CorporateActionsProfile - Xls RevHEAD - svn000

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TestRunFlag TestCaseID
Y TestCase 1
Y TestCase 2
Y TestCase 3

Y TestCase 4

Y TestCase 5
Y TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
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TestCase 6
TestCase 6
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TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
TestCase 6
Successfully Navigate to Upload Notification Page.
Check for error message when we click on save without filling any of the fields.
Checking for functionality of Browse button under Upload Notification page.
Successfully login into application as CA_User and Upload a Notification with
Comparison = Yes and Sender Type = Issuer.
Successfully login into application as CA_User and Upload a Notification with
Comparison = No and Sender Type = Custodian.
Select Corporate Action Type and verify the corresponding date field required.
Select Corporate Action Type and verify the corresponding date field required.
MenuPath TargetDocument UnderlyingSecurity
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification

Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro

Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification ICICI Bank

Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro

Profile;Upload Notification
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro

Profile;Upload Notification
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro

Profile;Upload Notification
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro

Profile;Upload Notification
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro

Profile;Upload Notification
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro

Profile;Upload Notification
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro

Profile;Upload Notification
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro

Profile;Upload Notification
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro
Profile;Upload Notification
Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification Wipro
CorporateActionType LocalRecordDate Comparison

Ca 11;Nov;2008

Annual General Meeting \(AGM\)

Bond Default
Bonus Issue / Capitalization Issue
Call on Intermediate Securities
Class Action
Company Option
Coupon Stripping
Court Meeting
Decrease in Value
Dividend Option
Dividend Reinvestment
Dutch Auction
Exchange Option
Extraordinary or Special General Meeting \(EGM; SGM\)
Final Maturity
Full Call/ Early Redemption
Increase in Value
Instalment Call
Interest Payment
Interest Payment with Principle
Intermediate Securities Distribution
Liquidation Dividend / Liquidation Payment
Maturity Extension
Non-US TEFRA D Certification
Odd Lot Sale / Purchase
Ordinary General Meeting \(OGM\)
Other Event
Partial Call
Partial Defeasance / Pre-funding
Pay in Kind
Place of Incorporation
Priority Issue
Put Redemption
Remarketing Agreement
Repurchase Offer
Reverse Stock Split
Rights Issue / Subscription Rights / Rights Offer
Scrip Dividend / Payment
Shares Premium Dividend
Smallest Negotiable Unit
Stock Dividend
Stock Split
Tax Reclaim
Tender / Acquisition / Takeover / Purchase Offer / Buyback
Trading Status: Active
Trading Status: Delisted
Trading Status: Suspended
Warrant Exercise
Withholding Tax Relief Certification
SenderType CustodianName MeetingDate Comments

Custodian ICICI 5;Dec;2008 Testing the Upload Notification


Uploaded File;ISIN;Corporate Action Type;Sender Name

ISIN;Corporate Action Type;Sender Name

ISIN;Corporate Action Type;Sender Name

Effective Date

Local Record Date

Effective Date

Local Record Date

Meeting Date
Effective Date

Meeting Date
Local Record Date

Effective Date
Local Record Date
Local Record Date
Effective Date
Local Record Date
Local Record Date
Local Record Date
Meeting Date
Payment Date
Payment Date
Local Record Date
Payment Date
Local Record Date

Local Record Date

Local Record Date

Effective Date
Local Record Date
Local Record Date
Meeting Date
Local Record Date
Effective Date
Payment Date

Local Record Date

Effective Date
Local Record Date
Payment Date
Local Record Date
Local Record Date
Local Record Date
Local Record Date
Effective Date
Local Record Date
Local Record Date
Local Record Date
Local Record Date
Payment Date

Payment Date

Effective Date

Uploaded file should be PDF, Doc, Text or HTML file.;Field is Required.

Field is Required.

