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Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)


In physics, buoyancy is an upward acting force exerted by a fluid that opposes an

object's weight. If the object is either less dense than the liquid or is shaped appropriately, the
force can keep the object a float  In a situation of fluid statics, the net upward buoyancy force
is equal to the magnitude of the weight of fluid displaced by the body. This is the force that
enables the object to float. In our daily life buoyancy is a concept of physics that help to
invent something is useful and make our life easier. The relevant example that can be given
to explain this buoyancy concept is the hot air balloon.

The balloon envelope is probably the first thing that you notice on a hot air balloon.
The component is called a balloon envelope because it is shaped like a balloon. It is made out
of a durable flame-resistant nylon material. The material needs to be flame-resistant because
the burner shoots a flame into the balloon envelope and fills it with hot air, which makes the
hot air balloon rise. Raising the air temperature inside the envelope makes it lighter than the
surrounding air. The balloon floats because of the buoyant force exerted on it. This force is
the same force that acts on objects when they are in water and is described by Archimedes'
principle. The amount of lift provided by a hot air balloon depends primarily upon the

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

difference between the temperature of the air inside the envelope and the temperature of the
air outside the envelope. Hot air balloons rise into the air because the density of the air
(warmer air) inside the balloon is less dense than the air outside the balloon (cooler air). The
balloon and the basket displace a fluid that is heavier than the balloon and the basket, so it
has buoyant force acting on the system.

In our fluid assignment, our group need to find a solution to make a shoe that can float on
water or in other words shoe that can walk on water with a person which their mass do not
exceed 80 kg. Therefore our group will try to find a solution and hope that our design can
accomplish the objective of this problem with the stability that is needed for a person and
enough buoyant force for a person to float and walk on water. In our investigation we need to
be alert of a certain properties such weight of the shoe, the base, the volume that is needed to
support the weight and others substance as well.

Therefore our group had decided that we will use the concept of Archimedes’
principle which is buoyancy concept. When the shoe is immersed in water, it feels lighter. In
a cylinder filled with water, the action of inserting a mass in the liquid causes it to displace
upward. It is important to note that the buoyant force does not depend on the weight or shape
of the submerged object, only on the weight of the displaced fluid. Archimedes’s principle
applies to object of all densities. If the density of the object is greater than that of the fluid,
the object will sink. If the density of the object is equal to that of the fluid, the object will
neither sink nor float. If the density of the object is less than that of the fluid, the object will
float.Buoyancy shoe are one of the design pattern to float on water while walking in a certain
of distance. Buoyancy shoe does take a lot of engineering principle in charge while having it
design uniquely and in a very compulsive ways. By handling a maximum weight of 80kgs of
body mass, the shoe are ready in production to worldwide lead invention history where
people can actually experience the scenery while walking on the water surface without
drowning. To experience the result, here are some definitions on how the buoyancy shoe
works and the principle of having it done theoretically by calculations.

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)


1. To apply knowledge from fluid mechanics course such as Archimedes principle,

Buoyancy forces and force in equilibrium.

2. To train student work in a group and from that student should be able to cooperate in
the group. In the same time student can communicate effectively between each other
to produce a good product. And student need to be responsibility to settled their
specific task given by the group leader, and also the task given by the lecturer.

3. To solve problem related to fluid mechanics.

 Student should be able to solve problem by finding it solution.
 Student should be able to solve problem with suitable method.
 Student should apply their theoretical skills or knowledge to solve problem.

4. Practical work to train student become an engineer.

 To make student used with real things problem.
 To make student have confident to make solve problem.
 To make student have confident in decision making.
 Student should able to consider all the consideration includes force exerted,
bouncy and etc.

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)


Buoyancy is the phenomenon (discovered by Archimedes) that an object less dense

than a fluid will float in the fluid. More generally, Archimedes' principle states that a fluid
will exert an upward force on an object immersed in it equal to the weight of the fluid
displaced by the object. Buoyancy is an upward acting force exerted by a fluid, which
opposes an object's weight. In a column of fluid, pressure increases with depth as a result of
the weight of the over lying fluid. Thus a column of fluid, or an object submerged in the
fluid, experiences greater pressure at the bottom of the column than at the top. This difference
in pressure results in a net force that tends to accelerate an object upwards.

The magnitude of that force is equal to the difference in the pressure between the top
and the bottom of the column, and is also equivalent to the weight of the fluid that would
otherwise occupy the column. For this reason, an object whose density is greater than that of
the fluid in which it is submerged tends to sink. If the object is either less dense than the
liquid or is shaped appropriately (as in a boat), the force can keep the object afloat. This can
occur only in a reference frame which either has a gravitational field or is accelerating due to
a force other than gravity defining a "downward" direction (that is, a non-inertial reference
frame). In a situation of fluid statics, the net upward buoyancy force is equal to the magnitude
of the weight of fluid displaced by the body. This is the force that enables the object to float.

