The Store wil AMURS the now rule on Thursday. Post your comments here A lot of us teenagers go to shopping malls jst fo be with our frionds, but there are some teenagers who | think online shopping is the best thing ever! ‘annoy others, and thot kind of thing. But that's only fw kids, i's not all of us. I’ not foi BBut there are some teenagers who annoy ‘Stacey ‘others, and that kind of thing. There oren't many places for us to go but The Store is great. We can mee! our friands, check out the shops, you know, and we usually meet there for birthday oor partis. It definitely won't be the some if we have to have our parents with us. Hell have to pay for things. Torch ‘Do you think itis sometimes necessary for malls I don't have much money so if have fo go shopping to not allow unaccompanied teenagers? with my dod, he'll have to pay for things! Cool! ‘Do you think peopie spend too much time Luke shopping? Why? / Why not? . GRAMMAR Determiners 1 Read the examples and look at the nouns after the bold words. Which are countable and which are uncountable? 11 Last weok my favourite department store was offering a 10% aiscount on some games. They aren't spending any money. No teens allowed. Itisi’t much tun inthe rain, There aren't many places for us to go. There are plenty of sites! | have several store cards, you know, for my favourite shops. 8 Alot of teenagers go to shopping mails just to be with their friends 2 Complete the chart with the words. You can use ‘some words more than once. sree alotot no ‘many several much plenty of Countable | Uncountable Positive | come. Negative any 3 Choose the correct words. 1 want io do many / some shopping at the supermarket 2 There are much | several shops here that sell shoes — we call it shae street! ‘8. There area fot of / any discounts in stores at the moment. 4 Thore arent several / any shops that are open late ‘on Thursdays. 5 There are no / plenty of mobile phones here that | ike ~ e's try another shop. 6 Itisnt many / much fun going clothes shopping on your own. 7 Have you got many / much discount cards? 8 There are several / any places | go to regularly at this market unit 4 Complete the conversation with the words in the box. ‘any many much no several plenty some some ‘What are you doing? BB:I'm looking or (0). Some. information about (1)... trainers, | went tothe Sports On website bul there worent (2)... in my size — ‘not even one pair! So 'm looking again. A:I'm surprised. There are (3)... of websites for online stuf. Have you tried this one: ‘ Not yet! I cant see (4)... places that sell these particular trainers ~ look, there are only ‘one or two, ‘A:Truel But click here, There you are! And it looks like there are (8)... models listed here in fluorescent green ike you want, B:Cooll How (6)........monay were they in the shop? About $100, | think. ‘A:OK, click hora for more Z information. Oh deart s B: What? Tell me! a Well, 'm sorry, §———— but there are’ @ ‘trainers in your size! VOCABULARY any 1 Read the examples. What other words and phrases do you know with any? Which uses of any have a positive meaning? 1 Thoy aron't doing anything, 2 love shopping anywhere, so | con't realy mind where t go. 3 Ty these batteries. Are they any good? 2 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in the box. © I don't mind about the colour ary colour will do. 1 Icaniteat.......~ 'm full That was delicious, 2 I cant find my schoo! bag Where did | putt? 3 I dorit mind what | have ~ Ii! eat -t'mso hungry! 4 Has... got David's number? | need to call him today. 5 Maria doosnt work in this shop 6 This book isnt 7 Tony isn't feating ‘come back tomorrow. ~ i's so boring {today — perhaps you could

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