Field is Required.
TestRunFl TestCaseID TestCaseDesc MenuPath Status ReceivedD ReceivedD
Y TestCase1 Successfully NaviProfile;Index Notification 01;Sep;20 14;Oct;2008
Y TestCase2 Verify the item' Profile;Index Notification Deleted 01;Sep;20 14;Oct;2008
Y TestCase2 Verify the item' Profile;Index Notification No Action 01;Sep;20 14;Oct;2008
Y TestCase2 Verify the item' Profile;Index Notification Non-Index 01;Sep;20 14;Oct;2008
Y TestCase2 Verify the item' Profile;Index Notification Return to 01;Sep;20 14;Oct;2008
Y TestCase3 Validate CalendaProfile;Index Notification 01;Oct;200 14;Oct;2008
Y TestCase4 Verify the item's Profile;Index Notification 01;Sep;20 14;Oct;200
Y TestCase4 Verify the item's Profile;Index Notification 01;Sep;20 14;Oct;200
Y TestCase5 Verify the item's Profile;Index Notification 01;Sep;20 14;Oct;2008
Y TestCase5 Verify the item's Profile;Index Notification 01;Sep;20 14;Oct;2008
Y TestCase5 Verify the item's Profile;Index Notification 01;Sep;20 14;Oct;2008
Y TestCase5 Verify the item's Profile;Index Notification 01;Sep;20 14;Oct;2008
Y TestCase5 Verify the item's Profile;Index Notification 01;Sep;20 14;Oct;2008
Y TestCase6 Successfully naviProfile;Index Notification Deleted
Y TestCase7 Add/Assign Corpor Profile;Index Notification Deleted
Y TestCase8 Add Corporate Act Profile;Index Notification Deleted
Y TestCase9 Delete CorporateProfile;Index Notification Deleted
Y TestCase10 Successfully navProfile;Index Notification Deleted
Source Assignedt AllItems ProjectFro StatusInde SelectTarg IssuerNam Compariso SenderTyp CorporateA
14;Oct;2008  All;Deleted;No Action Needed;Non-Indexed;Return to IMMR
14;Oct;2008 31-Oct-08
Fax  All;Fax;MT599
14;Oct;2008 Corporate  All;Corporate Actions and Unsponsored;Dividends;Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs;Proxy;Relatio
14;Oct;2008 Dividends
14;Oct;2008 Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs
14;Oct;2008 Proxy
14;Oct;2008 Relationship Management
MT599 Indexed Underlying Glaxo No Annual General Meeting
MT599 Indexed Underlying Glaxo No Issuer Annual Gen
MT599 Indexed Underlying Glaxo No Issuer Annual Gen
MT599 Indexed Underlying Glaxo No Issuer Annual Gen
MT599 No Action Needed
MeetingDa Comments EventType

& HOLDRs;Proxy;Relationship Management

Annual General Meeting

10;Dec;20 Test
10;Dec;20 Test Existing Event
10;Dec;20 Test Existing Event
TestRunFlag TestCaseID TestCaseDesc
Successfully Navigate to Profile- Underlying Notification
Y TestCase 1 Search Page.
Y TestCase 2 Navigate to Profile Underlying Notification Page
Y TestCase 3 Upload a document by logging into application
Verify listed items under Processing Status in Profile -
Y TestCase 4 Underlying Notification Search page.
Search the reports of Underlying Notification based on
Y TestCase 5 Processing Status.
Search the reports of Underlying Notification based on
Y TestCase 6 Received Date Range.
Verify listed items under Assigned to User Groups in Profile -
Y TestCase 7 Underlying Notification Search page.
Search the reports of Underlying Notification based on
Y TestCase 8 Assigned to User Groups
Verify listed items under Source in Profile - Underlying
Y TestCase 9 Notification Search page
Search the reports of Underlying Notification based on
Y TestCase 10 Source
Verify listed items under Exception and Search the reports of
Underlying Notification based on Exception in Profile -
Y TestCase 11 Underlying Notification Search page.
Search the reports of Underlying Notification based on ISIN
Y TestCase 12
Search the reports of Underlying Notification based on
Y TestCase 13 Underlying Security Name.
Search the reports of Underlying Notification based on
Y TestCase 14 Corporate Action Type
Search the Reports of Underlying Notification based on
Y TestCase 15 'Custodian
Upload a document by logging into application as a CA_User
and assign Underlying Notification to a Corporate Action
Y TestCase 16 Type.
Change the status of Underlying Notification to No Action
Y TestCase 17 Needed
Y TestCase 18 Add/Assign Corporate Action to a notification.
Y TestCase 19 Delete Corporate Action assigned to a notification.
MenuPath AllItemsofVariousField

PROFILE;Underlying Notification
PROFILE;Underlying Notification
PROFILE;Underlying Notification

PROFILE;Underlying Notification All;Assigned;Deleted;No Action Needed;Return to IMMR;Unassigned

PROFILE;Underlying Notification

PROFILE;Underlying Notification
All;Corporate Actions and Unsponsored;Dividends;Mergers and
PROFILE;Underlying Notification Acquisitions & Holdrs;Proxy;Relationship Management

