OB1 - Aditya Sharma (27005)

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In this piece of writing Mr. Dinesh Sharma, Branch Head of Aakash Institute, Kota
shares his insights about the various managerial roles he has to perform in his job

With a work experience of over 20 years in the corporate, he briefly aligns his
responsibilities with the 10 managerial roles recognized by the management expert
and professor Henry Mintzberg.

Below are the ten primary roles or behaviors that can be used to categorize the
different functions performed by Mr. Sharma-

Interpersonal Category

The managerial roles in this category involve providing information and ideas.

Figurehead – As a branch manager, he has social, ceremonial and legal responsibilities of the
entire institute representing the educational hub of Kota. He is looked upto as a person for
authority and a source of motivation by his subordinates.

Leader – This is where he provides leadership for his team, department or maybe the entire
organization at the city level; and it's where he manages the performance and responsibilities of
everyone in the branch right from the admin to the faculty.

Liaison – As managers have to communicate with internal and external stakeholders constantly.
Likewise he has to maintain an efficient communication network between the students, faculty
(Internal) and the local education bodies of the state as well as the various mess and hostel
incharges of the city(External) where the students from various states have their stay at in Kota.

Informational Category

The managerial roles in this category involve processing information.

Monitor – In this role, he has to seek out information about the changes, updates, orders from
the Head office and the MDs on a day-to-day basis and then align it with the work environment
in his branch making sure the productivity and the well-being of his staff remains best in class.

Disseminator – By using different channels of communication for different entities like business
mails for the Marketing and Operations team, SMS service to the local promoters in the city,
Phone calls to the reporting manager at head office, every morning he delegates tasks and
submits previous day's reports to keep a check on Aakash's performance.

Spokesperson –  As the Branch head, he is the face of Aakash Kota in front of the students and
parents from across the country. He is responsible for inculcating values and vision of the
founding members of the organisation within the students who come here for preparation and the
workforce under him.

Decisional Category

The managerial roles in this category involve using information.

Entrepreneur – With the presence of competitors like Allen, Resonance and other coaching
institutes, he has to constantly thrive for innovation and uniqueness with his academic resources,
teachers' teaching methodologies, market expansion and marketing styles in new and different

Disturbance Handler –  When dealing with students and parents, often there are some
grievances regarding academics, technological resources, class discipline, improper lodging and
fooding facilities for students from other cities.
It's him who has to take charge and get it resolved at the earliest with the respective channels of
operations and

Resource Allocator –  Resources in an organisation are always limited and have to optimally
utilised for the best output and minimal wastage.
The resources, funds and the workforce which he receives from the Head Office, Delhi has to be
properly allocated in the functioning of the branch right from the grass root level.

Negotiator – As the in-charge of the marketing, operations and HR department of the branch, he
needs to mediate and take part in a lot of conversations and dealings across the different teams or
even external stakeholders.
Example- Setting up a hassle free flow of communication and ideas between the Marketing
Associates in the branch and the local promoters in the city.

Presented by- Aditya Sharma (Roll No. 27005)

Presented to- Dr. Subha Krishnamoorhty


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