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

Assuming Archimedes' principle to be reformulated as follows:

then inserted into the quotient of weights, which has been expanded by the mutual

yields the formula below. The density of the immersed object relative to the density of the
fluid can easily be calculated without measuring any volumes:

Besides that, not only buoyancy principle are used in having this engineering shoe
done, it also consist of force and equilibrium principle, stability, hydrostatic weighing and
many more basic principle are in to invent this shoe. Stability can be defined as floating
object is stable if it tends to restore itself to an equilibrium position after a small
displacement. For example, floating objects will generally have vertical stability, as if the
object is pushed down slightly, this will create a greater buoyant force, which, unbalanced by
the weight force, will push the object back up. Rotational stability is of great importance to
floating vessels. Given a small angular displacement, the vessel may return to its original
position stable, move away from its original position unstable, or remain where it is neutral.
Rotational stability depends on the relative lines of action of forces on an object. The upward
buoyant force on an object acts through the centre of buoyancy, being the centroid of the
displaced volume of fluid. The weight force on the object acts through its centre of gravity. A

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

buoyant object will be stable if the centre of gravity is beneath the centre of buoyancy
because any angular displacement will then produce a righting moment.

Hydrostatic balance occurs when compression due to gravity is balanced by a pressure

gradient force in the opposite direction. For instance, the pressure gradient force prevents
gravity from collapsing the Earth's atmosphere into a thin, dense shell, while gravity prevents
the pressure gradient force from diffusing the atmosphere into space. Hydrostatic equilibrium
is the current distinguishing criterion between dwarf planets and other small solar system
bodies, and has other roles in astrophysics and planetary geology.

This is the equation to calculate the pressure inside a fluid in equilibrium. The corresponding
equilibrium equation is:

Where f is the force density exerted by some outer field on the fluid, and σ is the stress
tensor. In this case the stress tensor is proportional to the identity tensor:

Here   is the Kronecker delta. Using this above equation becomes:

Assuming the outer force field is conservative, that is it can be written as the negative
gradient of some scalar valued function:

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)


Weight of an object is less than the weight of the displaced fluid when fully
submerged, then the object has an average density that is less than the fluid and when fully
submerged will experience a force buoyancy greater than its own weight. If the fluid has a
surface, such as water in a lake or the sea, the object will float and settle at a level where it
displaces the same weight of fluid as the weight of the object. If the object is immersed in the
fluid, such as a submerged submarine or air in a balloon, it will tend to rise. If the object has
exactly the same density as the fluid, then its buoyancy equals its weight. It will remain
submerged in the fluid, but it will neither sink nor float, although a disturbance in either
direction will cause it to drift away from its position. An object with a higher average density
than the fluid will never experience more buoyancy than weight and it will sink. A ship will
float even though it may be made of steel which is much denser than water, because it
encloses a volume of air which is much less dense than water, and the resulting shape has an
average density less than that of the water.

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)


In this project we design our shoe based on Archimedes’ principle which are
buoyancy concept. Archimedes principle state that if anybody partially or completely
submerged in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the
body. The weight of an object acts downward, and the buoyant force provided by the
displaced fluid acts upward. If these two forces are equal, the object floats. The buoyant
force is the upward force on an object immersed in or floating on a fluid. If the object weighs
less than the buoyant force, it will float on top of the fluid. If it weighs more, it will sink.
Because the buoyant force equals the weight of the fluid displaced, an object must displace a
greater weight of fluid than its own weight in order to float. That means that to float an object
must have a density (mass divided by volume) less than the density of the fluid. If the object's
density is greater than that of the fluid, it will sink. Therefore we make our shoe based on this
principle and concept.

4.1 Part A: Shoes

We use the lightest shoes. This shoe has

many advantages. It is very flexibility and
resistance to transverse deformation and of
course, very lightly. The mass of this shoe
are 344 gram. Besides it also waterproof.
The waterproof substance is made from
silicone seal, additive in the midsole and
thermoplastic layer perimeter. It works as
repelling water. This shoe is very comfort; it is making from natural leather. It comes in

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

various colors. This shoe also can use land. We can wear it to class, or wear it casually. This
shoe is the best solution to put in on our floating base.

4.2 Part B : Material

For our base, we use a special type of material. We use TPU (TERMOPLASTIC
POLYURETHANE). TPU are a class of polyurethane plastic with many useful properties,
including elasticity, transparency, and resistance to oil, grease and abrasion. They are
thermoplastic elastomers consisting of linear segmented block copolymers composed of hard
and soft segments.