PROFILE;Underlying Notification

PROFILE;Underlying Notification All;Documents;Fax;IDC;MT564;MT566;MT568;MT599

PROFILE;Underlying Notification

PROFILE;Underlying Notification All;No;Yes

PROFILE;Underlying Notification

PROFILE;Underlying Notification

PROFILE;Underlying Notification

PROFILE;Underlying Notification

PROFILE;Underlying Notification

PROFILE;Underlying Notification
PROFILE;Underlying Notification
PROFILE;Underlying Notification
FromDate ToDate Exception ISIN SelectCAType Custodian ProcessingStatus

11;Nov;2008 8;Dec;2008

11;Nov;2008 8;Dec;2008





25;Oct;2008 Unassigned

InitialProcessingStatus FinalProcessingStatus TargetDocument

Underlying Corporate Action Notification

Underlying Corporate Action Notification

Unassigned No Action Needed

Underlying Corporate Action Notification

UnderlyingSecurity CorporateActionType LocalRecordDate AssignedtoUserGroups

Wipro Cash Dividend 14;Nov;2008


Cash Dividend

Wipro Cash Dividend 9;Dec;2008 Dividends

Wipro Cash Dividend Corporate Actions and Unsponsored

Wipro Cash Dividend 9;Dec;2008 Dividends
EventType Comparison Source EventDate




New Event No Documents 5;Dec;2008

Existing Event No
No Documents
Successfully Navigate to 'Profile - Underlying Event Search' Page.
Verify listed items under 'Processing Status' dropdown and Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Processing Status'
Verify listed items under 'Processing Status' dropdown and Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Processing Status'
Verify listed items under 'Processing Status' dropdown and Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Processing Status'
Verify listed items under 'Processing Status' dropdown and Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Processing Status
Verify listed items under 'Processing Status' dropdown and Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Processing Status'
Verify listed items under 'Processing Status' dropdown and Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Processing Status'
Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Received Date Range'.
Verify listed items under 'Owner' dropdown and Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Owner'.
Verify listed items under 'Owner' dropdown and Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Owner'.
Verify listed items under 'Owner' dropdown and Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Owner'.
Verify listed items under 'Owner' dropdown and Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Owner'.
Verify listed items under 'Owner' dropdown and Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Owner'.
Verify listed items under 'Owner' dropdown and Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Owner'.
Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Corporate Action Type'
Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'ISIN'.
Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Underlying Security Name'.
Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Event Name'.
Search Events for 'Underlying Event' based on 'Event Name'.
Successfully Navigate to 'Underlying Event' page.
Change the Status of an Event from 'Assigned' status to 'Unapproved'
Approve an Event by logging into application as a 'CA_Approver'
Delete an existing Event with notifications.
Verify the buttons 'RM Certification', 'Event Changes Log' , 'Source Comparision Report' in the 'Underlying Event' screen.
TestCaseID MenuPath
TestCase1 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase2 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase2 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase2 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase2 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase2 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase2 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase3 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase4 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase4 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase4 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase4 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase4 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase4 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase5 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase6 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase7 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase8 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase8 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase9 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase10 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase11 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase12 Profile;Underlying Event
TestCase13 Profile;Underlying Event
AllItemsInProcessingStatus ProcessingStatus EventName

 All;Approved;Cancelled;No Action Needed;Pending;Rejected;Unapproved Approved

All;Approved;Cancelled;No Action Needed;Pending;Rejected;Unapproved Cancelled
All;Approved;Cancelled;No Action Needed;Pending;Rejected;Unapproved No Action Needed
All;Approved;Cancelled;No Action Needed;Pending;Rejected;Unapproved Pending
All;Approved;Cancelled;No Action Needed;Pending;Rejected;Unapproved Rejected
All;Approved;Cancelled;No Action Needed;Pending;Rejected;Unapproved Unapproved


Owner RecievedDateFrom RecievedDateTo

10;Oct;2008 14;Nov;2008
 Not Owned
Corporate Actions and Unsponsored 1;Sep;2007 14;Oct;2008
Dividends 1;Sep;2008 14;Oct;2008
Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs 1;Sep;2007 14;Oct;2008
Proxy 1;Sep;2007 14;Oct;2008
Relationship Management 1;Sep;2007 14;Oct;2008
CorporateActionType ISIN UnderlyingSecurityName

Annual General Meeting (AGM)


