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As I observed, the interaction inside the classroom was great

and lively. The teacher gave instructions to every student on how to

move, participate and follow. While observing the class, I was
astound because of the teacher. Honestly, the teacher is very bubbly
and enjoyable to listen and make sense, if I were his student, I will
participate to his class because he has a variety of strategies to catch
the attention of the student such as giving an extra credit and dexter
credit which means if you gain the higher amount of extra credit, the
home works will be lessened in his subject and in that way, I will say
it was very fun to watched. There is no difference between the
learners at the back and front of the room because they are all
listening to their teacher. Something I’ve noticed inside the classroom
is the behaviors of each students is rarely positive. They are laughing,
nodding, answering to the questions given by their teacher, always
following instructions and vice versa which means the teacher is
effective to listen with. The relationship of each learners is
cooperative. They are interacting with each other, changing their
ideas and thoughts to finish a certain task given by their teacher. One
thing that I saw, the student at the front which is near the
blackboard, I think he is a competitive one because he is always
answering questions quickly that other students cannot do in that
class. All the students are amazingly participating in the activities,
tasks and performances and I have not seen anyone who asking for
help because they are all listening. In the task that given by the
teacher, one thing I never forget is when you answered questions
correctly, you will able to dance quietly and once you’ve got an extra
credit you will shout the words “Oh,yeahhh!”, which I enjoyed to
watch that scenario. In terms of weighing the answers if it is correct
or wrong, the teacher inside the classroom has a strategy to handle
that specific situation. In a wrong answers of the students, the
teacher gave a chance to call other students to help the student who
answered wrong however, he is giving a little punishment that the
student who answered wrong to remain standing and definitely held
out if he wants to.

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