Advantages of Thermoplastic Polyurethanes

 Excellent abrasion resistance

 Outstanding low-temperature performance
 Excellent mechanical properties, combined with a rubber-like elasticity
 Shock absorption
 Recyclable
 Hydrolytic stability
 High load bearing
 Cheaper fabrication

4.3 Part C: Helium Gas

Helium is a chemical element which occurs in great abundance throughout the

universe, although it is not as widely distributed on Earth. It typically takes the form of a gas,
and it heads up the list of noble gases in the periodic table of elements. Like other noble
gases, helium is extremely stable, and it does not readily form compounds with other
elements. There are a number of uses for helium, and it is widely considered to be a very
useful and valuable elements. Therefore our group uses helium gas as one of way how to lift

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

up our product. For example how helium gas help to lift up the hot air balloon. The useful of
our buoyant tank is to fill it with helium gas. Helium gas is a second lightest gas after
hydrogen. It has an atomic weight of 4.002602. Helium is colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-
toxic. Furthermore, 4 grams of helium gas can lift up about 25 grams. So helium gas can
support our project to increase the buoyant force to support the weight.


5.1 Sketch Drawing

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

5.2 Isometric Drawing

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

5.3 Orthographic Drawing


Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

W man +W shoes =F bouyancy

m man ( g)+ m shoes (g)=ρ water gV

80 kg (9.81 m/s 2)+1.4 kg (9.81 m/s 2)=1000 kg /m3 (9.81 m/s2 )V

V =0.0814 m3

∴ F B =ρwater gV

¿ 1000 kg /m3 (9.81 m/s 2)( 0.0814 m3)

¿ 798.53 N

Volume for each shoes:

0.0814 m 3 ÷2=0.0407 m3

V shoes >V water =Bouyancy

V shoes =Lenght × width × height

¿ 75 cm× 25 cm× 25 cm

¿ 0.0469 m 3

The material used for the shoes is helium gas and tpu(thermoplastic elastomers):

ρhelium =0.0145 kg /m3

ρTPU =0.0863 kg /m 3

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

W each shoes =ρhelium g V shoes + ρTPU g V shoes

¿( 0.0863 kg/m3)(9.81m/ s2 )(0.0469 m3 )+(0.0145kg /m3)(9.81m/s 2)( 0.0469 m3 )

¿ 0.0464 N

W each shoes =mg

0.0464 N =m(9.81 m/s2 )

m=0.00473 kg @ 4.73 gram



Weight of the shoe 9.46 grams

Length of the base 75cm
Height of the base 25cm
Width of the base 25cm
Materials of the shoe natural leather
Materials of the base Thermoplastic elastomers (TPU)

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

 excellent abrasion resistance
 outstanding low-temperature
 excellent mechanical properties,
combined with a rubber-like elasticity
 very good tear strength
 high elasticity
 high transparency

Price of the product TBA

Strength of the shoe Treatment Waterproof: 
 Silicone Seal
 Additive in the midsole
 Thermoplastic layer perimeter


Our shoes that have creatively design by beginner designers are suitable for every
people; even they have big size of foot. There are several advantages that we create to make
people who wear our shoes to fill comfortable. Firstly, our shoes are waterproof and light. We
use the lightest shoes in the world. So it will make people fill comfort when wear it. We also
use helium gas as one of the way to make these shoes easy to conduct because it will make
our product lighter. We use thermoplastic elastomers (TPU) as one of our material because

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

excellent abrasion resistance, outstanding low-temperature performance, excellent

mechanical properties, combined with a rubber-like elasticity ,very good tear strength, high
elasticity and high transparency. All our shoes material also will not pollute our environment.
It all environmentally frees. Besides after use in water, our shoes also can be used anywhere.
For example if want use for a casual activities or in our daily life we just had to remove the
base. Lastly people not have to worry about the safety of our shoes. We are very sure when
people use our product to wall on water they will not drank or sink in water because we have
design it properly by taken some safety precautions as our guidelines.


For our bouyancy shoes, we can sumerized the overall project that we done during
the time given. From the bouyancy concept, the volume of shoes must larger than volume of
water according the Archimedes’s principle. Other that, we also noticed to make floating the
shoes with wieght of human on water surface plus weight of shoes to walk on water must
followed the princple. The density of the properties shoes materials must small than density
of water.Which is guide by the formula ρ=m/V.

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)

In our design, we need to calculate the volume of shoes to achieve the Archimedes
principle. From that, we decide to have a large lenght and width tank for our shoes. The tank
will fillup with helium gas for supporting human and shoes weight when started moving on
water. In our research the helium gas is more light than surrounding gas, thats mean it’s a
best gas to fillup into the base of shoes. And the tank is made by the thermoplastic
elastomers(TPU) which is have a low density.

From the theoretical and calculation, we have achived our objective for this project to
floating the shoes on the water surface with 80kg weight of human. Lastly we credited to our
membership whose succesfully done this project and to whom make it concern for our


1) Yunus A.Cengel,John M.Cimbala “Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications”

2nd Edition, Mcgraw Hill.
2) Bruce R.Munson “Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics” 5th Edition John Wiley & Sons.
3) R.K Bansal “Fluid Mechanics” Laxmi Publication (P) LTD.

Fluid Mechanics-Buoyancy Shoes (BDA 10502)



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