Cash Dividend Wipro

Cash Dividend Wipro

 All; Not Owned;Corporate Actions and Unsponsored;Dividends;Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs;Proxy;Relationship Man
 All; Not Owned;Corporate Actions and Unsponsored;Dividends;Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs;Proxy;Relationship Man
 All; Not Owned;Corporate Actions and Unsponsored;Dividends;Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs;Proxy;Relationship Man
 All; Not Owned;Corporate Actions and Unsponsored;Dividends;Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs;Proxy;Relationship Man
 All; Not Owned;Corporate Actions and Unsponsored;Dividends;Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs;Proxy;Relationship Man
 All; Not Owned;Corporate Actions and Unsponsored;Dividends;Mergers and Acquisitions & HOLDRs;Proxy;Relationship Man
Related_ISIN MenuPathForNotification TargetDocument LocalRecordDate


Profile;Upload Notification Underlying Corporate Action Notification 14;Oct;2008

MoveToEventName Comparison


TestRunFlag TestCaseID TestCaseDesc
Successfully Navigate to Bulk Move screen and check for the
Y TestCase 1 Cancel button.
To check for the existence/non-existence of the Bulk Move button
for the following : • Approved Event • Cancelled Event • No Action
Y TestCase 2 Needed Event • Pending Event • Rejected Event
Successfully Navigate to Bulk Move screen for a Pending Event
Y TestCase 3 and select all notifications.
Successfully Navigate to Bulk Move screen and search for the CA
Y TestCase 4 Events based on Event Name
Search for the CA Events based on Event Date and verify the
Y TestCase 5 Date calendar in the Bulk Move screen
Successfully Navigate to Bulk Move screen and search for the CA
Y TestCase 6 Events based on Corporate Action Type
Successfully Navigate to Bulk Move screen search for the CA
Y TestCase 7 Events based on ISIN
Bulk move the notifications assigned from an event to another
Y TestCase 8 event.
Partial Bulk move of the notifications assigned from one event to
Y TestCase 9 another.
Verify that the information in the Underlying Event screen
Y TestCase 10 matches with the Bulk Move screen.
MenuPath UnapprovedEventName ApprovedEventName

PROFILE;Underlying Event Gerdau

PROFILE;Underlying Event ABIL

PROFILE;Underlying Event

PROFILE;Underlying Event Gerdau

PROFILE;Underlying Event

PROFILE;Underlying Event

PROFILE;Underlying Event

PROFILE;Underlying Event QXL

PROFILE;Underlying Event CGG Veritas

PROFILE;Underlying Event Telecom Corporation of New Zealand

CancelledEventName NoActionEventName PendingEventName RejectedEventName EventName

XYZ ANZ Bank ANZ Bank Statoil




EventDate CorporateActionType ISIN



Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Bond Default
Bonus Issue / Capitalization Issue
Call on Intermediate Securities
Capital Gains Distribution
Cash Dividend
Class Action
Company Option
Coupon Stripping
Court Meeting
Decrease in Value
Dividend Option
Dividend Reinvestment
Dutch Auction
Exchange Option
Extraordinary or Special General Meeting (EGM; SGM)
Final Maturity
Full Call / Early Redemption
Increase in Value
Instalment Call
Interest Payment
Interest Payment with Principle
Intermediate Securities Distribution
Liquidation Dividend / Liquidation Payment
Maturity Extension
Non-US TEFRA D Certification
Odd Lot Sale / Purchase
Ordinary General Meeting (OGM)
Other Event
Partial Call
Partial Defeasance / Pre-funding
Pay in Kind
Place of Incorporation
Priority Issue
Put Redemption
Remarketing Agreement
Repurchase Offer
Reverse Stock Split
Rights Issue / Subscription Rights / Rights Offer
Scrip Dividend / Payment
Shares Premium Dividend
Smallest Negotiable Unit
Stock Dividend
Stock Split
Tax Reclaim
Tender / Acquisition / Takeover / Purchase Offer / Buyback
Trading Status: Active
Trading Status: Delisted
Trading Status: Suspended
Warrant Exercise
Withholding Tax Relief Certification
Successfully Navigate to DR Home page.

Successfully Navigate to any search page by selecting any of the menu's and navigate back to the home screen by clicking 'D
Navigate back to Corporate Actions Home page by clicking on 'Home'.
TestCaseID MenuPath1 MenuPath2 UserID OldPsw NewPsw
TestCase3 PROFILE;Underlying Event HOME;DR Home
TestCase4 PROFILE;Underlying Notification

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